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Date/Time of Last Update: Wed Jun 12 18:00:52 2024 UTC

********** MUSIC **********
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Winterreise review – agony and ecstasy as Bostridge and Drake bring Schubert’s song cycle to dramatic life
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:29:47 GMT

Ustinov Studio, Bath
Deborah Warner’s staged version of Winterreise is a powerful and deeply moving piece of theatre

Schubert completed his great song-cycle Winterreise in what was effectively his own last winter; he would be dead just a year later. In this setting of 24 poems by Wilhelm Müller, depicting a man rejected in love and his painful journey across a freezing, stormy landscape, both actual and metaphorical, the singer’s challenge is exploring that balance between vocal and psychological elements.

By his own admission, tenor Ian Bostridge’s engagement with the cycle has long been obsessive. Now, he and pianist Julius Drake – singer as ego and pianist as id, Bostridge’s definition of the relationship – have collaborated with Deborah Warner in creating a staged version and it seems as if all their previous experience – 100-plus performances, different recordings, a film as well as a book – has flowed logically into this powerful and deeply moving piece of theatre.

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Match ID: 0 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 (best|top|great) song(|s)

The best albums of 2024 so far
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:00:52 GMT

Billie Eilish’s third is a triumph, Shabaka goes woodwind and Yunchan Lim makes the most thrilling piano debut of the decade … here are our music team’s picks of the best LPs from the first half of the year

Being called “overproduced” is generally a criticism but BMTH make it a virtue on this ridiculously high-intensity album. The glitched-up production reflects a fiendishly intricate digital world, while frontman Oli Sykes’ emotions are more histrionic – and affecting – than ever. At a time when so many bands are content with tinkering at the edges of what’s been done before, it’s bracing to hear BMTH be so relentlessly ambitious and fused to the present moment. Read the full review. Ben Beaumont-Thomas

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Match ID: 1 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 (best|great) album(|s)

Filter efficiency 99.760 (2 matches/834 results)

********** WORLD AFFAIRS **********
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G7 leaders head to Italy for summit as Ukraine and Russia top the agenda
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:41:09 GMT

US wants show of strength with planned sanctions for helping Russia, but group will also discuss migration, Middle East and AI

A dramatic expansion of entities exposed to US sanctions for helping the Russian economy and an EU-led $50bn loan to ease the financial burden on Ukraine will be at the centre of discussions at a summit of the leaders of wealthy G7 nations in Puglia, Italy, starting on Thursday.

The leaders, facing unprecedented challenges from discontented electorates, will be under heightened pressure to provide concrete results as their three days of discussion range across an interlinked agenda encompassing the war in Ukraine, migration, Africa, the Middle East, the climate crisis and harnessing artificial intelligence (AI).

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Match ID: 0 Score: 75.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 sanctions, 20.00 russia, 20.00 italy

Trump’s potential return hangs over gathering of Western leaders
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:37:55 +0000
At a Group of Seven summit in Italy, far-right gains in European elections also loom large.
Match ID: 1 Score: 45.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump, 20.00 italy

Let’s unpack some questions about Russia’s role in North Korea’s rocket program
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 22:30:01 +0000
"It seems very likely that the shift in propellant type is a function of the access to Russia."
Match ID: 2 Score: 40.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia, 20.00 korea

Donald Trump’s trade hawk is plotting behind bars
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 17:48:56 +0000
Peter Navarro’s dark vision of the global economy could shape Trump 2
Match ID: 3 Score: 40.00 source: www.economist.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump, 15.00 trump

Russian warships arrive in Havana in visit seen as show of strength
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:21:34 GMT

Four vessels, including nuclear-powered submarine and frigate, greeted by sparse crowd upon arrival in Cuba

A fleet of Russian warships has arrived in the bay of Havana, in a visit seen as a show of strength amid tensions with the west over support for Ukraine.

Four vessels, including the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan and the frigate Admiral Gorshkov, entered Havana Bay early on Wednesday, where they offered a 21-gun salute that was reciprocated from the battlements of La Cabaña, the fortress where Che Guevara once had his office.

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Match ID: 4 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia, 10.00 nuclear

White House won’t rule out commuting Hunter Biden sentence – live
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:42:37 GMT

The president has ruled out pardoning his son, but White House press secretary said it was unclear whether Biden would intervene to lessen a sentence length

The White House has not ruled out a possible commutation for Hunter Biden after a jury found him guilty on three federal gun crimes.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, speaking to reporters on Wednesday on Air Force One, said:

As we all know, the sentencing hasn’t even been scheduled yet.

Of course he respects that, and we all do, and we’ve all talked about it ad nauseam.

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Match ID: 5 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Biden and Trump teams to host rival London fundraisers
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:37:53 GMT
Holly Valance is set to host a pro-Trump event, with Anna Wintour reported to be hosting a pro-Biden one.
Match ID: 6 Score: 25.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Global poll finds Biden more popular than Trump
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:00:34 +0000

Match ID: 7 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump, seeking to show unity, to meet with GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:45:05 +0000

Match ID: 8 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Daily Cartoon: Wednesday, June 12th
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:35:00 +0000
“Team Trump is up by thirty-one in felonies, but it’s still anyone’s game.”
Match ID: 9 Score: 25.00 source: www.newyorker.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump was hoping for a slam dunk. But Hunter Biden’s trial has only highlighted his father Joe’s dignity | Emma Brockes
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:34:30 GMT

A lie is a lie, but the president’s support of his son - and of the legal system - has been moving to see

If you didn’t know better, you might think the jury that found Hunter Biden guilty this week knew precisely what they were doing. The evidence against the president’s son – that he lied about his drug use on a firearms form six years ago – was overwhelming, but so too was the impression of a trivial, overegged charge. But, by finding him guilty, the jury in this area of solid Democratic support have potentially done more injury to his father’s political rival than if they had found him not guilty on all counts.

For those of us watching, the entire spectacle has at times been an uncomfortable exercise in flushing out biases. Like the Trump children, Hunter Biden has the demoralised air of a scion struggling to escape his father’s shadow, albeit in a different style. If the Trump boys are chinless dimwits, Hunter has about him the seedy air of a second- or third-tier Hollywood actor, clamped behind aviators and accompanied seemingly everywhere by his much younger wife.

Emma Brockes is a Guardian columnist

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Match ID: 10 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Poll: Biden, Trump about even in Pennsylvania
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:00:57 +0000

Match ID: 11 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

How government scientists aim to limit Trump’s control over research if he wins
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:48:29 +0000

Match ID: 12 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

The Trump Campaign Has Made A Deal With An Online ‘Propaganda’ Network
The Trump Campaign Has Made A Deal With An Online ‘Propaganda’ Network submitted by /u/Wagamaga
[link] [comments]

Match ID: 13 Score: 25.00 source: www.reddit.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Democrats’ surprisingly close Ohio special election loss, in context
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:30:11 +0000
Democrat Michael Kripchak lost by less than 10 points in a district Donald Trump carried by 29 in 2020. It’s merely the latest Democratic over-performance, but what does it mean?
Match ID: 14 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Some abortion opponents worry about Trump’s Republican platform rewrite
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 12:36:03 +0000

Match ID: 15 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

A January 6 Rioter Is Leading an Armed National Militia From Prison
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:30:00 +0000
As the US election approaches, Edward “Jake” Lang says that the militia will focus on potential “civil unrest” around the vote and will be ready to activate at a moment’s notice.
Match ID: 16 Score: 25.00 source: www.wired.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump loyalists face off for Maine 2nd nomination — a seat GOP hopes to flip in November
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 23:27:18 +0000

