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What is Blockchain: Everything You Need to Know (2022)
Mon, 18 Apr 2022 05:49:00 +0000

What is Blockchain

If you want to pay online, you need to register an account and provide credit card information. If you don't have a credit card, you can pay with bank transfer. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, these methods may become old.

Imagine a world in which you can do transactions and many other things without having to give your personal information. A world in which you don’t need to rely on banks or governments anymore. Sounds amazing, right? That’s exactly what blockchain technology allows us to do.

It’s like your computer’s hard drive. blockchain is a technology that lets you store data in digital blocks, which are connected together like links in a chain. 

Blockchain technology was originally invented in 1991 by two mathematicians, Stuart Haber and W. Scot Stornetta. They first proposed the system to ensure that timestamps could not be tampered with.

A few years later, in 1998, software developer Nick Szabo proposed using a similar kind of technology to secure a digital payments system he called “Bit Gold.” However, this innovation was not adopted until Satoshi Nakamoto claimed to have invented the first Blockchain and Bitcoin.

So, What is Blockchain?

A blockchain is a distributed database shared between the nodes of a computer network. It saves information in digital format. Many people first heard of blockchain technology when they started to look up information about bitcoin.

Blockchain is used in cryptocurrency systems to ensure secure, decentralized records of transactions.

Blockchain allowed people to guarantee the fidelity and security of a record of data without the need for a third party to ensure accuracy.

To understand how a blockchain works, Consider these basic steps:

  • Blockchain collects information in “blocks”.
  • A block has a storage capacity, and once it's used up, it can be closed and linked to a previously served block.
  • Blocks form chains, which are called “Blockchains.”
  • More information will be added to the block with the most content until its capacity is full. The process repeats itself.
  • Each block in the chain has an exact timestamp and can't be changed.

Let’s get to know more about the blockchain.

How does blockchain work?

Blockchain records digital information and distributes it across the network without changing it. The information is distributed among many users and stored in an immutable, permanent ledger that can't be changed or destroyed. That's why blockchain is also called "Distributed Ledger Technology" or DLT.

Here’s how it works:

  • Someone or a computer will transacts
  • The transaction is transmitted throughout the network.
  • A network of computers can confirm the transaction.
  • When it is confirmed a transaction is added to a block
  • The blocks are linked together to create a history.

And that’s the beauty of it! The process may seem complicated, but it’s done in minutes with modern technology. And because technology is advancing rapidly, I expect things to move even more quickly than ever.

  • A new transaction is added to the system. It is then relayed to a network of computers located around the world. The computers then solve equations to ensure the authenticity of the transaction.
  • Once a transaction is confirmed, it is placed in a block after the confirmation. All of the blocks are chained together to create a permanent history of every transaction.

How are Blockchains used?

Even though blockchain is integral to cryptocurrency, it has other applications. For example, blockchain can be used for storing reliable data about transactions. Many people confuse blockchain with cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum.

Blockchain already being adopted by some big-name companies, such as Walmart, AIG, Siemens, Pfizer, and Unilever. For example, IBM's Food Trust uses blockchain to track food's journey before reaching its final destination.

Although some of you may consider this practice excessive, food suppliers and manufacturers adhere to the policy of tracing their products because bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella have been found in packaged foods. In addition, there have been isolated cases where dangerous allergens such as peanuts have accidentally been introduced into certain products.

Tracing and identifying the sources of an outbreak is a challenging task that can take months or years. Thanks to the Blockchain, however, companies now know exactly where their food has been—so they can trace its location and prevent future outbreaks.

Blockchain technology allows systems to react much faster in the event of a hazard. It also has many other uses in the modern world.

What is Blockchain Decentralization?

Blockchain technology is safe, even if it’s public. People can access the technology using an internet connection.

Have you ever been in a situation where you had all your data stored at one place and that one secure place got compromised? Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to prevent your data from leaking out even when the security of your storage systems is compromised?

Blockchain technology provides a way of avoiding this situation by using multiple computers at different locations to store information about transactions. If one computer experiences problems with a transaction, it will not affect the other nodes.

Instead, other nodes will use the correct information to cross-reference your incorrect node. This is called “Decentralization,” meaning all the information is stored in multiple places.

Blockchain guarantees your data's authenticity—not just its accuracy, but also its irreversibility. It can also be used to store data that are difficult to register, like legal contracts, state identifications, or a company's product inventory.

Pros and Cons of Blockchain

Blockchain has many advantages and disadvantages. 


  • Accuracy is increased because there is no human involvement in the verification process.
  • One of the great things about decentralization is that it makes information harder to tamper with.
  • Safe, private, and easy transactions
  • Provides a banking alternative and safe storage of personal information


  • Data storage has limits.
  • The regulations are always changing, as they differ from place to place.
  • It has a risk of being used for illicit activities 

Frequently Asked Questions About Blockchain

I’ll answer the most frequently asked questions about blockchain in this section.

Is Blockchain a cryptocurrency?

Blockchain is not a cryptocurrency but a technology that makes cryptocurrencies possible. It's a digital ledger that records every transaction seamlessly.

Is it possible for Blockchain to be hacked?

Yes, blockchain can be theoretically hacked, but it is a complicated task to be achieved. A network of users constantly reviews it, which makes hacking the blockchain difficult.

What is the most prominent blockchain company?

Coinbase Global is currently the biggest blockchain company in the world. The company runs a commendable infrastructure, services, and technology for the digital currency economy.

Who owns Blockchain?

Blockchain is a decentralized technology. It’s a chain of distributed ledgers connected with nodes. Each node can be any electronic device. Thus, one owns blockhain.

What is the difference between Bitcoin and Blockchain technology?

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, which is powered by Blockchain technology while Blockchain is a distributed ledger of cryptocurrency 

What is the difference between Blockchain and a Database?

Generally a database is a collection of data which can be stored and organized using a database management system. The people who have access to the database can view or edit the information stored there. The client-server network architecture is used to implement databases. whereas a blockchain is a growing list of records, called blocks, stored in a distributed system. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, timestamp and transaction information. Modification of data is not allowed due to the design of the blockchain. The technology allows decentralized control and eliminates risks of data modification by other parties.

Final Saying

Blockchain has a wide spectrum of applications and, over the next 5-10 years, we will likely see it being integrated into all sorts of industries. From finance to healthcare, blockchain could revolutionize the way we store and share data. Although there is some hesitation to adopt blockchain systems right now, that won't be the case in 2022-2023 (and even less so in 2026). Once people become more comfortable with the technology and understand how it can work for them, owners, CEOs and entrepreneurs alike will be quick to leverage blockchain technology for their own gain. Hope you like this article if you have any question let me know in the comments section


Match ID: 0 Score: 4.29 source: techncruncher.blogspot.com age: 791 days
qualifiers: 2.86 cryptocurrenc(y|ies), 1.43 bitcoin(|s)

Most Frequently Asked Questions About NFTs(Non-Fungible Tokens)
Sun, 06 Feb 2022 10:04:00 +0000



Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are the most popular digital assets today, capturing the attention of cryptocurrency investors, whales and people from around the world. People find it amazing that some users spend thousands or millions of dollars on a single NFT-based image of a monkey or other token, but you can simply take a screenshot for free. So here we share some freuently asked question about NFTs.

1) What is an NFT?

NFT stands for non-fungible  token, which is a cryptographic token on a blockchain with unique identification codes that distinguish it from other tokens. NFTs are unique and not interchangeable, which means no two NFTs are the same. NFTs can be a unique artwork, GIF, Images, videos, Audio album. in-game items, collectibles etc.

2) What is Blockchain?

A blockchain is a distributed digital ledger that allows for the secure storage of data. By recording any kind of information—such as bank account transactions, the ownership of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), or Decentralized Finance (DeFi) smart contracts—in one place, and distributing it to many different computers, blockchains ensure that data can’t be manipulated without everyone in the system being aware.

3) What makes an NFT valuable?

The value of an NFT comes from its ability to be traded freely and securely on the blockchain, which is not possible with other current digital ownership solutionsThe NFT points to its location on the blockchain, but doesn’t necessarily contain the digital property. For example, if you replace one bitcoin with another, you will still have the same thing. If you buy a non-fungible item, such as a movie ticket, it is impossible to replace it with any other movie ticket because each ticket is unique to a specific time and place.

4) How do NFTs work?

One of the unique characteristics of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is that they can be tokenised to create a digital certificate of ownership that can be bought, sold and traded on the blockchain. 

As with crypto-currency, records of who owns what are stored on a ledger that is maintained by thousands of computers around the world. These records can’t be forged because the whole system operates on an open-source network. 

NFTs also contain smart contracts—small computer programs that run on the blockchain—that give the artist, for example, a cut of any future sale of the token.

5) What’s the connection between NFTs and cryptocurrency?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) aren't cryptocurrencies, but they do use blockchain technology. Many NFTs are based on Ethereum, where the blockchain serves as a ledger for all the transactions related to said NFT and the properties it represents.5) How to make an NFT?

Anyone can create an NFT. All you need is a digital wallet, some ethereum tokens and a connection to an NFT marketplace where you’ll be able to upload and sell your creations

6) How to validate the authencity of an NFT?

When you purchase a stock in NFT, that purchase is recorded on the blockchain—the bitcoin ledger of transactions—and that entry acts as your proof of ownership.

7) How is an NFT valued? What are the most expensive NFTs?

The value of an NFT varies a lot based on the digital asset up for grabs. People use NFTs to trade and sell digital art, so when creating an NFT, you should consider the popularity of your digital artwork along with historical statistics.

In the year 2021, a digital artist called Pak created an artwork called The Merge. It was sold on the Nifty Gateway NFT market for $91.8 million.

8) Can NFTs be used as an investment?

Non-fungible tokens can be used in investment opportunities. One can purchase an NFT and resell it at a profit. Certain NFT marketplaces let sellers of NFTs keep a percentage of the profits from sales of the assets they create.

9) Will NFTs be the future of art and collectibles?

Many people want to buy NFTs because it lets them support the arts and own something cool from their favorite musicians, brands, and celebrities. NFTs also give artists an opportunity to program in continual royalties if someone buys their work. Galleries see this as a way to reach new buyers interested in art.

10) How do we buy an NFTs?

There are many places to buy digital assets, like opensea and their policies vary. On top shot, for instance, you sign up for a waitlist that can be thousands of people long. When a digital asset goes on sale, you are occasionally chosen to purchase it.

11) Can i mint NFT for free?

