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Date/Time of Last Update: Sat Jul 27 00:00:57 2024 UTC

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Trump White House was warned sanctions on Venezuela could fuel migration
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:55:39 +0000

Match ID: 0 Score: 60.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 sanctions, 25.00 trump

Rights Groups Demand Biden Give Answers on Israel’s Secret Influence Campaign on Congress
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 14:00:00 +0000

Ahead of Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, rights groups decried the secret social media campaign to prop up support for Israel.

The post Rights Groups Demand Biden Give Answers on Israel’s Secret Influence Campaign on Congress appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 1 Score: 55.00 source: theintercept.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 35.00 sanctions, 20.00 russia

The CrowdStrike Outage and Market-Driven Brittleness

Friday’s massive internet outage, caused by a mid-sized tech company called CrowdStrike, disrupted major airlines, hospitals, and banks. Nearly 7,000 flights were canceled. It took down 911 systems and factories, courthouses, and television stations. Tallying the total cost will take time. The outage affected more than 8.5 million Windows computers, and the cost will surely be in the billions of dollars­easily matching the most costly previous cyberattacks, such as NotPetya.

The catastrophe is yet another reminder of how brittle global internet infrastructure is. It’s complex, deeply interconnected, and filled with single points of failure. As we experienced last week, a single problem in a small piece of software can take large swaths of the internet and global economy offline...

Match ID: 2 Score: 35.00 source: www.schneier.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 russia, 15.00 energy

NASA’s Fermi Finds New Feature in Brightest Gamma-Ray Burst Yet Seen
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 18:00:18 +0000
In October 2022, astronomers were stunned by what was quickly dubbed the BOAT — the brightest-of-all-time gamma-ray burst (GRB). Now an international science team reports that data from NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope reveals a feature never seen before. “A few minutes after the BOAT erupted, Fermi’s Gamma-ray Burst Monitor recorded an unusual energy peak […]
Match ID: 3 Score: 35.00 source: science.nasa.gov age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 italy, 15.00 energy

Sanctions crushed Syria’s elite. So they built a zombie economy fueled by drugs.
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000
A U.S.-led sanctions campaign aimed to force Syria’s brutal leaders to step aside. A multibillion-dollar illicit drug industry arose to preserve their grip on power.
Match ID: 4 Score: 35.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 35.00 sanctions

Australia imposes sanctions on Israeli settlers and youth group over violent attacks on Palestinians
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:55:11 GMT

Penny Wong says settler violence in West Bank includes ‘beatings, sexual assault and torture’ as she announces Magnitsky-style sanctions

Australia has imposed financial sanctions and travel bans on seven Israelis and a youth group who Canberra says have been involved in violent attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank.

The foreign minister, Penny Wong, says Israel has received a lot of support globally, urging its government to “recognise the importance of its standing and legitimacy in the international community”. She says settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories are illegal under international law and a “significant obstacle to peace in the Middle East”.

Sign up for Guardian Australia’s free morning and afternoon email newsletters for your daily news roundup

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Match ID: 5 Score: 35.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 35.00 sanctions

The New Rules of Trade with China: Navigating Tariffs, Turmoil, and Opportunities
Trade tensions between the US and China have continued well beyond the Trump Administration's tariffs. Harvard Business School faculty offer insights for leaders managing the complexities of doing business with the world's second-largest economy.
Match ID: 6 Score: 28.57 source: hbswk.hbs.edu age: 4 days
qualifiers: 17.86 trump, 10.71 trump

The Feds Say These Are the Russian Hackers Who Attacked US Water Utilities
Sat, 20 Jul 2024 10:30:00 +0000
Plus: The FBI unlocks the Trump shooter’s phone, a security researcher gets legal threats for exposing hackable traffic lights, and more.
Match ID: 7 Score: 27.86 source: www.wired.com age: 6 days
qualifiers: 10.71 trump, 8.57 russia, 8.57 korea

Election 2024 latest news: Trump meets with Netanyahu, to address conservative group in Fla.
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 22:59:32 +0000
Get the latest news from the 2024 campaign trail in the contest between Vice President Harris and former president Donald Trump.
Match ID: 8 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump ally who denies 2020 election results threatens law enforcement
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 22:56:20 +0000
Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock, said officials would face “a piano wire and a blowtorch” if a case against a former Colorado elections official continues.
Match ID: 9 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Poll: Harris improves over Biden in matchup with Trump
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 22:04:44 +0000

Match ID: 10 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Harris ‘erases’ Trump’s lead in new poll; Trump says VP’s comments about Israel-Gaza war ‘weren’t very nice’ – as it happened
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 22:00:19 GMT

This blog is now closed. You can read our full report on Kamala Harris closing the gap in polling here

Don Davis, a North Carolina Democratic representative, has issued a statement endorsing Kamala Harris, just a day after he broke party rank and joined House Republicans in condemning Harris’s border policies.

In a statement, Davis said:

Today, I announce my endorsement and support of Vice-President Kamala Harris for president. I also believe governor Roy Cooper, an eastern NC native, would be an excellent choice for vice-president. The stakes of this presidential election are incredibly high, with far reaching implications.

At the same time, the administration and Congress must address the concerns of the southern border. These issues cannot be overlooked …

Yesterday, the department of justice arrested Ismael Zambada Garcia (AKA ‘El Mayo’) and Joaquin Guzman Lopez, two of the most notorious leaders of the Sinaloa cartel, one of the deadliest enterprises in the world.

They are being charged for leading the Cartel’s deadly drug manufacturing and trafficking networks. I commend the work of our law enforcement officials who made this arrest for their ongoing work to bring Sinaloa cartel leaders to justice.