Match ID: 17 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Between sharks and shocks: Answering Trump’s unanswered question
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 20:56:16 +0000
The former president’s riff on sea life and electric boats confused a lot of people. Allow us to clarify.
Match ID: 18 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Election forecast: Biden, Trump ‘essentially deadlocked’
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 19:22:23 +0000

Match ID: 19 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

In Trump’s orbit, some muse about mandatory military service
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 18:07:28 +0000
Only 1 percent of the U.S. population serves in the military. Some in Donald Trump’s camp say it’s time more young adults put “some skin in the game.”
Match ID: 20 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

The Trump campaign didn’t address the substance of the verdict but instead baselessly accused the Biden...
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 17:06:55 +0000

Match ID: 21 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Rod Blagojevich’s Tips for Prison Survival, Just in Time for Trump
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
The former governor of Illinois, who served time for trying to sell Obama’s Senate seat, advises buffing up, finding a cool nickname, and watching out for crazies urinating in the oatmeal.
Match ID: 22 Score: 25.00 source: www.newyorker.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Elections 2024 live updates: Biden heading to Italy to meet with nervous G-7 allies
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:30:20 +0000
Live updates from the 2024 campaign trail, with the latest news on presidential candidates, polls, primaries and more.
Match ID: 23 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 italy

Russian warships arrive in Cuba in show of force
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:11:08 GMT
The visit is seen as Russia's sabre-rattling, amid tensions with the West over Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.
Match ID: 24 Score: 20.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

D-day, Rishi Sunak and the eastern front | Letter
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:02:02 GMT

D-day commemorations have failed to mention equally important turning points in the war, says Prof Colin Green. Plus a letter from Ben Summerskill

The D-day 80th anniversary events were really moving, especially hearing from the veterans who survived. Much has been made of Rishi Sunak’s failure to attend the international event (Furious Tories turn on Rishi Sunak over D-day commemorations snub, 9 June). I was more saddened by the repeated claim in TV programmes that D-day was the turning point of the second world war, without mention of the 27 million Soviets (including Ukrainians) who lost their lives and were ignored in this commemoration.

The eastern front was crucial to defeating Hitler and the Nazi armies well before 1944. Moscow in 1941, Stalingrad in 1942, three battles for Kharkov in 1941, 1942 and 1943, the great tank battle of Kursk (1943) and the siege of Leningrad (1941 to 1944) decimated the best German troops and were, collectively, the war’s true turning points. How Erwin Rommel would have welcomed defending Normandy with just a fraction of the 152 German divisions (3 million men) that invaded the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa. I feel great sadness for all deaths, including on D-day, and wake up every morning well aware that I owe my happy life to so many courageous men and women who gave their lives or were injured.
Prof Colin Green
Harrow, London

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Match ID: 25 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

As Europe faces war, Germany looks to restore national service
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:52:01 +0000
The decision comes as more European countries are considering restoring some form of military or universal conscription in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Match ID: 26 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

We’re in the middle of a non-stop sporting bloom – help us bring you a pitchside view
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:08:40 GMT

This summer is something else, a three-month run crammed with colour, drama, escapism. We’ll be there for every moment

As the gloom of June gives way to the gloom of July, August and September, it is worth taking a second to consult the schedule. Because an unusually epic summer of global sport is well under way.

This is quite a thing. From Real Madrid’s triumph in the Champions League final at Wembley this month through to the women’s cricket T20 World Cup in October, we’re in the midst of a non-stop sporting bloom.

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Match ID: 27 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Sylvinho: ‘Maybe I was important as a player, but no longer. I’ve had to educate myself’
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 12:19:40 GMT

The livewire Albania head coach on playing down his past, his work ethic and Euro 2024’s toughest group

“I never stay calm,” Sylvinho says midway through an afternoon that, in the best way possible, bears out his point. “The players know it, the federation knows it, the president knows it. Christmas party, end of year, normally you restart work in January … but the whole time all I’m thinking is how we can go through. How can we play against Italy? How can we play against Croatia? What will we do against the Spanish?”

It is an understandable preoccupation given Albania, who Sylvinho led to an outstanding qualification for Euro 2024 last year, must face all three over the next fortnight in the tournament’s toughest group. They could not have been dealt a more fiendish hand and it will cause shock waves if they progress. “You have to find a way to reduce the distance between them and us,” he says. “How? You have to work.”

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Match ID: 28 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 italy

First BTS member finishes military service, pledges hugs for 1,000 fans
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 12:15:34 +0000
Jin, the oldest member of BTS, completed his mandatory national service in South Korea and promised free hugs for his fans, also known as the “Army.”
Match ID: 29 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 korea

Ukraine extends blackouts as Russian bombings continue
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:56:55 GMT
Kyiv says some of its power stations, battered by Russian bombardments, might never come back online.
Match ID: 30 Score: 20.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Using AI for Political Polling

Public polling is a critical function of modern political campaigns and movements, but it isn’t what it once was. Recent US election cycles have produced copious postmortems explaining both the successes and the flaws of public polling. There are two main reasons polling fails.

First, nonresponse has skyrocketed. It’s radically harder to reach people than it used to be. Few people fill out surveys that come in the mail anymore. Few people answer their phone when a stranger calls. Pew Research reported that 36% of the people they called in 1997 would talk to them, but only 6% by 2018. Pollsters worldwide have faced similar challenges...

Match ID: 31 Score: 20.00 source: www.schneier.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Pat Nevin: ‘I didn’t want to be a player at first but in the end I loved it’
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:00:21 GMT

Former Scotland winger on being an ‘accidental footballer’, Russian culture and his country’s chances at Euro 2024

An afternoon with Pat Nevin unfolds like a travelogue. The former Scotland international waits for me inside Berwick-upon-Tweed station and, in a moment of peak Nevin purity, he is reading a memoir written by Simon Raymonde, the bass player of his favourite band, the Cocteau Twins. The book is great, apparently, and sparks a stream of amusing anecdotes about a time when Nevin was considered a “weirdo” as a Chelsea and Everton footballer interested in music, books, film and politics.

We drive out of England, and into Scotland, while the 60-year-old Nevin talks about his love of travel and his relish for another European Championship, where he will work as an analyst for BBC Radio 5 Live in Germany. The tournament begins on Friday and Nevin will be there as Germany face Scotland in the opening match in Munich.

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Match ID: 32 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

From the archive: How globalisation has transformed the fight for LGBTQ+ rights – podcast
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 04:00:14 GMT

We are raiding the Guardian Long Read archives to bring you some classic pieces from years past, with new introductions from the authors.

This week, from 2021: Much progress has been made in attitudes towards sexual equality and gender identity – but in many places a dramatic backlash by conservative forces has followed.

By Mark Gevisser

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Match ID: 33 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Jin from BTS wraps up military service to the strains of K-pop hit Dynamite
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 03:25:02 GMT

Jin has finished his stint in South Korea’s military but group won’t be able to reform until RM, Jimin, Jungkook, J-hope and V are discharged in 2025

Jin, the oldest member of the K-pop supergroup BTS, has completed his military service in South Korea, although their legions of fans around the world will still have to wait at least a year until all seven artists are reunited.

The star, who in December 2022 became the first member of the group to begin 18 months of military service, emerged on Wednesday from the 5th Army Infantry Division’s base in northern Yeoncheon province, 60km north of Seoul, to be greeted by fellow bandmates J-hope, RM, V, Jungkook and Jimin.

