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What is Blockchain: Everything You Need to Know (2022)
Mon, 18 Apr 2022 05:49:00 +0000

What is Blockchain

If you want to pay online, you need to register an account and provide credit card information. If you don't have a credit card, you can pay with bank transfer. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, these methods may become old.

Imagine a world in which you can do transactions and many other things without having to give your personal information. A world in which you don’t need to rely on banks or governments anymore. Sounds amazing, right? That’s exactly what blockchain technology allows us to do.

It’s like your computer’s hard drive. blockchain is a technology that lets you store data in digital blocks, which are connected together like links in a chain. 

Blockchain technology was originally invented in 1991 by two mathematicians, Stuart Haber and W. Scot Stornetta. They first proposed the system to ensure that timestamps could not be tampered with.

A few years later, in 1998, software developer Nick Szabo proposed using a similar kind of technology to secure a digital payments system he called “Bit Gold.” However, this innovation was not adopted until Satoshi Nakamoto claimed to have invented the first Blockchain and Bitcoin.

So, What is Blockchain?

A blockchain is a distributed database shared between the nodes of a computer network. It saves information in digital format. Many people first heard of blockchain technology when they started to look up information about bitcoin.

Blockchain is used in cryptocurrency systems to ensure secure, decentralized records of transactions.

Blockchain allowed people to guarantee the fidelity and security of a record of data without the need for a third party to ensure accuracy.

To understand how a blockchain works, Consider these basic steps:

  • Blockchain collects information in “blocks”.
  • A block has a storage capacity, and once it's used up, it can be closed and linked to a previously served block.
  • Blocks form chains, which are called “Blockchains.”
  • More information will be added to the block with the most content until its capacity is full. The process repeats itself.
  • Each block in the chain has an exact timestamp and can't be changed.

Let’s get to know more about the blockchain.

How does blockchain work?

Blockchain records digital information and distributes it across the network without changing it. The information is distributed among many users and stored in an immutable, permanent ledger that can't be changed or destroyed. That's why blockchain is also called "Distributed Ledger Technology" or DLT.

Here’s how it works:

  • Someone or a computer will transacts
  • The transaction is transmitted throughout the network.
  • A network of computers can confirm the transaction.
  • When it is confirmed a transaction is added to a block
  • The blocks are linked together to create a history.

And that’s the beauty of it! The process may seem complicated, but it’s done in minutes with modern technology. And because technology is advancing rapidly, I expect things to move even more quickly than ever.

  • A new transaction is added to the system. It is then relayed to a network of computers located around the world. The computers then solve equations to ensure the authenticity of the transaction.
  • Once a transaction is confirmed, it is placed in a block after the confirmation. All of the blocks are chained together to create a permanent history of every transaction.

How are Blockchains used?

Even though blockchain is integral to cryptocurrency, it has other applications. For example, blockchain can be used for storing reliable data about transactions. Many people confuse blockchain with cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum.

Blockchain already being adopted by some big-name companies, such as Walmart, AIG, Siemens, Pfizer, and Unilever. For example, IBM's Food Trust uses blockchain to track food's journey before reaching its final destination.

Although some of you may consider this practice excessive, food suppliers and manufacturers adhere to the policy of tracing their products because bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella have been found in packaged foods. In addition, there have been isolated cases where dangerous allergens such as peanuts have accidentally been introduced into certain products.

Tracing and identifying the sources of an outbreak is a challenging task that can take months or years. Thanks to the Blockchain, however, companies now know exactly where their food has been—so they can trace its location and prevent future outbreaks.

Blockchain technology allows systems to react much faster in the event of a hazard. It also has many other uses in the modern world.

What is Blockchain Decentralization?

Blockchain technology is safe, even if it’s public. People can access the technology using an internet connection.

Have you ever been in a situation where you had all your data stored at one place and that one secure place got compromised? Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to prevent your data from leaking out even when the security of your storage systems is compromised?

Blockchain technology provides a way of avoiding this situation by using multiple computers at different locations to store information about transactions. If one computer experiences problems with a transaction, it will not affect the other nodes.

Instead, other nodes will use the correct information to cross-reference your incorrect node. This is called “Decentralization,” meaning all the information is stored in multiple places.

Blockchain guarantees your data's authenticity—not just its accuracy, but also its irreversibility. It can also be used to store data that are difficult to register, like legal contracts, state identifications, or a company's product inventory.

Pros and Cons of Blockchain

Blockchain has many advantages and disadvantages. 


  • Accuracy is increased because there is no human involvement in the verification process.
  • One of the great things about decentralization is that it makes information harder to tamper with.
  • Safe, private, and easy transactions
  • Provides a banking alternative and safe storage of personal information


  • Data storage has limits.
  • The regulations are always changing, as they differ from place to place.
  • It has a risk of being used for illicit activities 

Frequently Asked Questions About Blockchain

I’ll answer the most frequently asked questions about blockchain in this section.

Is Blockchain a cryptocurrency?

Blockchain is not a cryptocurrency but a technology that makes cryptocurrencies possible. It's a digital ledger that records every transaction seamlessly.

Is it possible for Blockchain to be hacked?

Yes, blockchain can be theoretically hacked, but it is a complicated task to be achieved. A network of users constantly reviews it, which makes hacking the blockchain difficult.

What is the most prominent blockchain company?

Coinbase Global is currently the biggest blockchain company in the world. The company runs a commendable infrastructure, services, and technology for the digital currency economy.

Who owns Blockchain?

Blockchain is a decentralized technology. It’s a chain of distributed ledgers connected with nodes. Each node can be any electronic device. Thus, one owns blockhain.

What is the difference between Bitcoin and Blockchain technology?

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, which is powered by Blockchain technology while Blockchain is a distributed ledger of cryptocurrency 

What is the difference between Blockchain and a Database?

Generally a database is a collection of data which can be stored and organized using a database management system. The people who have access to the database can view or edit the information stored there. The client-server network architecture is used to implement databases. whereas a blockchain is a growing list of records, called blocks, stored in a distributed system. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, timestamp and transaction information. Modification of data is not allowed due to the design of the blockchain. The technology allows decentralized control and eliminates risks of data modification by other parties.

Final Saying

Blockchain has a wide spectrum of applications and, over the next 5-10 years, we will likely see it being integrated into all sorts of industries. From finance to healthcare, blockchain could revolutionize the way we store and share data. Although there is some hesitation to adopt blockchain systems right now, that won't be the case in 2022-2023 (and even less so in 2026). Once people become more comfortable with the technology and understand how it can work for them, owners, CEOs and entrepreneurs alike will be quick to leverage blockchain technology for their own gain. Hope you like this article if you have any question let me know in the comments section


Match ID: 0 Score: 4.29 source: techncruncher.blogspot.com age: 800 days
qualifiers: 2.86 cryptocurrenc(y|ies), 1.43 bitcoin(|s)

Most Frequently Asked Questions About NFTs(Non-Fungible Tokens)
Sun, 06 Feb 2022 10:04:00 +0000



Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are the most popular digital assets today, capturing the attention of cryptocurrency investors, whales and people from around the world. People find it amazing that some users spend thousands or millions of dollars on a single NFT-based image of a monkey or other token, but you can simply take a screenshot for free. So here we share some freuently asked question about NFTs.

1) What is an NFT?

NFT stands for non-fungible  token, which is a cryptographic token on a blockchain with unique identification codes that distinguish it from other tokens. NFTs are unique and not interchangeable, which means no two NFTs are the same. NFTs can be a unique artwork, GIF, Images, videos, Audio album. in-game items, collectibles etc.

2) What is Blockchain?

A blockchain is a distributed digital ledger that allows for the secure storage of data. By recording any kind of information—such as bank account transactions, the ownership of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), or Decentralized Finance (DeFi) smart contracts—in one place, and distributing it to many different computers, blockchains ensure that data can’t be manipulated without everyone in the system being aware.

3) What makes an NFT valuable?