To mint an NFT token, you must pay some amount of gas fee to process the transaction on the Etherum blockchain, but you can mint your NFT on a different blockchain called Polygon to avoid paying gas fees. This option is available on OpenSea and this simply denotes that your NFT will only be able to trade using Polygon's blockchain and not Etherum's blockchain. Mintable allows you to mint NFTs for free without paying any gas fees.

12) Do i own an NFT if i screenshot it?

The answer is no. Non-Fungible Tokens are minted on the blockchain using cryptocurrencies such as Etherum, Solana, Polygon, and so on. Once a Non-Fungible Token is minted, the transaction is recorded on the blockchain and the contract or license is awarded to whoever has that Non-Fungible Token in their wallet.

12) Why are people investing so much in NFT?

 Non-fungible tokens have gained the hearts of people around the world, and they have given digital creators the recognition they deserve. One of the remarkable things about non-fungible tokens is that you can take a screenshot of one, but you don’t own it. This is because when a non-fungible token is created, then the transaction is stored on the blockchain, and the license or contract to hold such a token is awarded to the person owning the token in their digital wallet.

You can sell your work and creations by attaching a license to it on the blockchain, where its ownership can be transferred. This lets you get exposure without losing full ownership of your work. Some of the most successful projects include Cryptopunks, Bored Ape Yatch Club NFTs, SandBox, World of Women and so on. These NFT projects have gained popularity globally and are owned by celebrities and other successful entrepreneurs. Owning one of these NFTs gives you an automatic ticket to exclusive business meetings and life-changing connections.

Final Saying

That’s a wrap. Hope you guys found this article enlightening. I just answer some question with my limited knowledge about NFTs. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comment section below. Also I have a question for you, Is bitcoin an NFTs? let me know in The comment section below

Match ID: 1 Score: 4.29 source: techncruncher.blogspot.com age: 862 days
qualifiers: 2.86 cryptocurrenc(y|ies), 1.43 bitcoin(|s)

What China’s central bank and Costco shoppers have in common
Thu, 11 Apr 2024 10:02:17 +0000
Hint: it is not a fondness for cryptocurrencies
Match ID: 2 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 67 days
qualifiers: 2.86 cryptocurrenc(y|ies)

LimeWire AI Studio Review 2023: Details, Pricing & Features
Tue, 12 Dec 2023 16:10:00 +0000


In the rapidly advancing landscape of AI technology and innovation, LimeWire emerges as a unique platform in the realm of generative AI tools. This platform not only stands out from the multitude of existing AI tools but also brings a fresh approach to content generation. LimeWire not only empowers users to create AI content but also provides creators with creative ways to share and monetize their creations.

As we explore LimeWire, our aim is to uncover its features, benefits for creators, and the exciting possibilities it offers for AI content generation. This platform presents an opportunity for users to harness the power of AI in image creation, all while enjoying the advantages of a free and accessible service.

Let's unravel the distinctive features that set LimeWire apart in the dynamic landscape of AI-powered tools, understanding how creators can leverage its capabilities to craft unique and engaging AI-generated images.



LimeWire, a name once associated with the notorious file-sharing tool from the 2000s, has undergone a significant transformation. The LimeWire we discuss today is not the file-sharing application of the past but has re-emerged as an entirely new entity—a cutting-edge AI content publishing platform.

This revamped LimeWire invites users to register and unleash their creativity by crafting original AI content, which can then be shared and showcased on the LimeWire Studio. Notably, even acclaimed artists and musicians, such as Deadmau5, Soulja Boy, and Sean Kingston, have embraced this platform to publish their content in the form of NFT music, videos, and images.

Beyond providing a space for content creation and sharing, LimeWire introduces monetization models to empower users to earn revenue from their creations. This includes avenues such as earning ad revenue and participating in the burgeoning market of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). As we delve further, we'll explore these monetization strategies in more detail to provide a comprehensive understanding of LimeWire's innovative approach to content creation and distribution.

LimeWire Studio welcomes content creators into its fold, providing a space to craft personalized AI-focused content for sharing with fans and followers. Within this creative hub, every piece of content generated becomes not just a creation but a unique asset—ownable and tradable. Fans have the opportunity to subscribe to creators' pages, immersing themselves in the creative journey and gaining ownership of digital collectibles that hold tradeable value within the LimeWire community. Notably, creators earn a 2.5% royalty each time their content is traded, adding a rewarding element to the creative process.

The platform's flexibility is evident in its content publication options. Creators can choose to share their work freely with the public or opt for a premium subscription model, granting exclusive access to specialized content for subscribers.

LimeWire AI Studio

As of the present moment, LimeWire focuses on AI Image Generation, offering a spectrum of creative possibilities to its user base. The platform, however, has ambitious plans on the horizon, aiming to broaden its offerings by introducing AI music and video generation tools in the near future. This strategic expansion promises creators even more avenues for expression and engagement with their audience, positioning LimeWire Studio as a dynamic and evolving platform within the realm of AI-powered content creation.

AI Image Generation Tools

limewire AI Studio

The LimeWire AI image generation tool presents a versatile platform for both the creation and editing of images. Supporting advanced models such as Stable Diffusion 2.1, Stable Diffusion XL, and DALL-E 2, LimeWire offers a sophisticated toolkit for users to delve into the realm of generative AI art.

Much like other tools in the generative AI landscape, LimeWire provides a range of options catering to various levels of complexity in image creation. Users can initiate the creative process with prompts as simple as a few words or opt for more intricate instructions, tailoring the output to their artistic vision.

What sets LimeWire apart is its seamless integration of different AI models and design styles. Users have the flexibility to effortlessly switch between various AI models, exploring diverse design styles such as cinematic, digital art, pixel art, anime, analog film, and more. Each style imparts a distinctive visual identity to the generated AI art, enabling users to explore a broad spectrum of creative possibilities.

The platform also offers additional features, including samplers, allowing users to fine-tune the quality and detail levels of their creations. Customization options and prompt guidance further enhance the user experience, providing a user-friendly interface for both novice and experienced creators.

Excitingly, LimeWire is actively developing its proprietary AI model, signaling ongoing innovation and enhancements to its image generation capabilities. This upcoming addition holds the promise of further expanding the creative horizons for LimeWire users, making it an evolving and dynamic platform within the landscape of AI-driven art and image creation.

Sign Up Now To Get Free Credits

Automatically Mint Your Content As NFTs


Upon completing your creative endeavor on LimeWire, the platform allows you the option to publish your content. An intriguing feature follows this step: LimeWire automates the process of minting your creation as a Non-Fungible Token (NFT), utilizing either the Polygon or Algorand blockchain. This transformative step imbues your artwork with a unique digital signature, securing its authenticity and ownership in the decentralized realm.

Creators on LimeWire hold the power to decide the accessibility of their NFT creations. By opting for a public release, the content becomes discoverable by anyone, fostering a space for engagement and interaction. Furthermore, this choice opens the avenue for enthusiasts to trade the NFTs, adding a layer of community involvement to the artistic journey.

Alternatively, LimeWire acknowledges the importance of exclusivity. Creators can choose to share their posts exclusively with their premium subscribers. In doing so, the content remains a special offering solely for dedicated fans, creating an intimate and personalized experience within the LimeWire community. This flexibility in sharing options emphasizes LimeWire's commitment to empowering creators with choices in how they connect with their audience and distribute their digital creations.

After creating your content, you can choose to publish the content. It will automatically mint your creation as an NFT on the Polygon or Algorand blockchain. You can also choose whether to make it public or subscriber-only.

If you make it public, anyone can discover your content and even trade the NFTs. If you choose to share the post only with your premium subscribers, it will be exclusive only to your fans.

Earn Revenue From Your Content

Additionally, you can earn ad revenue from your content creations as well.

When you publish content on LimeWire, you will receive 70% of all ad revenue from other users who view your images, music, and videos on the platform.

This revenue model will be much more beneficial to designers. You can experiment with the AI image and content generation tools and share your creations while earning a small income on the side.

LMWR Tokens

The revenue you earn from your creations will come in the form of LMWR tokens, LimeWire’s own cryptocurrency.

Your earnings will be paid every month in LMWR, which you can then trade on many popular crypto exchange platforms like Kraken, ByBit, and UniSwap.

You can also use your LMWR tokens to pay for prompts when using LimeWire generative AI tools.

Pricing Plans

You can sign up to LimeWire to use its AI tools for free. You will receive 10 credits to use and generate up to 20 AI images per day. You will also receive 50% of the ad revenue share. However, you will get more benefits with premium plans.

  • Basic plan: 

For $9.99 per month, you will get 1,000 credits per month, up to 2 ,000 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 50% ad revenue share

  • Advanced plan: 

For $29 per month, you will get 3750 credits per month, up to 7500 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 60% ad revenue share

  • Pro plan: 

For $49 per month, you will get 5,000 credits per month, up to 10,000 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 70% ad revenue share

  • Pro Plus plan: 

For $99 per month, you will get 11,250 credits per month, up to 2 2,500 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 70% ad revenue share

With all premium plans, you will receive a Pro profile badge, full creation history, faster image generation, and no ads.

Sign Up Now To Get Free Credits


In conclusion, LimeWire emerges as a democratizing force in the creative landscape, providing an inclusive platform where anyone can unleash their artistic potential and effortlessly share their work. With the integration of AI, LimeWire eliminates traditional barriers, empowering designers, musicians, and artists to publish their creations and earn revenue with just a few clicks.

The ongoing commitment of LimeWire to innovation is evident in its plans to enhance generative AI tools with new features and models. The upcoming expansion to include music and video generation tools holds the promise of unlocking even more possibilities for creators. It sparks anticipation about the diverse and innovative ways in which artists will leverage these tools to produce and publish their own unique creations.

For those eager to explore, LimeWire's AI tools are readily accessible for free, providing an opportunity to experiment and delve into the world of generative art. As LimeWire continues to evolve, creators are encouraged to stay tuned for the launch of its forthcoming AI music and video generation tools, promising a future brimming with creative potential and endless artistic exploration

Match ID: 3 Score: 2.86 source: techncruncher.blogspot.com age: 187 days
qualifiers: 2.86 cryptocurrenc(y|ies)

Filter efficiency 99.468 (4 matches/752 results)

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Do members of Congress need a pay raise? After 15 years, some say yes.
Sat, 15 Jun 2024 13:00:43 +0000
Lawmakers have gone 15 years without a pay increase, allowing federal judges and their own staff to far eclipse their $174,000 salaries. Some want that to change.
Match ID: 0 Score: 50.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 federal judge(|s), 15.00 judge, 10.00 congress

GOP States Double Down on Fighting Medication Abortion After Supreme Court Keeps It Legal
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 20:51:02 +0000

From the jump, the lawsuit challenging the legality of mifepristone was a cynical, propagandistic endeavor. In a 9-0 opinion, the Supreme Court threw it out.