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Match ID: 34 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 korea

Poll: Many Ukrainians see war as stalemate but most back fight vs. Russia
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 11:10:18 +0000
A survey of Ukrainian public opinion found strong support for the war effort but potentially unrealistic expectations about liberating all territory now occupied by Russia.
Match ID: 35 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

U.N. Security Council adopts resolution on permanent Gaza cease-fire
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 23:17:40 +0000
Russia abstained in the vote, which is designed to push both Hamas and Israel toward an immediate cease-fire and release of hostages.
Match ID: 36 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Study: Three skulls of medieval Viking women were deliberately elongated
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 21:53:54 +0000
There is also evidence of deliberately filed teeth on some 130 male Viking skulls.
Match ID: 37 Score: 20.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Who’s Afraid of ‘Skibidi Toilet’?
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 11:00:00 +0000
The bizarre animated YouTube series is so huge that it’s caught the attention of concerned parents and the Russian government. But it’s still a mystery to almost anyone over 30—except Stephen Colbert.
Match ID: 38 Score: 20.00 source: www.wired.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

A G.O.P. Strategist on the Republican Voters Who Could Abandon Trump
Sat, 08 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
Donald Trump’s grip on his supporters remains firm despite his felony conviction. What can the latest polling and focus-group data tell us about what Republican voters are thinking?
Match ID: 39 Score: 17.86 source: www.newyorker.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 17.86 trump

Senator Raphael Warnock on America’s “Moral and Spiritual Battle”
Fri, 07 Jun 2024 19:00:00 +0000
The Democratic senator and Baptist pastor, who preaches from the same pulpit in Atlanta as Martin Luther King, Jr., did, says that Trumpism has exacerbated a “spiritual crisis.”
Match ID: 40 Score: 17.86 source: www.newyorker.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 17.86 trump

Restaurant Review: A Pitch-Perfect Ode to Korean “Drivers’ Restaurants”
Sun, 09 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
Kisa is a brand-new spot on the Lower East Side that does an astonishingly good job of seeming like it’s been there forever.
Match ID: 41 Score: 17.14 source: www.newyorker.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 17.14 korea

NASA’s Roman Mission Gets Cosmic ‘Sneak Peek’ From Supercomputers
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:00:00 +0000
Researchers are diving into a synthetic universe to help us better understand the real one. Using supercomputers at the U.S. DOE’s (Department of Energy’s) Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois, scientists have created nearly 4 million simulated images depicting the cosmos as NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, jointly funded […]
Match ID: 42 Score: 15.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Ugandan oil pipeline protester allegedly beaten as part of ‘alarming crackdown’
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:02:50 GMT

Stephen Kwikiriza is one of 11 campaigners against EACOP targeted by authorities in past two weeks, rights group says

A man campaigning against the controversial $5bn (£4bn) east African crude oil pipeline (EACOP) is recovering in hospital after an alleged beating by the Ugandan armed forces in the latest incident in what has been called an “alarming crackdown” on the country’s environmentalists.

Stephen Kwikiriza, who works for Uganda’s Environment Governance Institute (EGI), a non-profit organisation, was abducted in Kampala on 4 June, according to his employer. He was beaten, questioned and then abandoned hundreds of miles from the capital on Sunday evening.

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Match ID: 43 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

New ‘targeted’ search in Samantha Murphy investigation – as it happened
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 08:32:46 GMT

This blog is now closed.

Sydney’s light rail network disrupted today amid industrial action

A reminder for Sydney commuters that the light rail network will be disrupted today amid planned industrial action.

Recent estimates have Australians consuming around 3,300,000 bags of cocaine per year, with every single one of them bought off the black market. There is no way of knowing whether any of them have been cut with deadly substances like fentanyl or nitazene.

We have to acknowledge that the majority of people who use cocaine do so recreationally and there is absolutely no chance of stopping people using the drug. We therefore need to consider all options to reduce harm, including regulating cocaine in a similar way to how we regulate alcohol.

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Match ID: 44 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

From ‘hug a husky’ to ‘max out the oil’: the Tory environmental journey
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 05:00:16 GMT

We look back through 14 years of Conservative manifestos at policies on net zero, energy, transport and more

It’s been a long journey on environmental issues for the Tories – but somehow it feels as if it has been in the wrong direction. Eighteen years on from David Cameron’s “hug a husky” campaign of 2006, where the climate and nature crises were largely viewed with cross-party consensus, we look back through the (many) Tory manifestos since 2010 to see how the Conservatives’ environmental message has evolved.

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Match ID: 45 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

NASA Selects 2024 Small Business, Research Teams for Tech Development
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 21:08:21 +0000
NASA will award funding to nearly 250 small business teams to develop new technologies to address agency priorities, such as carbon neutrality and energy storage for various applications in space and on Earth. The new awards from NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program invest in a diverse portfolio […]
Match ID: 46 Score: 15.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Polarized light yields fresh insight into mysterious fast radio bursts
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 16:11:05 +0000
Scientists looked at how polarization changed direction to learn more about origins.
Match ID: 47 Score: 15.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Neutrinos: The inscrutable “ghost particles” driving scientists crazy
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 11:00:29 +0000
They hold the keys to new physics. If only we could understand them.
Match ID: 48 Score: 15.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Apple Is Coming for Your Password Manager
Sat, 08 Jun 2024 10:30:00 +0000
Plus: A media executive is charged in an alleged money-laundering scheme, a ransomware attack disrupts care at London hospitals, and Google’s former CEO has a secretive drone project up his sleeve.
Match ID: 49 Score: 14.29 source: www.wired.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 14.29 russia

What Is Matter? We Explain the New Smart Home Standard (2024)
Sun, 09 Jun 2024 15:00:00 +0000
This open source protocol ensures your devices play nicely. Matter 1.3 potentially adds more device support and energy management to smart homes.
Match ID: 50 Score: 12.86 source: www.wired.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 12.86 energy

European banks are making heady profits in Russia
Thu, 06 Jun 2024 09:56:28 +0000
But for how much longer?
Match ID: 51 Score: 8.57 source: www.economist.com age: 6 days
qualifiers: 8.57 russia

Online Privacy and Overfishing

Microsoft recently caught state-backed hackers using its generative AI tools to help with their attacks. In the security community, the immediate questions weren’t about how hackers were using the tools (that was utterly predictable), but about how Microsoft figured it out. The natural conclusion was that Microsoft was spying on its AI users, looking for harmful hackers at work.

Some pushed back at characterizing Microsoft’s actions as “spying.” Of course cloud service providers monitor what users are doing. And because we expect Microsoft to be doing something like this, it’s not fair to call it spying...

Match ID: 52 Score: 5.71 source: www.schneier.com age: 7 days
qualifiers: 5.71 russia

Exclusive: The Guardian interviews President Zelenskiy
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:48:04 GMT

In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, revealed the tactics and traits that help him face the daily frustrations of leading a country at war for more than two years.

