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Date/Time of Last Update: Thu Jun 13 18:00:54 2024 UTC

********** TRAVEL **********
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Flag Day – One Small Flag’s Incredible Journey
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:28:33 +0000
This article is for students grades 5-8. This story tells the tale of one small American flag fortunate enough to embark on an incredible journey. It wasn’t the first flag to ride into space, or the most famous flag that went into space — that honor probably goes to the Stars and Stripes planted on the […]
Match ID: 0 Score: 35.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

NASA’s Perseverance Fords an Ancient River to Reach Science Target
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:54:07 +0000
Originally thought of as little more than a route clear of rover-slowing boulders, Neretva Vallis has provided a bounty of geologic options for the science team.    After detouring through a dune field to avoid wheel-rattling boulders, NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover reached its latest area of scientific interest on June 9. The route change not […]
Match ID: 1 Score: 35.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Paddle under the Pennines: longest and deepest UK canal tunnel opens for canoe trips
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:33:16 GMT

The Canal & River Trust is launching 3.5-mile paddles through Standedge Tunnel, from West Yorkshire to Greater Manchester

“You’re in a canoe, not a boat, so you are very exposed,” said Gordon McMinn as he prepared to paddle into the UK’s longest, highest and deepest canal tunnel. “You’re vulnerable, you’re under your own steam, you are up and close to history … it is quite an experience.”

McMinn, a volunteer team leader at the Canal & River Trust, has coordinated what it is hoped will become a bucket-list experience – the opportunity to paddle under the Pennines.

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Match ID: 2 Score: 35.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Your luggage is gross. Here’s how to clean it.
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:00:33 +0000
Travel exposes your bags to lots of dirt, dust and germs. And who wants to touch those nasty things, much less bring them home?
Match ID: 3 Score: 35.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Happy Pride month to everyone! Except the landlords and asset managers bleeding dry queer culture | Adam Almeida
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:00:20 GMT

Asset managers are hoovering up Britain’s LGBTQ+ venues, with potentially disastrous consequences for the gay scene

  • Adam Almeida is a senior data analyst at Common Wealth

I remember the first time I went to Heaven. I had only moved to London a few months before and I made plans to meet up with my friend Anna, the only other person I knew in the city. She brought a friend along, and the three of us went for dinner in Soho. Someone suggested an impromptu trip to Heaven, the UK’s most famous gay nightclub. We made a quick diversion en route for Anna’s friend to buy a can of deodorant from the off-licence before we were on our merry way.

We spent the night dancing to the likes of Robyn, Charli XCX and Lady Gaga. We met two handsome boys on the dancefloor who didn’t show much romantic interest in us but still hung around all night long. We stayed out late and each endured rude awakenings in the morning as we trudged into uni and work. It was only then that our friend realised she had bought and sprayed herself with a can of hairspray on our way to the club. The kind of joyful oversights one only seems to make at 22.

Adam Almeida is a senior data analyst at the thinktank Common Wealth

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Match ID: 4 Score: 35.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Is Travel Broken?
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
Global tourism is projected to reach an all-time high this year. How do we square our zeal for exploration with increasingly pressing reasons to stay put?
Match ID: 5 Score: 35.00 source: www.newyorker.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

‘They’re not like puppy dogs. They should be respected’: how to swim with sharks in British waters
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 07:00:21 GMT

Diving with marine life such as blue sharks is growing in popularity in the UK, spurred by footage of encounters on social media

We have only been waiting in the grey Atlantic swell a few moments when the first flash of metallic blue appears in the water. A blue shark, a few miles from the coast of Penzance in Cornwall, emerges from the depths. It is time to get in the water – but part of my brain rebels.

“It’s not what you think it will be like … not that ingrained fear that everyone has about sharks. But until you get in the water with them, that fear will remain,” the guide says to the group.

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Match ID: 6 Score: 35.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Ames Research Center Democratizes Space Biosciences Research with First Commercial Astronaut Data
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 23:40:03 +0000
Background: To protect astronauts from spaceflight health risks like solar radiation and microgravity, scientists develop countermeasures by studying model organisms exposed to the space environment. For the first time, commercial astronaut data from the Inspiration4 (I4) mission has been collected for open-access research in an effort led by Weill Cornell Medicine. ARC’s Open Science Data […]
Match ID: 7 Score: 35.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

The Marshall Star for June 12, 2024
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:10:48 +0000
Shining Stars: Marshall Teams Support Successful Crew Flight Test By Wayne Smith From preparing for flight readiness, to providing day-of-launch support, to delivering a critical piece of replacement hardware, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center played an integral role in the agency’s crew flight test to the International Space Station. The Starliner spacecraft – NASA’s Boeing […]
Match ID: 8 Score: 35.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Study: Three skulls of medieval Viking women were deliberately elongated
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 21:53:54 +0000
There is also evidence of deliberately filed teeth on some 130 male Viking skulls.
Match ID: 9 Score: 35.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Silk Road leads from Uzbekistan to London for landmark exhibition
Sun, 09 Jun 2024 08:00:11 GMT

British Museum will host treasures from Samarkand in a bid to dispel cliches of camels, spices and bazaars

A monumental six-metre-long wall painting created in the 7th century, and 8th-century ivory figures carved for one of the world’s oldest surviving chess sets, are among treasures set to be seen in Britain for the first time.

The items will travel from the ancient city of Samarkand to the UK for an exhibition opening in September, as part of the first-ever loan from museums in Uzbekistan to the British Museum.

Silk Roads will be at the British Museum from September 26 2024 to February 23 2025. Tickets go on sale on Monday.

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Match ID: 10 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 25.00 travel(|ing)

Breaking a Password Manager

Interesting story of breaking the security of the RoboForm password manager in order to recover a cryptocurrency wallet password.

Grand and Bruno spent months reverse engineering the version of the RoboForm program that they thought Michael had used in 2013 and found that the pseudo-random number generator used to generate passwords in that version—­and subsequent versions until 2015­—did indeed have a significant flaw that made the random number generator not so random. The RoboForm program unwisely tied the random passwords it generated to the date and time on the user’s computer­—it determined the computer’s date and time, and then generated passwords that were predictable. If you knew the date and time and other parameters, you could compute any password that would have been generated on a certain date and time in the past...

Match ID: 11 Score: 5.00 source: www.schneier.com age: 9 days
qualifiers: 5.00 travel(|ing)

The fake news divide: how Modi’s rule is fracturing India – video
Thu, 30 May 2024 09:31:48 GMT

Ahead of the election in India, the Guardian’s video team travelled through the country to explore how fake news and censorship might shape the outcome.

Almost one billion people are registered to vote. The country's prime minister, Narendra Modi, has been in power for more than 10 years, and his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) is seeking a third term.

But critics of Modi and the BJP say his government has become increasingly authoritarian, fracturing the country along religious lines and threatening India’s secular democracy. At the same time, the space for freedom of speech has been shrinking while disinformation and hate speech has exploded on social media.

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Match ID: 12 Score: 5.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 14 days
qualifiers: 5.00 travel(|ing)

NASA’s X-59 Passes Milestone Toward Safe First Flight
Wed, 15 May 2024 18:14:56 +0000
NASA has taken the next step toward verifying the airworthiness for its quiet supersonic X-59 aircraft with the completion of a milestone review that will allow it to progress toward flight.  A Flight Readiness Review board composed of independent experts from across NASA has completed a study of the X-59 project team’s approach to safety […]
Match ID: 13 Score: 5.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 28 days
qualifiers: 5.00 travel(|ing)

Guardian Traveller newsletter: Sign up for our free holidays email
Wed, 12 Oct 2022 14:21:58 GMT

From biking adventures to city breaks, get inspiration for your next break – whether in the UK or further afield – with twice-weekly emails from the Guardian’s travel editors. You’ll also receive handpicked offers from Guardian Holidays.

From biking adventures to city breaks, get inspiration for your next break – whether in the UK or further afield – with twice-weekly emails from the Guardian’s travel editors.

You’ll also receive handpicked offers from Guardian Holidays.

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Match ID: 14 Score: 5.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 610 days
qualifiers: 5.00 travel(|ing)

Filter efficiency 98.193 (15 matches/830 results)

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********** LAW **********
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The Guardian view on care failures: vulnerable children need homes, not court orders | Editorial
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:29:52 GMT

The lack of suitable placements for at-risk young people has led to a huge rise in deprivation of liberty orders. Family judges are right to be furious

Seven years ago, Sir James Munby, then the president of the family division of the high court, issued a highly unusual public judgment. Denouncing a “disgraceful and utterly shaming lack”, he called for an overhaul of council provision for children who need intensive support in a residential setting. Since then, the children’s commissioner for England and other senior judges have made similar criticisms.

Councils in England do not have enough places in which to look after some of the most vulnerable children for whom they are responsible. The result is that rising numbers are subjected to deprivation of liberty orders, leading to forcible detention in unregulated placements including rented flats. Last weekend, Sir James spoke up again, calling the situation a “shocking moral failure” and for it to be discussed in the run-up to next month’s election.

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Match ID: 0 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

Winning a bet may be the best it’s going to get for Rishi Sunak and his team
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:46:28 GMT

When even Angela Rayner remains relentlessly on message, you know the election is in the bag

You win some, you lose some. This week, both Labour and the Tories will reckon they’ve struck lucky with the timings of their manifesto launches – though for very different reasons.

It’s always hard to know which is the best launch slot. To go first and set the agenda, with the anxiety that everyone will have soon forgotten what you are about. Or to go late and risk your manifesto lingering in the memory for all the wrong reasons. This year, both the main parties – if the Tories can still be called that – will reckon they judged it perfectly.

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Match ID: 1 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

Senior Tory admits party errors ahead of election
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:19:49 GMT
The Welsh secretary says "error of judgement" by Rishi Sunak and his former aide Craig Williams has contributed to a "difficult" campaign.
Match ID: 2 Score: 15.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

Tory candidate tells BBC election bet was 'huge error of judgement'
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:52:43 GMT
Craig Williams says he "placed a flutter" on the general election and the Gambling Commission were making inquiries.
Match ID: 3 Score: 15.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

Woman stalked by ex-partner loses bid to have restraining order extended
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:00:21 GMT

Exclusive: Rhianon Bragg, of north Wales, says judge’s refusal leaves her facing ‘ticking clock’

A woman who was stalked and held hostage at gunpoint by her ex-partner has warned that she and her family are in danger after a judge refused to strengthen a restraining order against her abuser, despite hearing evidence that her life was under threat.

Rhianon Bragg had asked for the restraining order on Gareth Wyn Jones, who was freed from prison earlier this year, to be extended to cover the whole of Gwynedd in north Wales rather than a limited area around her remote smallholding in the foothills of Eryri (Snowdonia).

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Match ID: 4 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

Elon Musk says Tesla shareholders voting to back $45bn pay deal
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:48:30 GMT

Electric carmaker’s CEO faces crunch vote before its AGM over biggest pay package in US corporate history

Elon Musk has claimed Tesla shareholders are voting by a wide margin to approve a compensation package for him worth about $45bn (£35bn) in the run-up to the electric carmaker’s crunch annual general meeting later on Thursday.

The pay package, which is the highest ever awarded to the chief executive of a US company, is subject to an investor ballot after it was thrown out by a US judge earlier this year. Shareholders will also vote on Musk’s proposal to move the legal base of the electric carmaker to Texas.

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Match ID: 5 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

Trump defense formally asks N.Y. judge to terminate gag order
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:55:40 +0000
The former president’s attorneys argued in a 21-page motion made public on Wednesday that Trump must be able to speak freely as a presidential debate nears and as his rivals discuss his legal issues during a peak time in his 2024 campaign.
Match ID: 6 Score: 15.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

Swiss lawmakers reject climate ruling in favour of female climate elders
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:03:43 GMT

Co-president of the KlimaSeniorinnen says declaration is betrayal of older women

Swiss politicians have rejected a landmark climate ruling from the European court of human rights, raising fears that other polluting countries may follow suit.

A panel of Strasbourg judges ruled in April that Switzerland had violated the human rights of older women through weak climate policies that leave them more vulnerable to heatwaves. Activists hailed the judgment as a breakthrough because it leaves all members of the Council of Europe exposed to legal challenges for sluggish efforts to clean up carbon-intensive economies.

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Match ID: 7 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

Remaining British judges urged to resign from Hong Kong’s top court
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:31:30 GMT

The three British judges still on territory’s top bench under pressure to quit after two others stepped down last week

Pressure is increasing on the last remaining British judges who sit in Hong Kong’s top court to resign, after two senior justices stepped down last week because of the “political situation” in the former British colony.

Jonathan Sumption and Lawrence Collins resigned as non-permanent overseas judges from Hong Kong’s court of final appeal on Thursday. Collins cited the “political situation in Hong Kong” in a brief statement about his departure.

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Match ID: 8 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

Magnet Fishing
The ten-way tie was judged a ten-way tie, so no one won the grand prize, a rare fishing monopole.
Match ID: 9 Score: 15.00 source: xkcd.com
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

Trump slams Justice Department in meeting with congressional Republicans
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:32:01 +0000
Trump is on Capitol Hill on Thursday, meeting with House and Senate Republicans to rally behind a political and policy agenda for the campaign. It’s a gamble for the Hill GOP.
Match ID: 10 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

Donald Trump to address Republicans at US Capitol in first visit since January 6
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:06:48 GMT

Anti-Trump and pro-Palestinian protesters gather outside Capitol Hill Club, where ex-president will meet Republicans

Donald Trump will go to the US Capitol to rally congressional Republicans today in his first visit since 6 January 2021, when his supporters descended on the building in an effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election result in Trump’s favour.

The high-profile meeting will set out Trump’s priorities for a second presidency, but is also expected to see him demand that the GOP further intensify efforts to overturn a recent conviction by a New York court on felony charges.

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Match ID: 11 Score: 10.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

AI and the Indian Election

As India concluded the world’s largest election on June 5, 2024, with over 640 million votes counted, observers could assess how the various parties and factions used artificial intelligence technologies—and what lessons that holds for the rest of the world.

The campaigns made extensive use of AI, including deepfake impersonations of candidates, celebrities and dead politicians. By some estimates, millions of Indian voters viewed deepfakes.

But, despite fears of widespread disinformation, for the most part the campaigns, candidates and activists used AI constructively in the election. They used AI for typical political activities, including mudslinging, but primarily to better connect with voters...

Match ID: 12 Score: 10.00 source: www.schneier.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

For the first time since Jan. 6, Trump comes to Capitol Hill
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:00:39 +0000
The ex-president’s off-campus visits Thursday with congressional Republicans mark his first foray to Capitol Hill since he was in office and since his supporters attacked Congress.
Match ID: 13 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

Trump, seeking to show unity, to meet with GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 22:11:29 +0000
It will be Trump’s first public visit to Capitol Hill since the Jan. 6 insurrection and his first meetings with congressional Republicans since his conviction.
Match ID: 14 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

With opponent’s withdrawal, Del. state senator moves closer to Congress
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:02:12 +0000

Match ID: 15 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

North Dakota passes measure to limit age of congressional candidates
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:45:25 +0000

Match ID: 16 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

The Democratic candidate is performing better than expected in the special election for Ohio’s 6th Congressional...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:35:14 +0000

Match ID: 17 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

In South Carolina’s 3rd District, no Republican received a majority of votes in the party’s congressional...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:26:36 +0000

Match ID: 18 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

Businessman Michael B. Moore is projected to win the Democratic primary for South Carolina’s 1st Congressional...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:20:32 +0000

Match ID: 19 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

Republican Michael Rulli is projected to win the special election for Ohio’s 6th Congressional District, according...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:17:24 +0000

Match ID: 20 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) is projected to win the Republican primary for South Carolina’s 1st Congressional...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:42:20 +0000

Match ID: 21 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

What’s Behind Joe Biden’s Harsh New Executive Order on Immigration?
Sat, 08 Jun 2024 18:57:27 +0000
Neither the declining number of border arrivals nor the intransigence of congressional Republicans has improved the President’s standing on the issue.
Match ID: 22 Score: 7.14 source: www.newyorker.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 7.14 congress

Winners Announced in Gateways to Blue Skies Aeronautics Competition
Mon, 03 Jun 2024 18:04:51 +0000
The California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, team, with their project titled “Aero-Quake Emergency Response Network,” took first place at the third annual Gateways to Blue Skies Competition. Competing among eight finalist teams that presented their ideas for aviation-related systems for natural disasters, the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona team earned the top award at the […]
Match ID: 23 Score: 2.14 source: www.nasa.gov age: 9 days
qualifiers: 2.14 judge

Exclusive: The Guardian interviews President Zelenskiy
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:48:04 GMT

In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, revealed the tactics and traits that help him face the daily frustrations of leading a country at war for more than two years.

Within a ceremonial room inside Kyiv’s presidential compound, Zelenskiy spoke for nearly an hour with a Guardian team, including the editor-in-chief, Katharine Viner. The interview took place during perhaps the toughest time for Ukraine since the early days of the war. Russia is on the offensive in Kharkiv, an advance that follows months of delay in the US Congress over the passing of a major support package, limiting Ukraine’s battlefield capabilities

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Match ID: 24 Score: 1.43 source: www.theguardian.com age: 8 days
qualifiers: 1.43 congress

Filter efficiency 96.988 (25 matches/830 results)

********** WORLD AFFAIRS **********
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Russia financial system shaken after U.S. imposes new sanctions
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:52:06 +0000
The U.S. Treasury Department hit Russia with a raft of tough new penalties targeting the country’s financial system, prompting the Moscow exchange to hold trading of dollars and euros.
Match ID: 0 Score: 55.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 sanctions, 20.00 russia

Trump’s potential return hangs over gathering of Western leaders
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:37:55 +0000
At a Group of Seven summit in Italy, far-right gains in European elections also loom large.
Match ID: 1 Score: 45.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump, 20.00 italy

Supreme Court rejects attempt to trademark ‘Trump Too Small’
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:51:10 +0000
The Biden administration asked the justices to uphold the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s decision to deny the patent application from attorney Steve Elster
Match ID: 2 Score: 40.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump, 15.00 trump

G7 summit live: Biden and Zelenskiy to hold joint press conference in Italy
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:44:15 GMT

US president and Ukrainian president are also slated to sign a 10-year bilateral security agreement at the summit

Italy’s prime minister Giorgia Meloni has just arrived at the venue.

This is the scene at the Borgo Egnazia resort as G7 leaders are scheduled to begin arriving.

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Match ID: 3 Score: 40.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia, 20.00 italy

Let’s unpack some questions about Russia’s role in North Korea’s rocket program
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 22:30:01 +0000
"It seems very likely that the shift in propellant type is a function of the access to Russia."
Match ID: 4 Score: 40.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 russia, 20.00 korea

Donald Trump’s trade hawk is plotting behind bars
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 17:48:56 +0000
Peter Navarro’s dark vision of the global economy could shape Trump 2
Match ID: 5 Score: 40.00 source: www.economist.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump, 15.00 trump

What are Russian warships doing in the Caribbean?
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 01:19:50 +0000
The frigate Admiral Gorshkov and the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan arrived Wednesday in Havana fresh from exercises in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Match ID: 6 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia, 10.00 nuclear

Russian warships arrive in Havana in visit seen as show of strength
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:21:34 GMT

Four vessels, including nuclear-powered submarine and frigate, greeted by sparse crowd upon arrival in Cuba

A fleet of Russian warships has arrived in the bay of Havana, in a visit seen as a show of strength amid tensions with the west over support for Ukraine.

Four vessels, including the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan and the frigate Admiral Gorshkov, entered Havana Bay early on Wednesday, where they offered a 21-gun salute that was reciprocated from the battlements of La Cabaña, the fortress where Che Guevara once had his office.

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Match ID: 7 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 russia, 10.00 nuclear

Former president Donald Trump delivered remarks following a meeting with Republican senators.
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:51:05 +0000

Match ID: 8 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Elections 2024 live updates: Trump huddling with House and Senate Republicans
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:51:05 +0000
Live updates from the 2024 campaign trail, with the latest news on presidential candidates, polls, primaries and more.
Match ID: 9 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

House Republicans describe a cheerful, boastful Trump in morning meeting
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:50:46 +0000

Match ID: 10 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

ACLU hails supreme court’s mifepristone decision: ‘This fight is far from over’ – live
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:43:58 GMT

The supreme court decision marks a victory for reproductive rights activists across the country

The Massachusetts Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren hailed the supreme court’s decision to uphold mifepristone access, calling the challenge to reject it “meritless from the start”.