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Match ID: 11 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

JD Vance defends 'childless cat ladies' comment after backlash
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 21:27:44 GMT
Donald Trump's vice-presidential candidate says his 2021 comments about Democrats were "sarcastic".
Match ID: 12 Score: 25.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump, Netanyahu meet amid political and personal tensions
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 21:17:21 +0000
Trump, incensed when the Israeli prime minister called Joe Biden to congratulate him on his 2020 victory, has been openly critical of Netanyahu’s handling of the war in Gaza.
Match ID: 13 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump calls Harris remarks on Gaza war ‘disrespectful’ as he meets Netanyahu
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 20:41:36 GMT

Former US president criticises vice-president after she said she would ‘not be silent’ about suffering of Palestinians

Donald Trump has called Kamala Harris’s statement on the Gaza war “disrespectful” before a meeting with the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in Florida to discuss the conflict.

Harris, the US vice-president and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, had seemed to mark a change of tone on the Israel-Gaza war on Thursday after her own meeting with Netanyahu, when she declared she would “not be silent” about the suffering of Palestinians.

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Match ID: 14 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Haley explains her support for Trump despite her past criticisms
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 19:33:15 +0000

Match ID: 15 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump meets with Netanyahu, calls Harris ‘disrespectful’ to Israel
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 19:10:28 +0000

Match ID: 16 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Israelis want Netanyahu to resign. Why did Congress invite him to speak? | Tamar Glezerman
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:30:01 GMT

A staggering 72% of Israelis want Netanyahu to step down. Netanyahu doesn’t represent us and it’s shameful that Congress invited him

To put it bluntly - Benjamin Netanyahu is the enemy of the Israeli people, the Palestinian people, and of every person on this earth who values human life. He is also personally responsible for October 7. The fact that he spoke in Congress, with tens of thousands dead in Gaza and no hostage deal in sight, is an embarrassment to Congress and to every single representative who attended.

When Netanyahu spoke to Congress, Congress should’ve walked out, not given him standing ovations. Even beyond the moral obvious, no dialogue should be had with this man for the same reason dialogue with Trump is a waste of time - all you’re ever going to get is another masterclass in gaslighting. And that is exactly what this speech was - from craven lying about the death toll in Gaza to craven lying about his attempts to free the hostages - A smorgasbord of craven lying, which congress, for some reason, could not stop applauding.

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Match ID: 17 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

JD Vance called for ‘federal response’ to block women from traveling for abortions
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:14:47 GMT

VP nominee pushed baseless warning in 2022 that George Soros would pack planes of Black women to get abortions

JD Vance, the Ohio senator and Donald Trump’s running mate, promoted a baseless rightwing talking point in 2022 when he warned of George Soros-funded planes transporting Black women across state lines for abortions.

“I’m sympathetic to the view that like, okay, look here, here’s a situation – let’s say Roe v Wade is overruled,” Vance said in a recently resurfaced podcast interview. “Ohio bans abortion in 2022, or let’s say 2024. And then, you know, every day George Soros sends a 747 to Columbus to load up disproportionately Black women to get them to go have abortions in California. And of course, the left will celebrate this as a victory for diversity – uh, that’s kind of creepy.”

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Match ID: 18 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Texas Rep. Jackson denounces Wray testimony on Trump assassination attempt
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:10:43 +0000

Match ID: 19 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

A Trump shark’s tale: Whether to be eaten or electrocuted
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:33:35 +0000

Match ID: 20 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., on Friday is the...
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:11:13 +0000

Match ID: 21 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump, Netanyahu set to meet amid political and personal tension
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:48:20 +0000

Match ID: 22 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Kamala Harris still needs to define herself – but she is the ultimate anti-Trump candidate | Arwa Mahdawi
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:38:58 GMT

Fate has swung wildly in her favour, with everything from the Democrat establishment to memes on her side. Will we finally see a Madam President?

A week has always been a long time in politics, but this might have been the longest week in Kamala Harris’s life. While Joe Biden is still technically the US president, he already feels irrelevant. All eyes are on Harris now. The speed with which she has gone from being one of the most unpopular vice-presidents in modern history to sitting at the top of the Democratic ticket, with an army of enthusiastic fans behind her, is astounding. Biden’s trajectory has been widely compared to a Shakespearean tragedy; Harris’s sudden reversal of fortune, meanwhile, is like something out of a fairytale.

A quick recap: Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed Harris on Sunday. The Democratic establishment then threw its weight behind her on Monday. So did hundreds of thousands of donors; Harris’s campaign raked in a record-breaking $81m in just 24 hours. By Tuesday, she had earned enough support from delegates to win the Democratic nomination for president next month. On Wednesday, Democrats approved rules meaning that any Democrat who wants to compete against Harris for the nomination only has days to do so. Then, on Friday, Barack Obama endorsed the vice-president. Her coronation is almost complete.

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Match ID: 23 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump campaign won’t commit to debate with Harris yet
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 13:40:28 +0000

Match ID: 24 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump botches Kamala Harris’s first name, again and again and again
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:54:42 +0000

Match ID: 25 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump’s second-term agenda plans a purge of the federal workforce
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:00:40 +0000
Trump’s platform calls for firing “rogue bureaucrats.” He and a think tank want to limit civil service protections, allowing in more political appointees.
Match ID: 26 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Conservatives’ racist and sexist attacks on Kamala Harris show exactly who they are | Judith Levine
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:00:48 GMT

Hatred will continue to ooze from the right. Pay attention – because that bigotry isn’t just talk, it’s Republican policies

Like a warm compress drawing pus from a wound, the Democratic presidential candidacy of Kamala Harris immediately brought out the misogyny and racism of the Maga Republican party.

Tim Burchett, the Tennessee Republican representative, called Harris, the child of a Black Jamaican father and an Indian mother, a DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) hire – picked, that is, because she is Black, not because she’s qualified. Donald Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, insinuated that Harris is a welfare queen. “What the hell have you done other than collect a check?” he asked at a Michigan rally of Harris, a former state attorney general, US senator and now the vice-president. At the same time, social media posts showing Harris with her parents falsely claim she’s not really Black, because her father is light-skinned.