Within a ceremonial room inside Kyiv’s presidential compound, Zelenskiy spoke for nearly an hour with a Guardian team, including the editor-in-chief, Katharine Viner. The interview took place during perhaps the toughest time for Ukraine since the early days of the war. Russia is on the offensive in Kharkiv, an advance that follows months of delay in the US Congress over the passing of a major support package, limiting Ukraine’s battlefield capabilities

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Match ID: 53 Score: 5.71 source: www.theguardian.com age: 7 days
qualifiers: 5.71 russia

A US Company Enabled a North Korean Scam That Raised Money for WMDs
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:30:00 +0000
Wyoming’s secretary of state has proposed ways of “preventing fraud and abuse of corporate filings by commercial registered agents” in the aftermath of the scheme’s exposure.
Match ID: 54 Score: 5.71 source: www.wired.com age: 7 days
qualifiers: 5.71 korea

Would America dare to bring down a Chinese bank?
Wed, 10 Apr 2024 18:26:59 +0000
Janet Yellen promises sanctions for those supporting Vladimir Putin’s war
Match ID: 55 Score: 5.00 source: www.economist.com age: 62 days
qualifiers: 5.00 sanctions

How Donald Trump Could Weaponize US Surveillance in a Second Term
Mon, 03 Jun 2024 10:30:00 +0000
Donald Trump has vowed to go after political enemies, undocumented immigrants, and others if he wins. Experts warn he could easily turn the surveillance state against his targets.
Match ID: 56 Score: 3.57 source: www.wired.com age: 9 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

From ‘devastating’ to ‘reassured’: Lawmakers split over Trump verdict
Fri, 31 May 2024 13:28:24 EST

Match ID: 57 Score: 3.57 source: www.politico.com age: 11 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Inside Donald Trump’s hush-money trial: three key testimonies – video
Fri, 31 May 2024 02:35:05 GMT

Twelve jurors in New York have presented their fellow Americans with a simple question: are you willing to elect a convicted criminal to the White House?

On Thursday, Donald Trump was found guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records in a criminal hush-money scheme to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. The verdict makes him the first president, current or former, to be found guilty of felony crimes in the US's near 250-year history. Regardless, the conviction does not disqualify Trump as a presidential candidate or bar him from again sitting in the Oval Office.

Trump, who opted not to take the stand during the trial, has denied wrongdoing, railed against the proceedings and ahead of the verdict compared himself to a saint: “Mother Teresa could not beat these charges. The charges are rigged,” he said on Wednesday. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, is expected to appeal the verdict.

The Guardian’s Sam Levine has been in court over the last several weeks covering all the developments – here are three testimonies he found most memorable. 

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Match ID: 58 Score: 3.57 source: www.theguardian.com age: 12 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Guilty verdict fuels Trump’s campaign: ‘Our whole country is being rigged’
Thu, 30 May 2024 17:30:16 EST
Depending on his sentence, a conviction may change little about Trump’s campaign strategy.
Match ID: 59 Score: 3.57 source: www.politico.com age: 12 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Biden outdoes Trump with ultra-high China tariffs
Tue, 14 May 2024 16:23:33 +0000
The move, which hits electric vehicles, carries an environmental cost
Match ID: 60 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 29 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Why a stronger dollar is dangerous
Tue, 23 Apr 2024 16:00:59 +0000
It sets the stage for a nasty new Trump-China clash, among other things
Match ID: 61 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 50 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Trump Is Misleading You With Covid-Era Statistics. So Is Biden.
Fri, 19 Apr 2024 04:00:00 EST
Biden and Trump are both campaigning on warped economic statistics, cherry-picking weird data from the Covid crisis.
Match ID: 62 Score: 3.57 source: www.politico.com age: 54 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Even without war in the Gulf, pricier petrol is here to stay
Wed, 17 Apr 2024 15:59:46 +0000
Expensive oil could put Donald Trump in the White House
Match ID: 63 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 56 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Europe’s economy is under attack from all sides
Tue, 26 Mar 2024 20:00:46 +0000
First Putin, now Xi. Next Trump?
Match ID: 64 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 77 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

The world is in the midst of a city-building boom
Thu, 07 Mar 2024 11:22:29 +0000
Everyone, from Donald Trump and Peter Thiel to Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, is getting involved
Match ID: 65 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 97 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Russians Love YouTube. That’s a Problem for the Kremlin
Tue, 04 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000
YouTube remains the only major US-based social media platform available in Russia. It’s become "indispensable" to everyday people, making a ban tricky. Journalists and dissidents are taking advantage.
Match ID: 66 Score: 2.86 source: www.wired.com age: 8 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

US says Russia likely launched anti-satellite weapon
Wed, 22 May 2024 04:22:18 GMT
The Russian satellite launched last week may be capable of attacking other satellites, the Pentagon says.
Match ID: 67 Score: 2.86 source: www.bbc.com age: 21 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Russia’s gas business will never recover from the war in Ukraine
Thu, 02 May 2024 10:04:48 +0000
Hopes of a Chinese rescue look increasingly vain
Match ID: 68 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 41 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Frozen Russian assets will soon pay for Ukraine’s war
Thu, 18 Apr 2024 09:54:20 +0000
And America now hopes to convince others to make better use of the stash
Match ID: 69 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 55 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Ukrainian drone strikes are hurting Russia’s oil industry
Thu, 11 Apr 2024 09:51:54 +0000
The world’s third-largest producer is now an importer of petrol
Match ID: 70 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 62 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

How China, Russia and Iran are forging closer ties
Mon, 18 Mar 2024 19:52:43 +0000
Assessing the economic threat posed by the anti-Western axis
Match ID: 71 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 85 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Russia’s economy once again defies the doomsayers
Sun, 10 Mar 2024 14:39:48 +0000
As an election nears, Vladimir Putin now looks to have inflation under control
Match ID: 72 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 94 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Ecuador Is Literally Powerless in the Face of Drought
Thu, 30 May 2024 18:51:48 +0000
Drought-stricken hydro dams have led to daily electricity cuts in Ecuador. As weather becomes less predictable due to climate change, experts say other countries need to take notice.
Match ID: 73 Score: 2.14 source: www.wired.com age: 12 days
qualifiers: 2.14 energy

NASA Teammates Recall Favorite Memories Aboard Flying Laboratory
Tue, 14 May 2024 15:00:00 +0000
After flying more than three decades and 158 science campaigns, just one flight remains. NASA’s DC-8 Airborne Science Laboratory will make its final flight May 15 to Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho, where it will be used to train future aircraft technicians by providing real-world experience in the college’s Aircraft Maintenance Technology Program. Before […]
Match ID: 74 Score: 2.14 source: www.nasa.gov age: 29 days
qualifiers: 2.14 energy

Global Emissions Could Peak Sooner Than You Think
Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:00:00 +0000
Global deployment of solar and wind power, plus a surge in EV sales, means emissions from fossil-fuel-derived energy will finally hit the downward slope.
Match ID: 75 Score: 2.14 source: www.wired.com age: 147 days
qualifiers: 2.14 energy

How Xi Jinping plans to overtake America
Sun, 31 Mar 2024 12:31:35 +0000
Digital twins, nuclear fusion and the small matter of fixing China’s economy
Match ID: 76 Score: 1.43 source: www.economist.com age: 73 days
qualifiers: 1.43 nuclear

Filter efficiency 90.767 (77 matches/834 results)

********** LAW **********
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The strange case of the axing of Erik ten Hag that never happened
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:25:45 GMT

Sir Jim Ratcliffe and his Manchester United advisers were minded to sack the Dutchman but in the end another trophy changed their minds

The documentary of how Manchester United’s Sir Jim Ratcliffe-led season review ended with Erik ten Hag keeping his job as manager would show a forensic, painstaking process, according to a high-ranking club executive. The non in-house version might differ as it would show Ratcliffe and his advisers being minded to sack the Dutchman before a number of factors ultimately persuaded them that Ten Hag should remain in post.

Ten Hag probably stopped contemplating clearing his United desk after Ratcliffe’s beauty parade of Thomas Tuchel, Kieran McKenna (who signed a lucrative new contract with Ipswich), Mauricio Pochettino, Roberto De Zerbi, Thomas Frank, Graham Potter, Gary O’Neil, Paulo Fonseca and Gareth Southgate as potential replacements ended with them all judged less handsome than the incumbent.