Warren, an outspoken reproductive rights activist, wrote on X:

This challenge to mifepristone was meritless from the start. Abortion medication is safe and effective. Make no mistake: Donald Trump and Republican politicians will not stop marching us toward a nationwide abortion ban. We must protect reproductive freedom everywhere.

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Match ID: 11 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump slams Justice Department in meeting with congressional Republicans
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:32:01 +0000
Trump is on Capitol Hill on Thursday, meeting with House and Senate Republicans to rally behind a political and policy agenda for the campaign. It’s a gamble for the Hill GOP.
Match ID: 12 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

According to people in the room for the House GOP meeting with Donald Trump — who...
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:30:57 +0000

Match ID: 13 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

During his meeting with House Republicans, Donald Trump — who has repeatedly attacked the Justice Department...
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:20:14 +0000

Match ID: 14 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

As Trump visits Capitol Hill, Biden campaign sends reminders of Jan. 6
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:05:21 +0000

Match ID: 15 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Biden’s small-business boom may undercut Trump’s polling edge on economy
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:01:00 GMT
Entrepreneurship is nothing short of a civic religion in America, and so it’s no wonder that President Joe Biden’s administration is loudly touting a recent surge in the formation of new businesses ahead of November’s election.
Match ID: 16 Score: 25.00 source: www.marketwatch.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Donald Trump is currently meeting with Senate Republicans at the office of the National Republican Senatorial...
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:52:21 +0000

Match ID: 17 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Some GOP lawmakers wary of Trump offer to help with tele-town halls
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:31:11 +0000

Match ID: 18 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Having locked up actual miners, Trump tries to woo bitcoin ones
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:30:50 +0000
The focus, added to his stump speech this year, is likely more of a response to shifts in support than a driver of it.
Match ID: 19 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Thompson rips first Trump return to Capitol Hill since Jan. 6
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:06:48 +0000

Match ID: 20 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

House GOP leaders say they remain unified behind Trump after meeting
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:49:05 +0000

Match ID: 21 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

US supreme court unanimously upholds access to abortion pill mifepristone
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:31:29 GMT

FDA still has the power to give expanded access to mifepristone in major victory to abortion rights supporters

The availability of a common abortion pill will remain unchanged, the US supreme court ruled on Thursday in a unanimous 9-0 decision, handing a major victory to abortion rights supporters who feared that the court that overturned Roe v Wade just two years ago would further hack away at access to the procedure.

Conservative bloc

Alito – Majority

Barrett – Majority

Gorsuch – Majority

Kavanaugh – Majority

Roberts – Majority

Thomas – Majority

Jackson – Majority

Kagan – Majority

Sotomayor – Majority

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Match ID: 22 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

The biggest 2024 Supreme Court rulings so far, and what’s still to come
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:22:14 +0000
We’re tracking decisions in the biggest cases before the Supreme Court in 2024. See the latest.
Match ID: 23 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Condemnation before cause: The House GOP lashes out once again
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:51:16 +0000
A sort of Trump in microcosm, the caucus keeps using its power against political opponents on transparently thin pretexts.
Match ID: 24 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Here’s what the Christian right wants from a second Trump term
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:47:24 +0000

Match ID: 25 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Former president Donald Trump told House Republicans during their meeting on Capitol Hill that he’s expanding...
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:14:23 +0000

Match ID: 26 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Donald Trump to address Republicans at US Capitol in first visit since January 6
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:06:48 GMT

Anti-Trump and pro-Palestinian protesters gather outside Capitol Hill Club, where ex-president will meet Republicans

Donald Trump will go to the US Capitol to rally congressional Republicans today in his first visit since 6 January 2021, when his supporters descended on the building in an effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election result in Trump’s favour.

The high-profile meeting will set out Trump’s priorities for a second presidency, but is also expected to see him demand that the GOP further intensify efforts to overturn a recent conviction by a New York court on felony charges.

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Match ID: 27 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

In Trump’s orbit, some muse about mandatory military service
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:55:22 +0000
Only 1 percent of the U.S. population serves in the military. Some in Donald Trump’s camp say it’s time more young adults put “some skin in the game.”
Match ID: 28 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Former president Donald Trump has arrived at the Capitol Hill Club, where he’ll meet with House...
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:39:42 +0000

Match ID: 29 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Former president Donald Trump is expected to arrive shortly at the Capitol Hill Club, a few...
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:21:25 +0000

Match ID: 30 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Analysis: Trump’s trip to the Hill highlights endorsement split
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:09:37 +0000

Match ID: 31 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Analysis: Trump returning to Capitol Hill for the first time since Jan. 6
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:38:53 +0000

Match ID: 32 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump to meet with high-profile CEOs while in Washington
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:17:07 +0000

Match ID: 33 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Biden campaign releases ad ahead of Trump’s visit to the Capitol
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:39:18 +0000

Match ID: 34 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump seeks to lock arms with Hill Republicans on politics and policy
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:45:04 +0000

Match ID: 35 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Fulton County prosecutors ask Georgia court to dismiss Trump appeal
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:30:40 +0000

Match ID: 36 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Rightwing media decried Trump’s trial. What about Hunter Biden’s?
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:00:18 GMT

Trump’s was a ‘made-up charge’, while Hunter Biden was ‘convicted of a real crime’, conservative commentators say

Two weeks, two big trials, two convictions. After Donald Trump was found guilty of falsifying business records at the end of last month, Hunter Biden, son of Joe, was convicted on Tuesday of buying and owning a gun while being a user of crack cocaine.

The rightwing media had howled in anguish when a jury ruled that the former US president was guilty of 34 felony charges: commentators claiming that the justice system was rigged, that the conviction was political persecution, and that Joe Biden had wielded undue influence in Trump being prosecuted.

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Match ID: 37 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

For the first time since Jan. 6, Trump comes to Capitol Hill
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:00:39 +0000
The ex-president’s off-campus visits Thursday with congressional Republicans mark his first foray to Capitol Hill since he was in office and since his supporters attacked Congress.
Match ID: 38 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump, seeking to show unity, to meet with GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 22:11:29 +0000
It will be Trump’s first public visit to Capitol Hill since the Jan. 6 insurrection and his first meetings with congressional Republicans since his conviction.
Match ID: 39 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump defense formally asks N.Y. judge to terminate gag order
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:55:40 +0000
The former president’s attorneys argued in a 21-page motion made public on Wednesday that Trump must be able to speak freely as a presidential debate nears and as his rivals discuss his legal issues during a peak time in his 2024 campaign.
Match ID: 40 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

The Marshall Star for June 12, 2024
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:10:48 +0000
Shining Stars: Marshall Teams Support Successful Crew Flight Test By Wayne Smith From preparing for flight readiness, to providing day-of-launch support, to delivering a critical piece of replacement hardware, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center played an integral role in the agency’s crew flight test to the International Space Station. The Starliner spacecraft – NASA’s Boeing […]
Match ID: 41 Score: 25.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy, 10.00 nuclear

McConnell defends Trump support ahead of Senate GOP meeting
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 20:33:20 +0000

Match ID: 42 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump leads Biden in Arizona, new poll finds
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 19:12:13 +0000

Match ID: 43 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Biden campaign mocks Trump for not holding events on Wednesday
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 18:50:31 +0000

Match ID: 44 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

On Thursday, Donald Trump will make his first public visit to Capitol Hill since the Jan....
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 18:29:54 +0000

Match ID: 45 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Global poll finds Biden more popular than Trump
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:00:34 +0000

Match ID: 46 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Daily Cartoon: Wednesday, June 12th
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:35:00 +0000
“Team Trump is up by thirty-one in felonies, but it’s still anyone’s game.”
Match ID: 47 Score: 25.00 source: www.newyorker.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Poll: Biden, Trump about even in Pennsylvania
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:00:57 +0000

Match ID: 48 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

How government scientists aim to limit Trump’s control over research if he wins
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:48:29 +0000

Match ID: 49 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Democrats’ surprisingly close Ohio special election loss, in context
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:30:11 +0000
Democrat Michael Kripchak lost by less than 10 points in a district Donald Trump carried by 29 in 2020. It’s merely the latest Democratic over-performance, but what does it mean?
Match ID: 50 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Some abortion opponents worry about Trump’s Republican platform rewrite
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 12:36:03 +0000

Match ID: 51 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

A January 6 Rioter Is Leading an Armed National Militia From Prison
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:30:00 +0000
As the US election approaches, Edward “Jake” Lang says that the militia will focus on potential “civil unrest” around the vote and will be ready to activate at a moment’s notice.
Match ID: 52 Score: 25.00 source: www.wired.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Rod Blagojevich’s Tips for Prison Survival, Just in Time for Trump
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
The former governor of Illinois, who served time for trying to sell Obama’s Senate seat, advises buffing up, finding a cool nickname, and watching out for crazies urinating in the oatmeal.
Match ID: 53 Score: 21.43 source: www.newyorker.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 21.43 trump

Italy’s Meloni, boosted by far-right election gains, hosts G-7 leaders
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:43:36 +0000
The triumph of Giorgia Meloni’s party in European Parliament elections this week has transformed the G-7 summit in Puglia into a victory lap.
Match ID: 54 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 italy

How to stop Europe’s drift to the right | Letters
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:59:42 GMT

Alan Mitcham says leftwing parties must make ending war their priority, Gillian Homeri encourages citizens to be more politically active and Barry Kushner says centrist parties must reach across the class divide

I read your reports on the European elections, including your assessment that the political landscape has moved to the right (EU elections 2024: how did key countries vote and what does it mean?, 10 June). Although this is correct, I feel that it doesn’t tell the whole story.

The main and paramount criteria for my vote (here in Germany) was to vote for a party which proposes a diplomatic solution to the various wars that are raging. To me it is obvious that no other problems (especially the issue of climate change) can really be solved until the wars stop. I voted for Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), which surged from a standing start of zero to six seats, because this party proposes a diplomatic solution to the wars. The only other viable party proposing negotiations with Russia is the AfD – so, despite everything, if BSW had not been available, I, a liberal, would have voted AfD.

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Match ID: 55 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

US journalist Gershkovich to stand trial in Russia on espionage charges
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:33:55 GMT
Russia has accused the journalist of collecting "secret information" on behalf of the CIA, charges the US denies.
Match ID: 56 Score: 20.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Flag Day – One Small Flag’s Incredible Journey
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:28:33 +0000
This article is for students grades 5-8. This story tells the tale of one small American flag fortunate enough to embark on an incredible journey. It wasn’t the first flag to ride into space, or the most famous flag that went into space — that honor probably goes to the Stars and Stripes planted on the […]
Match ID: 57 Score: 20.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Jailed journalist Evan Gershkovich to soon stand trial, Russian prosecutor indicates
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:06:49 GMT

Wall Street Journal reporter faces ‘false and baseless charge’ and ‘sham trial’, say paper’s publisher and editor in chief

Russian authorities have indicated that the jailed American reporter Evan Gershkovich will soon stand trial in Ekaterinburg more than a year after his arrest on espionage charges that he, his employer, and the White House have decried as politically motivated.

Gershkovich, a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, has been held in Moscow’s Lefortovo prison since last March in the highest-profile arrest of an American journalist in Russia since the cold war.

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Match ID: 58 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Brawl breaks out in Italian parliament ahead of G-7 summit
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:02:02 +0000
Italian officials expressed regret as images from the brawl were splashed across the country’s newspaper front pages Thursday.
Match ID: 59 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 italy

At the G-7 summit, here are the key issues Biden and world leaders will discuss
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:58:48 +0000
The annual meeting of seven of the world’s wealthiest democracies will include discussions on Ukraine, the Middle East and artificial intelligence.
Match ID: 60 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 italy

Meloni in the pink as she consoles procession of dead men walking | Patrick Wintour
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:56:13 GMT

Italian PM was all smiles at start of G7 summit as she met parade of haunted-looking statesmen, most of whose days in power are numbered

Never has a host had so little in common with her guests. Standing serene in a salmon pink trouser suit having topped the poll in the European parliamentary elections, Italy’s far-right leader, Giorgia Meloni, waited to greet her fellow G7 leaders. She stood on a small stage under an awning and an azure sky with the backdrop a suspiciously imported-looking olive tree, a pointless rustic water pipe and the brash G7 flags discreetly put to one side so they did not spoil the view’s centrepiece – Meloni herself.

To her right was a large stone arch that acts as the entranceway to Borgo Egnazia, the purpose-built “medieval” holiday complex giving celebrities an authentic sense of Puglia’s rural life, including a Michelin-starred restaurant, spas and wellness clinics.

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Match ID: 61 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 italy

Carlos Slim: who is the Mexican billionaire who has invested £400m in BT?
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:56:14 GMT

The 84-year-old telecoms tycoon has been described as the Latin American prototype of a Russian oligarch

Carlos Slim, the Mexican billionaire who this week paid £400m for a 3% stake in BT, has traversed some of life’s highest peaks and lowest ebbs.

He claims that in 1997, aged 57, he was briefly declared dead after suffering a massive haemorrhage on the operating table at the Texas Heart Institute during surgery to replace a faulty heart valve.

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Match ID: 62 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Apple fined in South Korea for collecting users' data without their consent
Apple fined in South Korea for collecting users' data without their consent submitted by /u/chrisdh79
[link] [comments]

Match ID: 63 Score: 20.00 source: www.reddit.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 korea

G-7 leaders agree to deal to tap frozen Russian assets for Ukraine
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:19:20 +0000
Biden will also sign a security pact with Ukraine as democratic leaders aim to signal strong support for the country.
Match ID: 64 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Russia, showing no evidence, says reporter Evan Gershkovich to be tried for spying
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:07:41 +0000
Gershkovich, a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, has been imprisoned in Russia for more than a year on espionage charges for which authorities have shown no evidence.
Match ID: 65 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

While President Biden is in Italy for the G-7 meeting, first lady Jill Biden is spending...
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:50:45 +0000

Match ID: 66 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 italy

‘Everywhere is dangerous’: Russia’s attacks on Kharkiv’s homes, shops and resorts
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:35:05 GMT

Since Kremlin staged fresh incursion on 10 May, strikes have increased threefold, destroying buildings and killing dozens

The apartment at 24 Liubovi Maloi avenue was an eerie ruin. Its roof and outer walls had disappeared. In one corner a row of suits hung in a wardrobe. There was a TV, a coffee cup, a maroon jacket on a peg. And a black and white photo album with old family snaps taken in communist times.

The flat’s inhabitants – Svitlana Vlasenko and her grown-up daughter Polina – were not coming back. The Russian missile that fell on their building on a Friday night killed them and six of their neighbours. Twenty-six people were injured, two of them children.

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Match ID: 67 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Edin Terzic resigns as Borussia Dortmund coach, citing ‘new era’
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:20:00 GMT
  • Terzic’s last match was Champions League final defeat
  • Lifelong fan says it has been ‘a very difficult decision’

Edin Terzic has resigned as the coach of the Champions League runners-up Borussia Dortmund. Terzic said he wanted Dortmund to start a “new era” with a new coach but there was no immediate word on a successor amid reports in the German media that his assistant Nuri Sahin could take over.

Terzic’s last game was the 2-0 defeat by Real Madrid in the Champions League final at Wembley on 1 June.

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Match ID: 68 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Microsoft Chose Profit Over Security and Left U.S. Government Vulnerable to Russian Hack, Whistleblower Says
Microsoft Chose Profit Over Security and Left U.S. Government Vulnerable to Russian Hack, Whistleblower Says submitted by /u/zsreport
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Match ID: 69 Score: 20.00 source: www.reddit.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

U.S. will send Ukraine a second Patriot air defense battery
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 09:38:01 +0000
The Patriot air defense battery will be transferred to Ukraine from Poland where the U.S. has staged weapons shipments since Russia’s invasion began.
Match ID: 70 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

How the Klitschkos used fame to aid Ukraine's war effort
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 07:29:38 GMT
A new documentary follows Vitali Klitschko as he fights to save Ukraine following Russia's invasion.
Match ID: 71 Score: 20.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Italy's Meloni basks in G7 limelight with Western leaders
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 02:47:07 GMT
PM Giorgia Meloni will welcome other world leaders to Puglia after election success for her party.
Match ID: 72 Score: 20.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 italy

Russia accused of ‘deliberate’ starvation tactics in Mariupol in submission to ICC
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 23:01:10 GMT

Lawyers say strategy of denying food and services to people in Ukrainian city during siege could amount to war crime

Russia engaged in a “deliberate pattern” of starvation tactics during the 85-day siege of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol in early 2022, which amounted to a war crime, according to a fresh analysis submitted to the international criminal court.

The conclusion is at the heart of a dossier in the process of being submitted to the ICC in The Hague by the lawyers Global Rights Compliance, working in conjunction with the Ukrainian government. It argues that Russia and its leaders intended to kill and harm large numbers of civilians.

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Match ID: 73 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Biden heads to Italy to meet with nervous G-7 allies
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:57:19 +0000
Live updates from the 2024 campaign trail, with the latest news on presidential candidates, polls, primaries and more.
Match ID: 74 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 italy

‘Ram him’: How Ukraine is pushing U.S. combat gear to the extreme
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 18:03:20 +0000
Viral videos show how Ukraine is adapting U.S.-made Bradley Fighting Vehicles to work around shortfalls in its war with Russia.
Match ID: 75 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

‘All eyes are on her’: Italy’s far-right chameleon, Giorgia Meloni, prepares to host the G7
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 18:02:38 GMT

The Italian leader, hardline at home and moderate abroad, is in a powerful position after the European elections

When Giorgia Meloni met Joe Biden at the White House in March, he played Ray Charles’s Georgia on My Mind as she entered the room. “We have each other’s backs,” he later told reporters, before planting a tender kiss on her forehead as the meeting wrapped up.

The cosy get-together was the clearest sign yet that the Italian prime minister, a chameleon of a communicator, had been able to cultivate warm relations with the US president, who had previously expressed concerns about her Brothers of Italy party’s neofascist history.

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Match ID: 76 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 italy

As Europe faces war, Germany looks to restore national service
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:52:01 +0000
The decision comes as more European countries are considering restoring some form of military or universal conscription in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Match ID: 77 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

First BTS member finishes military service, pledges hugs for 1,000 fans
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 12:15:34 +0000
Jin, the oldest member of BTS, completed his mandatory national service in South Korea and promised free hugs for his fans, also known as the “Army.”
Match ID: 78 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 korea

Using AI for Political Polling

Public polling is a critical function of modern political campaigns and movements, but it isn’t what it once was. Recent US election cycles have produced copious postmortems explaining both the successes and the flaws of public polling. There are two main reasons polling fails.

First, nonresponse has skyrocketed. It’s radically harder to reach people than it used to be. Few people fill out surveys that come in the mail anymore. Few people answer their phone when a stranger calls. Pew Research reported that 36% of the people they called in 1997 would talk to them, but only 6% by 2018. Pollsters worldwide have faced similar challenges...

Match ID: 79 Score: 20.00 source: www.schneier.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Jin from BTS wraps up military service to the strains of K-pop hit Dynamite
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 03:25:02 GMT

Jin has finished his stint in South Korea’s military but group won’t be able to reform until RM, Jimin, Jungkook, J-hope and V are discharged in 2025

Jin, the oldest member of the K-pop supergroup BTS, has completed his military service in South Korea, although their legions of fans around the world will still have to wait at least a year until all seven artists are reunited.

The star, who in December 2022 became the first member of the group to begin 18 months of military service, emerged on Wednesday from the 5th Army Infantry Division’s base in northern Yeoncheon province, 60km north of Seoul, to be greeted by fellow bandmates J-hope, RM, V, Jungkook and Jimin.

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Match ID: 80 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 korea

Study: Three skulls of medieval Viking women were deliberately elongated
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 21:53:54 +0000
There is also evidence of deliberately filed teeth on some 130 male Viking skulls.
Match ID: 81 Score: 20.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Sunak refuses to say if aide who bet on election date knew about timing – as it happened
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:03:04 GMT

PM says it ‘would not be appropriate’ to say whether Craig Williams knew that he was going to call a July election

Plaid Cymru is also calling for higher windfall taxes on energy companies, and for Wales to get revenue from the Crown Estate in Wales.