Judith Levine is a Brooklyn journalist and essayist, a contributing writer to the Intercept and the author of five books

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Match ID: 27 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Harris navigates Netanyahu visit - podcast
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 04:00:39 GMT

Kamala Harris enjoyed a brief period of excitement as Democrats rallied behind her presidential bid ahead of November’s election. Only a few days in, however, she is being asked questions over her stance on Israel and the war in Gaza.

With fewer than 100 days left, Joan Greve speaks to the former adviser to Barack Obama and co-host of Pod Save The World, Ben Rhodes, about the state of play for November 2024

Archive: CBS, CNN, Al Jazeera, PBS Newshour, Dawn News

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Match ID: 28 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump would ‘return America to a dark past,’ Harris tells teachers union
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 23:30:50 +0000
Get the latest news from the 2024 campaign trail in the contest between Vice President Harris and former president Donald Trump.
Match ID: 29 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

As Harris reintroduces herself, her allies — and Trump’s — launch ad barrages
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 23:28:08 +0000
Harris has swiftly united much the Democratic Party behind her candidacy since she jumped into the presidential race on Sunday.
Match ID: 30 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

New York prosecutor files opposition to reversing Trump’s conviction
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 22:32:03 +0000
The district attorney’s office said the Supreme Court’s ruling giving broad application to presidential immunity does not have any bearing on Trump’s guilty verdict.
Match ID: 31 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Harris says she’s ‘ready to debate Trump,’ has agreed to Sept. 10 debate
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 22:10:12 +0000

Match ID: 32 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump super PAC plans $32 million more in attack ads before Labor Day
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 22:06:22 +0000

Match ID: 33 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Polls show some good early signs for Kamala Harris
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:58:21 +0000
There are signs she has gained among some key groups. But the race remains close -- and stubbornly so.
Match ID: 34 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

New poll shows Harris and Trump in a virtual tie
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:56:42 +0000

Match ID: 35 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

US solar production soars by 25 percent in just one year
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:44:47 +0000
2024 is seeing the inevitable outcome of the building boom in solar farms.
Match ID: 36 Score: 25.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 15.00 energy, 10.00 nuclear

Trump mischaracterizes Israel protests in implied contrast to Jan. 6
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:39:08 +0000

Match ID: 37 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:12:31 +0000
On this week's episode, The Washington Post's Libby Casey, James Hohmann and JM Rieger discuss Vice President Harris's sudden entrance into the 2024 presidential race, Democrats' huge fundraising haul in the days since, and who Harris might consider as her running mate. Plus, the crew recaps where each of former president Donald Trump's legal cases stand, and breaks down Republican vice-presidential nominee J.D. Vance's tough week.
Match ID: 38 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Vance once advocated that children get votes that parents could cast
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 17:26:40 +0000
Trump’s running mate floated the idea in 2021 as he encouraged Americans to have more children.
Match ID: 39 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump announces new book coming out Sept. 3
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 17:09:19 +0000

Match ID: 40 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump keeps muddling the GOP message on mail voting
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 16:39:28 +0000

Match ID: 41 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Harris campaign critiques Trump’s Fox interview: ‘Old and quite weird?’
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 16:30:15 +0000

Match ID: 42 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump says Israel has bad ‘public relations’ and should end war quickly
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 16:20:47 +0000

Match ID: 43 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Donald Trump did not call for President Biden to resign in a “Fox & Friends” interview...
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 16:16:49 +0000

Match ID: 44 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Harris: Trump policies would ‘return America to a dark past’
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 16:06:12 +0000

Match ID: 45 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Anthony Fauci Worries About the Next Pandemic—But Worries More About Democracy
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 11:00:00 +0000
The former public health lead opens up on serving under Trump, what dangers America faces right now, and what keeps him up at night.
Match ID: 46 Score: 25.00 source: www.wired.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Donald Trump wants a weaker dollar. What are his options?
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 09:41:16 +0000
All come with their own drawbacks
Match ID: 47 Score: 25.00 source: www.economist.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Biden’s address was a moving piece of political theatre and a rebuke of Trump
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 03:05:00 GMT

Biden called for generational change and buried his resentments, but not without a pointed comment about his qualifications

There was 6 January 2021, and a violent coup attempt by a president desperately trying to cling to power. Then there was 24 July 2024, and a president explaining why he was giving up the most powerful job in the world.

Joe Biden’s address on Wednesday night was a moving piece of political theatre, the start of a farewell tour by “a kid with a stutter from modest beginnings” who entered politics in 1972 and made it all the way to the Oval Office. For diehard Democrats it was a case of: if you have tears, prepare to shed them now.

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Match ID: 48 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

The Thomas Crooks Conspiracy Theories Aren’t Going Anywhere
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:40:44 +0000
The FBI says Donald Trump’s would-be assassin acted alone; the CIA denies any association with him. But experts say the complex reasons for belief in conspiracies will likely keep people believing.
Match ID: 49 Score: 25.00 source: www.wired.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

As Republicans’ 2024 Strategy Is Upended, Poll Shows Nebraska Senate Seat May Be Up for Grabs
Tue, 23 Jul 2024 17:55:15 +0000

A recent poll shows Dan Osborn, a UAW-backed Nebraska independent underdog, tied with Republican incumbent Sen. Deb Fischer.

The post As Republicans’ 2024 Strategy Is Upended, Poll Shows Nebraska Senate Seat May Be Up for Grabs appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 50 Score: 21.43 source: theintercept.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 21.43 trump

Kamala Harris and the Dangers of the “Glass Cliff”
Tue, 23 Jul 2024 15:50:33 +0000

It’s a familiar story: Women of color get tasked with cleaning up the messes made by white men.

The post Kamala Harris and the Dangers of the “Glass Cliff” appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 51 Score: 21.43 source: theintercept.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 21.43 trump

Biden's Failing Mind Might Explain His Incoherent Gaza Policy
Tue, 23 Jul 2024 14:45:00 +0000

Biden’s approach to Gaza isn’t just immoral, it’s incoherent. A new candidate could break with his confused course for good.