The value of an NFT comes from its ability to be traded freely and securely on the blockchain, which is not possible with other current digital ownership solutionsThe NFT points to its location on the blockchain, but doesn’t necessarily contain the digital property. For example, if you replace one bitcoin with another, you will still have the same thing. If you buy a non-fungible item, such as a movie ticket, it is impossible to replace it with any other movie ticket because each ticket is unique to a specific time and place.

4) How do NFTs work?

One of the unique characteristics of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is that they can be tokenised to create a digital certificate of ownership that can be bought, sold and traded on the blockchain. 

As with crypto-currency, records of who owns what are stored on a ledger that is maintained by thousands of computers around the world. These records can’t be forged because the whole system operates on an open-source network. 

NFTs also contain smart contracts—small computer programs that run on the blockchain—that give the artist, for example, a cut of any future sale of the token.

5) What’s the connection between NFTs and cryptocurrency?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) aren't cryptocurrencies, but they do use blockchain technology. Many NFTs are based on Ethereum, where the blockchain serves as a ledger for all the transactions related to said NFT and the properties it represents.5) How to make an NFT?

Anyone can create an NFT. All you need is a digital wallet, some ethereum tokens and a connection to an NFT marketplace where you’ll be able to upload and sell your creations

6) How to validate the authencity of an NFT?

When you purchase a stock in NFT, that purchase is recorded on the blockchain—the bitcoin ledger of transactions—and that entry acts as your proof of ownership.

7) How is an NFT valued? What are the most expensive NFTs?

The value of an NFT varies a lot based on the digital asset up for grabs. People use NFTs to trade and sell digital art, so when creating an NFT, you should consider the popularity of your digital artwork along with historical statistics.

In the year 2021, a digital artist called Pak created an artwork called The Merge. It was sold on the Nifty Gateway NFT market for $91.8 million.

8) Can NFTs be used as an investment?

Non-fungible tokens can be used in investment opportunities. One can purchase an NFT and resell it at a profit. Certain NFT marketplaces let sellers of NFTs keep a percentage of the profits from sales of the assets they create.

9) Will NFTs be the future of art and collectibles?

Many people want to buy NFTs because it lets them support the arts and own something cool from their favorite musicians, brands, and celebrities. NFTs also give artists an opportunity to program in continual royalties if someone buys their work. Galleries see this as a way to reach new buyers interested in art.

10) How do we buy an NFTs?

There are many places to buy digital assets, like opensea and their policies vary. On top shot, for instance, you sign up for a waitlist that can be thousands of people long. When a digital asset goes on sale, you are occasionally chosen to purchase it.

11) Can i mint NFT for free?

To mint an NFT token, you must pay some amount of gas fee to process the transaction on the Etherum blockchain, but you can mint your NFT on a different blockchain called Polygon to avoid paying gas fees. This option is available on OpenSea and this simply denotes that your NFT will only be able to trade using Polygon's blockchain and not Etherum's blockchain. Mintable allows you to mint NFTs for free without paying any gas fees.

12) Do i own an NFT if i screenshot it?

The answer is no. Non-Fungible Tokens are minted on the blockchain using cryptocurrencies such as Etherum, Solana, Polygon, and so on. Once a Non-Fungible Token is minted, the transaction is recorded on the blockchain and the contract or license is awarded to whoever has that Non-Fungible Token in their wallet.

12) Why are people investing so much in NFT?

 Non-fungible tokens have gained the hearts of people around the world, and they have given digital creators the recognition they deserve. One of the remarkable things about non-fungible tokens is that you can take a screenshot of one, but you don’t own it. This is because when a non-fungible token is created, then the transaction is stored on the blockchain, and the license or contract to hold such a token is awarded to the person owning the token in their digital wallet.

You can sell your work and creations by attaching a license to it on the blockchain, where its ownership can be transferred. This lets you get exposure without losing full ownership of your work. Some of the most successful projects include Cryptopunks, Bored Ape Yatch Club NFTs, SandBox, World of Women and so on. These NFT projects have gained popularity globally and are owned by celebrities and other successful entrepreneurs. Owning one of these NFTs gives you an automatic ticket to exclusive business meetings and life-changing connections.

Final Saying

That’s a wrap. Hope you guys found this article enlightening. I just answer some question with my limited knowledge about NFTs. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comment section below. Also I have a question for you, Is bitcoin an NFTs? let me know in The comment section below

Match ID: 1 Score: 4.29 source: techncruncher.blogspot.com age: 870 days
qualifiers: 2.86 cryptocurrenc(y|ies), 1.43 bitcoin(|s)

What China’s central bank and Costco shoppers have in common
Thu, 11 Apr 2024 10:02:17 +0000
Hint: it is not a fondness for cryptocurrencies
Match ID: 2 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 75 days
qualifiers: 2.86 cryptocurrenc(y|ies)

LimeWire AI Studio Review 2023: Details, Pricing & Features
Tue, 12 Dec 2023 16:10:00 +0000


In the rapidly advancing landscape of AI technology and innovation, LimeWire emerges as a unique platform in the realm of generative AI tools. This platform not only stands out from the multitude of existing AI tools but also brings a fresh approach to content generation. LimeWire not only empowers users to create AI content but also provides creators with creative ways to share and monetize their creations.

As we explore LimeWire, our aim is to uncover its features, benefits for creators, and the exciting possibilities it offers for AI content generation. This platform presents an opportunity for users to harness the power of AI in image creation, all while enjoying the advantages of a free and accessible service.

Let's unravel the distinctive features that set LimeWire apart in the dynamic landscape of AI-powered tools, understanding how creators can leverage its capabilities to craft unique and engaging AI-generated images.



LimeWire, a name once associated with the notorious file-sharing tool from the 2000s, has undergone a significant transformation. The LimeWire we discuss today is not the file-sharing application of the past but has re-emerged as an entirely new entity—a cutting-edge AI content publishing platform.

This revamped LimeWire invites users to register and unleash their creativity by crafting original AI content, which can then be shared and showcased on the LimeWire Studio. Notably, even acclaimed artists and musicians, such as Deadmau5, Soulja Boy, and Sean Kingston, have embraced this platform to publish their content in the form of NFT music, videos, and images.

Beyond providing a space for content creation and sharing, LimeWire introduces monetization models to empower users to earn revenue from their creations. This includes avenues such as earning ad revenue and participating in the burgeoning market of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). As we delve further, we'll explore these monetization strategies in more detail to provide a comprehensive understanding of LimeWire's innovative approach to content creation and distribution.

LimeWire Studio welcomes content creators into its fold, providing a space to craft personalized AI-focused content for sharing with fans and followers. Within this creative hub, every piece of content generated becomes not just a creation but a unique asset—ownable and tradable. Fans have the opportunity to subscribe to creators' pages, immersing themselves in the creative journey and gaining ownership of digital collectibles that hold tradeable value within the LimeWire community. Notably, creators earn a 2.5% royalty each time their content is traded, adding a rewarding element to the creative process.

The platform's flexibility is evident in its content publication options. Creators can choose to share their work freely with the public or opt for a premium subscription model, granting exclusive access to specialized content for subscribers.

LimeWire AI Studio

As of the present moment, LimeWire focuses on AI Image Generation, offering a spectrum of creative possibilities to its user base. The platform, however, has ambitious plans on the horizon, aiming to broaden its offerings by introducing AI music and video generation tools in the near future. This strategic expansion promises creators even more avenues for expression and engagement with their audience, positioning LimeWire Studio as a dynamic and evolving platform within the realm of AI-powered content creation.

AI Image Generation Tools

limewire AI Studio

The LimeWire AI image generation tool presents a versatile platform for both the creation and editing of images. Supporting advanced models such as Stable Diffusion 2.1, Stable Diffusion XL, and DALL-E 2, LimeWire offers a sophisticated toolkit for users to delve into the realm of generative AI art.

Much like other tools in the generative AI landscape, LimeWire provides a range of options catering to various levels of complexity in image creation. Users can initiate the creative process with prompts as simple as a few words or opt for more intricate instructions, tailoring the output to their artistic vision.

What sets LimeWire apart is its seamless integration of different AI models and design styles. Users have the flexibility to effortlessly switch between various AI models, exploring diverse design styles such as cinematic, digital art, pixel art, anime, analog film, and more. Each style imparts a distinctive visual identity to the generated AI art, enabling users to explore a broad spectrum of creative possibilities.