Ap Iorwerth said:

The lack of control over our natural resources means that we are energy-rich but fuel-poor. Plaid Cymru will fight for economic fairness by increasing windfall taxes and demanding the transfer of powers over the Crown Estate to create green jobs and build prosperity.

For Wales, fourteen years of Tory cuts and chaos have cut our public services to the bone but there is no sign that a Labour government will offer any meaningful change either. Our communities have been left to pay the price of decades of underinvestment from both London parties.

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Match ID: 82 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

California Teams Win $1.5 Million in NASA’s Break the Ice Lunar Challenge
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:18:45 +0000
By Savannah Bullard After two days of live competitions, two teams from southern California are heading home with a combined $1.5 million from NASA’s Break the Ice Lunar Challenge.  Since 2020, competitors from around the world have competed in this challenge with the common goal of inventing robots that can excavate and transport the icy […]
Match ID: 83 Score: 15.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Environmental groups apply to take Tanya Plibersek to high court over coalmine approvals
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:00:26 GMT

Minister should have assessed climate damage that would be caused by two large developments, advocates say

Conservationists will ask the high court to examine whether the environment minister, Tanya Plibersek, should have assessed the climate damage that would be caused by two large coalmine developments.

The Environment Council of Central Queensland has sought special leave in Australia’s highest court to appeal against the federal court’s dismissal of what is known as the Living Wonders case.

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Match ID: 84 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Will I need to spend a lot insulating my home to get a heat pump?
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:15:49 GMT

Many people fear the UK’s draughty old properties are too great a challenge for the technology

Heat pumps could be the single largest step a household can take to reduce their carbon emissions while saving money on their bills. But many in Britain fear that, even though millions of homes across Europe have benefited from the shift away from gas or oil boilers, the UK’s draughty old homes could prove too great a challenge for the technology.

The concern is unsurprising given that the UK has some of the least energy efficient homes in Europe. A study by the smart home company tado° monitored 80,000 users across Europe to find how quickly properties lose heat when outdoor temperatures fall to zero. It found that UK homes lost on average 3C after five hours without heating, compared with just 1C in Germany and 0.9C in Norway.

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Match ID: 85 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Kennedy Space Center Recipient of Presidential Federal Sustainability Award
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 23:35:37 +0000
KSC is the first NASA Center to offer workplace EV charging, setting the foundation for other NASA Centers. EV chargers are one way the KSC team is embracing the Executive Order goal for Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) by 2035. These charging stations greatly benefit KSC sustainability efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Within the first […]
Match ID: 86 Score: 15.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Ugandan oil pipeline protester allegedly beaten as part of ‘alarming crackdown’
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:02:50 GMT

Stephen Kwikiriza is one of 11 campaigners against EACOP targeted by authorities in past two weeks, rights group says

A man campaigning against the controversial $5bn (£4bn) east African crude oil pipeline (EACOP) is recovering in hospital after an alleged beating by the Ugandan armed forces in the latest incident in what has been called an “alarming crackdown” on the country’s environmentalists.

Stephen Kwikiriza, who works for Uganda’s Environment Governance Institute (EGI), a non-profit organisation, was abducted in Kampala on 4 June, according to his employer. He was beaten, questioned and then abandoned hundreds of miles from the capital on Sunday evening.

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Match ID: 87 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Polarized light yields fresh insight into mysterious fast radio bursts
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 16:11:05 +0000
Scientists looked at how polarization changed direction to learn more about origins.
Match ID: 88 Score: 15.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Neutrinos: The inscrutable “ghost particles” driving scientists crazy
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 11:00:29 +0000
They hold the keys to new physics. If only we could understand them.
Match ID: 89 Score: 15.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Restaurant Review: A Pitch-Perfect Ode to Korean “Drivers’ Restaurants”
Sun, 09 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
Kisa is a brand-new spot on the Lower East Side that does an astonishingly good job of seeming like it’s been there forever.
Match ID: 90 Score: 14.29 source: www.newyorker.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 14.29 korea

Apple Is Coming for Your Password Manager
Sat, 08 Jun 2024 10:30:00 +0000
Plus: A media executive is charged in an alleged money-laundering scheme, a ransomware attack disrupts care at London hospitals, and Google’s former CEO has a secretive drone project up his sleeve.
Match ID: 91 Score: 11.43 source: www.wired.com age: 5 days
qualifiers: 11.43 russia

We just broke ground on America’s first next-gen nuclear facility
We just broke ground on America’s first next-gen nuclear facility submitted by /u/Doener23
[link] [comments]

Match ID: 92 Score: 10.00 source: www.reddit.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 nuclear

European banks are making heady profits in Russia
Thu, 06 Jun 2024 09:56:28 +0000
But for how much longer?
Match ID: 93 Score: 5.71 source: www.economist.com age: 7 days
qualifiers: 5.71 russia

Would America dare to bring down a Chinese bank?
Wed, 10 Apr 2024 18:26:59 +0000
Janet Yellen promises sanctions for those supporting Vladimir Putin’s war
Match ID: 94 Score: 5.00 source: www.economist.com age: 63 days
qualifiers: 5.00 sanctions

How Donald Trump Could Weaponize US Surveillance in a Second Term
Mon, 03 Jun 2024 10:30:00 +0000
Donald Trump has vowed to go after political enemies, undocumented immigrants, and others if he wins. Experts warn he could easily turn the surveillance state against his targets.
Match ID: 95 Score: 3.57 source: www.wired.com age: 10 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Inside Donald Trump’s hush-money trial: three key testimonies – video
Fri, 31 May 2024 02:35:05 GMT

Twelve jurors in New York have presented their fellow Americans with a simple question: are you willing to elect a convicted criminal to the White House?

On Thursday, Donald Trump was found guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records in a criminal hush-money scheme to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. The verdict makes him the first president, current or former, to be found guilty of felony crimes in the US's near 250-year history. Regardless, the conviction does not disqualify Trump as a presidential candidate or bar him from again sitting in the Oval Office.

Trump, who opted not to take the stand during the trial, has denied wrongdoing, railed against the proceedings and ahead of the verdict compared himself to a saint: “Mother Teresa could not beat these charges. The charges are rigged,” he said on Wednesday. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, is expected to appeal the verdict.

The Guardian’s Sam Levine has been in court over the last several weeks covering all the developments – here are three testimonies he found most memorable. 

Continue reading...
Match ID: 96 Score: 3.57 source: www.theguardian.com age: 13 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Biden outdoes Trump with ultra-high China tariffs
Tue, 14 May 2024 16:23:33 +0000
The move, which hits electric vehicles, carries an environmental cost
Match ID: 97 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 30 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Why a stronger dollar is dangerous
Tue, 23 Apr 2024 16:00:59 +0000
It sets the stage for a nasty new Trump-China clash, among other things
Match ID: 98 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 51 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Trump Is Misleading You With Covid-Era Statistics. So Is Biden.
Fri, 19 Apr 2024 04:00:00 EST
Biden and Trump are both campaigning on warped economic statistics, cherry-picking weird data from the Covid crisis.
Match ID: 99 Score: 3.57 source: www.politico.com age: 55 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Even without war in the Gulf, pricier petrol is here to stay
Wed, 17 Apr 2024 15:59:46 +0000
Expensive oil could put Donald Trump in the White House
Match ID: 100 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 57 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Europe’s economy is under attack from all sides
Tue, 26 Mar 2024 20:00:46 +0000
First Putin, now Xi. Next Trump?
Match ID: 101 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 78 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

The world is in the midst of a city-building boom
Thu, 07 Mar 2024 11:22:29 +0000
Everyone, from Donald Trump and Peter Thiel to Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, is getting involved
Match ID: 102 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 98 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Online Privacy and Overfishing

Microsoft recently caught state-backed hackers using its generative AI tools to help with their attacks. In the security community, the immediate questions weren’t about how hackers were using the tools (that was utterly predictable), but about how Microsoft figured it out. The natural conclusion was that Microsoft was spying on its AI users, looking for harmful hackers at work.

Some pushed back at characterizing Microsoft’s actions as “spying.” Of course cloud service providers monitor what users are doing. And because we expect Microsoft to be doing something like this, it’s not fair to call it spying...

Match ID: 103 Score: 2.86 source: www.schneier.com age: 8 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Exclusive: The Guardian interviews President Zelenskiy
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:48:04 GMT

In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, revealed the tactics and traits that help him face the daily frustrations of leading a country at war for more than two years.

Within a ceremonial room inside Kyiv’s presidential compound, Zelenskiy spoke for nearly an hour with a Guardian team, including the editor-in-chief, Katharine Viner. The interview took place during perhaps the toughest time for Ukraine since the early days of the war. Russia is on the offensive in Kharkiv, an advance that follows months of delay in the US Congress over the passing of a major support package, limiting Ukraine’s battlefield capabilities

Continue reading...
Match ID: 104 Score: 2.86 source: www.theguardian.com age: 8 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

A US Company Enabled a North Korean Scam That Raised Money for WMDs
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:30:00 +0000
Wyoming’s secretary of state has proposed ways of “preventing fraud and abuse of corporate filings by commercial registered agents” in the aftermath of the scheme’s exposure.
Match ID: 105 Score: 2.86 source: www.wired.com age: 8 days
qualifiers: 2.86 korea

Russians Love YouTube. That’s a Problem for the Kremlin
Tue, 04 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000
YouTube remains the only major US-based social media platform available in Russia. It’s become "indispensable" to everyday people, making a ban tricky. Journalists and dissidents are taking advantage.
Match ID: 106 Score: 2.86 source: www.wired.com age: 9 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

US says Russia likely launched anti-satellite weapon
Wed, 22 May 2024 04:22:18 GMT
The Russian satellite launched last week may be capable of attacking other satellites, the Pentagon says.
Match ID: 107 Score: 2.86 source: www.bbc.com age: 22 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Russia’s gas business will never recover from the war in Ukraine
Thu, 02 May 2024 10:04:48 +0000
Hopes of a Chinese rescue look increasingly vain
Match ID: 108 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 42 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Frozen Russian assets will soon pay for Ukraine’s war
Thu, 18 Apr 2024 09:54:20 +0000
And America now hopes to convince others to make better use of the stash
Match ID: 109 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 56 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Ukrainian drone strikes are hurting Russia’s oil industry
Thu, 11 Apr 2024 09:51:54 +0000
The world’s third-largest producer is now an importer of petrol
Match ID: 110 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 63 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

How China, Russia and Iran are forging closer ties
Mon, 18 Mar 2024 19:52:43 +0000
Assessing the economic threat posed by the anti-Western axis
Match ID: 111 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 86 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Russia’s economy once again defies the doomsayers
Sun, 10 Mar 2024 14:39:48 +0000
As an election nears, Vladimir Putin now looks to have inflation under control
Match ID: 112 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 95 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Ecuador Is Literally Powerless in the Face of Drought
Thu, 30 May 2024 18:51:48 +0000
Drought-stricken hydro dams have led to daily electricity cuts in Ecuador. As weather becomes less predictable due to climate change, experts say other countries need to take notice.
Match ID: 113 Score: 2.14 source: www.wired.com age: 13 days
qualifiers: 2.14 energy

NASA Teammates Recall Favorite Memories Aboard Flying Laboratory
Tue, 14 May 2024 15:00:00 +0000
After flying more than three decades and 158 science campaigns, just one flight remains. NASA’s DC-8 Airborne Science Laboratory will make its final flight May 15 to Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho, where it will be used to train future aircraft technicians by providing real-world experience in the college’s Aircraft Maintenance Technology Program. Before […]
Match ID: 114 Score: 2.14 source: www.nasa.gov age: 30 days
qualifiers: 2.14 energy

Global Emissions Could Peak Sooner Than You Think
Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:00:00 +0000
Global deployment of solar and wind power, plus a surge in EV sales, means emissions from fossil-fuel-derived energy will finally hit the downward slope.
Match ID: 115 Score: 2.14 source: www.wired.com age: 148 days
qualifiers: 2.14 energy

How Xi Jinping plans to overtake America
Sun, 31 Mar 2024 12:31:35 +0000
Digital twins, nuclear fusion and the small matter of fixing China’s economy
Match ID: 116 Score: 1.43 source: www.economist.com age: 74 days
qualifiers: 1.43 nuclear

Filter efficiency 85.904 (117 matches/830 results)

********** CRYPTO **********
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Having locked up actual miners, Trump tries to woo bitcoin ones
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:30:50 +0000
The focus, added to his stump speech this year, is likely more of a response to shifts in support than a driver of it.
Match ID: 0 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 bitcoin(|s)

Breaking a Password Manager

Interesting story of breaking the security of the RoboForm password manager in order to recover a cryptocurrency wallet password.

Grand and Bruno spent months reverse engineering the version of the RoboForm program that they thought Michael had used in 2013 and found that the pseudo-random number generator used to generate passwords in that version—­and subsequent versions until 2015­—did indeed have a significant flaw that made the random number generator not so random. The RoboForm program unwisely tied the random passwords it generated to the date and time on the user’s computer­—it determined the computer’s date and time, and then generated passwords that were predictable. If you knew the date and time and other parameters, you could compute any password that would have been generated on a certain date and time in the past...

Match ID: 1 Score: 4.29 source: www.schneier.com age: 9 days
qualifiers: 2.86 cryptocurrenc(y|ies), 1.43 bitcoin(|s)

Bitcoin’s price is surging. What happens next?
Wed, 06 Mar 2024 21:05:13 +0000
The cryptocurrency is up by 63% this year
Match ID: 2 Score: 4.29 source: www.economist.com age: 98 days
qualifiers: 2.86 cryptocurrenc(y|ies), 1.43 bitcoin(|s)

What is Blockchain: Everything You Need to Know (2022)
Mon, 18 Apr 2022 05:49:00 +0000
What is Blockchain

If you want to pay online, you need to register an account and provide credit card information. If you don't have a credit card, you can pay with bank transfer. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, these methods may become old.

Imagine a world in which you can do transactions and many other things without having to give your personal information. A world in which you don’t need to rely on banks or governments anymore. Sounds amazing, right? That’s exactly what blockchain technology allows us to do.

It’s like your computer’s hard drive. blockchain is a technology that lets you store data in digital blocks, which are connected together like links in a chain. 

Blockchain technology was originally invented in 1991 by two mathematicians, Stuart Haber and W. Scot Stornetta. They first proposed the system to ensure that timestamps could not be tampered with.

A few years later, in 1998, software developer Nick Szabo proposed using a similar kind of technology to secure a digital payments system he called “Bit Gold.” However, this innovation was not adopted until Satoshi Nakamoto claimed to have invented the first Blockchain and Bitcoin.

So, What is Blockchain?

A blockchain is a distributed database shared between the nodes of a computer network. It saves information in digital format. Many people first heard of blockchain technology when they started to look up information about bitcoin.

Blockchain is used in cryptocurrency systems to ensure secure, decentralized records of transactions.

Blockchain allowed people to guarantee the fidelity and security of a record of data without the need for a third party to ensure accuracy.

To understand how a blockchain works, Consider these basic steps:

  • Blockchain collects information in “blocks”.
  • A block has a storage capacity, and once it's used up, it can be closed and linked to a previously served block.
  • Blocks form chains, which are called “Blockchains.”
  • More information will be added to the block with the most content until its capacity is full. The process repeats itself.
  • Each block in the chain has an exact timestamp and can't be changed.

Let’s get to know more about the blockchain.

How does blockchain work?

Blockchain records digital information and distributes it across the network without changing it. The information is distributed among many users and stored in an immutable, permanent ledger that can't be changed or destroyed. That's why blockchain is also called "Distributed Ledger Technology" or DLT.

Here’s how it works:

  • Someone or a computer will transacts
  • The transaction is transmitted throughout the network.
  • A network of computers can confirm the transaction.
  • When it is confirmed a transaction is added to a block
  • The blocks are linked together to create a history.

And that’s the beauty of it! The process may seem complicated, but it’s done in minutes with modern technology. And because technology is advancing rapidly, I expect things to move even more quickly than ever.

  • A new transaction is added to the system. It is then relayed to a network of computers located around the world. The computers then solve equations to ensure the authenticity of the transaction.
  • Once a transaction is confirmed, it is placed in a block after the confirmation. All of the blocks are chained together to create a permanent history of every transaction.

How are Blockchains used?

Even though blockchain is integral to cryptocurrency, it has other applications. For example, blockchain can be used for storing reliable data about transactions. Many people confuse blockchain with cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum.

Blockchain already being adopted by some big-name companies, such as Walmart, AIG, Siemens, Pfizer, and Unilever. For example, IBM's Food Trust uses blockchain to track food's journey before reaching its final destination.

Although some of you may consider this practice excessive, food suppliers and manufacturers adhere to the policy of tracing their products because bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella have been found in packaged foods. In addition, there have been isolated cases where dangerous allergens such as peanuts have accidentally been introduced into certain products.

Tracing and identifying the sources of an outbreak is a challenging task that can take months or years. Thanks to the Blockchain, however, companies now know exactly where their food has been—so they can trace its location and prevent future outbreaks.

Blockchain technology allows systems to react much faster in the event of a hazard. It also has many other uses in the modern world.

What is Blockchain Decentralization?

Blockchain technology is safe, even if it’s public. People can access the technology using an internet connection.

Have you ever been in a situation where you had all your data stored at one place and that one secure place got compromised? Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to prevent your data from leaking out even when the security of your storage systems is compromised?

Blockchain technology provides a way of avoiding this situation by using multiple computers at different locations to store information about transactions. If one computer experiences problems with a transaction, it will not affect the other nodes.

Instead, other nodes will use the correct information to cross-reference your incorrect node. This is called “Decentralization,” meaning all the information is stored in multiple places.

Blockchain guarantees your data's authenticity—not just its accuracy, but also its irreversibility. It can also be used to store data that are difficult to register, like legal contracts, state identifications, or a company's product inventory.

Pros and Cons of Blockchain

Blockchain has many advantages and disadvantages. 


  • Accuracy is increased because there is no human involvement in the verification process.
  • One of the great things about decentralization is that it makes information harder to tamper with.
  • Safe, private, and easy transactions
  • Provides a banking alternative and safe storage of personal information


  • Data storage has limits.
  • The regulations are always changing, as they differ from place to place.
  • It has a risk of being used for illicit activities 

Frequently Asked Questions About Blockchain

I’ll answer the most frequently asked questions about blockchain in this section.

Is Blockchain a cryptocurrency?

Blockchain is not a cryptocurrency but a technology that makes cryptocurrencies possible. It's a digital ledger that records every transaction seamlessly.

Is it possible for Blockchain to be hacked?

Yes, blockchain can be theoretically hacked, but it is a complicated task to be achieved. A network of users constantly reviews it, which makes hacking the blockchain difficult.

What is the most prominent blockchain company?

Coinbase Global is currently the biggest blockchain company in the world. The company runs a commendable infrastructure, services, and technology for the digital currency economy.

Who owns Blockchain?

Blockchain is a decentralized technology. It’s a chain of distributed ledgers connected with nodes. Each node can be any electronic device. Thus, one owns blockhain.

What is the difference between Bitcoin and Blockchain technology?

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, which is powered by Blockchain technology while Blockchain is a distributed ledger of cryptocurrency 

What is the difference between Blockchain and a Database?

Generally a database is a collection of data which can be stored and organized using a database management system. The people who have access to the database can view or edit the information stored there. The client-server network architecture is used to implement databases. whereas a blockchain is a growing list of records, called blocks, stored in a distributed system. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, timestamp and transaction information. Modification of data is not allowed due to the design of the blockchain. The technology allows decentralized control and eliminates risks of data modification by other parties.

Final Saying

Blockchain has a wide spectrum of applications and, over the next 5-10 years, we will likely see it being integrated into all sorts of industries. From finance to healthcare, blockchain could revolutionize the way we store and share data. Although there is some hesitation to adopt blockchain systems right now, that won't be the case in 2022-2023 (and even less so in 2026). Once people become more comfortable with the technology and understand how it can work for them, owners, CEOs and entrepreneurs alike will be quick to leverage blockchain technology for their own gain. Hope you like this article if you have any question let me know in the comments section


Match ID: 3 Score: 4.29 source: techncruncher.blogspot.com age: 787 days
qualifiers: 2.86 cryptocurrenc(y|ies), 1.43 bitcoin(|s)

Most Frequently Asked Questions About NFTs(Non-Fungible Tokens)
Sun, 06 Feb 2022 10:04:00 +0000



Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are the most popular digital assets today, capturing the attention of cryptocurrency investors, whales and people from around the world. People find it amazing that some users spend thousands or millions of dollars on a single NFT-based image of a monkey or other token, but you can simply take a screenshot for free. So here we share some freuently asked question about NFTs.