The post Biden’s Failing Mind Might Explain His Incoherent Gaza Policy appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 52 Score: 21.43 source: theintercept.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 21.43 trump

Russia wary of U.S. and France election surprises, especially Kamala Harris
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 22:32:38 +0000

Match ID: 53 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Teenage suspect remanded over murder of Ukraine nationalist lawmaker
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 19:22:54 GMT

Vyacheslav Zinchenko, 18, remanded in custody for 60 days after Iryna Farion shot in Lviv on 19 July

A Ukrainian court has remanded an 18-year-old man in custody over the murder of a nationalist former lawmaker, state media reported.

Iryna Farion – a divisive hardline campaigner against the use of Russian language – was shot near her flat in the western city of Lviv on 19 July.

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Match ID: 54 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

The week around the world in 20 pictures
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:58:57 GMT

Wildfires in California, Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington, Israeli bombardment in Gaza and Snoop Dogg at the Paris Olympics: the last seven days as captured by the world’s leading photojournalists

• Warning: this gallery contains images that some readers may find distressing

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Match ID: 55 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Ukraine athletes chase golden dreams as their country fights for survival
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:32:40 GMT

A resounding medal tally may be a secondary thought but podiums will offer powerful means of representation

Inside Ukraine’s ministry of youth and sports stands a solemn memorial, displayed along a section of wall, displaying the names of athletes and coaches at various levels who have died during Russia’s full-scale invasion. It was unveiled in May; around 500 are listed and the awful truth is that, as the country’s army continues to defend against relentless attack, the list is likely to grow before any resolution is reached.

So the sportspeople who represent Ukraine at Paris 2024 are the lucky ones, if anyone from a country experiencing such horrors can in any way be described thus. The reality is that each of them carries more on his or her shoulders than the vast majority of their competitors could ever imagine. There is no opportunity like an Olympics to test yourself and chase your dreams; this summer they must attempt that while embodying a nation’s fight for survival in front of the world and offering a hint of escapism for those putting lives on the line back home.

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Match ID: 56 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Team GB seek to push on in Paris with new Olympic heroes and medal rush
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:31:25 GMT

Another record haul is possible for Team GB in Paris, and those behind it hope they can use success to make a lasting impact on society

There used to be a hidden wall at UK Sport’s old London headquarters where senior figures would meticulously plot Team GB’s medal charge before each Olympics. But with every passing Games there was increasingly less space on it, as the 30 medals Britain won in Athens jumped to 51 in Beijing, and the 65 in London was eclipsed by the 67 in Rio. And while the Goodge Street office permanently shut during the pandemic, the ambition inked on that wall remains: for Britain to stay an Olympic sporting superpower.

For Paris, UK Sport has forecast a medal range of 50 to 70. But the absence of most Russians, and an uptick in medal events, should mean that target is achieved with gusto. As its director of performance, Kate Baker, puts it: “On a good day that 70 is really within our grasp.”

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Match ID: 57 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

At the Olympics, AI is watching you
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:24:28 +0000
New system foreshadows a future where there are too many CCTV cameras for humans to physically watch.
Match ID: 58 Score: 20.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

A North Korean military intelligence operative has been indicted in a conspiracy to hack into American health care providers, NASA, U.S. military bases and international entities
 A North Korean military intelligence operative has been indicted in a conspiracy to hack into American health care providers, NASA, U.S. military bases and international entities submitted by /u/giuliomagnifico
[link] [comments]

Match ID: 59 Score: 20.00 source: www.reddit.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 korea

German man sentenced to death in Belarus begs for help on state TV
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 14:20:15 GMT

Rico Krieger admits role in Ukrainian plot and pleads for German chancellor to save him during broadcast

A German man sentenced to death in Belarus has appeared on state television in the country, in tears and begging the German government to intervene in his case.

“Mr Scholz, please, I am still alive … it is not yet too late,” said Rico Krieger, who was pictured handcuffed inside a cell, appealing to the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz.

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Match ID: 60 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Russia to slow YouTube download speed by 70%, lawmaker says
Russia to slow YouTube download speed by 70%, lawmaker says submitted by /u/shellfishb
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Match ID: 61 Score: 20.00 source: www.reddit.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

A North Korean Hacker Tricked a US Security Vendor Into Hiring Him—and Immediately Tried to Hack Them
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 12:00:00 +0000
KnowBe4 detailed the incident in a recent blog post as a warning for other potential targets.
Match ID: 62 Score: 20.00 source: www.wired.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 korea

How one Chinese machine tool maker is helping Russia’s war against Ukraine
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 09:00:35 +0000
NATO has accused Beijing of being a “decisive enabler” of Moscow’s ongoing war. The case of Oree Laser, now sanctioned by the U.S., shows how China is helping Russia.
Match ID: 63 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

NORAD intercepts Russian, Chinese bombers off Alaskan coast
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 14:14:40 +0000
Defense officials have noted increased China-Russia cooperation in the Arctic, while cautioning that their collaboration is still “somewhat superficial.”
Match ID: 64 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Russia is banned from the Paris Olympics. Here’s what that means.
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 10:16:38 +0000
Russia is banned from the Paris Olympics, but its athletes aren’t. Instead, they’ll be competing as Individual Neutral Athletes, without their country’s flags.
Match ID: 65 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Netanyahu Insulted and Smeared the Pro-Palestine Protest Movement. Congress Clapped.
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:19:58 +0000

Organizers say attacks from the Israeli prime minister, who faces charges of war crimes, showed the strength of their movement.

The post Netanyahu Insulted and Smeared the Pro-Palestine Protest Movement. Congress Clapped. appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 66 Score: 20.00 source: theintercept.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Supreme Court’s Hand-Picked Advocate Argues in Favor of Killing Richard Glossip
Mon, 22 Jul 2024 16:59:10 +0000

Oklahoma’s attorney general believes Glossip’s conviction should be overturned. Chief Justice John Roberts chose a former clerk to argue that the AG is wrong.