The post GOP States Double Down on Fighting Medication Abortion After Supreme Court Keeps It Legal appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 1 Score: 34.29 source: theintercept.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 21.43 federal judge(|s), 12.86 judge

The man who turned his home into a homeless shelter – podcast
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 04:00:09 GMT

Stuart Potts is an unlikely do-gooder – a former crack addict who has hit rock bottom more than once. But since 2020, he has offered hundreds of homeless people a bed in his small flat – and for many of them, it has been life-changing. By Samira Shackle

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Match ID: 2 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

NASA Announces Winners of 2024 Student Launch Competition
Fri, 14 Jun 2024 20:20:35 +0000
Over 1,000 students from across the U.S. and Puerto Rico launched high-powered, amateur rockets on April 13, just north of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, as part of the agency’s annual Student Launch competition. Teams of middle school, high school, college, and university students were tasked to design, build, and launch a […]
Match ID: 3 Score: 15.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 2 days
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

Magnet Fishing
The ten-way tie was judged a ten-way tie, so no one won the grand prize, a rare fishing monopole.
Match ID: 4 Score: 15.00 source: xkcd.com
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

This photo got 3rd in an AI art contest—then its human photographer came forward
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 22:34:23 +0000
Humans pretending to be machines isn't exactly a victory for the creative spirit.
Match ID: 5 Score: 12.86 source: arstechnica.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 12.86 judge

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Caught on Secret Audio
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 16:35:30 +0000

“One side or the other is going to win,” Alito told a person he thought was a right-wing activist.

The post Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Caught on Secret Audio appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 6 Score: 10.71 source: theintercept.com age: 6 days
qualifiers: 6.43 judge, 4.29 congress

Democrats agree Biden had to act on immigration – but they’re split over his asylum order
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 14:00:50 GMT

Some feel limiting US-Mexico border crossings will protect the country, while others say ‘it violates American values’

Democratic mayors, governors and members of Congress from the south-west to the north-east stood beside Joe Biden at the White House, when he unveiled an executive order temporarily sealing the US-Mexico border to most asylum seekers – the most restrictive immigration policy of his presidency.

“We must face a simple truth,” the US president said. “To protect America as a land that welcomes immigrants, we must first secure the border and secure it now.”

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Match ID: 7 Score: 10.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

Cyril Ramaphosa re-elected as South Africa’s president
Fri, 14 Jun 2024 22:09:59 GMT

Leader gets second term after winning vote just hours after ANC and Democratic Alliance agreed coalition deal

South Africa’s president Cyril Ramaphosa has been reelected by lawmakers for a second term, hours after his African National Congress and the Democratic Alliance (DA) agreed to form a coalition, setting aside their rivalry in a historic governance pact.

Ramaphosa won the late Friday vote against Julius Malema, leader of the far-left Economic Freedom Fighters, winning 283 votes to Malema’s 44.

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Match ID: 8 Score: 10.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

South Africa’s ANC strikes coalition deal with free-market DA
Fri, 14 Jun 2024 14:00:29 GMT

Country’s second-largest party agrees to support re-election of Cyril Ramaphosa as president

South Africa’s African National Congress and the Democratic Alliance have agreed to form a coalition in which the former liberation movement and the pro-business party will set aside their rivalry in an historic governance pact.

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s centrist preferences ultimately won out over more leftwing factions of the ANC that wanted to strike a deal with breakaway parties that back nationalisation and seizing land from white farmers. The deal was struck amid criticisms that the DA favours the interests of South Africa’s white minority, something it denies.

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Match ID: 9 Score: 10.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

AI and the Indian Election

As India concluded the world’s largest election on June 5, 2024, with over 640 million votes counted, observers could assess how the various parties and factions used artificial intelligence technologies—and what lessons that holds for the rest of the world.

The campaigns made extensive use of AI, including deepfake impersonations of candidates, celebrities and dead politicians. By some estimates, millions of Indian voters viewed deepfakes.

But, despite fears of widespread disinformation, for the most part the campaigns, candidates and activists used AI constructively in the election. They used AI for typical political activities, including mudslinging, but primarily to better connect with voters...

Match ID: 10 Score: 7.14 source: www.schneier.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 7.14 congress

House Votes to Block U.S. Funding to Rebuild Gaza
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 21:05:30 +0000

The Republican amendment to the annual defense budget is just one of several proposals to restrict humanitarian aid to Gaza.

The post House Votes to Block U.S. Funding to Rebuild Gaza appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 11 Score: 7.14 source: theintercept.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 7.14 congress

Judge Who Went on Israel Junket Recuses Himself From Gaza Case
Thu, 06 Jun 2024 19:14:44 +0000

The federal judge hearing a human rights case disputed allegations he might not be impartial but recused himself out of an “abundance of caution.”

The post Judge Who Went on Israel Junket Recuses Himself From Gaza Case appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 12 Score: 7.14 source: theintercept.com age: 10 days
qualifiers: 3.57 federal judge(|s), 2.14 judge, 1.43 congress

A Federal Judge Visited Israel on a Junket Designed to Sway Public Opinion. Now He’s Hearing a Gaza Case.
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 18:24:04 +0000

Activists suing the Biden administration over Gaza policy are demanding the judge recuse himself over the sponsored trip.

The post A Federal Judge Visited Israel on a Junket Designed to Sway Public Opinion. Now He’s Hearing a Gaza Case. appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 13 Score: 7.14 source: theintercept.com age: 11 days
qualifiers: 3.57 federal judge(|s), 2.14 judge, 1.43 congress

UAW Endorses Nebraska Underdog Threatening to Unseat a Republican Senator
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 18:17:35 +0000

Dan Osborn, running as an independent, has racked up endorsements in a race that could help determine Senate control in 2024.

The post UAW Endorses Nebraska Underdog Threatening to Unseat a Republican Senator appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 14 Score: 5.71 source: theintercept.com age: 5 days
qualifiers: 5.71 congress

Missouri’s Attorney General Is Waging War to Keep the Wrongly Convicted Locked Up
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Andrew Bailey’s office has a losing record of fighting against exonerations recommended by local prosecutors — but it’s not giving up.

The post Missouri’s Attorney General Is Waging War to Keep the Wrongly Convicted Locked Up appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 15 Score: 5.00 source: theintercept.com age: 12 days
qualifiers: 2.86 new law, 2.14 judge

Winners Announced in Gateways to Blue Skies Aeronautics Competition
Mon, 03 Jun 2024 18:04:51 +0000
The California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, team, with their project titled “Aero-Quake Emergency Response Network,” took first place at the third annual Gateways to Blue Skies Competition. Competing among eight finalist teams that presented their ideas for aviation-related systems for natural disasters, the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona team earned the top award at the […]
Match ID: 16 Score: 2.14 source: www.nasa.gov age: 13 days
qualifiers: 2.14 judge

“Not the Career in Public Service I Signed Up For”: Federal Workers Protest War
Thu, 06 Jun 2024 17:16:16 +0000

Government employees are using their official badges to demonstrate against U.S. support for Israel’s war on Gaza.

The post “Not the Career in Public Service I Signed Up For”: Federal Workers Protest War appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 17 Score: 1.43 source: theintercept.com age: 10 days
qualifiers: 1.43 congress

Exclusive: The Guardian interviews President Zelenskiy
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:48:04 GMT

In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, revealed the tactics and traits that help him face the daily frustrations of leading a country at war for more than two years.

Within a ceremonial room inside Kyiv’s presidential compound, Zelenskiy spoke for nearly an hour with a Guardian team, including the editor-in-chief, Katharine Viner. The interview took place during perhaps the toughest time for Ukraine since the early days of the war. Russia is on the offensive in Kharkiv, an advance that follows months of delay in the US Congress over the passing of a major support package, limiting Ukraine’s battlefield capabilities

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Match ID: 18 Score: 1.43 source: www.theguardian.com age: 12 days
qualifiers: 1.43 congress

Filter efficiency 97.473 (19 matches/752 results)

********** FOOD **********
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Rachel Roddy’s recipe for ciambotta, or braised peppers, tomatoes and potatoes | A kitchen in Rome
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 10:00:32 GMT

A southern Italian summer stew of tomatoes and peppers like a ratatouille – serve with pasta, fried eggs or cheese

As I’ve mentioned before, our cooker is a 1972 GasFire Cucina 800. It’s the four-burner version of the five-burner model pictured in Sophia Loren’s book, In the Kitchen with Love, published in 1972, which just happens to be the year I was born, meaning that Sophia and I, our cookers, cooking and books are inextricably linked. However, her larger model had a different arrangement of burners, as well as a protective lip for a thermostat, while mine has a full hinged lid, which protects the wall; being white, it is also a canvas for splatters, meaning Sophia and I are not linked in wiping.

Tomato is the worst, and the best, especially when the sauce is simmering nicely: mostly steady, but every now and then erupting into a burp of a bubble that splatters like a crime scene waiting for pattern analysis. Today, there were also peppers and potatoes in what can only be described as a staggered recipe that demands the lid is on and off, causing fluctuating temperatures that invite splatters. It is worth it, though, for this almost velvety, summer braise, and also because I suggest making a double quantity, half to go with pasta, and the rest with fried eggs or slices of feta.

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Match ID: 0 Score: 50.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food, 20.00 recipes

6 quick bread recipes for toasting and topping
Sat, 15 Jun 2024 14:00:33 +0000
These loaves are great when you have leftovers and want to jazz them up with butter, cream cheese or jam.
Match ID: 1 Score: 50.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 food, 20.00 recipes

In photos, video: Muslims around the world celebrate Eid al-Adha
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 10:21:48 +0000
Muslims celebrated Eid al-Adha, the Islamic holiday that marks the yearly Hajj pilgrimage, with prayers and food in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh and more.
Match ID: 2 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

Kenya’s first nuclear plant: why plans face fierce opposition in country’s coastal paradise
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 05:00:09 GMT

Unease and anger are rising over proposals to build country’s first facility on Kilifi coast, home to white sand beaches, coral reefs and mangrove swamps

Kilifi County’s white sandy beaches have made it one of Kenya’s most popular tourist destinations. Hotels and beach bars line the 165 mile-long (265km) coast; fishers supply the district’s restaurants with fresh seafood; and visitors spend their days boating, snorkelling around coral reefs or bird watching in dense mangrove forests.

Soon, this idyllic coastline will host Kenya’s first nuclear plant, as the country, like its east African neighbour Uganda, pushes forward with atomic energy plans.