1) What is an NFT?

NFT stands for non-fungible  token, which is a cryptographic token on a blockchain with unique identification codes that distinguish it from other tokens. NFTs are unique and not interchangeable, which means no two NFTs are the same. NFTs can be a unique artwork, GIF, Images, videos, Audio album. in-game items, collectibles etc.

2) What is Blockchain?

A blockchain is a distributed digital ledger that allows for the secure storage of data. By recording any kind of information—such as bank account transactions, the ownership of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), or Decentralized Finance (DeFi) smart contracts—in one place, and distributing it to many different computers, blockchains ensure that data can’t be manipulated without everyone in the system being aware.

3) What makes an NFT valuable?

The value of an NFT comes from its ability to be traded freely and securely on the blockchain, which is not possible with other current digital ownership solutionsThe NFT points to its location on the blockchain, but doesn’t necessarily contain the digital property. For example, if you replace one bitcoin with another, you will still have the same thing. If you buy a non-fungible item, such as a movie ticket, it is impossible to replace it with any other movie ticket because each ticket is unique to a specific time and place.

4) How do NFTs work?

One of the unique characteristics of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is that they can be tokenised to create a digital certificate of ownership that can be bought, sold and traded on the blockchain. 

As with crypto-currency, records of who owns what are stored on a ledger that is maintained by thousands of computers around the world. These records can’t be forged because the whole system operates on an open-source network. 

NFTs also contain smart contracts—small computer programs that run on the blockchain—that give the artist, for example, a cut of any future sale of the token.

5) What’s the connection between NFTs and cryptocurrency?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) aren't cryptocurrencies, but they do use blockchain technology. Many NFTs are based on Ethereum, where the blockchain serves as a ledger for all the transactions related to said NFT and the properties it represents.5) How to make an NFT?

Anyone can create an NFT. All you need is a digital wallet, some ethereum tokens and a connection to an NFT marketplace where you’ll be able to upload and sell your creations

6) How to validate the authencity of an NFT?

When you purchase a stock in NFT, that purchase is recorded on the blockchain—the bitcoin ledger of transactions—and that entry acts as your proof of ownership.

7) How is an NFT valued? What are the most expensive NFTs?

The value of an NFT varies a lot based on the digital asset up for grabs. People use NFTs to trade and sell digital art, so when creating an NFT, you should consider the popularity of your digital artwork along with historical statistics.

In the year 2021, a digital artist called Pak created an artwork called The Merge. It was sold on the Nifty Gateway NFT market for $91.8 million.

8) Can NFTs be used as an investment?

Non-fungible tokens can be used in investment opportunities. One can purchase an NFT and resell it at a profit. Certain NFT marketplaces let sellers of NFTs keep a percentage of the profits from sales of the assets they create.

9) Will NFTs be the future of art and collectibles?

Many people want to buy NFTs because it lets them support the arts and own something cool from their favorite musicians, brands, and celebrities. NFTs also give artists an opportunity to program in continual royalties if someone buys their work. Galleries see this as a way to reach new buyers interested in art.

10) How do we buy an NFTs?

There are many places to buy digital assets, like opensea and their policies vary. On top shot, for instance, you sign up for a waitlist that can be thousands of people long. When a digital asset goes on sale, you are occasionally chosen to purchase it.

11) Can i mint NFT for free?

To mint an NFT token, you must pay some amount of gas fee to process the transaction on the Etherum blockchain, but you can mint your NFT on a different blockchain called Polygon to avoid paying gas fees. This option is available on OpenSea and this simply denotes that your NFT will only be able to trade using Polygon's blockchain and not Etherum's blockchain. Mintable allows you to mint NFTs for free without paying any gas fees.

12) Do i own an NFT if i screenshot it?

The answer is no. Non-Fungible Tokens are minted on the blockchain using cryptocurrencies such as Etherum, Solana, Polygon, and so on. Once a Non-Fungible Token is minted, the transaction is recorded on the blockchain and the contract or license is awarded to whoever has that Non-Fungible Token in their wallet.

12) Why are people investing so much in NFT?

 Non-fungible tokens have gained the hearts of people around the world, and they have given digital creators the recognition they deserve. One of the remarkable things about non-fungible tokens is that you can take a screenshot of one, but you don’t own it. This is because when a non-fungible token is created, then the transaction is stored on the blockchain, and the license or contract to hold such a token is awarded to the person owning the token in their digital wallet.

You can sell your work and creations by attaching a license to it on the blockchain, where its ownership can be transferred. This lets you get exposure without losing full ownership of your work. Some of the most successful projects include Cryptopunks, Bored Ape Yatch Club NFTs, SandBox, World of Women and so on. These NFT projects have gained popularity globally and are owned by celebrities and other successful entrepreneurs. Owning one of these NFTs gives you an automatic ticket to exclusive business meetings and life-changing connections.

Final Saying

That’s a wrap. Hope you guys found this article enlightening. I just answer some question with my limited knowledge about NFTs. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comment section below. Also I have a question for you, Is bitcoin an NFTs? let me know in The comment section below

Match ID: 4 Score: 4.29 source: techncruncher.blogspot.com age: 858 days
qualifiers: 2.86 cryptocurrenc(y|ies), 1.43 bitcoin(|s)

What China’s central bank and Costco shoppers have in common
Thu, 11 Apr 2024 10:02:17 +0000
Hint: it is not a fondness for cryptocurrencies
Match ID: 5 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 63 days
qualifiers: 2.86 cryptocurrenc(y|ies)

LimeWire AI Studio Review 2023: Details, Pricing & Features
Tue, 12 Dec 2023 16:10:00 +0000


In the rapidly advancing landscape of AI technology and innovation, LimeWire emerges as a unique platform in the realm of generative AI tools. This platform not only stands out from the multitude of existing AI tools but also brings a fresh approach to content generation. LimeWire not only empowers users to create AI content but also provides creators with creative ways to share and monetize their creations.

As we explore LimeWire, our aim is to uncover its features, benefits for creators, and the exciting possibilities it offers for AI content generation. This platform presents an opportunity for users to harness the power of AI in image creation, all while enjoying the advantages of a free and accessible service.

Let's unravel the distinctive features that set LimeWire apart in the dynamic landscape of AI-powered tools, understanding how creators can leverage its capabilities to craft unique and engaging AI-generated images.



LimeWire, a name once associated with the notorious file-sharing tool from the 2000s, has undergone a significant transformation. The LimeWire we discuss today is not the file-sharing application of the past but has re-emerged as an entirely new entity—a cutting-edge AI content publishing platform.

This revamped LimeWire invites users to register and unleash their creativity by crafting original AI content, which can then be shared and showcased on the LimeWire Studio. Notably, even acclaimed artists and musicians, such as Deadmau5, Soulja Boy, and Sean Kingston, have embraced this platform to publish their content in the form of NFT music, videos, and images.

Beyond providing a space for content creation and sharing, LimeWire introduces monetization models to empower users to earn revenue from their creations. This includes avenues such as earning ad revenue and participating in the burgeoning market of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). As we delve further, we'll explore these monetization strategies in more detail to provide a comprehensive understanding of LimeWire's innovative approach to content creation and distribution.

LimeWire Studio welcomes content creators into its fold, providing a space to craft personalized AI-focused content for sharing with fans and followers. Within this creative hub, every piece of content generated becomes not just a creation but a unique asset—ownable and tradable. Fans have the opportunity to subscribe to creators' pages, immersing themselves in the creative journey and gaining ownership of digital collectibles that hold tradeable value within the LimeWire community. Notably, creators earn a 2.5% royalty each time their content is traded, adding a rewarding element to the creative process.

The platform's flexibility is evident in its content publication options. Creators can choose to share their work freely with the public or opt for a premium subscription model, granting exclusive access to specialized content for subscribers.

LimeWire AI Studio

As of the present moment, LimeWire focuses on AI Image Generation, offering a spectrum of creative possibilities to its user base. The platform, however, has ambitious plans on the horizon, aiming to broaden its offerings by introducing AI music and video generation tools in the near future. This strategic expansion promises creators even more avenues for expression and engagement with their audience, positioning LimeWire Studio as a dynamic and evolving platform within the realm of AI-powered content creation.

AI Image Generation Tools

limewire AI Studio

The LimeWire AI image generation tool presents a versatile platform for both the creation and editing of images. Supporting advanced models such as Stable Diffusion 2.1, Stable Diffusion XL, and DALL-E 2, LimeWire offers a sophisticated toolkit for users to delve into the realm of generative AI art.

Much like other tools in the generative AI landscape, LimeWire provides a range of options catering to various levels of complexity in image creation. Users can initiate the creative process with prompts as simple as a few words or opt for more intricate instructions, tailoring the output to their artistic vision.

What sets LimeWire apart is its seamless integration of different AI models and design styles. Users have the flexibility to effortlessly switch between various AI models, exploring diverse design styles such as cinematic, digital art, pixel art, anime, analog film, and more. Each style imparts a distinctive visual identity to the generated AI art, enabling users to explore a broad spectrum of creative possibilities.

The platform also offers additional features, including samplers, allowing users to fine-tune the quality and detail levels of their creations. Customization options and prompt guidance further enhance the user experience, providing a user-friendly interface for both novice and experienced creators.

Excitingly, LimeWire is actively developing its proprietary AI model, signaling ongoing innovation and enhancements to its image generation capabilities. This upcoming addition holds the promise of further expanding the creative horizons for LimeWire users, making it an evolving and dynamic platform within the landscape of AI-driven art and image creation.

Sign Up Now To Get Free Credits

Automatically Mint Your Content As NFTs


Upon completing your creative endeavor on LimeWire, the platform allows you the option to publish your content. An intriguing feature follows this step: LimeWire automates the process of minting your creation as a Non-Fungible Token (NFT), utilizing either the Polygon or Algorand blockchain. This transformative step imbues your artwork with a unique digital signature, securing its authenticity and ownership in the decentralized realm.

Creators on LimeWire hold the power to decide the accessibility of their NFT creations. By opting for a public release, the content becomes discoverable by anyone, fostering a space for engagement and interaction. Furthermore, this choice opens the avenue for enthusiasts to trade the NFTs, adding a layer of community involvement to the artistic journey.

Alternatively, LimeWire acknowledges the importance of exclusivity. Creators can choose to share their posts exclusively with their premium subscribers. In doing so, the content remains a special offering solely for dedicated fans, creating an intimate and personalized experience within the LimeWire community. This flexibility in sharing options emphasizes LimeWire's commitment to empowering creators with choices in how they connect with their audience and distribute their digital creations.

After creating your content, you can choose to publish the content. It will automatically mint your creation as an NFT on the Polygon or Algorand blockchain. You can also choose whether to make it public or subscriber-only.

If you make it public, anyone can discover your content and even trade the NFTs. If you choose to share the post only with your premium subscribers, it will be exclusive only to your fans.

Earn Revenue From Your Content

Additionally, you can earn ad revenue from your content creations as well.

When you publish content on LimeWire, you will receive 70% of all ad revenue from other users who view your images, music, and videos on the platform.

This revenue model will be much more beneficial to designers. You can experiment with the AI image and content generation tools and share your creations while earning a small income on the side.

LMWR Tokens

The revenue you earn from your creations will come in the form of LMWR tokens, LimeWire’s own cryptocurrency.

Your earnings will be paid every month in LMWR, which you can then trade on many popular crypto exchange platforms like Kraken, ByBit, and UniSwap.

You can also use your LMWR tokens to pay for prompts when using LimeWire generative AI tools.

Pricing Plans

You can sign up to LimeWire to use its AI tools for free. You will receive 10 credits to use and generate up to 20 AI images per day. You will also receive 50% of the ad revenue share. However, you will get more benefits with premium plans.

  • Basic plan: 

For $9.99 per month, you will get 1,000 credits per month, up to 2 ,000 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 50% ad revenue share

  • Advanced plan: 

For $29 per month, you will get 3750 credits per month, up to 7500 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 60% ad revenue share

  • Pro plan: 

For $49 per month, you will get 5,000 credits per month, up to 10,000 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 70% ad revenue share

  • Pro Plus plan: 

For $99 per month, you will get 11,250 credits per month, up to 2 2,500 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 70% ad revenue share

With all premium plans, you will receive a Pro profile badge, full creation history, faster image generation, and no ads.

Sign Up Now To Get Free Credits


In conclusion, LimeWire emerges as a democratizing force in the creative landscape, providing an inclusive platform where anyone can unleash their artistic potential and effortlessly share their work. With the integration of AI, LimeWire eliminates traditional barriers, empowering designers, musicians, and artists to publish their creations and earn revenue with just a few clicks.

The ongoing commitment of LimeWire to innovation is evident in its plans to enhance generative AI tools with new features and models. The upcoming expansion to include music and video generation tools holds the promise of unlocking even more possibilities for creators. It sparks anticipation about the diverse and innovative ways in which artists will leverage these tools to produce and publish their own unique creations.

For those eager to explore, LimeWire's AI tools are readily accessible for free, providing an opportunity to experiment and delve into the world of generative art. As LimeWire continues to evolve, creators are encouraged to stay tuned for the launch of its forthcoming AI music and video generation tools, promising a future brimming with creative potential and endless artistic exploration

Match ID: 6 Score: 2.86 source: techncruncher.blogspot.com age: 184 days
qualifiers: 2.86 cryptocurrenc(y|ies)

Filter efficiency 99.157 (7 matches/830 results)

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How do you know the Tories are finished? There's not a single person left to defend their record | Owen Jones
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 08:00:20 GMT

This stretch of Conservative rule has been so destructive that even allies have called it ‘the worst government ever’

And so ends a unique failure in British democratic history. Any political incumbent can expect to have passionate detractors. They can normally count, however, on having equally committed champions. Not so for this Conservative reign. The party will leave government with even the most tribal Tories struggling to champion its successes. This era will be recorded by history as one of failure, whatever political standpoint you look at it from.

No other party has left office so lacking in true believers. Take New Labour, which claimed to marry social justice and market capitalism. The criticisms of its record practically write themselves. Public services were undermined by the private finance initiative, which saddled NHS trusts with lasting debts. There was the bloody turmoil in Iraq, the rolling back of civil liberties, and what Gordon Brown later admitted was a “big mistake”: the government’s approach to bank regulation in the run-up to the 2008 financial crash.

Owen Jones is a Guardian columnist

Guardian Newsroom: Election results special. Join Gaby Hinsliff, John Crace, Jonathan Freedland and Zoe Williams on 5 July

Do you have an opinion on the issues raised in this article? If you would like to submit a response of up to 300 words by email to be considered for publication in our letters section, please click here.

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Match ID: 0 Score: 115.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 30.00 democrat, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections, 15.00 conservatives

Conservative grassroots campaign in ‘disarray’, say insiders and opponents
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 04:00:19 GMT

Tories struggling in some areas from chronic lack of supporters to canvass and deliver leaflets, say sources

The Conservative on-the-ground election campaign is descending into “disarray” amid a chronic lack of volunteers and strategy and an increasing sense of panic in formerly ultra-safe seats, insiders and opponents have told the Guardian.

Some areas have struggled to muster people to knock on doors and deliver leaflets due to a combination of a shrinking and ageing membership, a calamitous fall in the number of Conservative councillors and disillusionment with the election campaign.

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Match ID: 1 Score: 115.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 30.00 democrat, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections, 15.00 conservatives

Donald Trump to address Republicans at US Capitol in first visit since January 6
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:06:48 GMT

Anti-Trump and pro-Palestinian protesters gather outside Capitol Hill Club, where ex-president will meet Republicans

Donald Trump will go to the US Capitol to rally congressional Republicans today in his first visit since 6 January 2021, when his supporters descended on the building in an effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election result in Trump’s favour.

The high-profile meeting will set out Trump’s priorities for a second presidency, but is also expected to see him demand that the GOP further intensify efforts to overturn a recent conviction by a New York court on felony charges.

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Match ID: 2 Score: 110.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections, 10.00 congress

Elections 2024 live updates: Trump huddling with House and Senate Republicans
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:51:05 +0000
Live updates from the 2024 campaign trail, with the latest news on presidential candidates, polls, primaries and more.
Match ID: 3 Score: 100.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

ACLU hails supreme court’s mifepristone decision: ‘This fight is far from over’ – live
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:43:58 GMT

The supreme court decision marks a victory for reproductive rights activists across the country

The Massachusetts Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren hailed the supreme court’s decision to uphold mifepristone access, calling the challenge to reject it “meritless from the start”.

Warren, an outspoken reproductive rights activist, wrote on X:

This challenge to mifepristone was meritless from the start. Abortion medication is safe and effective. Make no mistake: Donald Trump and Republican politicians will not stop marching us toward a nationwide abortion ban. We must protect reproductive freedom everywhere.

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Match ID: 4 Score: 100.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics, 30.00 democrat, 10.00 house of representatives

Rayner, Mordaunt and Farage set for fresh general election debate clash – politics live
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:41:14 GMT

Lib Dems, SNP, Greens and Plaid Cymru also set to take part in ITV debate hosted by Julie Etchingham

Keir Starmer faced new questions over how Labour would pay to fix Britain’s broken public services as he vowed to “turn the page for ever” on held-back potential and end political “pantomime” during the party’s manifesto launch.

The Labour leader said he saw “potential held back” everywhere he went as a result of a lack of housing, the cost of living crisis, low wages and inadequate healthcare for children.

Penny Mordaunt for the Conservative party

Angela Rayner for the Labour party

Daisy Cooper for Liberal Democrats

Stephen Flynn for SNP

Nigel Farage for Reform

Carla Denyer for Green party

Rhun ap Iorwerth for Plaid Cymru

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Match ID: 5 Score: 100.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 30.00 democrat, 25.00 election, 15.00 conservatives

AI and the Indian Election

As India concluded the world’s largest election on June 5, 2024, with over 640 million votes counted, observers could assess how the various parties and factions used artificial intelligence technologies—and what lessons that holds for the rest of the world.

The campaigns made extensive use of AI, including deepfake impersonations of candidates, celebrities and dead politicians. By some estimates, millions of Indian voters viewed deepfakes.

But, despite fears of widespread disinformation, for the most part the campaigns, candidates and activists used AI constructively in the election. They used AI for typical political activities, including mudslinging, but primarily to better connect with voters...

Match ID: 6 Score: 95.00 source: www.schneier.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 political parties, 15.00 elections, 10.00 congress

The Democratic candidate is performing better than expected in the special election for Ohio’s 6th Congressional...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:35:14 +0000

Match ID: 7 Score: 95.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 30.00 democrat, 25.00 election, 10.00 congress

Republican Michael Rulli is projected to win the special election for Ohio’s 6th Congressional District, according...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:17:24 +0000

Match ID: 8 Score: 95.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 10.00 congress

US supreme court unanimously upholds access to abortion pill mifepristone
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:31:29 GMT

FDA still has the power to give expanded access to mifepristone in major victory to abortion rights supporters

The availability of a common abortion pill will remain unchanged, the US supreme court ruled on Thursday in a unanimous 9-0 decision, handing a major victory to abortion rights supporters who feared that the court that overturned Roe v Wade just two years ago would further hack away at access to the procedure.

Conservative bloc

Alito – Majority

Barrett – Majority

Gorsuch – Majority

Kavanaugh – Majority

Roberts – Majority

Thomas – Majority

Jackson – Majority

Kagan – Majority

Sotomayor – Majority

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Match ID: 9 Score: 90.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics, 30.00 democrat

Sunak refuses to say if aide who bet on election date knew about timing – as it happened
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:03:04 GMT

PM says it ‘would not be appropriate’ to say whether Craig Williams knew that he was going to call a July election

Plaid Cymru is also calling for higher windfall taxes on energy companies, and for Wales to get revenue from the Crown Estate in Wales.