The post Supreme Court’s Hand-Picked Advocate Argues in Favor of Killing Richard Glossip appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 67 Score: 17.86 source: theintercept.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 17.86 trump

Biden Is No Hero for Stepping Aside
Mon, 22 Jul 2024 15:36:29 +0000

President Joe Biden doesn’t deserve praise for dropping his reelection campaign. He deserves blame for getting us into this mess.

The post Biden Is No Hero for Stepping Aside appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 68 Score: 17.86 source: theintercept.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 17.86 trump

Biden Should Have Quit Over Gaza, but His Exit Could Be an Inflection Point
Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:13:42 +0000

Kamala Harris is less burdened by Biden’s disastrous support for Israel’s war, sparking some hope in pro-Palestine advocates.

The post Biden Should Have Quit Over Gaza, but His Exit Could Be an Inflection Point appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 69 Score: 17.86 source: theintercept.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 17.86 trump

How Russia-Linked Malware Cut Heat to 600 Ukrainian Buildings in Deep Winter
Tue, 23 Jul 2024 09:00:00 +0000
The code, the first of its kind, was used to sabotage a heating utility in Lviv at the coldest point in the year—what appears to be yet another innovation in Russia’s torment of Ukrainian civilians.
Match ID: 70 Score: 17.14 source: www.wired.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 17.14 russia

Astronomers find first emission spectra in brightest GRB of all time
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:00:13 +0000
Chance that first detected emission line is a noise fluctuation is one in half a billion.
Match ID: 71 Score: 15.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

NASA Returns to Arctic Studying Summer Sea Ice Melt
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:38:18 +0000
What happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay in the Arctic, and a new NASA mission is helping improve data modeling and increasing our understanding of Earth’s rapidly changing climate. Changing ice, ocean, and atmospheric conditions in the northernmost part of Earth have a large impact on the entire planet. That’s because the Arctic region acts […]
Match ID: 72 Score: 15.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Ed Miliband says Labour will honour pledge of £11.6bn in overseas climate aid
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:14:49 GMT

Energy secretary seeks to reestablish UK as a global leader on the climate crisis with meeting of Cop presidents

Labour will honour a pledge of £11.6bn in overseas aid for the climate crisis, the energy secretary, Ed Miliband, told an unusual meeting of Cop presidents past and present on Friday, as he sought to re-establish the UK at the heart of international climate discussions.

As the Labour government prepares for this year’s climate-emergency summit in November, Miliband hosted Mukhtar Babayev, the Azerbaijan government minister who will lead Cop29, and Ana Toni, the top official on the climate for Brazil, which will host Cop30 in the Amazonian city of Belem in 2025 in a meeting to discuss what steps are needed to make a success of the next two UN climate Cops, as the “conferences of the parties” under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change are known.

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Match ID: 73 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Looking for a low energy olympics? Let the games begin! | Fiona Katauskas
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:01:01 GMT

Anyone can be a pro at these sports

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Match ID: 74 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

No, You Can’t Have a Solar-Powered Passenger Plane
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 11:00:00 +0000
Guilt-free air travel is a beautiful dream, but there’s simply no way to get enough solar energy to keep a cabin full of people in the air.
Match ID: 75 Score: 15.00 source: www.wired.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Green economy could generate 3.3m jobs across Africa by 2030 – report
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 11:00:49 GMT

Policymakers and funders are being urged to invest in training a workforce to serve the industries of the future

A greener economy could bring millions of jobs to some of the largest countries in Africa, according to a new report.

Research by the development agency FSD Africa and the impact advisory firm Shortlist predicts that 3.3 million jobs could be generated across the continent by 2030.

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Match ID: 76 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

President Biden’s staff is feeling a mix of pride, energy and understanding that there’s “a lot...
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:23:03 +0000

Match ID: 77 Score: 15.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Scientists Find Intriguing Mars Rock
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 17:42:30 +0000
The six-wheeled geologist found a fascinating rock that has some indications it may have hosted microbial life billions of years ago, but further research is needed. A vein-filled rock is catching the eye of the science team of NASA’s Perseverance rover. Nicknamed “Cheyava Falls” by the team, the arrowhead-shaped rock contains fascinating traits that may […]
Match ID: 78 Score: 15.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 1 day
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

UN chief urges wealthy countries to beat fossil fuel ‘addiction’ amid expansions
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 16:43:36 GMT

Secretary general said wealthiest countries are ‘signing away our future’ with more production and called for phase-out of fossil fuels

The world’s wealthiest countries are “signing away our future” by leading a “flood” of expansion in fossil fuel activity that threatens worsening heatwaves and other climate impacts that imperil billions of people, the head of the United Nations has warned.

António Guterres, secretary general of the UN, on Thursday called on countries to “fight the disease” of the world’s “addiction” to coal, oil and gas, warning that tumbling heat records this week must spur rich nations to lead the way in phasing out fossil fuels.

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Match ID: 79 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

How Vladimir Putin created a housing bubble
Mon, 22 Jul 2024 15:39:56 +0000
Prices have risen by 172% in Russia’s biggest cities over the past three years
Match ID: 80 Score: 14.29 source: www.economist.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 14.29 russia

Why Joe Biden has dropped out of the presidential race - video explainer
Sun, 21 Jul 2024 18:48:28 GMT

Joe Biden has withdrawn from the race for the US presidency, an extraordinary decision upending American politics, that plunges the Democratic nomination into uncertainty just months before the November election against Donald Trump, a candidate he has warned is an existential threat to US democracy. Biden thanked the vice-president, Kamala Harris, in a letter announcing his decision, and later endorsed her as the Democratic nominee for president in a tweet.