The platform also offers additional features, including samplers, allowing users to fine-tune the quality and detail levels of their creations. Customization options and prompt guidance further enhance the user experience, providing a user-friendly interface for both novice and experienced creators.

Excitingly, LimeWire is actively developing its proprietary AI model, signaling ongoing innovation and enhancements to its image generation capabilities. This upcoming addition holds the promise of further expanding the creative horizons for LimeWire users, making it an evolving and dynamic platform within the landscape of AI-driven art and image creation.

Sign Up Now To Get Free Credits

Automatically Mint Your Content As NFTs


Upon completing your creative endeavor on LimeWire, the platform allows you the option to publish your content. An intriguing feature follows this step: LimeWire automates the process of minting your creation as a Non-Fungible Token (NFT), utilizing either the Polygon or Algorand blockchain. This transformative step imbues your artwork with a unique digital signature, securing its authenticity and ownership in the decentralized realm.

Creators on LimeWire hold the power to decide the accessibility of their NFT creations. By opting for a public release, the content becomes discoverable by anyone, fostering a space for engagement and interaction. Furthermore, this choice opens the avenue for enthusiasts to trade the NFTs, adding a layer of community involvement to the artistic journey.

Alternatively, LimeWire acknowledges the importance of exclusivity. Creators can choose to share their posts exclusively with their premium subscribers. In doing so, the content remains a special offering solely for dedicated fans, creating an intimate and personalized experience within the LimeWire community. This flexibility in sharing options emphasizes LimeWire's commitment to empowering creators with choices in how they connect with their audience and distribute their digital creations.

After creating your content, you can choose to publish the content. It will automatically mint your creation as an NFT on the Polygon or Algorand blockchain. You can also choose whether to make it public or subscriber-only.

If you make it public, anyone can discover your content and even trade the NFTs. If you choose to share the post only with your premium subscribers, it will be exclusive only to your fans.

Earn Revenue From Your Content

Additionally, you can earn ad revenue from your content creations as well.

When you publish content on LimeWire, you will receive 70% of all ad revenue from other users who view your images, music, and videos on the platform.

This revenue model will be much more beneficial to designers. You can experiment with the AI image and content generation tools and share your creations while earning a small income on the side.

LMWR Tokens

The revenue you earn from your creations will come in the form of LMWR tokens, LimeWire’s own cryptocurrency.

Your earnings will be paid every month in LMWR, which you can then trade on many popular crypto exchange platforms like Kraken, ByBit, and UniSwap.

You can also use your LMWR tokens to pay for prompts when using LimeWire generative AI tools.

Pricing Plans

You can sign up to LimeWire to use its AI tools for free. You will receive 10 credits to use and generate up to 20 AI images per day. You will also receive 50% of the ad revenue share. However, you will get more benefits with premium plans.

  • Basic plan: 

For $9.99 per month, you will get 1,000 credits per month, up to 2 ,000 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 50% ad revenue share

  • Advanced plan: 

For $29 per month, you will get 3750 credits per month, up to 7500 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 60% ad revenue share

  • Pro plan: 

For $49 per month, you will get 5,000 credits per month, up to 10,000 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 70% ad revenue share

  • Pro Plus plan: 

For $99 per month, you will get 11,250 credits per month, up to 2 2,500 image generations, early access to new AI models, and 70% ad revenue share

With all premium plans, you will receive a Pro profile badge, full creation history, faster image generation, and no ads.

Sign Up Now To Get Free Credits


In conclusion, LimeWire emerges as a democratizing force in the creative landscape, providing an inclusive platform where anyone can unleash their artistic potential and effortlessly share their work. With the integration of AI, LimeWire eliminates traditional barriers, empowering designers, musicians, and artists to publish their creations and earn revenue with just a few clicks.

The ongoing commitment of LimeWire to innovation is evident in its plans to enhance generative AI tools with new features and models. The upcoming expansion to include music and video generation tools holds the promise of unlocking even more possibilities for creators. It sparks anticipation about the diverse and innovative ways in which artists will leverage these tools to produce and publish their own unique creations.

For those eager to explore, LimeWire's AI tools are readily accessible for free, providing an opportunity to experiment and delve into the world of generative art. As LimeWire continues to evolve, creators are encouraged to stay tuned for the launch of its forthcoming AI music and video generation tools, promising a future brimming with creative potential and endless artistic exploration

Match ID: 3 Score: 2.86 source: techncruncher.blogspot.com age: 196 days
qualifiers: 2.86 cryptocurrenc(y|ies)

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The 46 Best Movies on Netflix Right Now (June 2024)
Sat, 22 Jun 2024 11:00:00 +0000
Hit Man, Under Paris, and Godzilla Minus One are just a few of the movies you should watch on Netflix this month.
Match ID: 0 Score: 47.14 source: www.wired.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 30.00 (best|good|great) (show|movie), 17.14 movie

The 29 Best Shows on Apple TV+ Right Now (July 2024)
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 19:00:00 +0000
Constellation, Presumed Innocent, and a Steve Martin documentary are among the best shows on Apple TV+ this month.
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The 49 Best Shows on Netflix Right Now (June 2024)
Sat, 22 Jun 2024 11:00:00 +0000
Bridgerton, Scavengers Reign, and Sweet Tooth are just a few of the shows you need to watch on Netflix this month.
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qualifiers: 30.00 (best|good|great) (show|movie)

Oscar invitees: Lily Gladstone, Celine Song and Catherine O’Hara among those offered Academy membership
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 02:26:34 GMT

Da’Vine Joy Randolph and the director and cast of Anatomy of a Fall are also among the 487 new artists and executives to judge the Academy Awards

Killers of the Flower Moon star Lily Gladstone, Past Lives director Celine Song, and actors Jessica Alba, Catherine O’Hara and Fiona Shaw are among the 487 artists and entertainment executives invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the organisation announced on Tuesday.

Other invitees included Past Lives actors Greta Lee and Teo Yeo, Bottoms filmmaker Emma Seligman, New Zealand actor Rachel House – best known for her collaborations with Taika Waititi – and French director Alice Diop, whose feature debut, the legal drama Saint Omer, became an international festival darling in 2022.

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“Janet Planet”: Melt the Icebergs
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 20:16:30 +0000
The playwright Annie Baker’s first feature conceals its depth of experience under a narrow array of details.
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Kevin Costner on “Yellowstone,” “Horizon,” and Why the Western Endures
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
The actor and director, whose film “Horizon: An American Saga” has been in the making for decades, thinks of the Western as America’s Shakespeare.
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“Green Border” Confronts the Horror and Heroism of the Refugee Crisis
Sat, 22 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
With pulse-pounding sweep and moral fury, the veteran Polish director Agnieszka Holland turns her camera on injustice at the Polish-Belarusian border.
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The Studio Executive Who Wants Hollywood to Get Real About Bad Storytelling
Fri, 21 Jun 2024 20:55:20 +0000
As the entertainment industry rebounds, Kamala Avila-Salmon, head of inclusive content at Lionsgate, wants to make sure it comes back healthier than before.
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The Polite Therapy of the “Inside Out” Movies
Fri, 21 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
The premise of the Pixar series demands a model for our emotional lives, and the films deliver the standard, secular consensus. It’s mildly depressing.
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The Monotonous Miseries of “Kinds of Kindness”
Fri, 21 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
Yorgos Lanthimos’s new film casts the same set of actors in a trio of stories, all of them cruel.
Match ID: 9 Score: 14.29 source: www.newyorker.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 14.29 movie

Columbia Task Force for Dealing With Campus Protests Declares That Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 23:25:16 +0000

The task force revealed its plans not in a communiqué to faculty and students — but instead in an Israeli newspaper article.

The post Columbia Task Force for Dealing With Campus Protests Declares That Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 10 Score: 2.86 source: theintercept.com age: 8 days
qualifiers: 2.86 movie

Most Frequently Asked Questions About NFTs(Non-Fungible Tokens)
Sun, 06 Feb 2022 10:04:00 +0000



Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are the most popular digital assets today, capturing the attention of cryptocurrency investors, whales and people from around the world. People find it amazing that some users spend thousands or millions of dollars on a single NFT-based image of a monkey or other token, but you can simply take a screenshot for free. So here we share some freuently asked question about NFTs.