Ap Iorwerth said:

The lack of control over our natural resources means that we are energy-rich but fuel-poor. Plaid Cymru will fight for economic fairness by increasing windfall taxes and demanding the transfer of powers over the Crown Estate to create green jobs and build prosperity.

For Wales, fourteen years of Tory cuts and chaos have cut our public services to the bone but there is no sign that a Labour government will offer any meaningful change either. Our communities have been left to pay the price of decades of underinvestment from both London parties.

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Match ID: 10 Score: 85.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections, 15.00 conservatives

Ben Jennings decodes the Conservatives’ shrill rhetoric on taxes – cartoon
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:56:45 GMT

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Match ID: 11 Score: 85.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections, 15.00 conservatives

Winning a bet may be the best it’s going to get for Rishi Sunak and his team
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:46:28 GMT

When even Angela Rayner remains relentlessly on message, you know the election is in the bag

You win some, you lose some. This week, both Labour and the Tories will reckon they’ve struck lucky with the timings of their manifesto launches – though for very different reasons.

It’s always hard to know which is the best launch slot. To go first and set the agenda, with the anxiety that everyone will have soon forgotten what you are about. Or to go late and risk your manifesto lingering in the memory for all the wrong reasons. This year, both the main parties – if the Tories can still be called that – will reckon they judged it perfectly.

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Match ID: 12 Score: 85.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections, 15.00 conservatives

Senate to vote on protecting IVF amid election-year battle over reproductive rights
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:43:43 +0000
The vote, expected Thursday, is meant to challenge Republicans to back up their claims earlier this year that they support in vitro fertilization.
Match ID: 13 Score: 85.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics, 25.00 election

Next UK government faces payouts to dozens of Rwanda flight detainees
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:45:11 GMT

Legal actions seek compensation for asylum seekers locked up for weeks without immediate plan for deportation

The next government could have to make costly payouts to dozens of asylum seekers detained for deportation to Rwanda, even if the Rwanda deal falls apart after the elections.

Legal actions are being lodged by asylum seekers who say the Home Office locked them up unlawfully before the threatened first flight to the east African country. Home Office sources indicated they did not accept these claims.

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Match ID: 14 Score: 85.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections, 15.00 conservatives

Sunak’s closest aide apologises for placing £100 bet on July election date
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:28:52 GMT

Craig Williams, who placed bet three days before PM made announcement, says ‘I made huge error of judgment’

Rishi Sunak’s closest parliamentary aide, Craig Williams, has apologised for placing a £100 bet on a July election three days before the prime minister announced the date for the poll.

Speaking to the BBC, Williams, who is standing for re-election in Montgomeryshire and Glyndŵr, said: “I’ve clearly made a huge error of judgment, that’s for sure. And I apologise.”

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Match ID: 15 Score: 85.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections, 15.00 conservatives

UK teachers and health workers: what do you think of the political parties’ manifestos?
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:42:50 GMT

We would like to hear from teachers, NHS workers and other key workers on their thoughts on political parties’ manifestos

The UK’s main political parties have launched their manifestos – and now we’d like to hear from public sector workers about the policy pledges that apply to them.

From teachers to NHS workers, we’d like to hear from public sector workers on what they think about each of the manifestos. How might their plans affect your job? Which, if any of the pledges, are influencing your vote? Is there anything missing that you’d like to see?

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Match ID: 16 Score: 85.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 political parties, 15.00 elections

Labour candidates told they are campaigning too much in their own seats
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 09:15:26 GMT

Instruction to spend more time in battleground areas causes friction with those concerned about voter backlash

Labour election candidates have been told they are doing too much campaigning in their own safe seats and must spend more time in battleground constituencies, causing friction with candidates who are concerned about a backlash from Labour voters.

The instructions from Labour HQ have met opposition from some candidates, especially in London and big cities. A number of those in inner-city constituencies told the Guardian they were uncomfortable about ignoring voters locally, especially over the party’s stance on Gaza.

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Match ID: 17 Score: 85.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections, 15.00 conservatives

‘Fresh start’: undecided Edinburgh voters agree Tories haven’t delivered for Scotland
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 07:00:19 GMT

Unenthused and uninspired focus group wavers between Labour and ‘fatigued’ SNP in push to vote out Conservatives

“Nicola Sturgeon was the be-all and end-all for the SNP” was how Aisha, an insurance worker, explained why she was wavering about whether to stick with the Scottish National party or switch her backing to Labour in the general election.

In doing so, she summed up the mood of a group of eight undecided voters in the Edinburgh North and Leith constituency facing the competing pressures of wanting to ensure a strong voice for Scotland in Westminster, exhaustion with the SNP’s travails of the past year, and questions over what Labour would actually do in office.

Luke Tryl is the UK director of the research group More in Common.

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Match ID: 18 Score: 85.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections, 15.00 conservatives

Politics Weekly Westminster: Starmer and Sunak face audience in Grimsby - podcast
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 04:00:19 GMT

The Guardian’s Pippa Crerar and Kiran Stacey discuss how Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak performed at the Sky News special leaders’ event in Lincolnshire

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Match ID: 19 Score: 85.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 executive, 15.00 elections

Analysis: Democrats’ surprisingly close Ohio special election loss, in context
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:38:02 +0000

Match ID: 20 Score: 85.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 30.00 democrat, 25.00 election

Democrats’ surprisingly close Ohio special election loss, in context
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:30:11 +0000
Democrat Michael Kripchak lost by less than 10 points in a district Donald Trump carried by 29 in 2020. It’s merely the latest Democratic over-performance, but what does it mean?
Match ID: 21 Score: 85.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 30.00 democrat, 25.00 election

Italy’s Meloni, boosted by far-right election gains, hosts G-7 leaders
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:43:36 +0000
The triumph of Giorgia Meloni’s party in European Parliament elections this week has transformed the G-7 summit in Puglia into a victory lap.
Match ID: 22 Score: 70.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

Trump slams Justice Department in meeting with congressional Republicans
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:32:01 +0000
Trump is on Capitol Hill on Thursday, meeting with House and Senate Republicans to rally behind a political and policy agenda for the campaign. It’s a gamble for the Hill GOP.
Match ID: 23 Score: 70.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics, 10.00 congress

The Guardian view on the Labour manifesto: Keir Starmer’s plans could face a long haul | Editorial
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:30:58 GMT

Voters are ready for a change of government, but lack of enthusiasm for the opposition’s programme may spell trouble ahead

At the Conservative manifesto launch on Tuesday, Rishi Sunak offered a selection of gimmicks not a strategy, and a compendium of uncosted promises instead of a plan. The result was a slapdash manifesto, with large areas of government responsibility almost wholly ignored. It offered the same old prejudices and the same old policy reflexes to the same old audience.

Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour manifesto launch in Manchester on Thursday could hardly have been more different. A party that looked into the electoral abyss in 2019 now stands on the threshold of government – and it showed. Labour has raised its game, and the manifesto rollout was optimistic and professional.

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Match ID: 24 Score: 70.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 conservatives

The Guardian view on care failures: vulnerable children need homes, not court orders | Editorial
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:29:52 GMT

The lack of suitable placements for at-risk young people has led to a huge rise in deprivation of liberty orders. Family judges are right to be furious

Seven years ago, Sir James Munby, then the president of the family division of the high court, issued a highly unusual public judgment. Denouncing a “disgraceful and utterly shaming lack”, he called for an overhaul of council provision for children who need intensive support in a residential setting. Since then, the children’s commissioner for England and other senior judges have made similar criticisms.

Councils in England do not have enough places in which to look after some of the most vulnerable children for whom they are responsible. The result is that rising numbers are subjected to deprivation of liberty orders, leading to forcible detention in unregulated placements including rented flats. Last weekend, Sir James spoke up again, calling the situation a “shocking moral failure” and for it to be discussed in the run-up to next month’s election.

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Match ID: 25 Score: 70.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 conservatives

Keir Starmer faces challenge over cost of Labour manifesto
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:22:07 GMT

Leader accused of being part of a ‘conspiracy of silence’ over economic challenges ahead as he launches wealth creation plan for government.

Keir Starmer faced new questions over how Labour would pay to fix Britain’s broken public services as he vowed to “turn the page for ever” on held-back potential and end political “pantomime” during the party’s manifesto launch.

The Labour leader said he saw “potential held back” everywhere he went as a result of a lack of housing, the cost of living crisis, low wages and inadequate healthcare for children.

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Match ID: 26 Score: 70.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

How to stop Europe’s drift to the right | Letters
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:59:42 GMT

Alan Mitcham says leftwing parties must make ending war their priority, Gillian Homeri encourages citizens to be more politically active and Barry Kushner says centrist parties must reach across the class divide

I read your reports on the European elections, including your assessment that the political landscape has moved to the right (EU elections 2024: how did key countries vote and what does it mean?, 10 June). Although this is correct, I feel that it doesn’t tell the whole story.

The main and paramount criteria for my vote (here in Germany) was to vote for a party which proposes a diplomatic solution to the various wars that are raging. To me it is obvious that no other problems (especially the issue of climate change) can really be solved until the wars stop. I voted for Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), which surged from a standing start of zero to six seats, because this party proposes a diplomatic solution to the wars. The only other viable party proposing negotiations with Russia is the AfD – so, despite everything, if BSW had not been available, I, a liberal, would have voted AfD.

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Match ID: 27 Score: 70.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

A braver Labour would call an end to the focus on growth | Letters
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:59:23 GMT

Dr Ian Saville and Ben Norman respond to an article by Frances Ryan on Labour’s plans on tax and wealth creation

Frances Ryan describes the situation very well (There is no ‘change’ for Britain without a massive injection of cash. Why won’t our politicians admit it?, 7 June). The decision by Rachel Reeves to work within the Conservative tax framework, apart from small changes that can only raise inadequate amounts, must condemn a Labour administration to pernicious austerity. The obvious remedy for this is a modest wealth tax, raising enough to improve public services considerably.

More significantly, Reeves, like her Conservative counterpart, relies on the dream of growth to pay for the improvements we all desire. But the commonplace insistence on the need for growth must be challenged. Economists like Kate Raworth and Kohei Saito have argued persuasively that the continuing pursuit of growth on a finite planet must lead inevitably to environmental destruction and widening inequality.

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Match ID: 28 Score: 70.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

AI Chatbots Are Running for Office Now
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:25:37 +0000
Meet AI Steve and VIC, the chatbots running for office in 2024.
Match ID: 29 Score: 70.00 source: www.wired.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

Meloni in the pink as she consoles procession of dead men walking | Patrick Wintour
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:56:13 GMT

Italian PM was all smiles at start of G7 summit as she met parade of haunted-looking statesmen, most of whose days in power are numbered

Never has a host had so little in common with her guests. Standing serene in a salmon pink trouser suit having topped the poll in the European parliamentary elections, Italy’s far-right leader, Giorgia Meloni, waited to greet her fellow G7 leaders. She stood on a small stage under an awning and an azure sky with the backdrop a suspiciously imported-looking olive tree, a pointless rustic water pipe and the brash G7 flags discreetly put to one side so they did not spoil the view’s centrepiece – Meloni herself.

To her right was a large stone arch that acts as the entranceway to Borgo Egnazia, the purpose-built “medieval” holiday complex giving celebrities an authentic sense of Puglia’s rural life, including a Michelin-starred restaurant, spas and wellness clinics.

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Match ID: 30 Score: 70.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

Within Labour’s manifesto lies the blueprint of a different Britain. I hope it builds it | Zoe Williams
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:17:54 GMT

Keir Starmer showed genuine anger in Manchester. For all the criticism of his caution, I see welcome flashes of campaigning zeal

“We can stop the chaos, turn the page, and start to rebuild our country,” declares Labour’s manifesto. With faith in politics at an all-time low, why should that slogan be any more credible than “stop the boats”? How much better can the Labour party make Britain, when its combined tax and spending promises amount to only 0.2% of GDP? And yet I could not help myself thinking: I actually want this. I would love to rebuild the country. I would love it if food banks came to feel like a dark Tory nightmare. I would love not to lurch from one catastrophe to the next. Slogans feel different when you want them.

Labour’s manifesto looks like a catalogue from which you can buy multiple Keirs – 36 poses across a range of moods, running the gamut from “businesslike” to “serious”. He appeared on the Manchester podium, sleeves rolled up in echo of his core message: that he will roll his sleeves up. He is still engaged in a bit of left-baiting, repeating that this is a “changed Labour party”. When a protester interrupted, he said, “We gave up being a party of protest five years ago. We want to be a party of power.”

Zoe Williams is a Guardian columnist

Do you have an opinion on the issues raised in this article? If you would like to submit a response of up to 300 words by email to be considered for publication in our letters section, please click here.

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Match ID: 31 Score: 70.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

Does Labour’s manifesto deliver what the country needs? Our panel’s verdict
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:38:46 GMT

Our experts previously revealed what pledges they wanted to see from Keir Starmer in The manifesto Britain needs. Are they impressed by the real thing?

It’s a story of the good, the bad and the absent. There are some strong green policies in Labour’s manifesto. It will greatly increase investment in wind and solar power, block new licences for oil and gas fields, improve rail and bus networks and upgrade 5m homes. It will end the pointless badger cull, take action against polluting water companies and “expand nature-rich habitats”.

George Monbiot is a Guardian columnist

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Match ID: 32 Score: 70.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

Labour offering ‘austerity painted red’, says Plaid Cymru at manifesto launch
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:21:34 GMT

Party focuses on economy with founding goal of Welsh independence absent from leader’s opening remarks

Labour is offering “more austerity but painted red”, Plaid Cymru leaders have said as they launched the party’s manifesto.

Speaking in Cardiff, the Plaid Cymru Westminster leader and candidate for Dwyfor Meirionnydd, Liz Saville Roberts, said Labour was offering no “radical manifesto”.

Invest in the NHS and recruit 500 GPs.

Launch a new cancer strategy.

Increase child benefit by £20 a week.

Increase windfall taxes and devolve the crown estate.

Equalise capital gains tax with income tax, raising between £12bn and £15bn.

Investigate increasing higher earners’ national insurance contributions.

Support introducing a wealth tax.

Assume control of Wales’s natural resources, waters and land.

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Match ID: 33 Score: 70.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 conservatives

Farming is risky and vital – it needs to be on the next UK government’s priority list | Jay Rayner
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:00:21 GMT

Brexit border checks are just the latest hurdle placed before British farmers. Labour must do more to back our food producers

Just before the election was called, news broke of Sue Gray’s so-called “shit list”: an inventory compiled by the Labour leader’s chief of staff of the immediate challenges an incoming Labour government would face. They include the potential collapse of Thames Water, prison overcrowding and chronic-acute issues with the NHS. One challenge was notable for its absence: the very real risk of empty supermarket shelves. The fact is British agriculture is in crisis. Its absence from the list is not entirely surprising. Historically, Labour has been an urban party. At the 2019 election it won just three of the 100 most rural seats. It has never quite grasped the importance or complexities of agriculture and the food supply chain.

That said, the Tories won 96 of those 100 seats, have many farmer MPs and have still made a bloody mess of it. The first challenge they will bequeath to Labour, should it win, involves untying the tangled knot around imports and exports. The confused introduction of hyper-bureaucratic and horrendously expensive border checks is the result of hardcore Brexit ideology. Boris Johnson could have negotiated alignment with the EU on food standards and animal welfare. Then we would simply be doing internal checks as before, and trade would flow freely.

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Match ID: 34 Score: 70.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 conservatives

For the first time since Jan. 6, Trump comes to Capitol Hill
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:00:39 +0000
The ex-president’s off-campus visits Thursday with congressional Republicans mark his first foray to Capitol Hill since he was in office and since his supporters attacked Congress.
Match ID: 35 Score: 70.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics, 10.00 congress

Labour takes on the SNP in Scotland - podcast
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 02:00:13 GMT

In the 2019 general election, Labour won just one of Scotland’s 59 parliamentary seats. Can it turn around its Scottish fortunes? Libby Brooks reports

“A really typical doorstep conservation will involve someone saying: ‘I’m just completely scunnered, can you do what you can to get them out?’” Kirsty McNeill, the Labour candidate for Midlothian, tells the Guardian’s Scotland correspondent Libby Brooks.

“Then I’ll have to clarify: ‘Do you mean them up the road or them down the road?’ And then they’ll say: ‘Actually we feel horribly let down by both.’”

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Match ID: 36 Score: 70.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 executive

Trump, seeking to show unity, to meet with GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 22:11:29 +0000
It will be Trump’s first public visit to Capitol Hill since the Jan. 6 insurrection and his first meetings with congressional Republicans since his conviction.
Match ID: 37 Score: 70.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics, 10.00 congress

Biden heads to Italy to meet with nervous G-7 allies
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:57:19 +0000
Live updates from the 2024 campaign trail, with the latest news on presidential candidates, polls, primaries and more.
Match ID: 38 Score: 70.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

Analysis: Special elections give a sense of House results — but not presidential
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 19:47:41 +0000

Match ID: 39 Score: 70.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

Special elections give a sense of House results — but not presidential
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 19:21:45 +0000
Data compiled by DailyKos suggests that special election shifts give a good sense of how House voting will go. That’s less true of presidential results.
Match ID: 40 Score: 70.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

Election Extra: damage limitation – podcast
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:45:12 GMT

Have the Conservatives switched their election strategy to simply limiting losses? Archie Bland reports

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Match ID: 41 Score: 70.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 conservatives

A January 6 Rioter Is Leading an Armed National Militia From Prison
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:30:00 +0000
As the US election approaches, Edward “Jake” Lang says that the militia will focus on potential “civil unrest” around the vote and will be ready to activate at a moment’s notice.
Match ID: 42 Score: 70.00 source: www.wired.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

Nottingham East voters: tell us which issues will decide this election
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:22:10 GMT

The Guardian is reporting from the constituency of Nottingham East to find out what issues people there care about most – and we want your help

The Guardian will be reporting from Nottingham East ahead of the general election. This will be part of a series of pieces from across the country focused on finding out what matters most to the people who live there.

If you live in the constituency of Nottingham East, can you tell us what will decide your vote? We’d like to understand the big issues facing you and your family and which policies matter to you. How happy are you with the state of housing, work, public transport, local facilities for young people, policing and health services? What local issues should we be looking at?

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Match ID: 43 Score: 70.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

Using AI for Political Polling

Public polling is a critical function of modern political campaigns and movements, but it isn’t what it once was. Recent US election cycles have produced copious postmortems explaining both the successes and the flaws of public polling. There are two main reasons polling fails.

First, nonresponse has skyrocketed. It’s radically harder to reach people than it used to be. Few people fill out surveys that come in the mail anymore. Few people answer their phone when a stranger calls. Pew Research reported that 36% of the people they called in 1997 would talk to them, but only 6% by 2018. Pollsters worldwide have faced similar challenges...

Match ID: 44 Score: 70.00 source: www.schneier.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

An AI Bot Is (Sort of) Running for Mayor in Wyoming
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:00:00 +0000
Wyoming’s secretary of state wants the county to reject its candidacy, but the AI bot’s human “meat puppet” says everything is in order.
Match ID: 45 Score: 70.00 source: www.wired.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

Trump’s potential return hangs over gathering of Western leaders
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:37:55 +0000
At a Group of Seven summit in Italy, far-right gains in European elections also loom large.
Match ID: 46 Score: 70.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

Mace survives primary challenge in South Carolina
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:35:14 +0000
Live updates from the 2024 campaign trail, with the latest news on presidential candidates, polls, primaries and more.
Match ID: 47 Score: 70.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

In South Carolina’s 3rd District, no Republican received a majority of votes in the party’s congressional...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:26:36 +0000

Match ID: 48 Score: 70.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics, 10.00 congress

Businessman Michael B. Moore is projected to win the Democratic primary for South Carolina’s 1st Congressional...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:20:32 +0000

Match ID: 49 Score: 70.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 30.00 democrat, 10.00 congress

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) is projected to win the Republican primary for South Carolina’s 1st Congressional...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:42:20 +0000

Match ID: 50 Score: 70.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics, 10.00 congress

There’s an AI Candidate Running for Parliament in the UK
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 14:19:04 +0000
If it wins, “AI Steve” will be represented by businessman Steve Endacott in Parliament. Endacott says he’ll merely be a conduit, and the AI will make the policy decisions.
Match ID: 51 Score: 70.00 source: www.wired.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

How Britain became a food bank nation
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 08:58:20 GMT

In the first instalment of a special series on the emblems of Tory Britain, the former prime minister Gordon Brown looks at the avoidable epidemic of hunger – which is getting worse

In Leeds, a child fails to turn up at school because she and her mother are sharing her family’s one and only pair of shoes. In Liverpool, one of two brothers turns up for football training each week because they are sharing the one pair of football boots the family can afford.