In this video the Guardian US's politics correspondent, Lauren Gambino, explains why Biden has ultimately decided to step aside

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Match ID: 81 Score: 14.29 source: www.theguardian.com age: 5 days
qualifiers: 14.29 trump

The List of Conservative Groups Abandoning Project 2025 Keeps Growing
Fri, 19 Jul 2024 17:13:49 +0000

The Intercept keeps finding more conservative groups that were quietly removed from the Project 2025 website.

The post The List of Conservative Groups Abandoning Project 2025 Keeps Growing appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 82 Score: 11.43 source: theintercept.com age: 7 days
qualifiers: 7.14 trump, 4.29 trump

A Well-Connected Veteran’s Congressional Campaign Is Fueled by Out-of-State Donors
Sat, 20 Jul 2024 10:00:00 +0000

Maggie Goodlander’s campaign has also been boosted by a super PAC with links to billionaires Jeff Bezos and Michael Bloomberg.

The post A Well-Connected Veteran’s Congressional Campaign Is Fueled by Out-of-State Donors appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 83 Score: 10.71 source: theintercept.com age: 6 days
qualifiers: 10.71 trump

Inside Trump’s alternative reality: behind the scenes at the RNC - video
Sat, 20 Jul 2024 08:47:54 GMT

Less than a week after a failed assassination attempt, Donald Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination in Milwaukee. But supposed nods to national unity gave way to partisan falsehoods, as the former president was anointed at a moment of national crisis. Oliver Laughland and Tom Silverstone go behind the scenes at the RNC

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Match ID: 84 Score: 10.71 source: www.theguardian.com age: 6 days
qualifiers: 10.71 trump

Dozens of Lawmakers Are Protesting Netanyahu — but Have Little to Say About Israel’s Systemic Abuses of Palestinians
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 00:00:54 +0000

Most lawmakers explained their boycott by focusing on the Israeli prime minister himself as a bad actor, rather than the system he represents.

The post Dozens of Lawmakers Are Protesting Netanyahu — but Have Little to Say About Israel’s Systemic Abuses of Palestinians appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 85 Score: 10.00 source: theintercept.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 10.00 nuclear

The Pentagon Wants to Spend $141 Billion on a Doomsday Machine
Mon, 22 Jul 2024 10:30:00 +0000
The DOD wants to refurbish ICBM silos that give it the ability to end civilization. But these missiles are useless as weapons, and their other main purpose—attracting an enemy’s nuclear strikes—serves no end.
Match ID: 86 Score: 7.14 source: www.wired.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 7.14 nuclear

Trump, Vance, and the New Right at the RNC
Fri, 19 Jul 2024 20:00:00 +0000

Emily Jashinsky of “Counter Points” discusses Republican National Convention takeaways with Ryan Grim.

The post Trump, Vance, and the New Right at the RNC  appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 87 Score: 7.14 source: theintercept.com age: 7 days
qualifiers: 7.14 trump

Donald Trump’s trade hawk is plotting behind bars
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 17:48:56 +0000
Peter Navarro’s dark vision of the global economy could shape Trump 2
Match ID: 88 Score: 5.71 source: www.economist.com age: 45 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump, 2.14 trump

LA City Council Considers Paying Former IDF Soldiers to Patrol Its Streets
Thu, 18 Jul 2024 21:17:00 +0000

Security group Magen Am’s staff also includes a former Navy SEAL who posted a video of waterboarding his own child.

The post LA City Council Considers Paying Former IDF Soldiers to Patrol Its Streets appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 89 Score: 3.57 source: theintercept.com age: 8 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

J.D. Vance Left His Venmo Public. Here’s What It Shows
Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:02:36 +0000
The Republican VP nominee's Venmo network reveals connections ranging from the architects of Project 2025 to enemies of Donald Trump—and the populist's close ties to the very elites he rails against.
Match ID: 90 Score: 3.57 source: www.wired.com age: 8 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

JD Vance at RNC: Trump is the working class' 'last, best hope'
Wed, 17 Jul 2024 23:28:58 EST

Match ID: 91 Score: 3.57 source: www.politico.com age: 8 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Trumponomics would not be as bad as most expect
Thu, 11 Jul 2024 09:35:08 +0000
Opposition would come from all angles
Match ID: 92 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 15 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Dems to Biden: You must out-populist Trump at the debate
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 17:48:51 EST
The president has a compelling antimonopoly record. But he doesn’t always lean into it. And voters don’t really know of it. The debate could change that.
Match ID: 93 Score: 3.57 source: www.politico.com age: 30 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Is America approaching peak tip?
Thu, 20 Jun 2024 10:05:29 +0000
The country’s gratuity madness may soon calm, so long as Donald Trump does not get his way
Match ID: 94 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 36 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Biden outdoes Trump with ultra-high China tariffs
Tue, 14 May 2024 16:23:33 +0000
The move, which hits electric vehicles, carries an environmental cost
Match ID: 95 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 73 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Why a stronger dollar is dangerous
Tue, 23 Apr 2024 16:00:59 +0000
It sets the stage for a nasty new Trump-China clash, among other things
Match ID: 96 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 94 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Even without war in the Gulf, pricier petrol is here to stay
Wed, 17 Apr 2024 15:59:46 +0000
Expensive oil could put Donald Trump in the White House
Match ID: 97 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 100 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Spyware Users Exposed in Major Data Breach
Sat, 13 Jul 2024 10:30:00 +0000
Plus: The Heritage Foundation gets hacked over Project 2025, a car dealership software provider seems to have paid $25 million to a ransomware gang, and authorities disrupt a Russian bot farm.
Match ID: 98 Score: 2.86 source: www.wired.com age: 13 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

European banks are making heady profits in Russia
Thu, 06 Jun 2024 09:56:28 +0000
But for how much longer?
Match ID: 99 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 50 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Russia’s gas business will never recover from the war in Ukraine
Thu, 02 May 2024 10:04:48 +0000
Hopes of a Chinese rescue look increasingly vain
Match ID: 100 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 85 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Frozen Russian assets will soon pay for Ukraine’s war
Thu, 18 Apr 2024 09:54:20 +0000
And America now hopes to convince others to make better use of the stash
Match ID: 101 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 99 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Europe faces an unusual problem: ultra-cheap energy
Thu, 20 Jun 2024 09:53:05 +0000
The continent is failing to adapt to a renewables boom
Match ID: 102 Score: 2.14 source: www.economist.com age: 36 days
qualifiers: 2.14 energy