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Match ID: 0 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

Swiss lawmakers reject climate ruling in favour of female climate elders
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:03:43 GMT

Co-president of the KlimaSeniorinnen says declaration is betrayal of older women

Swiss politicians have rejected a landmark climate ruling from the European court of human rights, raising fears that other polluting countries may follow suit.

A panel of Strasbourg judges ruled in April that Switzerland had violated the human rights of older women through weak climate policies that leave them more vulnerable to heatwaves. Activists hailed the judgment as a breakthrough because it leaves all members of the Council of Europe exposed to legal challenges for sluggish efforts to clean up carbon-intensive economies.

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Match ID: 1 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

Remaining British judges urged to resign from Hong Kong’s top court
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:31:30 GMT

The three British judges still on territory’s top bench under pressure to quit after two others stepped down last week

Pressure is increasing on the last remaining British judges who sit in Hong Kong’s top court to resign, after two senior justices stepped down last week because of the “political situation” in the former British colony.

Jonathan Sumption and Lawrence Collins resigned as non-permanent overseas judges from Hong Kong’s court of final appeal on Thursday. Collins cited the “political situation in Hong Kong” in a brief statement about his departure.

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Match ID: 2 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

The Guardian view on the rule of law in Hong Kong: the verdict of foreign judges is damning | Editorial
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 17:25:00 GMT

The conviction of peaceful pro-democracy activists is another shameful moment in the ongoing crackdown

Seven years ago, Lord Neuberger, a judge of the Hong Kong court of final appeal – and formerly president of the UK’s supreme court – described the Chinese region’s foreign judges as “canaries in the mine”. Their willingness to serve was a sign that judicial independence remained healthy, “but if they start to leave in droves, that would represent a serious alarm call”.

That was before the extraordinary uprising in 2019 to defend Hong Kong’s autonomy, and the crackdown that followed. The draconian national security law of 2020 prompted the resignation of an Australian judge, and two British judges quit in 2022. Last week, two more birds flew: Lord Sumption and Lord Collins of Mapesbury. Lord Sumption (with other judges) had said that continued participation was in the interests of the people of Hong Kong. Now he says that those hopes of sustaining the rule of law are “no longer realistic” and that “a [once] vibrant and politically diverse community is slowly becoming a totalitarian state”. He cited illiberal legislation, Beijing’s ability to reverse decisions by Hong Kong courts and an oppressive political environment where judges are urged to demonstrate “patriotism”.

Do you have an opinion on the issues raised in this article? If you would like to submit a response of up to 300 words by email to be considered for publication in our letters section, please click here.

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Match ID: 3 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

Magnet Fishing
The ten-way tie was judged a ten-way tie, so no one won the grand prize, a rare fishing monopole.
Match ID: 4 Score: 15.00 source: xkcd.com
qualifiers: 15.00 judge

White House won’t rule out commuting Hunter Biden sentence – live
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:42:37 GMT

The president has ruled out pardoning his son, but White House press secretary said it was unclear whether Biden would intervene to lessen a sentence length

The White House has not ruled out a possible commutation for Hunter Biden after a jury found him guilty on three federal gun crimes.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, speaking to reporters on Wednesday on Air Force One, said:

As we all know, the sentencing hasn’t even been scheduled yet.

Of course he respects that, and we all do, and we’ve all talked about it ad nauseam.

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Match ID: 5 Score: 10.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

‘The big story of the 21st century’: is this the most shocking documentary of the year?
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:27:49 GMT

Six years in the making, jaw-dropping new film The Grab shows a secret scramble by governments and private firms to buy up global resources

In 2013, the US food conglomerate Smithfield Foods – the country’s largest pork producer and maker of the famous holiday ham – was sold to a Hong Kong-based company called WH Group in a deal worth $7.1bn. It was the largest ever Chinese acquisition of an American company; virtually overnight, WH Group, formerly called Shuanghui International, gained ownership of nearly one in four American pigs. Such a huge business deal did not go unnoticed; news coverage and an eventual congressional hearing questioned the sale with a mix of good, old-fashioned American xenophobia and reasonable concern for the nation’s food supply. But in the eyes of most people, and certainly most American consumers, the Smithfield Foods sale remained just that: a one-off business deal, if they were aware of it at all.

For Nate Halverson, a journalist with the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) out of Emeryville, California, the Smithfield deal was the first point in a much wider and concerning pattern – though the company’s CEO, Larry Pope, assured Congress that the Chinese government was not behind WH Group’s purchase, Halverson found evidence to the contrary on a reporting trip to the company’s headquarters: a secret document, marked not for distribution in the United States, detailing every dollar of the deal, and the state-run Bank of China’s “social responsibility” in backing it for “national strategy”.

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Match ID: 6 Score: 10.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

North Dakota passes measure to limit age of congressional candidates
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:45:25 +0000

Match ID: 7 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

The Democratic candidate is performing better than expected in the special election for Ohio’s 6th Congressional...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:35:14 +0000

Match ID: 8 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

In South Carolina’s 3rd District, no Republican received a majority of votes in the party’s congressional...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:26:36 +0000

Match ID: 9 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

Businessman Michael B. Moore is projected to win the Democratic primary for South Carolina’s 1st Congressional...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:20:32 +0000

Match ID: 10 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

Republican Michael Rulli is projected to win the special election for Ohio’s 6th Congressional District, according...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:17:24 +0000

Match ID: 11 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) is projected to win the Republican primary for South Carolina’s 1st Congressional...
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:42:20 +0000

Match ID: 12 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

North Dakota ballot initiative to enact age limit for congressional candidates is likely to face legal challenges
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 23:52:08 +0000

Match ID: 13 Score: 10.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 congress

What’s Behind Joe Biden’s Harsh New Executive Order on Immigration?
Sat, 08 Jun 2024 18:57:27 +0000
Neither the declining number of border arrivals nor the intransigence of congressional Republicans has improved the President’s standing on the issue.
Match ID: 14 Score: 8.57 source: www.newyorker.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 8.57 congress

US citizens face charges ‘punishable by death’ in alleged coup attempt in Congo
Fri, 07 Jun 2024 17:08:21 GMT

Three US nationals on trial in Democratic Republic of Congo over events in May described as an attempted coup

More than 50 people, including three US citizens and a Belgian, have gone on trial in the Democratic Republic of Congo over what the army has described as an attempted coup.

The actions of the three Americans were “punishable by death”, Judge Freddy Ehume told the military court in the DRC capital, Kinshasa.

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Match ID: 15 Score: 8.57 source: www.theguardian.com age: 5 days
qualifiers: 8.57 judge

Exclusive: The Guardian interviews President Zelenskiy
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:48:04 GMT

In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, revealed the tactics and traits that help him face the daily frustrations of leading a country at war for more than two years.

Within a ceremonial room inside Kyiv’s presidential compound, Zelenskiy spoke for nearly an hour with a Guardian team, including the editor-in-chief, Katharine Viner. The interview took place during perhaps the toughest time for Ukraine since the early days of the war. Russia is on the offensive in Kharkiv, an advance that follows months of delay in the US Congress over the passing of a major support package, limiting Ukraine’s battlefield capabilities

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Match ID: 16 Score: 2.86 source: www.theguardian.com age: 7 days
qualifiers: 2.86 congress

Winners Announced in Gateways to Blue Skies Aeronautics Competition
Mon, 03 Jun 2024 18:04:51 +0000
The California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, team, with their project titled “Aero-Quake Emergency Response Network,” took first place at the third annual Gateways to Blue Skies Competition. Competing among eight finalist teams that presented their ideas for aviation-related systems for natural disasters, the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona team earned the top award at the […]
Match ID: 17 Score: 2.14 source: www.nasa.gov age: 8 days
qualifiers: 2.14 judge

Filter efficiency 97.842 (18 matches/834 results)

********** FOOD **********
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Show Dad you care with these 8 recipes for Father’s Day
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:00:56 +0000
Celebrate the dad in your life with these 8 festive recipes, including steak, pasta and cake.
Match ID: 0 Score: 50.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food, 20.00 recipes

Tuna spaghetti, pad see ew and butter bean stew: Chelsea Goodwin’s quick and easy recipes
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:00:07 GMT

The founder of the $10 Meals Australia Facebook group shares her simple, satisfying family recipes that are ready in 30 minutes – or less

For those nights where you just want to take it easy. I prefer this without parmesan but my kids like to add it – give it a try! For something a little more fancy, add capers or anchovies.