1) What is an NFT?

NFT stands for non-fungible  token, which is a cryptographic token on a blockchain with unique identification codes that distinguish it from other tokens. NFTs are unique and not interchangeable, which means no two NFTs are the same. NFTs can be a unique artwork, GIF, Images, videos, Audio album. in-game items, collectibles etc.

2) What is Blockchain?

A blockchain is a distributed digital ledger that allows for the secure storage of data. By recording any kind of information—such as bank account transactions, the ownership of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), or Decentralized Finance (DeFi) smart contracts—in one place, and distributing it to many different computers, blockchains ensure that data can’t be manipulated without everyone in the system being aware.

3) What makes an NFT valuable?

The value of an NFT comes from its ability to be traded freely and securely on the blockchain, which is not possible with other current digital ownership solutionsThe NFT points to its location on the blockchain, but doesn’t necessarily contain the digital property. For example, if you replace one bitcoin with another, you will still have the same thing. If you buy a non-fungible item, such as a movie ticket, it is impossible to replace it with any other movie ticket because each ticket is unique to a specific time and place.

4) How do NFTs work?

One of the unique characteristics of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is that they can be tokenised to create a digital certificate of ownership that can be bought, sold and traded on the blockchain. 

As with crypto-currency, records of who owns what are stored on a ledger that is maintained by thousands of computers around the world. These records can’t be forged because the whole system operates on an open-source network. 

NFTs also contain smart contracts—small computer programs that run on the blockchain—that give the artist, for example, a cut of any future sale of the token.

5) What’s the connection between NFTs and cryptocurrency?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) aren't cryptocurrencies, but they do use blockchain technology. Many NFTs are based on Ethereum, where the blockchain serves as a ledger for all the transactions related to said NFT and the properties it represents.5) How to make an NFT?

Anyone can create an NFT. All you need is a digital wallet, some ethereum tokens and a connection to an NFT marketplace where you’ll be able to upload and sell your creations

6) How to validate the authencity of an NFT?

When you purchase a stock in NFT, that purchase is recorded on the blockchain—the bitcoin ledger of transactions—and that entry acts as your proof of ownership.

7) How is an NFT valued? What are the most expensive NFTs?

The value of an NFT varies a lot based on the digital asset up for grabs. People use NFTs to trade and sell digital art, so when creating an NFT, you should consider the popularity of your digital artwork along with historical statistics.

In the year 2021, a digital artist called Pak created an artwork called The Merge. It was sold on the Nifty Gateway NFT market for $91.8 million.

8) Can NFTs be used as an investment?

Non-fungible tokens can be used in investment opportunities. One can purchase an NFT and resell it at a profit. Certain NFT marketplaces let sellers of NFTs keep a percentage of the profits from sales of the assets they create.

9) Will NFTs be the future of art and collectibles?

Many people want to buy NFTs because it lets them support the arts and own something cool from their favorite musicians, brands, and celebrities. NFTs also give artists an opportunity to program in continual royalties if someone buys their work. Galleries see this as a way to reach new buyers interested in art.

10) How do we buy an NFTs?

There are many places to buy digital assets, like opensea and their policies vary. On top shot, for instance, you sign up for a waitlist that can be thousands of people long. When a digital asset goes on sale, you are occasionally chosen to purchase it.

11) Can i mint NFT for free?

To mint an NFT token, you must pay some amount of gas fee to process the transaction on the Etherum blockchain, but you can mint your NFT on a different blockchain called Polygon to avoid paying gas fees. This option is available on OpenSea and this simply denotes that your NFT will only be able to trade using Polygon's blockchain and not Etherum's blockchain. Mintable allows you to mint NFTs for free without paying any gas fees.

12) Do i own an NFT if i screenshot it?

The answer is no. Non-Fungible Tokens are minted on the blockchain using cryptocurrencies such as Etherum, Solana, Polygon, and so on. Once a Non-Fungible Token is minted, the transaction is recorded on the blockchain and the contract or license is awarded to whoever has that Non-Fungible Token in their wallet.

12) Why are people investing so much in NFT?

 Non-fungible tokens have gained the hearts of people around the world, and they have given digital creators the recognition they deserve. One of the remarkable things about non-fungible tokens is that you can take a screenshot of one, but you don’t own it. This is because when a non-fungible token is created, then the transaction is stored on the blockchain, and the license or contract to hold such a token is awarded to the person owning the token in their digital wallet.

You can sell your work and creations by attaching a license to it on the blockchain, where its ownership can be transferred. This lets you get exposure without losing full ownership of your work. Some of the most successful projects include Cryptopunks, Bored Ape Yatch Club NFTs, SandBox, World of Women and so on. These NFT projects have gained popularity globally and are owned by celebrities and other successful entrepreneurs. Owning one of these NFTs gives you an automatic ticket to exclusive business meetings and life-changing connections.

Final Saying

That’s a wrap. Hope you guys found this article enlightening. I just answer some question with my limited knowledge about NFTs. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comment section below. Also I have a question for you, Is bitcoin an NFTs? let me know in The comment section below

Match ID: 11 Score: 2.86 source: techncruncher.blogspot.com age: 870 days
qualifiers: 2.86 movie

Filter efficiency 98.636 (12 matches/880 results)

********** MUSIC **********
return to top

Tell us your favourite music album of 2024 so far
Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:27:08 GMT

We would like to hear about the best album you have heard this year so far and why

The Guardian’s music writers are compiling their favourite albums of the year so far – and we’d like to hear about yours, too.

Have you listened to a new album that has had you hooked? Or one you’d recommend? Tell us your nomination and why you like it below.

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Match ID: 0 Score: 2.14 source: www.theguardian.com age: 13 days
qualifiers: 2.14 (best|great) album(|s)

Filter efficiency 99.886 (1 matches/880 results)

********** XKCD **********
return to top

We're right under the flight path for the scheduled orbital launch, but don't worry--it's too cold out for the rockets to operate safely, so I'm sure they'll postpone.
Match ID: 0 Score: 1000.00 source: xkcd.com
qualifiers: 1000.00 xkcd

Pascal's Wager Triangle
In contrast to Pascal's Wager Triangle, Pascal's Triangle Wager argues that maybe God wants you to draw a triangle of numbers where each one is the sum of the two numbers above it, so you probably should, just in case.
Match ID: 1 Score: 1000.00 source: xkcd.com
qualifiers: 1000.00 xkcd

Network Configuration
If you repeatedly rerun the development of technological civilization, it turns out that for some reason the only constant is that there is always a networking utility called 'netcat', though it does a different thing in each one.
Match ID: 2 Score: 1000.00 source: xkcd.com
qualifiers: 1000.00 xkcd

Electric vs Gas
An idling gas engine may be annoyingly loud, but that's the price you pay for having WAY less torque available at a standstill.
Match ID: 3 Score: 1000.00 source: xkcd.com
qualifiers: 1000.00 xkcd

Filter efficiency 99.545 (4 matches/880 results)

********** WORLD AFFAIRS **********
return to top

The Venezuelan Perspective
Fri, 21 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000

Foreign Minister Yván Gil Pinto discusses Venezuela’s bid to join the BRICS alliance, the impacts of U.S. sanctions, and the battle over Citgo.

The post The Venezuelan Perspective appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 0 Score: 57.14 source: theintercept.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 25.00 sanctions, 17.86 trump, 14.29 russia

‘A return to the cold war’: Putin and Kim have joined forces as global delinquents | Andrew Roth
Sun, 23 Jun 2024 12:00:02 GMT

The defiant Russia-North Korea friendship pact raises big questions for Washington and Seoul – but also for Beijing

A quarter of a century ago, Vladimir Putin flew to Pyongyang to sign a ­“friendship treaty” with Kim Jong-il that helped revive Russia’s relations with North Korea without obliging the two sides to come to each other’s aid in case of a military attack.