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Match ID: 3 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

‘We need the world to wake up’: Sudan facing world’s deadliest famine in 40 years
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 04:00:07 GMT

Millions face disaster as Sudanese army and RSF accused of using food access as a weapon in on-going war

Sudan is facing a famine that could become worse than any the world has seen since Ethiopia 40 years ago, US officials have warned, as aid deliveries continue to be blocked by the warring armies but arms supplies to both sides continue to flow in.

With much of the world’s attention focused on Gaza, the scene of another human-made famine, Sudan is already the worst humanitarian crisis in the world and is slipping towards a humanitarian disaster of historic proportions, with far less media coverage and global concern. A UN humanitarian appeal for the country has received only 16% of the funds it needs.

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Match ID: 4 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

Teachers and GPs ‘staggering’ under extra demands caused by poverty in Great Britain
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 04:00:07 GMT

Schools and health services forced to offer crisis help in the form of food, clothing, money and advice

Britain’s schools and primary health services are “staggering” under the pressure of demand caused by an epidemic of extreme poverty, as desperate families unable to afford food, clothing or heating increasingly turn to them for crisis help.

Teachers and GPs in England, Scotland and Wales are informally acting as emergency food providers, welfare advisers, housing officers and social workers alongside their day jobs, as they devote more and more time and resources to support struggling parents and children, new research has found.

Primary school staff estimated 48% of their pupils, and primary care staff 57% of their patients, had experienced hardship at some point since the start of the school year or over the past 12 months.

A third of schools, and nearly half of GP surgeries, had set up food banks to provide emergency food supplies to hungry pupils and families. Staff in schools in deprived areas estimated 44% of pupils had come to school hungry over the past year.

Nearly a quarter of NHS primary care staff and 40% of teachers said they had dipped into their own pockets to help pupils and patients. In one case, a nurse gave new underpants, still in their packet and intended for her husband, to a desperate patient.

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Match ID: 5 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

'Solid, not spectacular' - five key England talking points
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 23:10:40 GMT
Gareth Southgate has plenty of food for thought after England's "solid rather than spectacular" start at Euro 2024, writes Phil McNulty.
Match ID: 6 Score: 30.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

Third UK sandwich maker recalls product, saying it is a precaution
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 21:48:19 GMT

Plant-based food company This has not detected E coli in the wrap but is concerned about possible contamination

A third sandwich and wrap manufacturer has recalled one of its products after an E coli outbreak that has left 67 people in hospital and more than 200 in total seriously ill.

On Sunday evening the Food Standards Agency (FSA) said This had “taken the precautionary step of recalling its This Isn’t Chicken and Bacon wrap because of possible contamination with E coli”.

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Match ID: 7 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

The Guardian view on the climate crisis and heatwaves: a killer we need to combat | Editorial
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 17:30:00 GMT

Britain may be chilly, but from Greece to India, people are dying due to record temperatures. The death toll will grow without urgent action

While Britons don jumpers and complain about the unseasonable cold, much of the world has been reeling due to excessive temperatures. India has been in the grip of its longest heatwave in recorded history, with thermometers hitting 50C in some places. Greece closed the Acropolis in the afternoon last week as temperatures hit 43C; never has it seen a heatwave so early in the year. Soaring temperatures in the Sahel and western Africa saw mortuaries in Mali reportedly running short of space this spring, while swathes of Asia suffered in May.

Mexico and the south-west of the US have also endured blistering conditions; it was particularly shocking to hear Donald Trump pledge again to “drill, baby, drill” at a rally that saw supporters taken to hospital with heat exhaustion. These bouts of extreme weather are increasing as the climate crisis worsens. Although the El Niño weather pattern contributed to heatwaves over the last 12 months, they are becoming more frequent, extreme and prolonged thanks to global heating. By 2040, almost half the world’s inhabitants are likely to experience major heatwaves, 12 times more than the historic average.

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Match ID: 8 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

This Cava-inspired salad bowl boasts spicy feta and a date vinaigrette
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 14:00:48 +0000
Inspired by the bowls at fast-growing chain Cava, this salad features roasted pita wedges, a balsamic-date dressing and a scoop of feta blended with jalapeños.
Match ID: 9 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

Restaurant Review: One Weird Night at Frog Club
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
If a self-consciously clubby restaurant suddenly becomes easy to get into, what’s the point of going at all?
Match ID: 10 Score: 30.00 source: www.newyorker.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 food

‘People like it because it’s the messy truth’: Lily Allen and Miquita Oliver on their hit podcast Miss Me?
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 06:00:42 GMT

The pop star and the TV presenter are lifelong friends, and it’s their intimacy – and honesty – that gives their new BBC show its edge. They discuss their storied careers, and how they turn life’s challenges into audio gold

In a photographer’s studio in north London, sitting at a wooden table with mugs of tea, two friends are having a chat. They’ve discussed food and clothes, but now they’re on to their actual friendship: the reason why we’re here.

“I think before this podcast,” says Miquita Oliver, “a lot of people who were aware that Lily and me have a friendship would be basing it on pictures of us leaving the Groucho pissed when we were 23…” She looks at Lily Allen, who is laughing quite hard.

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Match ID: 11 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 food

D.C. chef Michael Rafidi’s Beard Award is a ‘huge moment for Palestinians’
Sat, 15 Jun 2024 20:28:47 +0000
Michael Rafidi, the Palestinian American behind Albi in Washington, won the James Beard Award for outstanding chef on Monday.
Match ID: 12 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 food

8 Israeli troops killed in Rafah; Gazans prepare for somber Eid holiday
Sat, 15 Jun 2024 18:04:37 +0000
One million people in southern Gaza are “trapped, without clean water or sanitation,” says the World Food Program, as Gazans prepare for the Eid al-Adha holiday.
Match ID: 13 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 food

How do brainless creatures control their appetites?
Sat, 15 Jun 2024 10:45:47 +0000
Separate systems register when the animals have eaten and control feeding behaviors.
Match ID: 14 Score: 30.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

I Spent a Week Eating Discarded Restaurant Food. But Was It Really Going to Waste?
Fri, 14 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
Food app Too Good To Go promises to cut waste by directing hungry bargain hunters to leftover restaurant food. But the week I spent living off the app had me wondering if Too Good To Go is too good to be true.
Match ID: 15 Score: 25.71 source: www.wired.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 25.71 food

These “Tent Massacre” Survivors Couldn’t Afford to Leave Rafah. The Next Israeli Attack Nearly Wiped Their Family Out.
Fri, 14 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000

“I felt helpless watching my family dying and not able to help them. It is a nightmare that I will never wake up from.”

The post These “Tent Massacre” Survivors Couldn’t Afford to Leave Rafah. The Next Israeli Attack Nearly Wiped Their Family Out. appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 16 Score: 25.71 source: theintercept.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 25.71 food

GOP States Double Down on Fighting Medication Abortion After Supreme Court Keeps It Legal
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 20:51:02 +0000

From the jump, the lawsuit challenging the legality of mifepristone was a cynical, propagandistic endeavor. In a 9-0 opinion, the Supreme Court threw it out.

The post GOP States Double Down on Fighting Medication Abortion After Supreme Court Keeps It Legal appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 17 Score: 25.71 source: theintercept.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 25.71 food

UAW Endorses Nebraska Underdog Threatening to Unseat a Republican Senator
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 18:17:35 +0000

Dan Osborn, running as an independent, has racked up endorsements in a race that could help determine Senate control in 2024.

The post UAW Endorses Nebraska Underdog Threatening to Unseat a Republican Senator appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 18 Score: 17.14 source: theintercept.com age: 5 days
qualifiers: 17.14 food

Sign up for the Feast newsletter: our free Guardian food email
Tue, 09 Jul 2019 08:19:21 GMT

A weekly email from Yotam Ottolenghi, Meera Sodha, Felicity Cloake and Rachel Roddy, featuring the latest recipes and seasonal eating ideas

Each week we’ll send you an exclusive newsletter from our star food writers. We’ll also send you the latest recipes from Yotam Ottolenghi, Nigel Slater, Meera Sodha and all our star cooks, stand-out food features and seasonal eating inspiration, plus restaurant reviews from Grace Dent and Jay Rayner.

Sign up below to start receiving the best of our culinary journalism in one mouth-watering weekly email.

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Match ID: 19 Score: 7.14 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1805 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food, 2.86 recipes

Missouri’s Attorney General Is Waging War to Keep the Wrongly Convicted Locked Up
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Andrew Bailey’s office has a losing record of fighting against exonerations recommended by local prosecutors — but it’s not giving up.

The post Missouri’s Attorney General Is Waging War to Keep the Wrongly Convicted Locked Up appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 20 Score: 4.29 source: theintercept.com age: 12 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food

Jamaican jerk to Thai sweet chilli – how much do you know about spicy food? Take our quiz to find out
Fri, 31 May 2024 10:23:46 GMT

You might be able to stand the heat, but does your spice knowledge live up to your tolerance level? Answer these questions to find out …

Find out more about Encona’s hot sauces at enconasauces.co.uk

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Match ID: 21 Score: 4.29 source: www.theguardian.com age: 17 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food

The woman feeding Liverpool from an ice-cream van – video
Tue, 28 May 2024 09:47:52 GMT

Michelle Roach bought a used ice-cream van in order to bring cheap, affordable food to Liverpool's struggling communities. She wanted a vehicle with freezers built in for frozen food, and also something cheerful that was able to break down stigmas around food poverty. Using a '10 items for £5' model, Michelle sources discount food from supermarket surplus and donations.

The Guardian's Christopher Cherry follows Michelle and the van on its rounds, with the service struggling to meet overwhelming demand as the cost of living crisis deepens, and the UK's general election fast approaches.

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Match ID: 22 Score: 4.29 source: www.theguardian.com age: 20 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food

What it takes to prove genocide – video
Thu, 09 May 2024 11:19:24 GMT

South Africa's case against Israel over allegations of genocide before the international court of justice has raised a central question of international law: what is genocide and how do you prove it? It is one of three genocide cases being considered by the UN's world court, but since the genocide convention was approved in 1948, only three instances have been legally recognised as genocide. Josh Toussaint-Strauss looks back on these historical cases to find out why the crime is so much harder to prove than other atrocities, and what bearing this has on South Africa's case against Israel and future cases

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Match ID: 23 Score: 4.29 source: www.theguardian.com age: 39 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food

A tour of the International Space Station with Andreas Mogensen
Fri, 12 Apr 2024 12:00:00 +0200
Video: 00:07:30

On the last day of his Huginn mission, ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen takes us on a tour of the place he called home for 6 months: the International Space Station. From the beautiful views of Cupola to the kitchen in Node 1 filled with food and friends and all the way to the science of Columbus, the Space Station is the work and living place for astronauts as they help push science forward. 