In Swansea, a girl is bullied at school by her classmates because she has no trainers at all. In Wigan town centre, another teenage schoolgirl is found walking alone on a Saturday afternoon wearing her school uniform and explains that these hand-me-down garments given to her by a teacher are the only clothes she has.

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Match ID: 52 Score: 70.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election, 15.00 conservatives

Former president Donald Trump delivered remarks following a meeting with Republican senators.
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:51:05 +0000

Match ID: 53 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics

House Republicans describe a cheerful, boastful Trump in morning meeting
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:50:46 +0000

Match ID: 54 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics

During his meeting with House Republicans, Donald Trump — who has repeatedly attacked the Justice Department...
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:20:14 +0000

Match ID: 55 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics

Republicans introduce bill to ban federal DEI programs
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:11:58 +0000
The measure backed by several GOP lawmakers would also halt federal funding for agencies, schools and other organizations that have DEI policies.
Match ID: 56 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics

Donald Trump is currently meeting with Senate Republicans at the office of the National Republican Senatorial...
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:52:21 +0000

Match ID: 57 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics

Condemnation before cause: The House GOP lashes out once again
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:51:16 +0000
A sort of Trump in microcosm, the caucus keeps using its power against political opponents on transparently thin pretexts.
Match ID: 58 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics

G-7 leaders agree to deal to tap frozen Russian assets for Ukraine
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:19:20 +0000
Biden will also sign a security pact with Ukraine as democratic leaders aim to signal strong support for the country.
Match ID: 59 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 30.00 democrat

Former president Donald Trump told House Republicans during their meeting on Capitol Hill that he’s expanding...
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:14:23 +0000

Match ID: 60 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics

Trump seeks to lock arms with Hill Republicans on politics and policy
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:45:04 +0000

Match ID: 61 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics

Culture wars spark again as House weighs massive defense policy bill
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 23:55:40 +0000
Far-right Republicans are working to load the $895.3 billion NDAA with provisions targeting abortion, aid for Ukraine and Gaza, and border security.
Match ID: 62 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics

In Nevada Senate race, Democrats turn to a battle-tested abortion message
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:30:20 +0000

Match ID: 63 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 30.00 democrat

Will Republicans hold Garland in contempt?
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:59:31 +0000

Match ID: 64 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics

Some abortion opponents worry about Trump’s Republican platform rewrite
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 12:36:03 +0000

Match ID: 65 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics

Sam Brown wins Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Nevada primary
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:15:01 +0000

Match ID: 66 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) declared victory Tuesday night in her hard-fought primary race against two Republicans,...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:12:28 +0000

Match ID: 67 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics

State Rep. Austin Theriault won the Republican primary in the race for Maine’s 2nd District, the...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:55:48 +0000

Match ID: 68 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 republican, 30.00 politics

US Leaders Dodge Questions About Israel’s Influence Campaign
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 16:13:26 +0000
Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries has joined US intelligence officials in ignoring repeated inquiries about Israel’s “malign” efforts to covertly influence US voters.
Match ID: 69 Score: 60.00 source: www.wired.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 30.00 democrat

UK voters: how is the election playing out in your WhatsApp groups?
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 11:41:32 GMT

We would like to hear how people are experiencing the UK election through the WhatsApp group you share with your family or friends

The Guardian is trying to understand how people are consuming news during the general election – and the role that WhatsApp is playing.

How are you experiencing the election through the messaging app? Has your family or friends WhatsApp groups being overrun by politics? Are you mainly in agreement or are your friendships being tested by political bickering in your group chat? Are you being overwhelmed with memes and video clips?

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Match ID: 70 Score: 60.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 25.71 politics, 21.43 election, 12.86 elections

Who’s the man behind the manifesto? Meet Labour’s policy director
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:38:51 GMT

Quiet, unshowy Ravinder Athwal joined Labour in 2020 from the Treasury, where he worked under Rishi Sunak

For one softly spoken, little-known member of Keir Starmer’s team, it was their chance to shine. Since February the former Treasury economist Ravinder Athwal has been diligently putting together the 136-page Labour manifesto – a lengthy and occasionally fraught process that has put him at the centre of the party’s competing factions.

Athwal, a Cambridge economics graduate, joined Labour in 2020 from his previous job as head of growth strategy at the Treasury, where he worked under the then chancellor, Rishi Sunak. Though he was brought in to head up Labour’s economic policy formation, he impressed so quickly that he was soon promoted to being director of policy and in charge of writing the document that could propel his party to power.

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Match ID: 71 Score: 55.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election

Election poll tracker: How do the parties compare?
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:54:10 GMT
How do people say they will vote in the UK general election? Our poll tracker measures the trends.
Match ID: 72 Score: 55.00 source: www.bbc.co.uk age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election

All roads lead to Rome as Albanese and Dutton stress-test their pre-election pitches | Karen Middleton
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:33:56 GMT

The policy discourse has shrivelled to its political core, where every soundbite becomes both an attack and a defence – and it’s just the beginning

Policy debate between the prime minister and opposition leader has become a version of “all roads lead to Rome”.

There’s a political dimension to every policy proposal, but the public discourse on ideas for change has shrivelled to its political core over the past week or so.

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Match ID: 73 Score: 55.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election

Election Extra: Labour’s plan - podcast
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:24:02 GMT

Labour published its manifesto today with no surprise announcements. But is it the whole story of the party’s plan for government? Heather Stewart reports

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Match ID: 74 Score: 55.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election

Queensland Labor shelves reforms to stop faith-based schools discriminating against gay teachers
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:00:25 GMT

Exclusive: Disabled people, DV victims also at risk after broken promise to pass new anti-discrimination laws, advocates say

The Queensland government will renege on its promise to pass new anti-discrimination laws before the October state election – a move advocates say will leave women fleeing domestic violence, people with disabilities and members the LGBTQ+ community at risk.

Guardian Australia revealed on Monday that the state government was considering watering down reforms proposed by a review of the 33-year-old act.

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Match ID: 75 Score: 55.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election

Analysis: Data privacy is on the ballot this election
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:00:34 +0000

Match ID: 76 Score: 55.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election

The right takes a Biden-laptop victory lap around an empty arena
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:08:45 +0000
The issue was always whether the material was part of a foreign effort to influence the election — as had occurred four years before.
Match ID: 77 Score: 55.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election

Three national senior citizens groups have endorsed President Biden for reelection, his campaign announced Wednesday.
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 12:12:28 +0000

Match ID: 78 Score: 55.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 25.00 election

‘Indian democracy fought back’: Modi humbled as opposition gains ground
Sun, 09 Jun 2024 10:08:10 GMT

Campaigners say election shows rejection of ‘hate politics’ after marginalised groups vote to deny BJP a majority

It was widely described as the week that India’s beleaguered democracy was pulled back from the brink. As the election results rolled in on Tuesday, all predictions and polls were defied as Narendra Modi lost his outright majority for the first time in a decade while the opposition re-emerged as a legitimate political force. On Sunday evening, Modi will be sworn in as prime minister yet many believe his power and mandate stands diminished.

For one opposition politician in particular, the humbling of the strongman prime minister was a moment to savour. Late last year, Mahua Moitra, one of the most outspoken critics of Modi and his Bharatiya Janata party (BJP), found herself unceremoniously expelled from parliament and kicked out of her bungalow, after what she described as a “political witch-hunt” for daring to stand up to Modi.

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Match ID: 79 Score: 50.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 21.43 politics, 17.86 election, 10.71 elections

Peter Dutton wants a social media ban for children. But would ‘real life’ rules work?
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:00:24 GMT

The opposition leader’s announcement that age-verification would be a Coalition government priority is a big promise that technology may not be able to fulfil

Both the federal government and opposition say they are on board with the idea to ban teens under 16 from using social media, but the prime minister set an important qualifier on Thursday when he said he would support such a ban “if it can be effective”.

Guardian Essential poll last week found two-thirds of voters were in favour of raising the age teens can access social media from the 13 that the companies have set themselves up to 16.

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Match ID: 80 Score: 50.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 20.00 federal government

Why government debt is not like household borrowing
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:40:08 GMT

Senior economists have complained to BBC about Laura Kuenssberg comparing Whitehall spending to taking out a credit card

Politicians have often struggled to explain how governments borrow money to fund their spending. The implications of higher or lower borrowing are also difficult to assess when the figures run into hundreds of billions of pounds. The temptation is to simplify the arguments by comparing the nation’s finances to a household budget or a credit card. Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves has talked about the Conservatives “maxing out the credit card”, and Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak have also used the analogy.

But is it a fair comparison? A group of senior economists think not. They have complained to the BBC about one of its political journalists, Laura Kuenssberg, giving podcast listeners the wrong impression by using the household finances analogy when comparing day-to-day government spending with longer-term capital expenditure.

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Match ID: 81 Score: 45.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 15.00 conservatives

Biden’s Executive Order on Immigration and the Politically “Toxic” Puzzle of the Border
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 02:00:00 +0000
After a bipartisan immigration bill failed in the Senate, the President went out on his own with an even stricter policy. Is immigration inevitably a losing battle for the Democrats?
Match ID: 82 Score: 45.00 source: www.newyorker.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 democrat, 15.00 executive

A candidate for the South Carolina state legislature who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6,...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 12:55:29 +0000

Match ID: 83 Score: 45.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 15.00 legislature

With opponent’s withdrawal, Del. state senator moves closer to Congress
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:02:12 +0000

Match ID: 84 Score: 40.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 10.00 congress

‘All eyes are on her’: Italy’s far-right chameleon, Giorgia Meloni, prepares to host the G7
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 18:02:38 GMT

The Italian leader, hardline at home and moderate abroad, is in a powerful position after the European elections

When Giorgia Meloni met Joe Biden at the White House in March, he played Ray Charles’s Georgia on My Mind as she entered the room. “We have each other’s backs,” he later told reporters, before planting a tender kiss on her forehead as the meeting wrapped up.

The cosy get-together was the clearest sign yet that the Italian prime minister, a chameleon of a communicator, had been able to cultivate warm relations with the US president, who had previously expressed concerns about her Brothers of Italy party’s neofascist history.

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Match ID: 85 Score: 40.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

Macron defends decision to call elections, slams possible alliance on the right
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:32:56 +0000
French President Emmanuel Macron said he hears people’s anger — and thinks they will vote for his political bloc anyway.
Match ID: 86 Score: 40.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 election, 15.00 elections

North Dakota passes measure to limit age of congressional candidates
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:45:25 +0000

Match ID: 87 Score: 40.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics, 10.00 congress

What’s Behind Joe Biden’s Harsh New Executive Order on Immigration?
Sat, 08 Jun 2024 18:57:27 +0000
Neither the declining number of border arrivals nor the intransigence of congressional Republicans has improved the President’s standing on the issue.
Match ID: 88 Score: 39.29 source: www.newyorker.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 21.43 republican, 10.71 executive, 7.14 congress

EU elections fallout: a shock snap vote, resignations and the far right – video report
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 16:36:36 GMT

Emmanuel Macron stunned politicians and the public by announcing a snap general election after the far-right National Rally party won about 32% of the French vote. But it wasn’t just in France that the far right was celebrating. In Germany and Austria, parties on the populist right made stunning gains. Despite that, the pro-European centre appeared to have held in a set of results likely to complicate EU lawmaking

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Match ID: 89 Score: 34.29 source: www.theguardian.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 21.43 election, 12.86 elections

Supreme Court rejects attempt to trademark ‘Trump Too Small’
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:51:10 +0000
The Biden administration asked the justices to uphold the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s decision to deny the patent application from attorney Steve Elster
Match ID: 90 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

According to people in the room for the House GOP meeting with Donald Trump — who...
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:30:57 +0000

Match ID: 91 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

‘Gensler will be gone.’ Here’s why Democrats are getting on board the crypto train.
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:06:00 GMT
Former Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan says crypto is gaining traction in his party.
Match ID: 92 Score: 30.00 source: www.marketwatch.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 democrat

As Trump visits Capitol Hill, Biden campaign sends reminders of Jan. 6
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:05:21 +0000

Match ID: 93 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Supreme Court upholds broad access to key abortion pill mifepristone
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:54:21 +0000
Ever since the high court eliminated the right to abortion in 2022, medications to terminate pregnancy have grown in importance and been challenged in court.
Match ID: 94 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Some GOP lawmakers wary of Trump offer to help with tele-town halls
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:31:11 +0000

Match ID: 95 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Having locked up actual miners, Trump tries to woo bitcoin ones
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:30:50 +0000
The focus, added to his stump speech this year, is likely more of a response to shifts in support than a driver of it.
Match ID: 96 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Fetterman had speeding tickets, distracted driving episodes before car crash
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:26:51 +0000
Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) was at fault for a Sunday morning auto accident in western Maryland, where he was speeding before rear-ending another driver, a 62-year old woman, who was taken to the hospital, according to a Maryland State Police report.
Match ID: 97 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Thompson rips first Trump return to Capitol Hill since Jan. 6
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:06:48 +0000

Match ID: 98 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

House GOP leaders say they remain unified behind Trump after meeting
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:49:05 +0000

Match ID: 99 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Biden presses to keep reproductive rights in G-7 agreement
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:44:55 +0000
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni sought to eliminate a statement in the communiqué backing abortion rights.
Match ID: 100 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

The biggest 2024 Supreme Court rulings so far, and what’s still to come
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:22:14 +0000
We’re tracking decisions in the biggest cases before the Supreme Court in 2024. See the latest.
Match ID: 101 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Environmental groups apply to take Tanya Plibersek to high court over coalmine approvals
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:00:26 GMT

Minister should have assessed climate damage that would be caused by two large developments, advocates say

Conservationists will ask the high court to examine whether the environment minister, Tanya Plibersek, should have assessed the climate damage that would be caused by two large coalmine developments.

The Environment Council of Central Queensland has sought special leave in Australia’s highest court to appeal against the federal court’s dismissal of what is known as the Living Wonders case.

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Match ID: 102 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Here’s what the Christian right wants from a second Trump term
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:47:24 +0000

Match ID: 103 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Supreme Court Upholds Access to Abortion Pill in Unanimous Vote
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:28:51 +0000
The biggest battle over abortion rights since Roe v. Wade is over for now—and the Supreme Court has averted a major crisis for reproductive health care.
Match ID: 104 Score: 30.00 source: www.wired.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Supreme Court retains full access to key abortion medication mifepristone
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:23:49 +0000

Match ID: 105 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Daily Cartoon: Thursday, June 13th
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:20:15 +0000
“Democratic hit job.”
Match ID: 106 Score: 30.00 source: www.newyorker.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 democrat

In Trump’s orbit, some muse about mandatory military service
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:55:22 +0000
Only 1 percent of the U.S. population serves in the military. Some in Donald Trump’s camp say it’s time more young adults put “some skin in the game.”
Match ID: 107 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Former president Donald Trump has arrived at the Capitol Hill Club, where he’ll meet with House...
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:39:42 +0000

Match ID: 108 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Former president Donald Trump is expected to arrive shortly at the Capitol Hill Club, a few...
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:21:25 +0000

Match ID: 109 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Analysis: Trump’s trip to the Hill highlights endorsement split
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:09:37 +0000

Match ID: 110 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

While President Biden is in Italy for the G-7 meeting, first lady Jill Biden is spending...
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:50:45 +0000

Match ID: 111 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Analysis: Trump returning to Capitol Hill for the first time since Jan. 6
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:38:53 +0000

Match ID: 112 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Trump to meet with high-profile CEOs while in Washington
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:17:07 +0000

Match ID: 113 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Senate to vote on legislation to protect in vitro fertilization
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:03:25 +0000

Match ID: 114 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Biden campaign releases ad ahead of Trump’s visit to the Capitol
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:39:18 +0000

Match ID: 115 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Dining across the divide: ‘He came in wearing a red beret. I thought: this is going to be very intense’
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:30:19 GMT

They wrestled with communism and capitalism, taxes and Brexit – and still ended up swapping numbers

Elijah, 36, Gloucester

Occupation Teacher at a small independent school

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Match ID: 116 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

A Billionaire Has a Plan to Save the Internet—Buying TikTok Is the Next Step
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:30:00 +0000
Frank McCourt, the real estate mogul and former LA Dodgers owner, wants to go all in on the Decentralized Social Networking Protocol.
Match ID: 117 Score: 30.00 source: www.wired.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Protesters expected to be moved away from park near GOP convention
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:20:08 +0000

Match ID: 118 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Dutch lorry drivers could stop bringing goods to UK if post-Brexit delays not cut
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:01:17 GMT

Dutch hauliers say facilities at border posts where some trucks are held for up to 20 hours are inadequate

Lorry drivers could start rejecting jobs transporting goods from continental Europe to the UK unless delays are reduced and driver conditions improved at post-Brexit border posts, the biggest trade body for Dutch hauliers has warned.

Transport en Logistiek Nederland (TLN), which represents 5,000 Dutch transport companies, said its members were facing average waits of more than four hours in Britain because of the new checks brought in after the UK’s exit from the EU, with some being held at border posts for up to 20 hours.

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Match ID: 119 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Gen Z influencers who supported Biden in 2020 turn against him
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:00:31 +0000

Match ID: 120 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

ChatGPT is coming to your iPhone. These are the four reasons why it’s happening far too early | Chris Stokel-Walker
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:00:20 GMT

The AI’s errors can still be comical and catastrophic. Do we really want this technology to be in so many pockets?

Tech watchers and nerds like me get excited by tools such as ChatGPT. They look set to improve our lives in many ways – and hopefully augment our jobs rather than replace them.

But in general, the public hasn’t been so enamoured of the AI “revolution”. Make no mistake: artificial intelligence will have a transformative effect on how we live and work – it is already being used to draft legal letters and analyse lung-cancer scans. ChatGPT was also the fastest-growing app in history after it was released. That said, four in 10 Britons haven’t heard of ChatGPT, according to a recent survey by the University of Oxford, and only 9% use it weekly or more frequently.

Chris Stokel-Walker is the author of How AI Ate the World, which was published last month

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Match ID: 121 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Fulton County prosecutors ask Georgia court to dismiss Trump appeal
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:30:40 +0000

Match ID: 122 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Biden, Zelensky to sign 10-year U.S.-Ukraine security deal at G-7 summit
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:15:06 +0000

Match ID: 123 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Rightwing media decried Trump’s trial. What about Hunter Biden’s?
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:00:18 GMT

Trump’s was a ‘made-up charge’, while Hunter Biden was ‘convicted of a real crime’, conservative commentators say

Two weeks, two big trials, two convictions. After Donald Trump was found guilty of falsifying business records at the end of last month, Hunter Biden, son of Joe, was convicted on Tuesday of buying and owning a gun while being a user of crack cocaine.

The rightwing media had howled in anguish when a jury ruled that the former US president was guilty of 34 felony charges: commentators claiming that the justice system was rigged, that the conviction was political persecution, and that Joe Biden had wielded undue influence in Trump being prosecuted.

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Match ID: 124 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Dirty waters: how the Environment Agency lost its way
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 04:00:20 GMT

Having created a watchdog for the environment, the government took its teeth out and muzzled it. Can public outrage rouse the Environment Agency to action?

When Helen Nightingale joined the National Rivers Authority, the predecessor to the Environment Agency, in 1991, she thought of her work as a calling. She had been fascinated by nature since she was a child, when she used to poke around in the earth on her father’s allotment, looking for worms and beetles. In her job, Nightingale spent most of her time walking along the rivers in Lancashire and Merseyside, taking water samples and testing oxygen levels. She was responsible for protecting rivers, and she often learned about sewage and pesticide pollution from members of the public who called a dedicated hotline. “They’d phone you up and say, ‘There’s something wrong.’ And you would go out straight away,” she recalled. “You stood a much better chance of figuring out what was wrong if you could get there quickly.”