Fusion Sparks an Energy Revolution
Wed, 19 Jun 2024 14:00:00 +0000
After hitting a power-output milestone, fusion technology is ready to graduate from small-scale lab experiment to full-sized power plant.
Match ID: 103 Score: 2.14 source: www.wired.com age: 37 days
qualifiers: 2.14 energy

Global Emissions Could Peak Sooner Than You Think
Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:00:00 +0000
Global deployment of solar and wind power, plus a surge in EV sales, means emissions from fossil-fuel-derived energy will finally hit the downward slope.
Match ID: 104 Score: 2.14 source: www.wired.com age: 191 days
qualifiers: 2.14 energy

Filter efficiency 86.037 (105 matches/752 results)

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LIVE: NASA is with you from Oshkosh
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 23:00:00 +0000
Welcome to NASA Aeronautics’ live update page with news about NASA events and other festivities taking place throughout the week at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2024, which we simply call Oshkosh. Friday Night Farewell Friday, July 26 at 7 p.m. EDT It’s time to say good night from Oshkosh as the work week comes to a […]
Match ID: 0 Score: 35.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Summer holiday getaway: How to beat the queues
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 21:40:31 GMT
Tips to make travelling as smooth as possible, whether you’re going by road, plane, train or ferry.
Match ID: 1 Score: 35.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

JD Vance called for ‘federal response’ to block women from traveling for abortions
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:14:47 GMT

VP nominee pushed baseless warning in 2022 that George Soros would pack planes of Black women to get abortions

JD Vance, the Ohio senator and Donald Trump’s running mate, promoted a baseless rightwing talking point in 2022 when he warned of George Soros-funded planes transporting Black women across state lines for abortions.

“I’m sympathetic to the view that like, okay, look here, here’s a situation – let’s say Roe v Wade is overruled,” Vance said in a recently resurfaced podcast interview. “Ohio bans abortion in 2022, or let’s say 2024. And then, you know, every day George Soros sends a 747 to Columbus to load up disproportionately Black women to get them to go have abortions in California. And of course, the left will celebrate this as a victory for diversity – uh, that’s kind of creepy.”

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Match ID: 2 Score: 35.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Vice President Harris will travel to Atlanta next week for a campaign event on July 30,...
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:44:38 +0000

Match ID: 3 Score: 35.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Harris campaign reups Vance remarks on ‘federal response’ to traveling for abortion
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 15:33:20 +0000

Match ID: 4 Score: 35.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Tell us: have you been affected by travel disruption ahead of the Paris Olympics?
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 11:19:26 GMT

We’d like to hear how people are experiencing travel disruptions ahead of the Olympic Games in Paris

France’s high-speed rail network has been hit by coordinated “malicious acts” including arson attacks that have brought major disruption to many of the country’s busiest rail lines hours before the Paris Olympics opening ceremony.

Eurostar journeys are also affected, with eighteen Eurostar trains due to run between London and Paris, but an unknown number having been cancelled. Travellers from London to Paris face 90-minute delays and train cancellations on the day of the Olympic Games opening ceremony.

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Match ID: 5 Score: 35.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

No, You Can’t Have a Solar-Powered Passenger Plane
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 11:00:00 +0000
Guilt-free air travel is a beautiful dream, but there’s simply no way to get enough solar energy to keep a cabin full of people in the air.
Match ID: 6 Score: 35.00 source: www.wired.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Airline safety videos are getting bigger and buzzier. Are they more effective?
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:42:29 +0000
British Airways’ new safety video may excite “Bridgerton” fans, but experts are split on whether such cinematic productions are truly educational.
Match ID: 7 Score: 35.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Experience: I’ve tried 50,000 beers
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 09:00:47 GMT

At a festival, I try up to 17 half pints, and the most I’ve been to in a year is 109

I got a taste for real ale in the late 1970s while at university in Cardiff. The only alcohol available in the students’ union was bland, fizzy beer. I sought out a better quality drink in local pubs and quickly grew to love the depth of flavour of all the different styles of cask ales. I like the fact that cask beers continue to ferment in the barrel before they are served, which keg beers don’t. That conditions the beer and improves the flavour.

Back home in Sheffield after university, I started attending beer festivals. By 1985, I was recording the beers I drank by ticking them off in the festival programmes. In those early years, I was going to three or four festivals a year. Then someone I knew got me into this hobby properly, which is called beer ticking or scratching – marking off beers you drink from a list.

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Match ID: 8 Score: 35.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

At the Olympics, AI Is Watching You
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 11:25:54 +0000
A controversial new surveillance system in Paris foreshadows a future where there are too many CCTV cameras for humans to physically watch.
Match ID: 9 Score: 35.00 source: www.wired.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Australia imposes sanctions on Israeli settlers and youth group over violent attacks on Palestinians
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:55:11 GMT

Penny Wong says settler violence in West Bank includes ‘beatings, sexual assault and torture’ as she announces Magnitsky-style sanctions

Australia has imposed financial sanctions and travel bans on seven Israelis and a youth group who Canberra says have been involved in violent attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank.

The foreign minister, Penny Wong, says Israel has received a lot of support globally, urging its government to “recognise the importance of its standing and legitimacy in the international community”. She says settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories are illegal under international law and a “significant obstacle to peace in the Middle East”.

Sign up for Guardian Australia’s free morning and afternoon email newsletters for your daily news roundup

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Match ID: 10 Score: 35.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Netanyahu Insulted and Smeared the Pro-Palestine Protest Movement. Congress Clapped.
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:19:58 +0000

Organizers say attacks from the Israeli prime minister, who faces charges of war crimes, showed the strength of their movement.