Match ID: 24 Score: 4.29 source: www.esa.int age: 66 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food

Five hacks to help save money on your food shop
Wed, 29 Nov 2023 15:53:08 GMT
The cost-of-living crisis continues to bite. Here are some things that can reduce the impact.
Match ID: 25 Score: 4.29 source: www.bbc.co.uk age: 200 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food

Sign up for the Fashion Statement newsletter: our free fashion email
Tue, 20 Sep 2022 11:06:20 GMT

Style, with substance: what’s really trending this week, a roundup of the best fashion journalism and your wardrobe dilemmas solved, direct to your inbox every Thursday

Style, with substance: what’s really trending this week, a roundup of the best fashion journalism and your wardrobe dilemmas solved, delivered straight to your inbox every Thursday

Explore all our newsletters: whether you love film, football, fashion or food, we’ve got something for you

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Match ID: 26 Score: 4.29 source: www.theguardian.com age: 636 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food

What is Blockchain: Everything You Need to Know (2022)
Mon, 18 Apr 2022 05:49:00 +0000
What is Blockchain

If you want to pay online, you need to register an account and provide credit card information. If you don't have a credit card, you can pay with bank transfer. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, these methods may become old.

Imagine a world in which you can do transactions and many other things without having to give your personal information. A world in which you don’t need to rely on banks or governments anymore. Sounds amazing, right? That’s exactly what blockchain technology allows us to do.

It’s like your computer’s hard drive. blockchain is a technology that lets you store data in digital blocks, which are connected together like links in a chain. 

Blockchain technology was originally invented in 1991 by two mathematicians, Stuart Haber and W. Scot Stornetta. They first proposed the system to ensure that timestamps could not be tampered with.

A few years later, in 1998, software developer Nick Szabo proposed using a similar kind of technology to secure a digital payments system he called “Bit Gold.” However, this innovation was not adopted until Satoshi Nakamoto claimed to have invented the first Blockchain and Bitcoin.

So, What is Blockchain?

A blockchain is a distributed database shared between the nodes of a computer network. It saves information in digital format. Many people first heard of blockchain technology when they started to look up information about bitcoin.

Blockchain is used in cryptocurrency systems to ensure secure, decentralized records of transactions.

Blockchain allowed people to guarantee the fidelity and security of a record of data without the need for a third party to ensure accuracy.

To understand how a blockchain works, Consider these basic steps:

  • Blockchain collects information in “blocks”.
  • A block has a storage capacity, and once it's used up, it can be closed and linked to a previously served block.
  • Blocks form chains, which are called “Blockchains.”
  • More information will be added to the block with the most content until its capacity is full. The process repeats itself.
  • Each block in the chain has an exact timestamp and can't be changed.

Let’s get to know more about the blockchain.

How does blockchain work?

Blockchain records digital information and distributes it across the network without changing it. The information is distributed among many users and stored in an immutable, permanent ledger that can't be changed or destroyed. That's why blockchain is also called "Distributed Ledger Technology" or DLT.

Here’s how it works:

  • Someone or a computer will transacts
  • The transaction is transmitted throughout the network.
  • A network of computers can confirm the transaction.
  • When it is confirmed a transaction is added to a block
  • The blocks are linked together to create a history.

And that’s the beauty of it! The process may seem complicated, but it’s done in minutes with modern technology. And because technology is advancing rapidly, I expect things to move even more quickly than ever.

  • A new transaction is added to the system. It is then relayed to a network of computers located around the world. The computers then solve equations to ensure the authenticity of the transaction.
  • Once a transaction is confirmed, it is placed in a block after the confirmation. All of the blocks are chained together to create a permanent history of every transaction.

How are Blockchains used?

Even though blockchain is integral to cryptocurrency, it has other applications. For example, blockchain can be used for storing reliable data about transactions. Many people confuse blockchain with cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum.

Blockchain already being adopted by some big-name companies, such as Walmart, AIG, Siemens, Pfizer, and Unilever. For example, IBM's Food Trust uses blockchain to track food's journey before reaching its final destination.

Although some of you may consider this practice excessive, food suppliers and manufacturers adhere to the policy of tracing their products because bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella have been found in packaged foods. In addition, there have been isolated cases where dangerous allergens such as peanuts have accidentally been introduced into certain products.

Tracing and identifying the sources of an outbreak is a challenging task that can take months or years. Thanks to the Blockchain, however, companies now know exactly where their food has been—so they can trace its location and prevent future outbreaks.

Blockchain technology allows systems to react much faster in the event of a hazard. It also has many other uses in the modern world.

What is Blockchain Decentralization?

Blockchain technology is safe, even if it’s public. People can access the technology using an internet connection.

Have you ever been in a situation where you had all your data stored at one place and that one secure place got compromised? Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to prevent your data from leaking out even when the security of your storage systems is compromised?

Blockchain technology provides a way of avoiding this situation by using multiple computers at different locations to store information about transactions. If one computer experiences problems with a transaction, it will not affect the other nodes.

Instead, other nodes will use the correct information to cross-reference your incorrect node. This is called “Decentralization,” meaning all the information is stored in multiple places.

Blockchain guarantees your data's authenticity—not just its accuracy, but also its irreversibility. It can also be used to store data that are difficult to register, like legal contracts, state identifications, or a company's product inventory.

Pros and Cons of Blockchain

Blockchain has many advantages and disadvantages. 


  • Accuracy is increased because there is no human involvement in the verification process.
  • One of the great things about decentralization is that it makes information harder to tamper with.
  • Safe, private, and easy transactions
  • Provides a banking alternative and safe storage of personal information


  • Data storage has limits.
  • The regulations are always changing, as they differ from place to place.
  • It has a risk of being used for illicit activities 

Frequently Asked Questions About Blockchain

I’ll answer the most frequently asked questions about blockchain in this section.

Is Blockchain a cryptocurrency?

Blockchain is not a cryptocurrency but a technology that makes cryptocurrencies possible. It's a digital ledger that records every transaction seamlessly.

Is it possible for Blockchain to be hacked?

Yes, blockchain can be theoretically hacked, but it is a complicated task to be achieved. A network of users constantly reviews it, which makes hacking the blockchain difficult.

What is the most prominent blockchain company?

Coinbase Global is currently the biggest blockchain company in the world. The company runs a commendable infrastructure, services, and technology for the digital currency economy.

Who owns Blockchain?

Blockchain is a decentralized technology. It’s a chain of distributed ledgers connected with nodes. Each node can be any electronic device. Thus, one owns blockhain.

What is the difference between Bitcoin and Blockchain technology?

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, which is powered by Blockchain technology while Blockchain is a distributed ledger of cryptocurrency 

What is the difference between Blockchain and a Database?

Generally a database is a collection of data which can be stored and organized using a database management system. The people who have access to the database can view or edit the information stored there. The client-server network architecture is used to implement databases. whereas a blockchain is a growing list of records, called blocks, stored in a distributed system. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, timestamp and transaction information. Modification of data is not allowed due to the design of the blockchain. The technology allows decentralized control and eliminates risks of data modification by other parties.

Final Saying

Blockchain has a wide spectrum of applications and, over the next 5-10 years, we will likely see it being integrated into all sorts of industries. From finance to healthcare, blockchain could revolutionize the way we store and share data. Although there is some hesitation to adopt blockchain systems right now, that won't be the case in 2022-2023 (and even less so in 2026). Once people become more comfortable with the technology and understand how it can work for them, owners, CEOs and entrepreneurs alike will be quick to leverage blockchain technology for their own gain. Hope you like this article if you have any question let me know in the comments section


Match ID: 27 Score: 4.29 source: techncruncher.blogspot.com age: 791 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food

Filter efficiency 96.277 (28 matches/752 results)

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The right’s fury over Caitlin Clark is about everything except Caitlin Clark
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 08:30:12 GMT

Much of the debate around the Indiana Fever rookie is led by politicians who employ discord as a means to posture to voters

When Caitlin Clark was on the receiving end of a hard foul from Angel Reese on Sunday, the sound and fury around the Indiana Fever rookie intensified once again. She has been the focus of a number of controversies lately.

After Clark was left off the USA women’s basketball Olympic team earlier this month, I raised an eyebrow myself. She’s a phenomenal player and athlete and someone who should hold the lion’s share of the credit for the WNBA’s massive increase in popularity. But, as is often the case in sports discourse, multiple things can be true at once. Clark is also an inexperienced rookie, who, aside from a few standout performances (including Sunday’s win over the Chicago Sky), has had a rocky start to her WNBA career – she leads the league in turnovers per game. And when it comes to adding her to the Olympic roster, the US selection committee would have had to alter the roles of skilled guards like Diana Taurasi and Sabrina Ionescu.

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Match ID: 0 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 athlete

Abandoned, abused and belittled: how Oksana Masters survived a torturous childhood – and became a world-beating athlete
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 04:00:08 GMT

Born with disabilities in the shadow of Chornobyl, she spent her early life in an orphanage that was also a brothel. Then Masters was adopted, and thrived, becoming a phenomenal rower, skier and cyclist

You wouldn’t necessarily expect an injury to a finger to derail an entire competition season and threaten to end a sporting career, but this is the situation Oksana Masters, the US Paralympic skier and cyclist, found herself in last year. “I’ve had injuries and I’m used to missing time, but not a whole year like that,” she says. “I underestimated the mental side.” But in a life as traumatic and triumphant as Masters’, a broken finger is just one more obstacle to be overcome.

She was born in Ukraine in 1989, with a range of disabilities caused by radiation from the 1986 Chornobyl nuclear disaster, and spent the first part of her childhood in an orphanage, enduring unimaginable emotional, physical and sexual abuse. When, as an eight-year-old, she was adopted by an American woman, it was finally the start of a happy family life – but it was also challenging to adapt to a new country. Masters underwent multiple operations, including having both her legs amputated.

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Match ID: 1 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 athlete

Top 10 Best PLR(Private Label Rights) Websites | Which One You Should Join in 2022?
Sat, 26 Feb 2022 13:36:00 +0000

Content creation is one of the biggest struggles for many marketers and business owners. It often requires both time and financial resources, especially if you plan to hire a writer.
Today, we have a fantastic opportunity to use other people's products by purchasing Private Label Rights.

To find a good PLR website, first, determine the type of products you want to acquire. One way to do this is to choose among membership sites or PLR product stores. Following are 10 great sites that offer products in both categories.

What are PLR websites?