With his visit last week, Putin has in effect gone further into the past, signing a deal with Kim Jong-un reminiscent of the 1961 security pact that existed under the Soviet Union during the cold war. But today Russia is engaged in a hot war in Ukraine that Putin has made his ­foreign policy priority, and a nuclear North Korea has become a crucial lifeline of munitions for his military.

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Match ID: 1 Score: 50.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia, 20.00 korea, 10.00 nuclear

Russia-Ukraine war: ICC issues arrest warrants for Russian officials over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets – as it happened
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 15:03:25 GMT

International criminal court issues arrest warrants for Russia’s former defence minister Sergei Shogu and military chief of staff Valery Gerasimov

President Maia Sandu welcomed the start of the EU accession talks with Moldova, stressing that her country is within the European family.

“We are stronger together,” she said on X.

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Match ID: 2 Score: 45.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump, 20.00 russia

The U.S. Says a Far-Right Ukrainian Army Unit Can Now Get Aid. A Photo Shows Training Was Already Happening.
Sat, 22 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000

The administration says the “Azov Brigade” is separate from the old, Nazi-linked “Azov Battalion.” The unit itself says they’re the same.

The post The U.S. Says a Far-Right Ukrainian Army Unit Can Now Get Aid. A Photo Shows Training Was Already Happening. appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 3 Score: 39.29 source: theintercept.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 25.00 sanctions, 14.29 russia

Ex-Trump security adviser backtracks on proposal to send all Marines to Asia
Sun, 23 Jun 2024 21:00:11 GMT

Robert O’Brien explains his outline to sever US-China economic ties would only be to send in ‘fighting force’

Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Robert O’Brien – tipped to play a leading role if the ex-president returns to the White House – backtracked on parts of his proposal to sever US-China economic ties, an aspect of which called for sending the entire US Marine Corps to Asia.

O’Brien, who recently submitted a 5,000-word article outlining his thinking to Foreign Affairs, explained on Sunday that instead of the “entire US Marine Corps”, it would be only the “fighting force”. And he said some Marines would still be stationed at bases like California’s Camp Pendleton and North Carolina’s Camp Lejeune.

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Match ID: 4 Score: 35.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump, 10.00 nuclear

US Bans Kaspersky Software
Thu, 20 Jun 2024 20:15:00 +0000
Using a Trump-era authority, the US Commerce Department has banned the sale of Kaspersky’s antivirus tools to new customers in the US, citing alleged threats to national security.
Match ID: 5 Score: 25.71 source: www.wired.com age: 5 days
qualifiers: 14.29 trump, 11.43 russia

‘Freefall’? ‘Staggering losses’? Trump is doing a lot better right now than you might think.
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 08:51:00 GMT
If you’ve been casually following the news lately, you might think Donald Trump has suffered massive financial losses on the stock market since his recent criminal conviction, and that the presidential race is now neck and neck.
Match ID: 6 Score: 25.00 source: www.marketwatch.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Politicians warned against taking advantage of Qantas compensation payments – as it happened
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 07:29:12 GMT

This blog is now closed.

The Queensland government plans to establish a new greater glider forest park as part of a $200m plan to reform the state’s timber industry.

The premier, Steven Miles, will today announce he will ban logging in between 50,000 and 60,000 hectares of high value ecosystem within the Eastern Hardwoods region in Wide Bay, north of Brisbane.

In addition, a new park to protect the greater glider will be established in the south-east Queensland bioregion.

The state government will also appoint an advisory group to develop a 30-year plan for the sector. It will include representatives from the timber industry, forestry experts, the conservation sector, First Nations peoples, the Australian Workers’ Union, construction sector and outdoor recreational groups.

Queensland’s timber industry is the backbone of the housing and building sectors.

That’s why I’m doing what matters to support timber workers and the industry to continue building our state, while also increasing our protected area estate.

The terms of reference released today map out our priorities as a government – that is, timber supply security, environmental protections, jobs and diverse employment opportunities.

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Match ID: 7 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy, 10.00 nuclear

Congressman Curtis triumphs over Trump-backed candidate for Senate
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 03:19:26 +0000
Utah is holding a slate of primary elections, including a race for the Senate seat held by Mitt Romney (R), who announced last year that he would not seek a second term.
Match ID: 8 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Boebert brings Trump endorsement to race for Colorado’s 4th District
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:58:30 +0000

Match ID: 9 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Former president Donald Trump said Tuesday he was taking a more laid-back approach to his first...
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:30:08 +0000

Match ID: 10 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Judge Cannon skeptical of Trump claim that FBI mishandled Mar-a-Lago search
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 23:50:37 +0000

Match ID: 11 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump campaign to host Black business leaders roundtable in Atlanta
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 23:31:17 +0000

Match ID: 12 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Judge Cannon skeptical of Trump claim FBI mishandled Mar-a-Lago search
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 22:10:23 +0000
Lawyers for Donald Trump sought to persuade U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon to toss evidence seized from Mar-a-Lago in the classified documents case.
Match ID: 13 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Golf shirts and classified docs: New court filings show Trump’s clutter
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 21:26:17 +0000
Special counsel Jack Smith revealed new photos to show Donald Trump stored classified materials haphazardly at Mar-a-Lago after leaving the White House.
Match ID: 14 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Judge partially lifts Trump gag order in hush-money case – as it happened
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 20:00:53 GMT

This live blog is now closed. For the latest on Trump’s trial, read our full coverage here.

While his primary contest may be too close to call, the vote count thus far shows Republican congressman Bob Good trailing his challenger John McGuire by a small amount.

Good is now casting aspersions on the fairness of the election, NBC News reports:

Good claimed during an appearance on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast Monday that Lynchburg “did not secure their drop boxes.”

“There’s no accountability for when those boxes were opened,” Good said. “They were apparently left to be stuffed for two or three days after the election.”

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Match ID: 15 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Prosecutors reject Trump’s bid to toss documents case due to ‘haphazard storage’
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 19:48:01 GMT

Newly revealed photos show Trump’s ‘cluttered’ collection of personal keepsakes mixed with classified documents

Special counsel prosecutors scoffed at Donald Trump’s claim that the classified documents case should be tossed because the order of documents in the boxes was slightly changed, arguing in a Monday night court filing it did not matter since the contents of the boxes were already so haphazardly stored.

“Trump personally chose to keep documents containing some of the nation’s most highly guarded secrets in cardboard boxes along with a collection of other personally chosen keepsakes of various sizes and shapes from his presidency” prosecutors wrote.

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Match ID: 16 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Judge partly lifts gag order in Donald Trump’s hush money case
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 19:36:43 +0000
The decision by the judge, Juan Merchan, comes less than a month after a jury found Trump guilty on all counts in the hush-money trial in New York.
Match ID: 17 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Both President Biden and Donald Trump are planning to go on the attack on the issue...
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 19:07:59 +0000

Match ID: 18 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Half-Hearted Efforts by Democratic Leaders Couldn't Save Jamaal Bowman From AIPAC’s Attacks
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 18:40:24 +0000

Top Democrats used to go all in on protecting incumbents. That wasn't the case for Jamaal Bowman, who was defeated Tuesday.

The post Half-Hearted Efforts by Democratic Leaders Couldn’t Save Jamaal Bowman From AIPAC’s Attacks appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 19 Score: 25.00 source: theintercept.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

In the eyes of many Donald Trump backers, he is almost certain to prevail if the...
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 18:20:56 +0000

Match ID: 20 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Taking a closer look at AI’s supposed energy apocalypse
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 18:01:46 +0000
AI is just one small part of data centers’ soaring energy use.
Match ID: 21 Score: 25.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy, 10.00 nuclear

The Guardian view on the WikiLeaks plea deal: good for Julian Assange, not journalism | Editorial
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:48:08 GMT

This case remains alarming despite his release. The battle for press freedom must be vigorously pursued

Julian Assange should never have been charged with espionage by the US. The release of the WikiLeaks founder from custody in the UK is good news, and it is especially welcome to his family and supporters. He is due to plead guilty to a single charge of conspiring to obtain and disclose classified US national defence documents at a hearing early on Wednesday, but is not expected to face further jail time. The court in Saipan, a remote Pacific island which is a US territory, is expected to approve the deal, crediting him for the five years he has already spent on remand in prison.