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Match ID: 1 Score: 50.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food, 20.00 recipes

NHS is ‘struggling’ but ‘not destroyed’, chief in England says
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:45:43 GMT

Amanda Pritchard rebuts claims service is broken but tells health conference major investment needed

The NHS is “struggling” but “not destroyed”, despite the huge challenges it faces, the head of the health service in England says.

In a major speech on Wednesday, Amanda Pritchard urged which ever party won the general election to give the NHS more money, fix social care and tackle threats to public health, such as junk food.

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Match ID: 2 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

Cooking chat: Which type of olive oil should I buy? Why are there so many?
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:00:45 +0000
Every Wednesday at noon Eastern, Aaron Hutcherson and Becky Krystal answer your cooking questions.
Match ID: 3 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

Dining chat: How should a restaurant respond to a missing dish?
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:00:48 +0000
Washington Post food critic Tom Sietsema entertains your dining questions, rants and raves.
Match ID: 4 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

Average jobseeker has $135 weekly shortfall on basic costs, report finds
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:00:04 GMT

Often nothing left for other necessities or emergencies, Anglicare says, with Centrelink payment levels ‘trapping people in poverty’

Australians on income support are “structurally unable to afford the basics of life” and are unable to absorb any more cost of living increases, according to a new report.

The average jobseeker recipient has a shortfall of $135 a week on just the basic weekly cost of food, housing and transport, and no ability to budget for lump-sum payments such as utilities, household goods or emergency expenses, Anglicare’s most recent cost-of-living index has found.

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Match ID: 5 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

‘The big story of the 21st century’: is this the most shocking documentary of the year?
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:27:49 GMT

Six years in the making, jaw-dropping new film The Grab shows a secret scramble by governments and private firms to buy up global resources

In 2013, the US food conglomerate Smithfield Foods – the country’s largest pork producer and maker of the famous holiday ham – was sold to a Hong Kong-based company called WH Group in a deal worth $7.1bn. It was the largest ever Chinese acquisition of an American company; virtually overnight, WH Group, formerly called Shuanghui International, gained ownership of nearly one in four American pigs. Such a huge business deal did not go unnoticed; news coverage and an eventual congressional hearing questioned the sale with a mix of good, old-fashioned American xenophobia and reasonable concern for the nation’s food supply. But in the eyes of most people, and certainly most American consumers, the Smithfield Foods sale remained just that: a one-off business deal, if they were aware of it at all.

For Nate Halverson, a journalist with the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) out of Emeryville, California, the Smithfield deal was the first point in a much wider and concerning pattern – though the company’s CEO, Larry Pope, assured Congress that the Chinese government was not behind WH Group’s purchase, Halverson found evidence to the contrary on a reporting trip to the company’s headquarters: a secret document, marked not for distribution in the United States, detailing every dollar of the deal, and the state-run Bank of China’s “social responsibility” in backing it for “national strategy”.

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Match ID: 6 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

Youth-free dining: Does banning men under 35 really make a restaurant sexier?
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:00:36 GMT

Bliss in St Louis has made headlines by announcing that only men over 35 and women over 30 can eat there. Is this the future of grown-up dining?

Name: Youth-free dining.

Age: New.

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Match ID: 7 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

Chili crisp pork chops and kimchi slaw is a bold 30-minute meal
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:00:08 +0000
Chili crisp and kimchi add irresistible layers of flavor to weeknight pork chops and coleslaw.
Match ID: 8 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

Is aspartame bad for you? What we know about the sweetener’s health risks
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:00:01 GMT

Some studies link the popular soda sweetener to higher cancer risk, but the links are weak and questions remain

On 29 June 2023, the soda industry was bracing for a fresh wave of controversy. A media leak had suggested that a research arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), which had been reviewing the artificial sweetener aspartame, was planning to classify the additive as possibly cancer-causing.

The sweetener – included in candy, soft drinks such as Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, and common items such as toothpaste – has long been dogged by questions about potential health risks. And such a determination could disrupt consumers’ spending and billions in annual sales.

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Match ID: 9 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

‘Gutted’: champion eater Joey Chestnut excluded from New York hotdog-eating contest
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 12:32:37 GMT

Nathan’s Famous, sponsor of event, had no stomach for Chestnut’s sponsorship by plant-based meat company

America’s top professional eater, Joey Chestnut, has been excluded from entering New York City’s annual hotdog eating competition after he signed a deal with a plant-based meat company.

Chestnut, 40, the defending champion, said on X that he “was gutted to learn from the media that after 19 years” he had been “banned” from the competition, held every summer on Independence Day at Nathan’s Famous original hotdog outlet in Coney Island. “I love celebrating America with my fans all over this great country on the 4th and I have been training to defend my title,” he added.

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Match ID: 10 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

How to make pasta puttanesca – recipe | Felicity Cloake's Masterclass
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:00:51 GMT

A southern Italian store-cupboard staple in nine easy steps

Spaghetti puttanesca is one of those dishes that is far more than the sum of its relatively humble parts – designed around the store-cupboard staples of the Italian south, it can be knocked up (quiet at the back) in less than 15 minutes, yet will still knock your socks off every time. Keep the ingredients below in stock and you’ll always go to bed happy.

Prep 5 min
Cook 12 min
Serves 2

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Match ID: 11 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

Deals on food and homemade toys: seven ways to cut the cost of cat ownership
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 06:00:15 GMT

A cat will set you back thousands over its lifetime, but good insurance and buying secondhand can help you save

The cost of owning a cat varies depending on the breed you get. It will set you back at least £11,100 to care for the average cat over its lifetime, according to pet charity People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA). This includes the cost of insurance but doesn’t include additional vet bills for illness or injury.

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Match ID: 12 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

Joey Chestnut barred from Nathan’s hot dog contest over Impossible Foods deal
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 02:14:05 +0000
Competitive eater Joey Chestnut won’t be allowed to participate in Nathan’s hot dog eating contest after endorsing Impossible Foods’ plant-based dog.
Match ID: 13 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

More seizures, intubation from microdose candies: 12 sickened, 10 hospitalized
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 23:13:21 +0000
FDA updates alert after the latest case fell ill on June 9.
Match ID: 14 Score: 30.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

A farm on the edge of Gaza
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 21:17:00 +0000
Today on “Post Reports,” the story of Ashraf Omar Alakhras and his family farm and an exclusive investigation into the destruction of food and agriculture in Gaza.
Match ID: 15 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

NASA Program Sends University Payloads to Space
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 20:42:37 +0000
NASA’s Flight Opportunities program sent two university payloads on suborbital flight tests onboard Virgin Galactic’s VSS Unity on June 8 when it launched from Spaceport America in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The payloads carrying scientific research from University of California, Berkeley and Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, align with critical technology needs that NASA has […]
Match ID: 16 Score: 30.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 30.00 food

Fried bologna sandwiches are a retro favorite, courtesy of Dad
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 14:00:01 +0000
The fried bologna sandwich is a Southern classic and childhood favorite of Aaron Hutcherson. Here, he’s revisited and revamped it to take it to the next level.
Match ID: 17 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 food

Croissant mashups: A (not-so-brief) history since the Cronut
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 12:00:00 +0000
Ever since the Cronut, creative bakers refuse to leave the croissant alone. Here are the many ways they’ve mashed it up.
Match ID: 18 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 food

How Britain became a food bank nation
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 08:58:20 GMT

In the first instalment of a special series on the emblems of Tory Britain, the former prime minister Gordon Brown looks at the avoidable epidemic of hunger – which is getting worse

In Leeds, a child fails to turn up at school because she and her mother are sharing her family’s one and only pair of shoes. In Liverpool, one of two brothers turns up for football training each week because they are sharing the one pair of football boots the family can afford.