Private Label Rights (PLR) products are digital products that can be in the form of an ebook, software, online course videos, value-packed articles, etc. You can use these products with some adjustments to sell as your own under your own brand and keep all the money and profit yourself without wasting your time on product creation.
The truth is that locating the best website for PLR materials can be a time-consuming and expensive exercise. That’s why we have researched, analyzed, and ranked the best 10 websites:

1. PLR.me

 PLR.me is of the best places to get PLR content in 2021-2022. It offers a content marketing system that comes with courses, brandable tools, and more. It is the most trusted PLR website, among other PLR sites. The PLR.me platform features smart digital caching PLR tools for health and wellness professionals. The PLR.me platform, which was built on advanced caching technology, has been well-received by big brands such as Toronto Sun and Entrepreneur. The best thing about this website is its content marketing automation tools.


  • Pay-as-you-go Plan – $22
  • 100 Monthly Plan – $99/month
  • 400 Annual Plan – $379/year
  • 800 Annual Plan – $579/year
  • 2500 Annual Plan – $990/year


  • Access over 15,940+ ready-to-use PLR coaching resources.
  • Content marketing and sliding tools are provided by the site.
  • You can create courses, products, webinars, emails, and nearly anything else you can dream of.
  • You can cancel your subscription anytime.


  • Compared to other top PLR sites, this one is a bit more expensive.

2. InDigitalWorks

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Match ID: 2 Score: 5.00 source: techncruncher.blogspot.com age: 841 days
qualifiers: 5.00 fitness

Filter efficiency 99.601 (3 matches/752 results)

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Summary of the Ninth DSCOVR EPIC and NISTAR Science Team Meeting
Fri, 14 Jun 2024 17:50:16 +0000
Introduction The ninth Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) Earth Polychromatic Camera (EPIC) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Advanced Radiometer [NISTAR] Science Team Meeting (STM) was held virtually October 16–17, 2023. Over 35 scientists attended, most of whom were from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), with several participating from other NASA field […]
Match ID: 0 Score: 75.00 source: science.nasa.gov age: 2 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia, 20.00 korea, 20.00 italy, 15.00 energy

Between hollow rhetoric and war: how sanctions work – and why they often don’t
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 23:44:32 GMT

From ancient Greece to modern Russia, sanctions are now the go-to option for policy-makers – so why do they so rarely achieve their aims?

In the year 432BCE, the Athenian empire sought to teach its smaller neighbour, Megara, a punitive lesson after various acts of defiance. Instead of going to war, which would break the peace with Sparta, Athens took the novel path of blocking the Megarians from using all the ports in the region.

It was known as the Megarian decree, and it was arguably the first recorded case of economic sanctions. It was also a failure, at least when it came to fending off a conflict. The Peloponnesian war, pitting Athens against Sparta, erupted a year later, and some ancient historians believe it was triggered by the Megarian sanctions.

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Match ID: 1 Score: 55.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 sanctions, 20.00 russia

Ukrainian Sailors Are Using Telegram to Avoid Being Tricked Into Smuggling Oil for Russia
Sat, 15 Jun 2024 11:00:00 +0000
Contract seafarers in Ukraine are turning to online whisper networks to keep themselves from being hired into Russia’s sanctions-busting shadow fleet.
Match ID: 2 Score: 55.00 source: www.wired.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 35.00 sanctions, 20.00 russia

Russia’s Putin to visit North Korea, amid growing military cooperation
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:20:28 +0000
The pair will use the visit to pledge support for each other, rebuffing U.S.-led efforts to isolate Putin over Ukraine and Kim over his pursuit of nuclear weapons.
Match ID: 3 Score: 50.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia, 20.00 korea, 10.00 nuclear

First Thing: Global spending on nuclear weapons up 13% in record rise
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 10:35:38 GMT

World’s nuclear states on course to spend $100bn in 2024. Plus, Benjamin Netanyahu dissolves war cabinet

Good morning.

Global expenditure on nuclear weapons is estimated to have risen by 13% to a record $91.4bn in 2023, according to calculations from the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (Ican), propelled by a sharp increase in US defense budgets.

Which nuclear powers have increased spending? All nine: US, China, Russia, the UK, France, India, Israel, Pakistan, and North Korea.

What does Ican say about this trend? With funding forecast to hit $100bn in 2024, Susi Snyder, one of the research’s authors, argued that it could be spent instead on environmental and social programmes.

What will Netanyahu do after dissolving the cabinet? Netanyahu is expected to hold consultations about the war with a small group of ministers.

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Match ID: 4 Score: 50.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia, 20.00 korea, 10.00 nuclear

Putin taunts West as North Korean trip confirmed
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:50:13 GMT
Russia's president is due to meet Kim Jong Un next week, his first visit to North Korea since 2000.
Match ID: 5 Score: 40.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia, 20.00 korea

Nigel Farage says he’s aiming to be candidate for PM by 2029 ahead of Reform manifesto launch – UK general election live
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:32:53 GMT

Farage to launch party manifesto on Monday in traditional Labour stronghold of Merthyr Tydfil

Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves have been campaigning in Hampshire this morning. Stefan Rousseau from PA Media took this picture of them on the train.

The SNP has called for a social tariff that would guarantee cheap energy bills for people who are poor, disabled or elderly.

We believe that there are certain things that every citizen should have access to as a right. Healthcare free at the point of need, a social security safety net, pensions for older people, and free education including free university tuition.

But it is time that we recognised that these rights need to go further, to reflect the realities of the modern world.

Connectivity – fast broadband and good mobile phone connections – are critical to modern life. In fact, in rural Scotland and the Isles, it is critical to the whole future of the economy.
As more and more people work from home at least part of the week, often you literally cannot do your job without a decent internet connection. That’s why, to help people get jobs, keep jobs and keep more of their hard-earned cash, there should be a social tariff for broadband and mobile charges too.

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Match ID: 6 Score: 40.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump, 15.00 energy

Russia-Ukraine war live: Moscow trying to ‘maximise depletion of our troops’ before aid arrives, Ukraine army chief says
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:31:53 GMT

Ukraine says Russia is intensifying attacks and trying to gain more territory before military aid, including F-16 jets, arrive

We have more comments from the daily briefing with journalists attended by Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.

He was asked about the Ukraine peace summit, held in Switzerland over the weekend, during which western powers and their allies denounced Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine but failed to persuade major non-aligned states to join their final statement.

No, it won’t spoil them. We will, of course, take into account the position that these countries have taken, this is important to us and we will continue to explain our reasoning to them.

Many of them, and this was a common point of view on this event, confirmed their understanding of the absence of prospects for any serious, substantive discussions without the presence of our country … If we talk about the overall effectiveness of this meeting, it is close to zero.

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Match ID: 7 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia, 10.00 nuclear

Global spending on nuclear weapons up 13% in record rise
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 04:00:08 GMT

States are on course to spend $100bn a year, driven by a sharp increase in US defence budgets

Global spending on nuclear weapons is estimated to have increased by 13% to a record $91.4bn during 2023, according to calculations from the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (Ican) pressure group.

The new total, which is up $10.7bn from the previous year, is driven largely by sharply increased defence budgets in the US, at a time of wider geopolitical uncertainty caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas war.

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Match ID: 8 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia, 10.00 nuclear

Elections 2024 live updates: Jockeying intensifies for No. 2 slot on Trump’s ticket
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:38:52 +0000
Live updates from the 2024 campaign trail, with the latest news on presidential candidates, polls, primaries and more.
Match ID: 9 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Biden ad highlights Trump convictions in New York case, civil trials
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:20:05 +0000

Match ID: 10 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Donald Trump looking for ‘fighter’ as Republican running mate
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:00:32 GMT

Sources close to ex-president say gender and race irrelevant over pick who’s ‘America first’ and believes in agenda

Donald Trump is looking for a “fighter” as his running mate in this year’s presidential election and regards factors such as their gender or race as irrelevant, according to sources close to the former US president.

Conventional wisdom used to hold that Trump was likely to choose a woman or a person of color as his potential vice-president in an effort to broaden his appeal. But aides close to the presumptive Republican nominee currently say he will not take so-called identity politics into account.

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Match ID: 11 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Contenders on Trump’s VP shortlist appear on Sunday shows
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 10:46:57 +0000

Match ID: 12 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump portrays rampant crime in speech at Black church in Detroit
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 10:30:14 +0000

Match ID: 13 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Biden, Obama warn of Trump dangers in star-studded L.A. fundraiser
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 10:30:10 +0000

Match ID: 14 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump always returns to his folly. And his Republican acolytes always return to him | Richard Wolffe
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 10:01:30 GMT

Trump’s visit to the US Capitol – where the Republicans he almost got killed three years ago fawned over him – would be funny if it weren’t pathetic

Anyone can rat, as Winston Churchill once supposedly said. But it takes a certain amount of ingenuity to re-rat.

Say what you like about Donald Trump, but there’s no shortage of rodent-like ingenuity around his dealings with the sewer life that populates today’s Republican party.

Richard Wolffe is a Guardian US columnist

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Match ID: 15 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump’s Brazen Pact with the 0.001 Per Cent
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
After reaping huge profits in the Biden years, some Wall Street billionaires and tech barons are throwing their support behind the President’s rival, who is desperate for their money.
Match ID: 16 Score: 25.00 source: www.newyorker.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Mike Johnson’s Intelligence Committee choices anger some GOP lawmakers
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 10:00:30 +0000
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) named two controversial members to the House Intelligence Committee — Reps. Scott Perry (Pa.) and Ronny Jackson (Tex.) — sparking concerns about politicizing a crucial committee. He did so partially because Donald Trump wanted him to.
Match ID: 17 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Biden campaign launches advertising attack on ‘convicted criminal’ Trump
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000
The latest television ad signals President Biden’s attempt to make Donald Trump’s civil and criminal judgments a major contrast in the fall campaign.
Match ID: 18 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Kenya’s first nuclear plant: why plans face fierce opposition in country’s coastal paradise
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 05:00:09 GMT

Unease and anger are rising over proposals to build country’s first facility on Kilifi coast, home to white sand beaches, coral reefs and mangrove swamps

Kilifi County’s white sandy beaches have made it one of Kenya’s most popular tourist destinations. Hotels and beach bars line the 165 mile-long (265km) coast; fishers supply the district’s restaurants with fresh seafood; and visitors spend their days boating, snorkelling around coral reefs or bird watching in dense mangrove forests.

Soon, this idyllic coastline will host Kenya’s first nuclear plant, as the country, like its east African neighbour Uganda, pushes forward with atomic energy plans.