His opportunity to live with his young family comes thanks to Australian diplomacy under the prime minister, Anthony Albanese, who had made clear his desire for a resolution, and the Biden administration’s keenness to get a controversial case off its plate, particularly in an election year. Seventeen of the charges have been dropped. The one that remains, however, is cause for serious alarm. It was the Trump administration that brought this case. But while the Biden administration has dropped 17 of the 18 charges, it insisted on a charge under the 1917 Espionage Act, rather than the one first brought against him of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion.

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Match ID: 22 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Biden and Trump spar on immigration ahead of debate
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:40:34 +0000

Match ID: 23 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

‘Angels’ and an ‘animal’: Biden, Trump spar on immigration ahead of debate
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:03:55 +0000
The presidential candidates prepare to attack each other Thursday over what has emerged as a powerful issue for voters.
Match ID: 24 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Even among world leaders, Biden and Trump are old
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 15:54:36 +0000

Match ID: 25 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump mocked for claiming he was ‘tortured’ in Georgia mugshot arrest
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 15:05:10 GMT

Former US president made the claim in a fundraising email that advertised coffee mugs featuring his mugshot

Donald Trump has been met with a chorus of online mockery after claiming that he was “tortured” while being processed at the Fulton county jail in Georgia last August, an occasion that generated the mugshot that he has since turned into a money-making device as he campaigns for a second presidency.

The outlandish and unsubstantiated claim came in a fundraising email and drew at least one unflattering comparison with one of the former president’s political nemeses: John McCain, the former Republican senator for Arizona whose real experience of torture and incarceration during the Vietnam war was a target for Trump’s mockery.

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Match ID: 26 Score: 25.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Donald Trump has a slight lead over President Biden in the key swing state of Georgia...
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 14:56:07 +0000

Match ID: 27 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Youngkin plans to join Trump at post-debate rally in Virginia
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 14:12:51 +0000

Match ID: 28 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Hillary Clinton debated Biden and Trump. Here is what she’s looking for.
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:21:19 +0000

Match ID: 29 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

The biggest 2024 Supreme Court rulings to come, and what’s been decided
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 11:17:20 +0000
We’re tracking decisions in the biggest cases before the Supreme Court in 2024 — what has been decided and what is still to come. See the latest.
Match ID: 30 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Special counsel falters in push to limit Trump’s attacks on FBI agents
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 10:30:39 +0000

Match ID: 31 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Julian Assange Strikes Plea Deal, Will Return to Australia
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 01:29:28 +0000

In April, President Joe Biden said he was “considering” dropping charges against the WikiLeaks founder.

The post Julian Assange Strikes Plea Deal, Will Return to Australia  appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 32 Score: 25.00 source: theintercept.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Biden, Trump supporters oppose reducing Social Security benefits
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 20:30:07 +0000

Match ID: 33 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Analysis: Trump’s flip-flops on Biden’s debate skills
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 19:59:46 +0000

Match ID: 34 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Judge Cannon dives into Justice Department budget at Trump hearing
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 18:52:27 +0000

Match ID: 35 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Watchdog group files complaint over Trump’s pledges to oil executives
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 18:32:08 +0000

Match ID: 36 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Trump’s flip-flops on Biden’s debate skills
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 18:15:52 +0000
Ahead of Thursday’s bout, Trump and his surrogates have cast Biden as an accomplished debater who has shown he can rise to the occasion. That’s not what Trump said before — including as recently as last month.
Match ID: 37 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Biden, Trump eye pick-up opportunities in post-debate travel
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 18:05:59 +0000

Match ID: 38 Score: 25.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

America!: Republican Vice-Presidential Candidates Compete for Trump’s Favor in the Thunderdome
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
It’s the same as the real world, but more steampunk—so, worse.
Match ID: 39 Score: 25.00 source: www.newyorker.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

What Can We Expect from the Biden-Trump Debate?
Sun, 23 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
Until recently, it wasn’t clear that the two men would ever share a stage again. Now there’s a potential for even greater stakes and strangeness than four years ago.
Match ID: 40 Score: 25.00 source: www.newyorker.com age: 2 days
qualifiers: 25.00 trump

Company Linked to Federal Execution Spree Says It Will No Longer Produce Key Drug
Sat, 22 Jun 2024 16:33:37 +0000

As Republicans thirst for restarting federal executions, Absolute Standards told Connecticut lawmakers it hasn’t made or sold pentobarbital since December 2020.

The post Company Linked to Federal Execution Spree Says It Will No Longer Produce Key Drug appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 41 Score: 21.43 source: theintercept.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 21.43 trump

What to Expect from the Biden-Trump Debate, with the Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin
Sat, 22 Jun 2024 13:15:08 +0000
“If anybody’s wondering whether debates matter,” Evan Osnos says, “the truth is that the history on this is pretty eloquent, which is that they do matter in very tight contests.”
Match ID: 42 Score: 21.43 source: www.newyorker.com age: 3 days
qualifiers: 21.43 trump

Euro 2024: England await last-16 opponents as group stage comes to end – live
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 08:43:43 GMT

The lopsided draw explains away the general bafflement about why England are favourites with the bookies. There are better teams on what we’ve seen so far but the odds on England’s main rivals are kept higher due to their more complicated paths to the final. England’s are artificially lower as they avoid most of the big guns and have less to beat.

Euro 2024 odds: 4/1 England, 9/2 Germany, Spain, 5/1 France, 6/1 Portugal, 14/1 Netherlands, 18/1 Belgium, Italy, 25/1 Austria, 40/1 Switzerland, 66/1 Denmark. The rest 100/1 or more.

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Match ID: 43 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 italy

Farage urges Zelenskiy to seek Ukraine peace deal with Russia
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 08:28:41 GMT

Reform UK leader says president should rethink goal of reclaiming all territory lost after Moscow’s invasion

Nigel Farage has urged the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, to seek a peace deal with Russia, “otherwise there will be no young men left in Ukraine”.

The Reform UK leader, who has been criticised for suggesting the west provoked Russian aggression against Ukraine, said it was time for Zelenskiy to rethink his goal of reclaiming all territory lost to Vladimir Putin’s invasion, as he believes such a mission is going to be “incredibly difficult”.

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Match ID: 44 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

The End of Drum-Time by Hanna Pylväinen review – a sweeping Sámi epic
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 08:00:12 GMT

Scandinavian missionaries wreak destruction on the Sámi way of life in an atmospheric tale of love and colonial conflict

Hanna Pylväinen’s engrossing novel The End of Drum-Time brings to light the world of the Sámi – who with their reindeer herds inhabit the northern regions of the countries now called Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia – as they coexisted and clashed with Scandinavian missionaries and settlers during this turbulent time. Lars Levi Laestadius, who plays a central role in this story, was a historical figure, a Lutheran minister, himself part Sámi, who worked to convert these nomadic people from their traditional religion and way of life. Pylväinen, who was raised in the American midwest in a sect that evolved from Laestatius’s movement, drops the reader immediately and arrestingly into a bitter northern climate that she makes intimate and familiar through the richness of her descriptions and the honesty of her characterisations.

“Mad Lasse”, as the minister is known for his fervour, attempts to pull his parishioners away from the evils of the alcohol introduced by Swedish settlers. His daughter Willa falls in love with a young Sámi man, Ivvár, himself the son of an important figure in his community, Biettar. In a sense the novel is a Romeo and Juliet love story: one in which whole cultures, rather than specific families, are at odds. Pylväinen, who spent six months living with Sámi reindeer herders in Finland to research this novel, grounds this opposition in her characters’ lives. When Willa’s younger brother Lorens is deathly ill with what seems to be consumption, a Sámi healing woman, Old Sussu, comes to tend to him, making her traditional ministrations as the family recites the Lord’s prayer: “Willa said it with them but she couldn’t have said where she was in the prayer, which line was next.”