The post Netanyahu Insulted and Smeared the Pro-Palestine Protest Movement. Congress Clapped. appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 11 Score: 35.00 source: theintercept.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Tell us: if you work in the UK holiday industry, how has business been so far in 2024?
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 14:44:35 GMT

We’re keen to hear from workers and business owners in the British tourism sector what this year’s holiday seasons have been like

We’re interested to hear from people working in the UK travel and leisure industry about what business has been like to date in 2024.

If you work or own a business in UK tourism, tell us what bookings, cancellations and profits have been like this year, or if you’re a seasonal holiday worker in Britain tell us how busy things have been and whether you’ve been able to work as much as you’d like. Whether things have been positive or whether you have concerns about the UK holiday industry or your position in it, we’d like to hear about it.

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Match ID: 12 Score: 35.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

NASA Streams First 4K Video from Aircraft to Space Station, Back
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 13:54:36 +0000
A team at NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland streamed 4K video footage from an aircraft to the International Space Station and back for the first time using optical, or laser, communications. The feat was part of a series of tests on new technology that could provide live video coverage of astronauts on the Moon […]
Match ID: 13 Score: 35.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 2 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

‘High quality, low price and dizzying variety’: how the Chinese switched to electric cars
Wed, 24 Jul 2024 13:00:10 GMT

The country has long been the world’s biggest market – but the government’s interest is more geopolitical than environmental

When Kenzi, an advertising worker in Shanghai, bought an electric vehicle in November she wasn’t even thinking about the environmental benefits. She had read Elon Musk’s biography and thought the Tesla 3 looked good. She also knew that if she bought an EV she could bypass the long wait and cost of getting licence plates, which are rationed by the government.

“It’s not easy to get a licence plate in Shanghai, but you get a licence for free when you buy an EV,” she said.

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Match ID: 14 Score: 35.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

How One Bad CrowdStrike Update Crashed the World’s Computers
Fri, 19 Jul 2024 14:46:19 +0000
A defective CrowdStrike update sent computers around the globe into a reboot death spiral, taking down air travel, hospitals, banks, and more with it. Here’s how that’s possible.
Match ID: 15 Score: 10.00 source: www.wired.com age: 7 days
qualifiers: 10.00 travel(|ing)

Artemis II: no pressure
Thu, 18 Jul 2024 14:00:00 +0200

The Orion vehicle that will bring astronauts around the Moon and back for the first time in over 50 years was recently tested in a refurbished altitude chamber used during the Apollo era.

Engineers tested Orion in a near-vacuum environment designed to simulate the space conditions the vehicle will travel through during its mission towards the Moon. Teams emptied the altitude chamber of air, a process taking up to a day, to create a very low-pressure environment over 2000 times lower and more vacuum-like than inside your vacuum cleaner. Orion remained in the altitude chamber’s low-pressure environment for around a week, with engineering teams monitoring the spacecraft’s systems and collecting data to qualify Orion for safely flying the Artemis II crew through the harsh environment of space. 

The next step for Orion will take place after the summer: the installation of its four, seven-metre long solar arrays that the European Service Module (ESM) will use to power the vehicle and its crew of four towards the Moon and back during the Artemis II mission.

Rachid Amekrane, Orion-ESM US Campaign Lead at Airbus, stands next to the Orion spacecraft inside the altitude chamber at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Next to his hand are four nozzles; these are some of the reaction control system engines of the ESM. In total, there are 33 engines on the ESM: 24 reaction control system engines, eight auxiliary thrusters and a Shuttle-era main engine.

Match ID: 16 Score: 5.00 source: www.esa.int age: 8 days
qualifiers: 5.00 travel(|ing)

Frozen in Time: the motherhood dilemma for single women in China
Wed, 17 Jul 2024 09:22:57 GMT

Fertility tourism is booming for single Chinese women with hopes of future motherhood. China's birthrate is at a record low, yet unmarried women are not legally allowed to freeze their eggs there. We meet Lei and Abu, as they travel to the US for the procedure, battling self-doubt and scepticism along the way. What does this mean for womanhood and parenting in modern China?

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Match ID: 17 Score: 5.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 9 days
qualifiers: 5.00 travel(|ing)

NASA Cloud-Based Platform Could Help Streamline, Improve Air Traffic
Sat, 13 Jul 2024 01:07:50 +0000
Just like your smartphone navigation app can instantly analyze information from many sources to suggest the best route to follow, a NASA-developed resource is now making data available to help the aviation industry do the same thing. To assist air traffic managers in keeping airplanes moving efficiently through the skies, information about weather, potential delays, […]
Match ID: 18 Score: 5.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 13 days
qualifiers: 5.00 travel(|ing)

NASA, MagniX Altitude Tests Lay Groundwork for Hybrid Electric Planes
Tue, 18 Jun 2024 17:00:00 +0000
At a simulated 27,500 feet inside an altitude chamber at NASA’s Electric Aircraft Testbed (NEAT) facility, engineers at magniX recently demonstrated the capabilities of a battery-powered engine that could help turn hybrid electric flight into a reality.   This milestone, completed in April 2024, marks the end of the first phase in a series of altitude […]
Match ID: 19 Score: 5.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 38 days
qualifiers: 5.00 travel(|ing)

Guardian Traveller newsletter: Sign up for our free holidays email
Wed, 12 Oct 2022 14:21:58 GMT

From biking adventures to city breaks, get inspiration for your next break – whether in the UK or further afield – with twice-weekly emails from the Guardian’s travel editors. You’ll also receive handpicked offers from Guardian Holidays.

From biking adventures to city breaks, get inspiration for your next break – whether in the UK or further afield – with twice-weekly emails from the Guardian’s travel editors.

You’ll also receive handpicked offers from Guardian Holidays.

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Match ID: 20 Score: 5.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 653 days
qualifiers: 5.00 travel(|ing)

Filter efficiency 97.207 (21 matches/752 results)


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