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Match ID: 19 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy, 10.00 nuclear

The Guardian view on the climate crisis and heatwaves: a killer we need to combat | Editorial
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 17:30:00 GMT

Britain may be chilly, but from Greece to India, people are dying due to record temperatures. The death toll will grow without urgent action

While Britons don jumpers and complain about the unseasonable cold, much of the world has been reeling due to excessive temperatures. India has been in the grip of its longest heatwave in recorded history, with thermometers hitting 50C in some places. Greece closed the Acropolis in the afternoon last week as temperatures hit 43C; never has it seen a heatwave so early in the year. Soaring temperatures in the Sahel and western Africa saw mortuaries in Mali reportedly running short of space this spring, while swathes of Asia suffered in May.

Mexico and the south-west of the US have also endured blistering conditions; it was particularly shocking to hear Donald Trump pledge again to “drill, baby, drill” at a rally that saw supporters taken to hospital with heat exhaustion. These bouts of extreme weather are increasing as the climate crisis worsens. Although the El Niño weather pattern contributed to heatwaves over the last 12 months, they are becoming more frequent, extreme and prolonged thanks to global heating. By 2040, almost half the world’s inhabitants are likely to experience major heatwaves, 12 times more than the historic average.

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Match ID: 20 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Hunter Biden’s Conviction and Trump’s Risk to the Justice Department in 2024
Sat, 15 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
“It defies imagination to think that this is a case that would have existed in any other context than the context of Biden being in the White House,” Susan B. Glasser says.
Match ID: 21 Score: 25.00 source: www.newyorker.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

How the US supreme court could be a key election issue: ‘They’ve grown too powerful’
Sat, 15 Jun 2024 10:00:17 GMT

Grassroots Democrats seek to make ‘judicial activism’ a driving voting issue, but swing voters have other priorities

“Look at me, look at me,” said Martha-Ann Alito. “I’m German, from Germany. My heritage is German. You come after me, I’m gonna give it back to you.”

It was a bizarre outburst from the wife of a justice on America’s highest court. Secretly recorded by a liberal activist, Martha-Ann Alito complained about a neighbour’s gay pride flag and expressed a desire to fly a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag in protest.

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Match ID: 22 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Donald Trump’s trade hawk is plotting behind bars
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 17:48:56 +0000
Peter Navarro’s dark vision of the global economy could shape Trump 2
Match ID: 23 Score: 22.86 source: www.economist.com age: 5 days
qualifiers: 14.29 trump, 8.57 trump

Happy Seventy-eighth Birthday, Mr. Ex-President
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 23:34:56 +0000
If ever there were a case for age-related diminishment of a candidate, Donald Trump is it.
Match ID: 24 Score: 21.43 source: www.newyorker.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 21.43 trump

Gershkovich trial to be held behind closed doors
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:33:37 GMT
Russia accuses the Wall Street Journal reporter of collecting "secret information" on behalf of the CIA.
Match ID: 25 Score: 20.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Jailed US reporter Evan Gershkovich to be tried behind closed doors, says Russian court
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 08:11:32 GMT

First hearing of journalist, who denies charges of spying for the US, scheduled for 26 June in Yekaterinburg

Russia will hold the espionage trial of the detained American reporter Evan Gershkovich, who denies charges of collecting secrets for the CIA, behind closed doors later in June, a court in the city of Yekaterinburg has said.

Gershkovich, 32, was detained by the Federal Security Service (FSB) on 29 March 2023 in a steak house in Yekaterinburg on charges of espionage that carry up to 20 years in prison.

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Match ID: 26 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

UK manufacturers expecting boost in second half of 2024
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 23:01:02 GMT

Make UK survey foresees growth in sector, but warns next government must tackle skills shortage

Britain’s largest manufacturers are expecting orders and output to increase dramatically in the second half of the year, even as a chronic shortage of skilled workers is threatening the ability of some companies to do business.

Manufacturing is returning to normal business conditions after wild swings in demand during the pandemic, disruptions in prices after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the effect on supply chains of blockages and conflict around the Suez canal, according to a survey of 320 companies by the trade body Make UK.

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Match ID: 27 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Ferrari win back-to-back Le Mans 24 Hours after intense battle with Toyota
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 16:26:08 GMT
  • Fuoco, Molina and Nielsen the winning drivers
  • Runners-up finish just 14 seconds behind

After a relentless battle likely to be remembered for the ages even amid the storied history of this race, ­Ferrari’s victory at the Le Mans 24 Hours must count as one of the team’s hardest fought wins at the Circuit de la Sarthe.

Ultimately it was the No 50 ­Ferrari 499P of Italy’s Antonio Fuoco, Spain’s Miguel Molina and Denmark’s ­Nicklas Nielsen who took the flag in the 92nd Grand Prix d’Endurance, a first ­victory at the 24 for all three drivers, who will remember this day long into their dotage.

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Match ID: 28 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 italy

Ukrainian robot drone tanks get Starlink power to battle Russia
Ukrainian robot drone tanks get Starlink power to battle Russia submitted by /u/lurker_bee
[link] [comments]

Match ID: 29 Score: 20.00 source: www.reddit.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

‘Know how loved you were’: fathers write to their children from the frontline
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 06:00:43 GMT

As many countries celebrate Father’s Day, four men share their love, fears and dreams for their children in Gaza, Ukraine, Afghanistan and Sudan

Danylo Khomutovsky is a driver and frontline medic with Hospitallers, a volunteer group in Ukraine. His wife, Lera*, and nine-year-old son, Sasha*, fled after the Russian invasion and are now in the Netherlands. They have been separated from Danylo ever since

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Match ID: 30 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Italy rally to beat Albania and are Spain the real deal? – Football Daily
Sat, 15 Jun 2024 23:10:54 GMT

Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Nicky Bandini, Dan Bardell and Nick Ames as day two of Euro 2024 provides goals, goals, goals

On the podcast today: Albania provide an early scare against Italy, with Nedim Bajrami scoring after just 23 seconds and setting a record for the quickest ever goal at the Euros. But the defending champions rallied straight away to secure a deserved victory.

Elsewhere in Group B, can we finally say it … are Croatia tired? Spain beat them 3-0 and already look a team to be taken seriously at this tournament.

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Match ID: 31 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 italy

Russian ties and cheap tech: G7 leaders unequivocal in criticism of China
Fri, 14 Jun 2024 18:51:38 GMT

Concerns set out over supply of materials with military applications, and impact of subsidies on global market

China’s role in providing assistance to Russia in its war against Ukraine, and its “harmful overcapacity” in the production of cheap goods, have been targeted by G7 leaders despite misgivings from Germany.

On the second day of the annual summit, being held in Puglia under the Italian chair, the US drove home a 36-page communique that condemned Chinese subsidies for products such as solar panels and electric cars which it said were leading to “global spillovers, market distortions and harmful overcapacity … undermining our workers, industries, and economic resilience and security”.

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Match ID: 32 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

NASA’s LRO Spots China’s Chang’e 6 Spacecraft on Lunar Far Side
Fri, 14 Jun 2024 17:05:58 +0000
NASA’s LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) imaged China’s Chang’e 6 sample return spacecraft on the far side of the Moon on June 7. Chang’e 6 landed on June 1, and when LRO passed over the landing site almost a week later, it acquired an image showing the lander on the rim of an eroded, 55-yard-diameter (about […]
Match ID: 33 Score: 20.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 2 days
qualifiers: 20.00 korea

Council that hiked heating bills by 350% delays passing on £1m subsidy to tenants
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 08:00:13 GMT

Lambeth council, which raised bills for more than 3,000 tenants on communal heat networks, has delayed crediting them for over a year

A local authority that threatened tenants with eviction if they could not afford a 350% hike in energy bills has delayed crediting them with a £1m government subsidy for more than 12 months, it has emerged.

Lambeth council is facing demands to pay compensation to residents who campaigners say have been forced into poverty by its conduct.

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Match ID: 34 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Coalition to impose ‘cap’ on renewable energy investment, Nationals leader says
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 07:16:45 GMT

David Littleproud claims Australia doesn’t need ‘large-scale industrial windfarms’ like the planned offshore zone south of Sydney

David Littleproud has claimed Australia doesn’t need “large-scale industrial windfarms” like the planned offshore zone south of Sydney, adding the Coalition will “cap” federal government investment into renewable energy if elected.

The Nationals leader visited Wollongong on Monday, where he promised the opposition would instead offer a “calm” and “methodical” energy pathway to net zero by 2050.

Sign up for Guardian Australia’s free morning and afternoon email newsletters for your daily news roundup

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Match ID: 35 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Too much of a good thing? Spain's green energy can exceed demand
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 23:06:49 GMT
Spain is looking at storing electricity or increasing demand to solve electricity oversupply.
Match ID: 36 Score: 15.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Light-Based Chips Could Help Slake AI's Ever-Growing Thirst for Energy
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 11:00:00 +0000
Optical neural networks, which use photons instead of electrons, have advantages over traditional systems. They also face major obstacles.
Match ID: 37 Score: 15.00 source: www.wired.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Caught on Secret Audio
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 16:35:30 +0000

“One side or the other is going to win,” Alito told a person he thought was a right-wing activist.

The post Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Caught on Secret Audio appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 38 Score: 15.00 source: theintercept.com age: 6 days
qualifiers: 10.71 trump, 4.29 nuclear

Firefox Browser Blocks Anti-Censorship Add-Ons at Russia’s Request
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:38:15 +0000

Mozilla, the maker of the popular web browser Firefox, said it received government demands to block add-ons that circumvent censorship.

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Match ID: 39 Score: 14.29 source: theintercept.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 14.29 russia

UAW Endorses Nebraska Underdog Threatening to Unseat a Republican Senator
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 18:17:35 +0000

Dan Osborn, running as an independent, has racked up endorsements in a race that could help determine Senate control in 2024.

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Match ID: 40 Score: 14.29 source: theintercept.com age: 5 days
qualifiers: 14.29 trump

Using AI for Political Polling

Public polling is a critical function of modern political campaigns and movements, but it isn’t what it once was. Recent US election cycles have produced copious postmortems explaining both the successes and the flaws of public polling. There are two main reasons polling fails.

First, nonresponse has skyrocketed. It’s radically harder to reach people than it used to be. Few people fill out surveys that come in the mail anymore. Few people answer their phone when a stranger calls. Pew Research reported that 36% of the people they called in 1997 would talk to them, but only 6% by 2018. Pollsters worldwide have faced similar challenges...

Match ID: 41 Score: 11.43 source: www.schneier.com age: 5 days
qualifiers: 11.43 russia

Ugandan oil pipeline protester allegedly beaten as part of ‘alarming crackdown’
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:02:50 GMT

Stephen Kwikiriza is one of 11 campaigners against EACOP targeted by authorities in past two weeks, rights group says

A man campaigning against the controversial $5bn (£4bn) east African crude oil pipeline (EACOP) is recovering in hospital after an alleged beating by the Ugandan armed forces in the latest incident in what has been called an “alarming crackdown” on the country’s environmentalists.