Nightingale, who has a Lancastrian accent and curly blond hair, investigated pollution like a hard-nosed police detective inspecting a crime scene. She would visit dairy farms, industrial estates and sewage treatment plants, dressed in a raincoat and boots with steel toe caps, and usually started with the same question: “Can I look at your drains?” The work was demanding, and the pay, when Nightingale started, was just £9,500 a year (the UK average at the time was around £12,000), but she was proud to be protecting the environment. “It was a dream job,” she told me. “If we sat in the office, our boss would say, ‘Why are you here? Go out and look at something.’”

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Match ID: 125 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Ames Research Center Democratizes Space Biosciences Research with First Commercial Astronaut Data
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 23:40:03 +0000
Background: To protect astronauts from spaceflight health risks like solar radiation and microgravity, scientists develop countermeasures by studying model organisms exposed to the space environment. For the first time, commercial astronaut data from the Inspiration4 (I4) mission has been collected for open-access research in an effort led by Weill Cornell Medicine. ARC’s Open Science Data […]
Match ID: 126 Score: 30.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 democrat

Analysis: The incredible low-information voter
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:57:19 +0000

Match ID: 127 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Trump defense formally asks N.Y. judge to terminate gag order
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:55:40 +0000
The former president’s attorneys argued in a 21-page motion made public on Wednesday that Trump must be able to speak freely as a presidential debate nears and as his rivals discuss his legal issues during a peak time in his 2024 campaign.
Match ID: 128 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Hillary Clinton endorses Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s primary challenger
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:33:25 +0000

Match ID: 129 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

The incredible low-information voter
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:18:07 +0000
How much are Americans paying attention to politics? This little.
Match ID: 130 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

McConnell defends Trump support ahead of Senate GOP meeting
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 20:33:20 +0000

Match ID: 131 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Trump leads Biden in Arizona, new poll finds
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 19:12:13 +0000

Match ID: 132 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Biden campaign mocks Trump for not holding events on Wednesday
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 18:50:31 +0000

Match ID: 133 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

On Thursday, Donald Trump will make his first public visit to Capitol Hill since the Jan....
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 18:29:54 +0000

Match ID: 134 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Rep. Don Bacon touts vote for insulin cap that didn’t become law
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:58:23 +0000

Match ID: 135 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Global poll finds Biden more popular than Trump
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:00:34 +0000

Match ID: 136 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Harris to visit battleground state of North Carolina
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:20:00 +0000

Match ID: 137 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Poll: Biden, Trump about even in Pennsylvania
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:00:57 +0000

Match ID: 138 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Catherine Templeton, the primary challenger whom Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) defeated Tuesday in a closely watched...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:20:25 +0000

Match ID: 139 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Poll: Plurality backs Biden immigration order — but also says it isn’t tough enough
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:03:14 +0000

Match ID: 140 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

How government scientists aim to limit Trump’s control over research if he wins
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:48:29 +0000

Match ID: 141 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Biden welcomes ‘progress’ on inflation but says ‘prices are still too high’
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:23:47 +0000

Match ID: 142 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

U.S. politics weigh on Western leaders ahead of G-7
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:34:34 +0000

Match ID: 143 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

The Fed has made major progress since inflation peaked two years ago at 9.1 percent, and...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:13:09 +0000

Match ID: 144 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Analysis: Two would-be Freedom Caucus members lose primaries
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:00:31 +0000

Match ID: 145 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Analysis: What the Hunter Biden verdict means for 2024 — or doesn’t
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:45:38 +0000

Match ID: 146 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Rep. Nancy Mace survives challenger backed by Kevin McCarthy
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:30:48 +0000

Match ID: 147 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Hunter Biden’s trial pulled back curtain on family’s dark moments
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
The Bidens have repeatedly sought to come together. Tragic events and internal divisions have pulled them apart.
Match ID: 148 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Panda diplomacy: Chinese premier Li Qiang could announce two new rare bears for Australia during state visit
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 07:41:42 GMT

Wang Wang and Fu Ni have not conceived during more than a decade at Adelaide Zoo, sparking speculation they may be replaced

Australia’s giant pandas – having failed to breed – could be swapped for a new pair.

Chinese premier Li Qiang is expected to make an announcement about the future of the rare bears when he visits South Australia on the weekend.

Sign up for Guardian Australia’s free morning and afternoon email newsletters for your daily news roundup

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Match ID: 149 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Labour launches 'wealth creation' manifesto as Sunak makes tax rise attack
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 04:04:22 GMT
Keir Starmer says wealth creation is the "number one" priority - but Rishi Sunak says "if you think they’ll win, start saving".
Match ID: 150 Score: 30.00 source: www.bbc.co.uk age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Supreme Court’s South Carolina ruling boosts GOP, with national implications
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:30:18 +0000

Match ID: 151 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Nevada voters to pick GOP nominees in battleground races
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:09:48 +0000

Match ID: 152 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Polls close at 8 p.m. Eastern in Maine. Follow the full results as they come in...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:34 +0000

Match ID: 153 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 politics

Will Gaza cost Labour votes in east London? The view from Ilford – video
Fri, 07 Jun 2024 08:38:22 GMT

In the run-up to July's election, the Guardian video team will be touring the UK looking at the issues that matter to voters. In a week when an attack on a refugee camp in Rafah and the Labour party's treatment of Diane Abbott and Faiza Shaheen dominated the headlines, we spoke to voters in Ilford – North and South – who were protesting locally about Gaza. We asked whether these issues would make a difference to how they vote in the election, met canvassers getting behind independent candidates, and spoke to business owners about their political priorities

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Match ID: 154 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 6 days
qualifiers: 12.86 politics, 10.71 election, 6.43 conservatives

U.K.’s Keir Starmer tones down the socialism in ‘changed Labour Party’
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:44:25 +0000
Labour leader Keir Starmer effectively announced Thursday that the old Labour Party in Britain is gone, in releasing his platform for the upcoming election.
Match ID: 155 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 election

A quick take on the Plaid Cymru manifesto
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:19:09 GMT
The party has called for "fair" funding for Wales in its manifesto for the election.
Match ID: 156 Score: 25.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 election

Biden’s small-business boom may undercut Trump’s polling edge on economy
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:01:00 GMT
Entrepreneurship is nothing short of a civic religion in America, and so it’s no wonder that President Joe Biden’s administration is loudly touting a recent surge in the formation of new businesses ahead of November’s election.
Match ID: 157 Score: 25.00 source: www.marketwatch.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 election

Senior Tory admits party errors ahead of election
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:19:49 GMT
The Welsh secretary says "error of judgement" by Rishi Sunak and his former aide Craig Williams has contributed to a "difficult" campaign.
Match ID: 158 Score: 25.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 election

Tory candidate tells BBC election bet was 'huge error of judgement'
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 15:52:43 GMT
Craig Williams says he "placed a flutter" on the general election and the Gambling Commission were making inquiries.
Match ID: 159 Score: 25.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 election

Balloon battles, raging bulls and a shark at large in Paris - take the Thursday quiz
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:00:17 GMT

Questions on general knowledge and topical trivia, plus a few jokes, every Thursday. How will you fare?

With a UK general election campaign in full swing, and with Emmanuel Macron calling a snap vote in France, you will be pleased to know that this week’s election question features Belgium. Your challenge overall is to answer 15 questions on topical news and general knowledge, with a smattering of in-jokes included. There are no prizes, but let us know how you get on in the comments, where you can earn bonus points by being funny or spotting tenuous links to children’s teatime favourite Doctor Who. Enjoy!

The Thursday quiz, No 164

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Match ID: 160 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 election

How could global turmoil affect the election in Scotland?
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 05:06:40 GMT
A lot has happened in the five years since the United Kingdom last went to the polls in a general election.
Match ID: 161 Score: 25.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 election

Continuing coverage of the 2024 general election campaign
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 05:04:30 GMT
Continuing coverage of the 2024 General Election Campaign, from BBC News
Match ID: 162 Score: 25.00 source: www.bbc.co.uk age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 election

Italy's Meloni basks in G7 limelight with Western leaders
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 02:47:07 GMT
PM Giorgia Meloni will welcome other world leaders to Puglia after election success for her party.
Match ID: 163 Score: 25.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 election

Electioncast: Sunak v Starmer (part two)
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 22:19:00 GMT
And the Green Party launch their manifesto
Match ID: 164 Score: 25.00 source: www.bbc.co.uk age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 election

Crime here is hurting, whatever the statistics say
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:03:32 GMT
In some areas, getting a grip on crime is a major election issue.
Match ID: 165 Score: 25.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 election

Nigel Farage hopes this Brexit town will finally elect him to Parliament
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 09:33:23 +0000
On his eighth try to become a U.K. lawmaker, anti-immigration campaigner Nigel Farage is running in a struggling town that voted to leave the European Union.
Match ID: 166 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 election

Narendra Modi sworn in for third term as prime minister of India
Sun, 09 Jun 2024 15:21:08 GMT

Modi becomes second leader in Indian history to win three consecutive terms, but opposition leaders snub ceremony

Narendra Modi has been sworn in as prime minister of India for a historic third term, ushering in a new era of coalition politics for India’s strongman leader.

The ceremony, which took place at the presidential palace on Sunday evening, marked Modi’s return to power, only the second leader in India’s history to win three consecutive terms.

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Match ID: 167 Score: 21.43 source: www.theguardian.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 21.43 politics

Migrant workers ‘fear for their safety’ after deaths on Diego Garcia
Sun, 09 Jun 2024 08:00:12 GMT

Workers for US defence contractor KBR concerned after colleagues die on island with no hospital-grade health facility

Migrant workers employed by the US defence contractor KBR on the British-owned island of Diego Garcia have expressed concerns for their safety after the recent deaths of two of their colleagues, the Observer has learned.

The most recent death on Diego Garcia, which is host to a strategic American military base in the British Indian Ocean Territory, came on 5 January. Relemay Fabula Gan, 41, from the Philippines, died after suffering a collapsed lung following several weeks of illness after a Covid diagnosis, her family said.

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Match ID: 168 Score: 21.43 source: www.theguardian.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 21.43 politics

Who can I vote for in the general election?
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 14:53:49 GMT
Find out which constituency you are in, who you can vote for and where you can vote using our postcode search.
Match ID: 169 Score: 21.43 source: www.bbc.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 21.43 election

How I’m approaching my party leader interviews
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 12:37:23 GMT
The BBC’s Nick Robinson explains how he is approaching his interviews with party leaders ahead of the UK general election.
Match ID: 170 Score: 21.43 source: www.bbc.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 21.43 election

Elon Musk says Tesla shareholders voting to back $45bn pay deal
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:48:30 GMT

Electric carmaker’s CEO faces crunch vote before its AGM over biggest pay package in US corporate history

Elon Musk has claimed Tesla shareholders are voting by a wide margin to approve a compensation package for him worth about $45bn (£35bn) in the run-up to the electric carmaker’s crunch annual general meeting later on Thursday.

The pay package, which is the highest ever awarded to the chief executive of a US company, is subject to an investor ballot after it was thrown out by a US judge earlier this year. Shareholders will also vote on Musk’s proposal to move the legal base of the electric carmaker to Texas.

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Match ID: 171 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 executive

Love Island and looksmaxxing: how are male beauty standards changing? - podcast
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 04:00:20 GMT

As Love Island returns, Chanté Joseph speaks to former contestant Nas Majeed and Guardian writer Simon Usborne, about the increasing pressure to achieve the perfect male body

Archive: Tik Tok, ITV

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Match ID: 172 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 executive

Are cold and wet UK summers here to stay? - podcast
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 04:00:20 GMT

Here in the UK talking about the weather is already a national pastime, but this month the water-cooler weather chat has ramped up a notch as rain, grey skies and biting temperatures have put summer firmly on hold. Ian Sample talks to Matt Patterson, a postdoctoral research scientist in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Reading, to find out what’s causing the chilly weather, whether it’s really as unusual as it seems, and whether any sun is on the horizon for the UK

Find out more about what’s going on with the weather in First Edition

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Match ID: 173 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 executive

Kennedy Space Center Recipient of Presidential Federal Sustainability Award
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 23:35:37 +0000
KSC is the first NASA Center to offer workplace EV charging, setting the foundation for other NASA Centers. EV chargers are one way the KSC team is embracing the Executive Order goal for Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) by 2035. These charging stations greatly benefit KSC sustainability efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Within the first […]
Match ID: 174 Score: 15.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 executive

The Marshall Star for June 12, 2024
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:10:48 +0000
Shining Stars: Marshall Teams Support Successful Crew Flight Test By Wayne Smith From preparing for flight readiness, to providing day-of-launch support, to delivering a critical piece of replacement hardware, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center played an integral role in the agency’s crew flight test to the International Space Station. The Starliner spacecraft – NASA’s Boeing […]
Match ID: 175 Score: 15.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 executive

Remaining British judges urged to resign from Hong Kong’s top court
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:31:30 GMT

The three British judges still on territory’s top bench under pressure to quit after two others stepped down last week

Pressure is increasing on the last remaining British judges who sit in Hong Kong’s top court to resign, after two senior justices stepped down last week because of the “political situation” in the former British colony.

Jonathan Sumption and Lawrence Collins resigned as non-permanent overseas judges from Hong Kong’s court of final appeal on Thursday. Collins cited the “political situation in Hong Kong” in a brief statement about his departure.

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Match ID: 176 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 15.00 judiciary

Euro 2024 preview: Groups E and F … including Portugal – Football Weekly
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 04:00:15 GMT

Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Mark Langdon and Paul Watson to preview Groups E and F at Euro 2024

Rate, review, share on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Audioboom, Mixcloud, Acast and Stitcher, and join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and email.

On the podcast today: Belgium are the favourites in Group E and so many of their golden generation are still around, is this their last chance to win something? In that group with them are Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine whose presence at the tournament means so much more than just the football.

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Match ID: 177 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 15.00 executive

Stoke Space ignites its ambitious main engine for the first time
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 13:40:37 +0000
"This industry is going toward full reusability. To me, that is the inevitable end state."
Match ID: 178 Score: 15.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 15.00 executive

Inside Donald Trump’s hush-money trial: three key testimonies – video
Fri, 31 May 2024 02:35:05 GMT

Twelve jurors in New York have presented their fellow Americans with a simple question: are you willing to elect a convicted criminal to the White House?

On Thursday, Donald Trump was found guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records in a criminal hush-money scheme to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. The verdict makes him the first president, current or former, to be found guilty of felony crimes in the US's near 250-year history. Regardless, the conviction does not disqualify Trump as a presidential candidate or bar him from again sitting in the Oval Office.

Trump, who opted not to take the stand during the trial, has denied wrongdoing, railed against the proceedings and ahead of the verdict compared himself to a saint: “Mother Teresa could not beat these charges. The charges are rigged,” he said on Wednesday. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, is expected to appeal the verdict.

The Guardian’s Sam Levine has been in court over the last several weeks covering all the developments – here are three testimonies he found most memorable. 

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Match ID: 179 Score: 12.14 source: www.theguardian.com age: 13 days
qualifiers: 4.29 republican, 4.29 politics, 3.57 election

How Donald Trump Could Weaponize US Surveillance in a Second Term
Mon, 03 Jun 2024 10:30:00 +0000
Donald Trump has vowed to go after political enemies, undocumented immigrants, and others if he wins. Experts warn he could easily turn the surveillance state against his targets.
Match ID: 180 Score: 10.00 source: www.wired.com age: 10 days
qualifiers: 4.29 politics, 3.57 election, 2.14 elections

AI-Generated Fake News Is Coming to an Election Near You
Mon, 22 Jan 2024 12:00:00 +0000
Targeted, AI-generated political misinformation is already out there—and humans are falling for it.
Match ID: 181 Score: 10.00 source: www.wired.com age: 143 days
qualifiers: 4.29 politics, 3.57 election, 2.14 elections

Apple Is Coming for Your Password Manager
Sat, 08 Jun 2024 10:30:00 +0000
Plus: A media executive is charged in an alleged money-laundering scheme, a ransomware attack disrupts care at London hospitals, and Google’s former CEO has a secretive drone project up his sleeve.
Match ID: 182 Score: 8.57 source: www.wired.com age: 5 days
qualifiers: 8.57 executive

The woman feeding Liverpool from an ice-cream van – video
Tue, 28 May 2024 09:47:52 GMT

Michelle Roach bought a used ice-cream van in order to bring cheap, affordable food to Liverpool's struggling communities. She wanted a vehicle with freezers built in for frozen food, and also something cheerful that was able to break down stigmas around food poverty. Using a '10 items for £5' model, Michelle sources discount food from supermarket surplus and donations.

The Guardian's Christopher Cherry follows Michelle and the van on its rounds, with the service struggling to meet overwhelming demand as the cost of living crisis deepens, and the UK's general election fast approaches.

Continue reading...
Match ID: 183 Score: 7.86 source: www.theguardian.com age: 16 days
qualifiers: 4.29 politics, 3.57 election

What the Rise of Far-Right Politics Says About the Economy in an Election Year
With voters taking to the polls in dozens of countries this year, could election outcomes lean conservative? Paula Rettl says a lack of social mobility and a sense of economic insecurity are some of the factors fueling far-right movements around the world.
Match ID: 184 Score: 7.86 source: hbswk.hbs.edu age: 23 days
qualifiers: 4.29 politics, 3.57 election

How to trade an election
Thu, 21 Mar 2024 11:10:12 +0000
It is becoming harder for investors to ignore politics
Match ID: 185 Score: 7.86 source: www.economist.com age: 84 days
qualifiers: 4.29 politics, 3.57 election

How to Lead an Army of Digital Sleuths in the Age of AI
Thu, 06 Jun 2024 07:00:00 +0000
Eliot Higgins and his 28,000 forensic foot soldiers at Bellingcat have kept a miraculous nose for truth—and a sharp sense of its limits—in Gaza, Ukraine, and everywhere else atrocities hide online.
Match ID: 186 Score: 7.14 source: www.wired.com age: 7 days
qualifiers: 7.14 election

The fake news divide: how Modi’s rule is fracturing India – video
Thu, 30 May 2024 09:31:48 GMT

Ahead of the election in India, the Guardian’s video team travelled through the country to explore how fake news and censorship might shape the outcome.

Almost one billion people are registered to vote. The country's prime minister, Narendra Modi, has been in power for more than 10 years, and his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) is seeking a third term.

But critics of Modi and the BJP say his government has become increasingly authoritarian, fracturing the country along religious lines and threatening India’s secular democracy. At the same time, the space for freedom of speech has been shrinking while disinformation and hate speech has exploded on social media.

Continue reading...
Match ID: 187 Score: 5.71 source: www.theguardian.com age: 14 days
qualifiers: 3.57 election, 2.14 elections

Online Privacy and Overfishing

Microsoft recently caught state-backed hackers using its generative AI tools to help with their attacks. In the security community, the immediate questions weren’t about how hackers were using the tools (that was utterly predictable), but about how Microsoft figured it out. The natural conclusion was that Microsoft was spying on its AI users, looking for harmful hackers at work.

Some pushed back at characterizing Microsoft’s actions as “spying.” Of course cloud service providers monitor what users are doing. And because we expect Microsoft to be doing something like this, it’s not fair to call it spying...