In Swansea, a girl is bullied at school by her classmates because she has no trainers at all. In Wigan town centre, another teenage schoolgirl is found walking alone on a Saturday afternoon wearing her school uniform and explains that these hand-me-down garments given to her by a teacher are the only clothes she has.

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Match ID: 19 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 food

Slaughter-free sausages: is lab-grown meat the future? – podcast
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 04:00:33 GMT

Ian Sample hears from Linda Geddes about her recent trip to the Netherlands to try cultivated meat sausages, courtesy of the company Meatable. Advocates say that cultivated meat could be the future of sustainable and ethical meat production. Linda explains how they’re made, how their carbon footprint compares with traditional meat and most importantly … what they taste like!

Read more from Linda Geddes on her trip to the Netherlands

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Match ID: 20 Score: 30.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 food

A restaurant wanting a ‘grown and sexy’ vibe bans diners under 30
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 20:20:45 +0000
A Missouri restaurant’s age minimums — women must be 30 or older, men 35 and up — is polarizing people.
Match ID: 21 Score: 30.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 30.00 food

16 Best Coffee Subscriptions to Keep You Wired (2024): Blends, Single-Origin, Small Batch, and Local Roasters
Sun, 09 Jun 2024 12:32:00 +0000
These services deliver freshly roasted, delicious coffee picks right to your door—each with its own twist.
Match ID: 22 Score: 25.71 source: www.wired.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 25.71 food

Restaurant Review: A Pitch-Perfect Ode to Korean “Drivers’ Restaurants”
Sun, 09 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
Kisa is a brand-new spot on the Lower East Side that does an astonishingly good job of seeming like it’s been there forever.
Match ID: 23 Score: 25.71 source: www.newyorker.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 25.71 food

Strawberry and Kale Salad With Blackberry Dressing
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 04:00:00 +0000
This colorful salad offers a red, black and green color scheme for Juneteenth, with an enticing combination of fresh, sweet and tart flavors.
Match ID: 24 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 recipes

Chili Crisp Pork Chops With Kimchi Slaw
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 08:00:00 +0000
Chili crisp and kimchi elevate grilled pork and coleslaw with complex, powerful flavors in this 35-minute dish.
Match ID: 25 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 recipes

Fried Bologna Sandwiches
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 04:00:00 +0000
The fried bologna sandwich is a Southern classic, and this version takes the recipe to new heights by adding pimento cheese for creamy tang, potato chips for extra crunch and your favorite sandwich toppings for a special treat.
Match ID: 26 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 recipes

Sign up for the Feast newsletter: our free Guardian food email
Tue, 09 Jul 2019 08:19:21 GMT

A weekly email from Yotam Ottolenghi, Meera Sodha, Felicity Cloake and Rachel Roddy, featuring the latest recipes and seasonal eating ideas

Each week we’ll send you an exclusive newsletter from our star food writers. We’ll also send you the latest recipes from Yotam Ottolenghi, Nigel Slater, Meera Sodha and all our star cooks, stand-out food features and seasonal eating inspiration, plus restaurant reviews from Grace Dent and Jay Rayner.

Sign up below to start receiving the best of our culinary journalism in one mouth-watering weekly email.

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Match ID: 27 Score: 7.14 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1800 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food, 2.86 recipes

Seeing Like a Data Structure

Technology was once simply a tool—and a small one at that—used to amplify human intent and capacity. That was the story of the industrial revolution: we could control nature and build large, complex human societies, and the more we employed and mastered technology, the better things got. We don’t live in that world anymore. Not only has technology become entangled with the structure of society, but we also can no longer see the world around us without it. The separation is gone, and the control we thought we once had has revealed itself as a mirage. We’re in a transitional period of history right now...

Match ID: 28 Score: 4.29 source: www.schneier.com age: 9 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food

The woman feeding Liverpool from an ice-cream van – video
Tue, 28 May 2024 09:47:52 GMT

Michelle Roach bought a used ice-cream van in order to bring cheap, affordable food to Liverpool's struggling communities. She wanted a vehicle with freezers built in for frozen food, and also something cheerful that was able to break down stigmas around food poverty. Using a '10 items for £5' model, Michelle sources discount food from supermarket surplus and donations.

The Guardian's Christopher Cherry follows Michelle and the van on its rounds, with the service struggling to meet overwhelming demand as the cost of living crisis deepens, and the UK's general election fast approaches.

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Match ID: 29 Score: 4.29 source: www.theguardian.com age: 15 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food

What it takes to prove genocide – video
Thu, 09 May 2024 11:19:24 GMT

South Africa's case against Israel over allegations of genocide before the international court of justice has raised a central question of international law: what is genocide and how do you prove it? It is one of three genocide cases being considered by the UN's world court, but since the genocide convention was approved in 1948, only three instances have been legally recognised as genocide. Josh Toussaint-Strauss looks back on these historical cases to find out why the crime is so much harder to prove than other atrocities, and what bearing this has on South Africa's case against Israel and future cases

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Match ID: 30 Score: 4.29 source: www.theguardian.com age: 34 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food

A tour of the International Space Station with Andreas Mogensen
Fri, 12 Apr 2024 12:00:00 +0200
Video: 00:07:30

On the last day of his Huginn mission, ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen takes us on a tour of the place he called home for 6 months: the International Space Station. From the beautiful views of Cupola to the kitchen in Node 1 filled with food and friends and all the way to the science of Columbus, the Space Station is the work and living place for astronauts as they help push science forward. 

Match ID: 31 Score: 4.29 source: www.esa.int age: 61 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food

Sign up for the Fashion Statement newsletter: our free fashion email
Tue, 20 Sep 2022 11:06:20 GMT

Style, with substance: what’s really trending this week, a roundup of the best fashion journalism and your wardrobe dilemmas solved, direct to your inbox every Thursday

Style, with substance: what’s really trending this week, a roundup of the best fashion journalism and your wardrobe dilemmas solved, delivered straight to your inbox every Thursday

Explore all our newsletters: whether you love film, football, fashion or food, we’ve got something for you

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Match ID: 32 Score: 4.29 source: www.theguardian.com age: 631 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food

What is Blockchain: Everything You Need to Know (2022)
Mon, 18 Apr 2022 05:49:00 +0000
What is Blockchain

If you want to pay online, you need to register an account and provide credit card information. If you don't have a credit card, you can pay with bank transfer. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, these methods may become old.

Imagine a world in which you can do transactions and many other things without having to give your personal information. A world in which you don’t need to rely on banks or governments anymore. Sounds amazing, right? That’s exactly what blockchain technology allows us to do.

It’s like your computer’s hard drive. blockchain is a technology that lets you store data in digital blocks, which are connected together like links in a chain. 

Blockchain technology was originally invented in 1991 by two mathematicians, Stuart Haber and W. Scot Stornetta. They first proposed the system to ensure that timestamps could not be tampered with.