Stephen Kwikiriza, who works for Uganda’s Environment Governance Institute (EGI), a non-profit organisation, was abducted in Kampala on 4 June, according to his employer. He was beaten, questioned and then abandoned hundreds of miles from the capital on Sunday evening.

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Match ID: 42 Score: 10.71 source: www.theguardian.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 10.71 energy

US as many as 15 years behind China on nuclear power, report says
US as many as 15 years behind China on nuclear power, report says submitted by /u/BlitzOrion
[link] [comments]

Match ID: 43 Score: 10.00 source: www.reddit.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 nuclear

Abandoned, abused and belittled: how Oksana Masters survived a torturous childhood – and became a world-beating athlete
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 04:00:08 GMT

Born with disabilities in the shadow of Chornobyl, she spent her early life in an orphanage that was also a brothel. Then Masters was adopted, and thrived, becoming a phenomenal rower, skier and cyclist

You wouldn’t necessarily expect an injury to a finger to derail an entire competition season and threaten to end a sporting career, but this is the situation Oksana Masters, the US Paralympic skier and cyclist, found herself in last year. “I’ve had injuries and I’m used to missing time, but not a whole year like that,” she says. “I underestimated the mental side.” But in a life as traumatic and triumphant as Masters’, a broken finger is just one more obstacle to be overcome.

She was born in Ukraine in 1989, with a range of disabilities caused by radiation from the 1986 Chornobyl nuclear disaster, and spent the first part of her childhood in an orphanage, enduring unimaginable emotional, physical and sexual abuse. When, as an eight-year-old, she was adopted by an American woman, it was finally the start of a happy family life – but it was also challenging to adapt to a new country. Masters underwent multiple operations, including having both her legs amputated.

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Match ID: 44 Score: 10.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 nuclear

China pursuing ‘significant’ expansion of nuclear arsenal, report says
Sun, 16 Jun 2024 22:05:00 +0000
China is also modernizing its nuclear arsenal and could have as many intercontinental ballistic missiles as the United States by 2030, a new report says.
Match ID: 45 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 nuclear

Joe Biden’s Cruel Border Shutdown Follows in Clinton and Obama’s Footsteps Too
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 22:00:26 +0000

The draconian restrictions on asylum-seekers owe a lot to Donald Trump’s immigration crackdown, but the path was paved by Democrats.

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Match ID: 46 Score: 5.71 source: theintercept.com age: 11 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump, 2.14 trump

Would America dare to bring down a Chinese bank?
Wed, 10 Apr 2024 18:26:59 +0000
Janet Yellen promises sanctions for those supporting Vladimir Putin’s war
Match ID: 47 Score: 5.00 source: www.economist.com age: 67 days
qualifiers: 5.00 sanctions

A Federal Judge Visited Israel on a Junket Designed to Sway Public Opinion. Now He’s Hearing a Gaza Case.
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 18:24:04 +0000

Activists suing the Biden administration over Gaza policy are demanding the judge recuse himself over the sponsored trip.

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Match ID: 48 Score: 3.57 source: theintercept.com age: 11 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Inside Donald Trump’s hush-money trial: three key testimonies – video
Fri, 31 May 2024 02:35:05 GMT

Twelve jurors in New York have presented their fellow Americans with a simple question: are you willing to elect a convicted criminal to the White House?

On Thursday, Donald Trump was found guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records in a criminal hush-money scheme to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. The verdict makes him the first president, current or former, to be found guilty of felony crimes in the US's near 250-year history. Regardless, the conviction does not disqualify Trump as a presidential candidate or bar him from again sitting in the Oval Office.

Trump, who opted not to take the stand during the trial, has denied wrongdoing, railed against the proceedings and ahead of the verdict compared himself to a saint: “Mother Teresa could not beat these charges. The charges are rigged,” he said on Wednesday. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, is expected to appeal the verdict.

The Guardian’s Sam Levine has been in court over the last several weeks covering all the developments – here are three testimonies he found most memorable. 

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Match ID: 49 Score: 3.57 source: www.theguardian.com age: 17 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Biden outdoes Trump with ultra-high China tariffs
Tue, 14 May 2024 16:23:33 +0000
The move, which hits electric vehicles, carries an environmental cost
Match ID: 50 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 33 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Why a stronger dollar is dangerous
Tue, 23 Apr 2024 16:00:59 +0000
It sets the stage for a nasty new Trump-China clash, among other things
Match ID: 51 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 54 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Trump Is Misleading You With Covid-Era Statistics. So Is Biden.
Fri, 19 Apr 2024 04:00:00 EST
Biden and Trump are both campaigning on warped economic statistics, cherry-picking weird data from the Covid crisis.
Match ID: 52 Score: 3.57 source: www.politico.com age: 59 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Even without war in the Gulf, pricier petrol is here to stay
Wed, 17 Apr 2024 15:59:46 +0000
Expensive oil could put Donald Trump in the White House
Match ID: 53 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 60 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Europe’s economy is under attack from all sides
Tue, 26 Mar 2024 20:00:46 +0000
First Putin, now Xi. Next Trump?
Match ID: 54 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 82 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

The world is in the midst of a city-building boom
Thu, 07 Mar 2024 11:22:29 +0000
Everyone, from Donald Trump and Peter Thiel to Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, is getting involved
Match ID: 55 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 102 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Apple Is Coming for Your Password Manager
Sat, 08 Jun 2024 10:30:00 +0000
Plus: A media executive is charged in an alleged money-laundering scheme, a ransomware attack disrupts care at London hospitals, and Google’s former CEO has a secretive drone project up his sleeve.
Match ID: 56 Score: 2.86 source: www.wired.com age: 9 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

After Training African Coup Leaders, Pentagon Blames Russia for African Coups
Thu, 06 Jun 2024 17:03:42 +0000

The U.S. has trained 15 coup leaders in recent decades — and U.S. counterterrorism policies in the region have failed.

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Match ID: 57 Score: 2.86 source: theintercept.com age: 10 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

European banks are making heady profits in Russia
Thu, 06 Jun 2024 09:56:28 +0000
But for how much longer?
Match ID: 58 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 11 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Rafah Clash Exposes Roots of Egypt and Israel Tension
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000

H. A. Hellyer and Murtaza Hussain discuss the current discord and complex history between the Israeli government and Egyptian military.

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Match ID: 59 Score: 2.86 source: theintercept.com age: 12 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Exclusive: The Guardian interviews President Zelenskiy
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:48:04 GMT

In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, revealed the tactics and traits that help him face the daily frustrations of leading a country at war for more than two years.

Within a ceremonial room inside Kyiv’s presidential compound, Zelenskiy spoke for nearly an hour with a Guardian team, including the editor-in-chief, Katharine Viner. The interview took place during perhaps the toughest time for Ukraine since the early days of the war. Russia is on the offensive in Kharkiv, an advance that follows months of delay in the US Congress over the passing of a major support package, limiting Ukraine’s battlefield capabilities

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Match ID: 60 Score: 2.86 source: www.theguardian.com age: 12 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

A US Company Enabled a North Korean Scam That Raised Money for WMDs
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:30:00 +0000
Wyoming’s secretary of state has proposed ways of “preventing fraud and abuse of corporate filings by commercial registered agents” in the aftermath of the scheme’s exposure.
Match ID: 61 Score: 2.86 source: www.wired.com age: 12 days
qualifiers: 2.86 korea

US says Russia likely launched anti-satellite weapon
Wed, 22 May 2024 04:22:18 GMT
The Russian satellite launched last week may be capable of attacking other satellites, the Pentagon says.
Match ID: 62 Score: 2.86 source: www.bbc.com age: 26 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Russia’s gas business will never recover from the war in Ukraine
Thu, 02 May 2024 10:04:48 +0000
Hopes of a Chinese rescue look increasingly vain
Match ID: 63 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 46 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Frozen Russian assets will soon pay for Ukraine’s war
Thu, 18 Apr 2024 09:54:20 +0000
And America now hopes to convince others to make better use of the stash
Match ID: 64 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 60 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Ukrainian drone strikes are hurting Russia’s oil industry
Thu, 11 Apr 2024 09:51:54 +0000
The world’s third-largest producer is now an importer of petrol
Match ID: 65 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 67 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

How China, Russia and Iran are forging closer ties
Mon, 18 Mar 2024 19:52:43 +0000
Assessing the economic threat posed by the anti-Western axis
Match ID: 66 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 90 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Russia’s economy once again defies the doomsayers
Sun, 10 Mar 2024 14:39:48 +0000
As an election nears, Vladimir Putin now looks to have inflation under control
Match ID: 67 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 98 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Missouri’s Attorney General Is Waging War to Keep the Wrongly Convicted Locked Up
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Andrew Bailey’s office has a losing record of fighting against exonerations recommended by local prosecutors — but it’s not giving up.

The post Missouri’s Attorney General Is Waging War to Keep the Wrongly Convicted Locked Up appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 68 Score: 2.14 source: theintercept.com age: 12 days
qualifiers: 2.14 energy

NASA Teammates Recall Favorite Memories Aboard Flying Laboratory
Tue, 14 May 2024 15:00:00 +0000
After flying more than three decades and 158 science campaigns, just one flight remains. NASA’s DC-8 Airborne Science Laboratory will make its final flight May 15 to Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho, where it will be used to train future aircraft technicians by providing real-world experience in the college’s Aircraft Maintenance Technology Program. Before […]
Match ID: 69 Score: 2.14 source: www.nasa.gov age: 33 days
qualifiers: 2.14 energy

What can I do if I can't pay my energy bill?
Wed, 03 Apr 2024 12:03:18 GMT
If you're struggling to afford your gas and electricity bills, what options are available?
Match ID: 70 Score: 2.14 source: www.bbc.co.uk age: 74 days
qualifiers: 2.14 energy

Global Emissions Could Peak Sooner Than You Think
Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:00:00 +0000
Global deployment of solar and wind power, plus a surge in EV sales, means emissions from fossil-fuel-derived energy will finally hit the downward slope.
Match ID: 71 Score: 2.14 source: www.wired.com age: 152 days
qualifiers: 2.14 energy

How Xi Jinping plans to overtake America
Sun, 31 Mar 2024 12:31:35 +0000
Digital twins, nuclear fusion and the small matter of fixing China’s economy
Match ID: 72 Score: 1.43 source: www.economist.com age: 77 days
qualifiers: 1.43 nuclear

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