Match ID: 188 Score: 4.29 source: www.schneier.com age: 8 days
qualifiers: 4.29 democrat

A US Company Enabled a North Korean Scam That Raised Money for WMDs
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:30:00 +0000
Wyoming’s secretary of state has proposed ways of “preventing fraud and abuse of corporate filings by commercial registered agents” in the aftermath of the scheme’s exposure.
Match ID: 189 Score: 4.29 source: www.wired.com age: 8 days
qualifiers: 4.29 politics

NASA Teammates Recall Favorite Memories Aboard Flying Laboratory
Tue, 14 May 2024 15:00:00 +0000
After flying more than three decades and 158 science campaigns, just one flight remains. NASA’s DC-8 Airborne Science Laboratory will make its final flight May 15 to Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho, where it will be used to train future aircraft technicians by providing real-world experience in the college’s Aircraft Maintenance Technology Program. Before […]
Match ID: 190 Score: 4.29 source: www.nasa.gov age: 30 days
qualifiers: 4.29 democrat

NASA Licenses 3D-Printable Superalloy to Benefit US Economy
Thu, 09 May 2024 12:14:04 +0000
NASA’s investment in a breakthrough superalloy developed for the extreme temperatures and harsh conditions of air and spaceflight is on the threshold of paying commercial dividends. The agency is licensing its invention, dubbed “GRX-810,” to four American companies, a practice that benefits the United States economy as a return on investment of taxpayer dollars. GRX-810 […]
Match ID: 191 Score: 4.29 source: www.nasa.gov age: 35 days
qualifiers: 4.29 democrat

How American politics has infected investing
Sun, 21 Apr 2024 15:41:46 +0000
Beware: taking a stand can be expensive
Match ID: 192 Score: 4.29 source: www.economist.com age: 53 days
qualifiers: 4.29 politics

A Dangerous New Home for Online Extremism
Wed, 24 Jan 2024 12:00:00 +0000
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, or DAOs, offer independently-minded internet users a safe haven—but it’s also a boon to those with a darker purpose.
Match ID: 193 Score: 4.29 source: www.wired.com age: 141 days
qualifiers: 4.29 politics

Regulators Are Finally Catching Up With Big Tech
Fri, 12 Jan 2024 12:00:00 +0000
The lawless, Wild West era of AI and technology is almost at an end, as data protection authorities use new and existing legislation to get tough.
Match ID: 194 Score: 4.29 source: www.wired.com age: 153 days
qualifiers: 4.29 politics

LimeWire AI Studio Review 2023: Details, Pricing & Features
Tue, 12 Dec 2023 16:10:00 +0000


In the rapidly advancing landscape of AI technology and innovation, LimeWire emerges as a unique platform in the realm of generative AI tools. This platform not only stands out from the multitude of existing AI tools but also brings a fresh approach to content generation. LimeWire not only empowers users to create AI content but also provides creators with creative ways to share and monetize their creations.

As we explore LimeWire, our aim is to uncover its features, benefits for creators, and the exciting possibilities it offers for AI content generation. This platform presents an opportunity for users to harness the power of AI in image creation, all while enjoying the advantages of a free and accessible service.

Let's unravel the distinctive features that set LimeWire apart in the dynamic landscape of AI-powered tools, understanding how creators can leverage its capabilities to craft unique and engaging AI-generated images.



LimeWire, a name once associated with the notorious file-sharing tool from the 2000s, has undergone a significant transformation. The LimeWire we discuss today is not the file-sharing application of the past but has re-emerged as an entirely new entity—a cutting-edge AI content publishing platform.

This revamped LimeWire invites users to register and unleash their creativity by crafting original AI content, which can then be shared and showcased on the LimeWire Studio. Notably, even acclaimed artists and musicians, such as Deadmau5, Soulja Boy, and Sean Kingston, have embraced this platform to publish their content in the form of NFT music, videos, and images.

Beyond providing a space for content creation and sharing, LimeWire introduces monetization models to empower users to earn revenue from their creations. This includes avenues such as earning ad revenue and participating in the burgeoning market of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). As we delve further, we'll explore these monetization strategies in more detail to provide a comprehensive understanding of LimeWire's innovative approach to content creation and distribution.

LimeWire Studio welcomes content creators into its fold, providing a space to craft personalized AI-focused content for sharing with fans and followers. Within this creative hub, every piece of content generated becomes not just a creation but a unique asset—ownable and tradable. Fans have the opportunity to subscribe to creators' pages, immersing themselves in the creative journey and gaining ownership of digital collectibles that hold tradeable value within the LimeWire community. Notably, creators earn a 2.5% royalty each time their content is traded, adding a rewarding element to the creative process.

The platform's flexibility is evident in its content publication options. Creators can choose to share their work freely with the public or opt for a premium subscription model, granting exclusive access to specialized content for subscribers.

LimeWire AI Studio

As of the present moment, LimeWire focuses on AI Image Generation, offering a spectrum of creative possibilities to its user base. The platform, however, has ambitious plans on the horizon, aiming to broaden its offerings by introducing AI music and video generation tools in the near future. This strategic expansion promises creators even more avenues for expression and engagement with their audience, positioning LimeWire Studio as a dynamic and evolving platform within the realm of AI-powered content creation.

AI Image Generation Tools

limewire AI Studio

The LimeWire AI image generation tool presents a versatile platform for both the creation and editing of images. Supporting advanced models such as Stable Diffusion 2.1, Stable Diffusion XL, and DALL-E 2, LimeWire offers a sophisticated toolkit for users to delve into the realm of generative AI art.

Much like other tools in the generative AI landscape, LimeWire provides a range of options catering to various levels of complexity in image creation. Users can initiate the creative process with prompts as simple as a few words or opt for more intricate instructions, tailoring the output to their artistic vision.

What sets LimeWire apart is its seamless integration of different AI models and design styles. Users have the flexibility to effortlessly switch between various AI models, exploring diverse design styles such as cinematic, digital art, pixel art, anime, analog film, and more. Each style imparts a distinctive visual identity to the generated AI art, enabling users to explore a broad spectrum of creative possibilities.

The platform also offers additional features, including samplers, allowing users to fine-tune the quality and detail levels of their creations. Customization options and prompt guidance further enhance the user experience, providing a user-friendly interface for both novice and experienced creators.

Excitingly, LimeWire is actively developing its proprietary AI model, signaling ongoing innovation and enhancements to its image generation capabilities. This upcoming addition holds the promise of further expanding the creative horizons for LimeWire users, making it an evolving and dynamic platform within the landscape of AI-driven art and image creation.

Sign Up Now To Get Free Credits

Automatically Mint Your Content As NFTs


Upon completing your creative endeavor on LimeWire, the platform allows you the option to publish your content. An intriguing feature follows this step: LimeWire automates the process of minting your creation as a Non-Fungible Token (NFT), utilizing either the Polygon or Algorand blockchain. This transformative step imbues your artwork with a unique digital signature, securing its authenticity and ownership in the decentralized realm.

Creators on LimeWire hold the power to decide the accessibility of their NFT creations. By opting for a public release, the content becomes discoverable by anyone, fostering a space for engagement and interaction. Furthermore, this choice opens the avenue for enthusiasts to trade the NFTs, adding a layer of community involvement to the artistic journey.

Alternatively, LimeWire acknowledges the importance of exclusivity. Creators can choose to share their posts exclusively with their premium subscribers. In doing so, the content remains a special offering solely for dedicated fans, creating an intimate and personalized experience within the LimeWire community. This flexibility in sharing options emphasizes LimeWire's commitment to empowering creators with choices in how they connect with their audience and distribute their digital creations.

After creating your content, you can choose to publish the content. It will automatically mint your creation as an NFT on the Polygon or Algorand blockchain. You can also choose whether to make it public or subscriber-only.

If you make it public, anyone can discover your content and even trade the NFTs. If you choose to share the post only with your premium subscribers, it will be exclusive only to your fans.

Earn Revenue From Your Content

Additionally, you can earn ad revenue from your content creations as well.

When you publish content on LimeWire, you will receive 70% of all ad revenue from other users who view your images, music, and videos on the platform.

This revenue model will be much more beneficial to designers. You can experiment with the AI image and content generation tools and share your creations while earning a small income on the side.

LMWR Tokens

The revenue you earn from your creations will come in the form of LMWR tokens, LimeWire’s own cryptocurrency.

Your earnings will be paid every month in LMWR, which you can then trade on many popular crypto exchange platforms like Kraken, ByBit, and UniSwap.

You can also use your LMWR tokens to pay for prompts when using LimeWire generative AI tools.

Pricing Plans

You can sign up to LimeWire to use its AI tools for free. You will receive 10 credits to use and generate up to 20 AI images per day. You will also receive 50% of the ad revenue share. However, you will get more benefits with premium plans.

  • Basic plan: 

For $9.99 per month, you will get 1,000 credits per month, up to 2 ,000 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 50% ad revenue share

  • Advanced plan: 

For $29 per month, you will get 3750 credits per month, up to 7500 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 60% ad revenue share

  • Pro plan: 

For $49 per month, you will get 5,000 credits per month, up to 10,000 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 70% ad revenue share

  • Pro Plus plan: 

For $99 per month, you will get 11,250 credits per month, up to 2 2,500 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 70% ad revenue share

With all premium plans, you will receive a Pro profile badge, full creation history, faster image generation, and no ads.

Sign Up Now To Get Free Credits


In conclusion, LimeWire emerges as a democratizing force in the creative landscape, providing an inclusive platform where anyone can unleash their artistic potential and effortlessly share their work. With the integration of AI, LimeWire eliminates traditional barriers, empowering designers, musicians, and artists to publish their creations and earn revenue with just a few clicks.

The ongoing commitment of LimeWire to innovation is evident in its plans to enhance generative AI tools with new features and models. The upcoming expansion to include music and video generation tools holds the promise of unlocking even more possibilities for creators. It sparks anticipation about the diverse and innovative ways in which artists will leverage these tools to produce and publish their own unique creations.

For those eager to explore, LimeWire's AI tools are readily accessible for free, providing an opportunity to experiment and delve into the world of generative art. As LimeWire continues to evolve, creators are encouraged to stay tuned for the launch of its forthcoming AI music and video generation tools, promising a future brimming with creative potential and endless artistic exploration

Match ID: 195 Score: 4.29 source: techncruncher.blogspot.com age: 184 days
qualifiers: 4.29 democrat

When will Americans see those interest-rate cuts?
Wed, 10 Apr 2024 20:08:53 +0000
Following a nasty surprise, some now think they may come only after the presidential election
Match ID: 196 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 63 days
qualifiers: 3.57 election

Russia’s economy once again defies the doomsayers
Sun, 10 Mar 2024 14:39:48 +0000
As an election nears, Vladimir Putin now looks to have inflation under control
Match ID: 197 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 95 days
qualifiers: 3.57 election

Canva Review 2022: Details, Pricing & Features
Sun, 20 Feb 2022 12:02:00 +0000

Are you looking for a new graphic design tool? Would you like to read a detailed review of Canva? As it's one of the tools I love using. I am also writing my first ebook using canva and publish it soon on my site you can download it is free.  Let's start the review.

Canva has a web version and also a mobile app

What is Canva?

Canva is a free graphic design web application that allows you to create invitations, business cards, flyers, lesson plans, banners, and more using professionally designed templates. You can upload your own photos from your computer or from Google Drive, and add them to Canva's templates using a simple drag-and-drop interface. It's like having a basic version of Photoshop that doesn't require Graphic designing knowledge to use. It’s best for nongraphic designers.

Who is Canva best suited for?

Canva is a great tool for small business owners, online entrepreneurs, and marketers who don’t have the time and want to edit quickly.

To create sophisticated graphics, a tool such as Photoshop can is ideal. To use it, you’ll need to learn its hundreds of features, get familiar with the software, and it’s best to have a good background in design, too.

Also running the latest version of Photoshop you need a high-end computer.

So here  Canva takes place, with Canva you can do all that with drag-and-drop feature. It’s also easier to use and free. Also an even-more-affordable paid version is available for $12.95 per month.

Free vs Pro vs Enterprise Pricing plan

The product is available in three plans: Free, Pro ($12.99/month per user or  $119.99/year for up to 5 people), and Enterprise ($30 per user per month, minimum 25 people).

Free plan Features

  • 250,000+ free templates
  • 100+ design types (social media posts, presentations, letters, and more)
  • Hundreds of thousands of free photos and graphics
  • Invite members to your team
  • Collaborate and comment in real-time
  • 5GB of cloud storage
  • Try Canva Pro for free for 30 days

Pro Plan Features 

  • Everything Free, has plus:
  • 100+ million premium and  stock photos, videos, audio, and graphics
  • 610,000+ premium and free templates with new designs daily
  • Access to Background Remover and Magic Resize
  •  Create a library of your brand or campaign's colors, logos, and fonts with up to 100 Brand Kits
  • Remove image backgrounds instantly with background remover
  • Resize designs infinitely with Magic Resize
  • Save designs as templates for your team to use
  • 100GB of cloud storage
  • Schedule social media content to 8 platforms

Enterprise Plan Features

  • Everything Pro has plus:
  • Establish your brand's visual identity with logos, colors and fonts across multiple Brand Kits
  • Control your team's access to apps, graphics, logos, colors and fonts with brand controls
  • Built-in workflows to get approval on your designs
  • Set which elements your team can edit and stay on brand with template locking
  • Unlimited Storage
  • Log in with single-sign on (SSO) and have access to 24/7 Enterprise-level support.

How to Use Canva?

To get started on Canva, you will need to create an account by providing your email address, Google, Facebook or Apple credentials. You will then choose your account type between student, teacher, small business, large company, non-profit, or personal. Based on your choice of account type, templates will be recommended to you.

You can sign up for a free trial of Canva Pro, or you can start with the free version to get a sense of whether it’s the right graphic design tool for your needs.

Canva Sign Up

Designing with Canva


When you sign up for an account, Canva will suggest different post types to choose from. Based on the type of account you set up  you'll be able to see templates categorized by the following categories: social media posts, documents, presentations, marketing, events, ads, launch your business, build your online brand, etc.

 Start by choosing a template for your post or searching for something more specific. Search by social network name to see a list of post types on each network.


canva templates

Next, you can choose a template. Choose from hundreds of templates that are ready to go, with customizable photos, text, and other elements.

You can start your design by choosing from a variety of ready-made templates, searching for a template matching your needs, or working with a blank template.

 Canva has a lot to choose from, so start with a specific search.if you want to create business card just search for it and you will see alot of templates to choose from


Inside the Canva designer, the Elements tab gives you access to lines and shapes, graphics, photos, videos, audio, charts, photo frames, and photo grids.The search box on the Elements tab lets you search everything on Canva.

canva elements

To begin with, Canva has a large library of elements to choose from. To find them, be specific in your search query. You may also want to search in the following tabs to see various elements separately:


The Photos tab lets you search for and choose from millions of professional stock photos for your templates.

You can replace the photos in our templates to create a new look. This can also make the template more suited to your industry.

You can find photos on other stock photography sites like pexel, pixabay and many more or simply upload your own photos.

canva photos

When you choose an image, Canva’s photo editing features let you adjust the photo’s settings (brightness, contrast, saturation, etc.), crop, or animate it.

 When you subscribe to Canva Pro, you get access to a number of premium features, including the Background Remover. This feature allows you to remove the background from any stock photo in  library or any image you upload.


The Text tab lets you add headings, normal text, and graphical text to your design.

When you click on  text, you'll see options to adjust the font, font size, color, format, spacing, and text effects (like shadows). 

Canva Pro subscribers can choose from a large library of fonts on the Brand Kit or the Styles tab. Enterprise-level controls ensure that visual content remains on-brand, no matter how many people are working on it.


Create an animated image or video by adding audio to capture user’s attention in social news feeds.

If you want to use audio from another stock site or your own audio tracks, you can upload them in the Uploads tab or from the more option.


Want to create your own videos? Choose from thousands of stock video clips. You’ll find videos that range upto 2 minutes

You can upload your own videos as well as videos from other stock sites in the Uploads tab. 

Once you have chosen a video, you can use the editing features in Canva to trim the video, flip it, and adjust its transparency.


On the Background tab, you’ll find free stock photos to serve as backgrounds on your designs. Change out the background on a template to give it a more personal touch.


The Styles tab lets you quickly change the look and feel of your template with just a click. And if you have a Canva Pro subscription, you can upload your brand’s custom colors and fonts to ensure designs stay on brand.


If you have a Canva Pro subscription, you’ll have a Logos tab. Here, you can upload variations of your brand logo to use throughout your designs.

With Canva, you can also create your own logos. Note that you cannot trademark a logo with stock content in it.

Publishing with Canva

With Canva, free users can download and share designs to multiple platforms including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Slack and Tumblr.

Canva Pro subscribers can create multiple post formats from one design. For example, you can start by designing an Instagram post, and Canva's Magic Resizer can resize it for other networks, Stories, Reels, and other formats.

Canva Pro subscribers can also use Canva’s Content Planner to post content on eight different accounts on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Slack, and Tumblr.

Canva Team

Canva Pro allows you to work with your team on visual content. Designs can be created inside Canva, and then sent to your team members for approval. Everyone can make comments, edits, revisions, and keep track via the version history.

Canva Print

When it comes to printing your designs, Canva has you covered. With an extensive selection of printing options, they can turn your designs into anything from banners and wall art to mugs and t-shirts. 

Canva Print is perfect for any business seeking to make a lasting impression. Create inspiring designs people will want to wear, keep, and share. Hand out custom business cards that leave a lasting impression on customers' minds.

Canva Apps

The Canva app is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play. The Canva app has earned a 4.9 out of five star rating from over 946.3K Apple users and a 4.5 out of five star rating from over 6,996,708 Google users.

In addition to mobile apps, you can use Canva’s integration with other Internet services to add images and text from sources like Google Maps, Emojis, photos from Google Drive and Dropbox, YouTube videos, Flickr photos, Bitmojis, and other popular visual content elements.

Canva Pros and Cons


  • A user-friendly interface
  • Canva is a great tool for people who want to create professional graphics but don’t have graphic design skills.
  • Hundreds of templates, so you'll never have to start from scratch.
  • Wide variety of templates to fit multiple uses
  • Branding kits to keep your team consistent with the brand colors and fonts
  • Creating visual content on the go
  • You can find royalty free images, audio, and video without having to subscribe to another service.


  • Some professional templates are available for Pro user only
  • Advanced photo editing features like blurring or erasing a specific area are missing.
  • Some elements that fall outside of a design are tricky to retrieve.
  • Features (like Canva presentations) could use some improvement.
  • If you are a regular user of Adobe products, you might find Canva's features limited.
  • Prefers to work with vectors. Especially logos.
  • Expensive enterprise pricing


In general, Canva is an excellent tool for those who need simple images for projects. If you are a graphic designer with experience, you will find Canva’s platform lacking in customization and advanced features – particularly vectors. But if you have little design experience, you will find Canva easier to use than advanced graphic design tools like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator for most projects. If you have any queries let me know in the comments section.

Match ID: 198 Score: 3.57 source: techncruncher.blogspot.com age: 844 days
qualifiers: 3.57 election

Sign up for the Guardian Documentaries newsletter: our free short film email
Fri, 02 Sep 2016 09:27:20 GMT

Be the first to see our latest thought-provoking films, bringing you bold and original storytelling from around the world

Discover the stories behind our latest short films, learn more about our international film-makers, and join us for exclusive documentary events. We’ll also share a selection of our favourite films, from our archives and from further afield, for you to enjoy. Sign up below.

Can’t wait for the next newsletter? Start exploring our archive now.

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Match ID: 199 Score: 3.57 source: www.theguardian.com age: 2841 days
qualifiers: 3.57 election

Exclusive: The Guardian interviews President Zelenskiy
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:48:04 GMT

In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, revealed the tactics and traits that help him face the daily frustrations of leading a country at war for more than two years.

Within a ceremonial room inside Kyiv’s presidential compound, Zelenskiy spoke for nearly an hour with a Guardian team, including the editor-in-chief, Katharine Viner. The interview took place during perhaps the toughest time for Ukraine since the early days of the war. Russia is on the offensive in Kharkiv, an advance that follows months of delay in the US Congress over the passing of a major support package, limiting Ukraine’s battlefield capabilities

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Match ID: 200 Score: 1.43 source: www.theguardian.com age: 8 days
qualifiers: 1.43 congress

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The Marshall Star for June 12, 2024
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:10:48 +0000
Shining Stars: Marshall Teams Support Successful Crew Flight Test By Wayne Smith From preparing for flight readiness, to providing day-of-launch support, to delivering a critical piece of replacement hardware, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center played an integral role in the agency’s crew flight test to the International Space Station. The Starliner spacecraft – NASA’s Boeing […]
Match ID: 0 Score: 10.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 school

Using AI for Political Polling

Public polling is a critical function of modern political campaigns and movements, but it isn’t what it once was. Recent US election cycles have produced copious postmortems explaining both the successes and the flaws of public polling. There are two main reasons polling fails.

First, nonresponse has skyrocketed. It’s radically harder to reach people than it used to be. Few people fill out surveys that come in the mail anymore. Few people answer their phone when a stranger calls. Pew Research reported that 36% of the people they called in 1997 would talk to them, but only 6% by 2018. Pollsters worldwide have faced similar challenges...

Match ID: 1 Score: 10.00 source: www.schneier.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 10.00 school

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