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Match ID: 45 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

US journalist in court as spy trial starts in Russia
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 07:00:20 GMT
If convicted of spying, Evan Gershkovich could face up to 20 years in prison.
Match ID: 46 Score: 20.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Closed-door trial of US journalist Evan Gershkovich begins in Russia
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 06:33:00 GMT

WSJ reporter faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted of spying charges US says are politically motivated

A Russian court has begun a closed-door trial of the Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich on spying charges that he, his employer and the US government have all described as politically motivated.

Gershkovich appeared in a courtroom in Ekaterinburg on Wednesday, his head shaven by prison authorities, after being transferred from the Moscow jail where has been held since March 2023.

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Match ID: 47 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Closed-door espionage trial of U.S. journalist kicks off in Russia
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 05:53:05 +0000
Evan Gershkovich, who the U.S. says is wrongfully detained, was arrested on a reporting trip over a year ago in Russia and faces 20 years in prison if convicted.
Match ID: 48 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Rubbish-filled North Korea balloons prompt closure of Seoul airport
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 04:31:08 GMT

Several balloons were spotted in and around the airport boundaries, as one balloon landed on the tarmac near passenger terminal two

Takeoffs and landings at South Korea’s Incheon international airport have been disrupted for about three hours because of balloons launched by North Korea filled with refuse, an airport spokesperson said.

One balloon landed on the tarmac near passenger terminal two and the three runways at Incheon were temporarily shut down on Wednesday, the spokesperson said.

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Match ID: 49 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 korea

Ukraine war briefing: US and Russian defence chiefs speak amid recent rise in tensions
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 04:09:23 GMT

The conversation between Lloyd Austin and Andrei Belousov was the first such call in over a year. What we know on day 854

The US and Russian defence chiefs spoke by telephone on Tuesday, in a rare conversation between the two powers and with tensions rising after Moscow blamed Washington for a deadly Ukraine attack over the weekend on the Russian-annexed Crimea. The two sides gave widely divergent accounts of the discussion – the first between US defence secretary Lloyd Austin and Russia’s defence minister Andrei Belousov.

Austin initiated the conversation and it was the first such call since March 2023, Pentagon spokesperson Patrick Ryder told reporters. Russia’s defense ministry, however, said that Belousov warned Austin of the dangers of continued US arms supplies to Ukraine.

The international criminal court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Russia’s former defence minister and its military chief of staff on Tuesday, for attacking civilian targets in Ukraine. The court is accusing Sergei Shoigu and leading Russian general Valery Gerasimov of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Ukraine applauded the ICC’s issuing of the arrest warrants, saying it was “an important decision”. Shoigu and Gerasimov “bear individual responsibility … [They] will held be responsible for evil”, the presidential chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, said on Telegram.

Russia’s security council said the arrest warrants were part of a hybrid war against Moscow, the state-run Tass news agency reported. Shoigu is the security council’s secretary.

Ukrainian troops trying to hold their ground on the eastern front in Donetsk region may still be outnumbered by Russian forces but the “shell hunger” that plagued them for months as ammunitions started to run out is now behind them, Reuters reported.

An elderly woman was killed, four people injured and scores of buildings damaged in multiple air attacks by Ukraine on the southern Russian region of Belgorod, the governor said on Tuesday. Russia’s defence ministry said its air defence systems destroyed 29 Ukraine-launched drones over the region.

Russia and Ukraine each handed back 90 prisoners of war on Tuesday, in the latest of several periodic swaps in their conflict, with the United Arab Emirates overseeing the exchange as an intermediary. The last exchange took place on 31 May, when each side handed over 75 prisoners of war – the first exchange in nearly four months.

Russia said it was banning access inside Russia to the broadcasts of 81 different media outlets from the EU including Agence France-Presse and Politico in retaliation for a similar EU ban on several Russian media outlets. Moscow accused the outlets of “systematically distributing inaccurate information” about what Russia calls its special military operation in Ukraine. The EU said in May it was suspending the distribution of what it described as four “Kremlin-linked propaganda networks”.

Moscow expects to sign a new deal on comprehensive cooperation with Iran soon, Russia’s deputy foreign minister said. “We expect that this agreement will be signed in the very near future, since work on the text is already close to completion,” Russia’s state RIA news agency cited Andrei Rudenko as saying in an interview published on Tuesday. “All the necessary wording has been found.”

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Match ID: 50 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Deschamps admits ‘we deserve to be second’ but expects France to click
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 20:40:02 GMT
  • France finish second after 1-1 draw with Poland
  • ‘We will be ready for the round of 16,’ says manager

Didier Deschamps has conceded France have made life difficult for themselves after failing to top Group D but said he is optimistic his team will fully click in the last 16 and that they should treat the knockout stage as “a new competition”. France, two-time European champions, finished second after recording a single victory and failing to score a goal themselves in open play.

Kylian Mbappé’s penalty on his return was not enough to secured victory against the eliminated Poland, with the former Borussia Dortmund striker Robert Lewandowski equalising from the spot in the 79th minute.

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Match ID: 51 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

International Court issues warrants for top Russian military officials
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 14:19:46 +0000
The warrants say Sergei Shoigu, the former defense minister, and Valery Gerasimov, army chief of staff, were responsible for the war crimes by targeting civilian infrastructure.
Match ID: 52 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

US pledges to be a climate finance leader but defends gas expansion
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 14:14:59 GMT

John Podesta, Biden’s top climate official, calls for other big economies to step in to help poorer states

The US will “continue to be a leader” in climate finance, the White House’s top climate official has promised, though without specifying how much it would provide to poor countries.

John Podesta, senior adviser to Joe Biden on international climate policy, also defended the large-scale US expansion of gas production, saying the world was fortunate America was strengthening its supply, given the demand for non-Russian sources after the invasion of Ukraine.

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Match ID: 53 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Grief in Gaza and balloons from North Korea: photos of the day – Tuesday
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:31:11 GMT

The Guardian’s picture editors select photographs from around the world

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Match ID: 54 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 korea

‘It was a very tough period’: Italian antifascist MEP Ilaria Salis on her 15-month detention in Hungary
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 11:57:13 GMT

Activist says threat of up to 11 years in prison ‘still scares me a lot’ and she intends to speak up for prisoners’ rights

An Italian activist who was released from house arrest in Hungary after she was elected as an MEP has spoken of her gratitude to the voters who gave her back her freedom and vowed to continue to fight for the rights of prisoners and against the rise of neofascist groups in Europe.

The case of Ilaria Salis, a teacher from Monza, near Milan, sparked anger and diplomatic protests in Italy when she brought to court in Hungary in chains in January. She had been arrested nearly a year earlier at a counter-demonstration to a neo-Nazi rally in Budapest and charged with three counts of attempted assault and membership of an extreme leftwing organisation – charges that carry a potential prison sentence of 11 years.

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Match ID: 55 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 20.00 italy

Heartbreak for Croatia as Italy leave it late to progress - Football Daily
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 23:39:11 GMT

Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, George Elek and Nicky Bandini as Italy score a stoppage-time equaliser that sees them through to the round of 16 at Euro 2024

Follow Football Weekly wherever you get your podcasts and join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and email.

On the podcast today; a fantastic finish from Mattia Zaccagni sees Italy progress ahead of Croatia. It wasn’t a particularly thrilling game of football but Italy ultimately got the job done.

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Match ID: 56 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 italy

After attack in Dagestan, Russian officials minimize Islamic State claim
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 12:40:04 +0000
Some Russian officials blamed Ukraine and the United States for a terrorist attack in the predominantly Muslim region of Dagestan despite the region’s long legacy of Islamist violence.
Match ID: 57 Score: 20.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 russia

Weather tracker: southern China hit by floods as north suffers from drought
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 10:37:49 GMT

Heavy rainfall in Guangdong causes flooding, landslides and mudslides, while northern China gripped by heatwave

Guangdong province in southern China has once more experienced severe flooding, two months after the late April floods and landslides led to more than 50 deaths.

On Sunday 16 June, heavy rainfall affected the area, with an average of 199mm falling in Pingyuan county. The town of Sishui experienced the highest rainfall totals of 367mm, with three others in the area recording more than 300mm.