A few years later, in 1998, software developer Nick Szabo proposed using a similar kind of technology to secure a digital payments system he called “Bit Gold.” However, this innovation was not adopted until Satoshi Nakamoto claimed to have invented the first Blockchain and Bitcoin.

So, What is Blockchain?

A blockchain is a distributed database shared between the nodes of a computer network. It saves information in digital format. Many people first heard of blockchain technology when they started to look up information about bitcoin.

Blockchain is used in cryptocurrency systems to ensure secure, decentralized records of transactions.

Blockchain allowed people to guarantee the fidelity and security of a record of data without the need for a third party to ensure accuracy.

To understand how a blockchain works, Consider these basic steps:

  • Blockchain collects information in “blocks”.
  • A block has a storage capacity, and once it's used up, it can be closed and linked to a previously served block.
  • Blocks form chains, which are called “Blockchains.”
  • More information will be added to the block with the most content until its capacity is full. The process repeats itself.
  • Each block in the chain has an exact timestamp and can't be changed.

Let’s get to know more about the blockchain.

How does blockchain work?

Blockchain records digital information and distributes it across the network without changing it. The information is distributed among many users and stored in an immutable, permanent ledger that can't be changed or destroyed. That's why blockchain is also called "Distributed Ledger Technology" or DLT.

Here’s how it works:

  • Someone or a computer will transacts
  • The transaction is transmitted throughout the network.
  • A network of computers can confirm the transaction.
  • When it is confirmed a transaction is added to a block
  • The blocks are linked together to create a history.

And that’s the beauty of it! The process may seem complicated, but it’s done in minutes with modern technology. And because technology is advancing rapidly, I expect things to move even more quickly than ever.

  • A new transaction is added to the system. It is then relayed to a network of computers located around the world. The computers then solve equations to ensure the authenticity of the transaction.
  • Once a transaction is confirmed, it is placed in a block after the confirmation. All of the blocks are chained together to create a permanent history of every transaction.

How are Blockchains used?

Even though blockchain is integral to cryptocurrency, it has other applications. For example, blockchain can be used for storing reliable data about transactions. Many people confuse blockchain with cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum.

Blockchain already being adopted by some big-name companies, such as Walmart, AIG, Siemens, Pfizer, and Unilever. For example, IBM's Food Trust uses blockchain to track food's journey before reaching its final destination.

Although some of you may consider this practice excessive, food suppliers and manufacturers adhere to the policy of tracing their products because bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella have been found in packaged foods. In addition, there have been isolated cases where dangerous allergens such as peanuts have accidentally been introduced into certain products.

Tracing and identifying the sources of an outbreak is a challenging task that can take months or years. Thanks to the Blockchain, however, companies now know exactly where their food has been—so they can trace its location and prevent future outbreaks.

Blockchain technology allows systems to react much faster in the event of a hazard. It also has many other uses in the modern world.

What is Blockchain Decentralization?

Blockchain technology is safe, even if it’s public. People can access the technology using an internet connection.

Have you ever been in a situation where you had all your data stored at one place and that one secure place got compromised? Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to prevent your data from leaking out even when the security of your storage systems is compromised?

Blockchain technology provides a way of avoiding this situation by using multiple computers at different locations to store information about transactions. If one computer experiences problems with a transaction, it will not affect the other nodes.

Instead, other nodes will use the correct information to cross-reference your incorrect node. This is called “Decentralization,” meaning all the information is stored in multiple places.

Blockchain guarantees your data's authenticity—not just its accuracy, but also its irreversibility. It can also be used to store data that are difficult to register, like legal contracts, state identifications, or a company's product inventory.

Pros and Cons of Blockchain

Blockchain has many advantages and disadvantages. 


  • Accuracy is increased because there is no human involvement in the verification process.
  • One of the great things about decentralization is that it makes information harder to tamper with.
  • Safe, private, and easy transactions
  • Provides a banking alternative and safe storage of personal information


  • Data storage has limits.
  • The regulations are always changing, as they differ from place to place.
  • It has a risk of being used for illicit activities 

Frequently Asked Questions About Blockchain

I’ll answer the most frequently asked questions about blockchain in this section.

Is Blockchain a cryptocurrency?

Blockchain is not a cryptocurrency but a technology that makes cryptocurrencies possible. It's a digital ledger that records every transaction seamlessly.

Is it possible for Blockchain to be hacked?

Yes, blockchain can be theoretically hacked, but it is a complicated task to be achieved. A network of users constantly reviews it, which makes hacking the blockchain difficult.

What is the most prominent blockchain company?

Coinbase Global is currently the biggest blockchain company in the world. The company runs a commendable infrastructure, services, and technology for the digital currency economy.

Who owns Blockchain?

Blockchain is a decentralized technology. It’s a chain of distributed ledgers connected with nodes. Each node can be any electronic device. Thus, one owns blockhain.

What is the difference between Bitcoin and Blockchain technology?

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, which is powered by Blockchain technology while Blockchain is a distributed ledger of cryptocurrency 

What is the difference between Blockchain and a Database?

Generally a database is a collection of data which can be stored and organized using a database management system. The people who have access to the database can view or edit the information stored there. The client-server network architecture is used to implement databases. whereas a blockchain is a growing list of records, called blocks, stored in a distributed system. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, timestamp and transaction information. Modification of data is not allowed due to the design of the blockchain. The technology allows decentralized control and eliminates risks of data modification by other parties.

Final Saying

Blockchain has a wide spectrum of applications and, over the next 5-10 years, we will likely see it being integrated into all sorts of industries. From finance to healthcare, blockchain could revolutionize the way we store and share data. Although there is some hesitation to adopt blockchain systems right now, that won't be the case in 2022-2023 (and even less so in 2026). Once people become more comfortable with the technology and understand how it can work for them, owners, CEOs and entrepreneurs alike will be quick to leverage blockchain technology for their own gain. Hope you like this article if you have any question let me know in the comments section


Match ID: 33 Score: 4.29 source: techncruncher.blogspot.com age: 786 days
qualifiers: 4.29 food

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Using AI for Political Polling

Public polling is a critical function of modern political campaigns and movements, but it isn’t what it once was. Recent US election cycles have produced copious postmortems explaining both the successes and the flaws of public polling. There are two main reasons polling fails.

First, nonresponse has skyrocketed. It’s radically harder to reach people than it used to be. Few people fill out surveys that come in the mail anymore. Few people answer their phone when a stranger calls. Pew Research reported that 36% of the people they called in 1997 would talk to them, but only 6% by 2018. Pollsters worldwide have faced similar challenges...

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The Simpsons to WWF: the Sky TV Rishi Sunak would have missed out on
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:00:14 GMT

PM has said Sky – once derided by snobs as ‘council house TV’ – was among ‘lots of things’ he went without as a child

While scouring his memory for the “lots of things” he missed out on as a child, Rishi Sunak plumped for Sky TV as his best example of hardship.

But the prime minister, who attended Winchester College boarding school, did not acknowledge the role that snobbery may have played in that choice. As satellite dishes multiplied across the country, Sky was derided by critics as “council house TV” – and many wealthier families demurred from more than four channels.

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Match ID: 1 Score: 10.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 school

Ed Stone, Former Director of JPL, Voyager Project Scientist, Dies
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 20:09:13 +0000
Known for his steady leadership, consensus building, and enthusiasm for engaging the public in science, Stone left a deep impact on the space community. Edward C. Stone, former director of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, and longtime project scientist of the agency’s Voyager mission, died on June 9, 2024. He was 88. He […]
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