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Match ID: 58 Score: 20.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 20.00 korea

Project Trump, Global Edition
Fri, 21 Jun 2024 17:17:00 +0000
Cut off all economic ties with China? End all aid to Ukraine? The ex-President’s men have a plan.
Match ID: 59 Score: 17.86 source: www.newyorker.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 17.86 trump

Can Conservatives Expand the Death Penalty Using the “Trigger Law” Playbook?
Fri, 21 Jun 2024 15:35:10 +0000

Project 2025 — a road map for the next Trump White House — urges overturning Supreme Court precedent, and a trickle of bills may tee up challenges.

The post Can Conservatives Expand the Death Penalty Using the “Trigger Law” Playbook? appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 60 Score: 17.86 source: theintercept.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 17.86 trump

Biden Is the Candidate Who Stands for Change in This Election
Fri, 21 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
The oldest-ever President has been a groundbreaking leader. The debate gives him a chance to get that message across.
Match ID: 61 Score: 17.86 source: www.newyorker.com age: 4 days
qualifiers: 17.86 trump

Jeremy Renner ‘terrified’ to return to acting after snowplough accident
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 05:40:54 GMT

Oscar-nominated actor, who has been cast in the next Knives Out film, says he ‘can’t just go play make-believe’ after being run over by his own snowplough a year ago

Jeremy Renner doesn’t “have the energy” to take on challenging roles after his near fatal snowplough accident 18 months ago, saying he is “very terrified” to act again.

Speaking on the Smartless podcast, which is hosted by actors Will Arnett, Jason Bateman and Sean Hayes, the Oscar-nominated actor said he was finding acting harder than he did before January 2023, when he was hospitalised in critical condition after his own Sno-Cat ran him over while he was clearing snow from the roads near his home in Nevada.

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Match ID: 62 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

It doesn’t make sense: why US tariffs on Chinese cleantech risk the green transition | Jeffrey Frankel
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 04:00:06 GMT

Global demand for renewable energy is surging so why make solar panels, wind turbines and EVs dearer for western consumers?

With historic heatwaves sweeping across the US and other parts of the northern hemisphere, June is expected to be the 13th consecutive month of record-breaking global temperatures. The primary cause, of course, is the enormous amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Despite the existential threat posed by rising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, emissions continue to increase at a faster pace than previously anticipated.

On one front, however, progress in the fight against the climate crisis has exceeded expectations. Amid the global shift from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles and the accelerated adoption of solar and wind power, demand for renewable energy is rapidly rising in the US and the EU.

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Match ID: 63 Score: 15.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

“Energy-smart” bricks need less power to make, are better insulation
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:34:08 +0000
Cutting the energy used while firing the bricks means big savings at scale.
Match ID: 64 Score: 15.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Gateway: Up Close in Stunning Detail
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 11:21:45 +0000
Witness Gateway in stunning detail with this video that brings the future of lunar exploration to life.
Match ID: 65 Score: 15.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

An Around-the-World Eco-Voyage Makes a Pit Stop Near Wall Street
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000
Energy Observer, a ship equipped with solar panels and a hydrogen fuel cell, has spent the past seven years circumnavigating the globe, powered by sun, water, and salads.
Match ID: 66 Score: 15.00 source: www.newyorker.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 15.00 energy

Is America approaching peak tip?
Thu, 20 Jun 2024 10:05:29 +0000
The country’s gratuity madness may soon calm, so long as Donald Trump does not get his way
Match ID: 67 Score: 14.29 source: www.economist.com age: 5 days
qualifiers: 14.29 trump

Israel Opposes Rebuilding Gaza’s Internet Access Because Terrorists Could Go Online
Fri, 21 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000

Israel destroyed much of Gaza’s internet infrastructure. A Saudi proposal to rebuild it was watered down after Israeli and U.S. protests.

The post Israel Opposes Rebuilding Gaza’s Internet Access Because Terrorists Could Go Online appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 68 Score: 11.43 source: theintercept.com age: 5 days
qualifiers: 11.43 russia

Private sector could face scrutiny after US software company reveals it wined and dined NDIA officials
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 06:40:54 GMT

Parliamentary report finds agency officials also failed to declare gifts and outings paid for by IT firm Salesforce

The potential “inappropriate cultivation” of government officials by the private sector could soon be under the microscope after US software company Salesforce revealed it wined and dined NDIA officials on at least 118 instances before, during and after the signing of a multimillion-dollar software contract.

A parliamentary audit committee has recommended the federal government look into a number of contracts between the public service and major IT companies to see whether the behaviour is more widespread. The committee also noted the agency in charge of the national disability insurance scheme failed to publicly declare the ritzy outings with Salesforce officials.

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Match ID: 69 Score: 10.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 nuclear

DOE doles out $900 million for next-gen small modular reactor deployment
submitted by /u/rchaudhary
[link] [comments]
Match ID: 70 Score: 10.00 source: www.reddit.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 nuclear

‘Most of it was dead’: scientists discovers one of Great Barrier Reef’s worst coral bleaching events
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 15:00:29 GMT

Analysis of high-resolution drone imagery concludes 97% of corals died at a Lizard Island reef between March and June this year

At least 97% of corals on a reef in the Great Barrier Reef’s north died during one of the worst coral bleaching events the world’s biggest reef system has ever seen, according to new analysis.

Scientists at several institutions used high-resolution drone imagery to track the bleaching and death of corals on a reef at Lizard Island.

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Match ID: 71 Score: 10.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 nuclear

Javad Zarif, negotiator of Iran nuclear deal, backs reformist presidential candidate
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:41:28 GMT

Fiery former foreign minister enters campaign to elect consensual reformist Masoud Pezeshkian

Javad Zarif, the former foreign minister and probably the Iranian politician best known to the west, has thrown himself into the campaign to elect the reformist Masoud Pezeshkian as the country’s president.

Zarif emerged from academia back to frontline politics to face heckling at public rallies, outright bans from one university and allegations that he is seeking to settle scores with those who thwarted his foreign policy when in office between 2013 and 2021.

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Match ID: 72 Score: 10.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 10.00 nuclear

City of Sydney could tear up contracts with suppliers targeted by boycott Israel campaign
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 07:56:16 GMT

Mayor Clover Moore says procurement and investment should be examined to potentially ‘put additional pressure towards a ceasefire’ in Gaza

The City of Sydney will consider tearing up contracts with suppliers targeted by the boycott Israel campaign, in a move the lord mayor, Clover Moore, hopes could “put additional pressure towards a ceasefire and an end to the humanitarian crisis” in Gaza.

On Monday night, Moore backed a Greens motion for the council to prepare a report on the council’s investment policy regarding “companies involved in, or profiting from, any human rights violations including the illegal occupation of the settlements in Palestinian territories and the supply of weapons”.

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Match ID: 73 Score: 10.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 10.00 nuclear

Europe faces an unusual problem: ultra-cheap energy
Thu, 20 Jun 2024 09:53:05 +0000
The continent is failing to adapt to a renewables boom
Match ID: 74 Score: 8.57 source: www.economist.com age: 5 days
qualifiers: 8.57 energy

Rethinking Democracy for the Age of AI

There is a lot written about technology’s threats to democracy. Polarization. Artificial intelligence. The concentration of wealth and power. I have a more general story: The political and economic systems of governance that were created in the mid-18th century are poorly suited for the 21st century. They don’t align incentives well. And they are being hacked too effectively.

At the same time, the cost of these hacked systems has never been greater, across all human history. We have become too powerful as a species. And our systems cannot keep up with fast-changing disruptive technologies...

Match ID: 75 Score: 8.57 source: www.schneier.com age: 7 days
qualifiers: 5.71 italy, 2.86 nuclear

Ukrainian Sailors Are Using Telegram to Avoid Being Tricked Into Smuggling Oil for Russia
Sat, 15 Jun 2024 11:00:00 +0000
Contract seafarers in Ukraine are turning to online whisper networks to keep themselves from being hired into Russia’s sanctions-busting shadow fleet.
Match ID: 76 Score: 7.86 source: www.wired.com age: 10 days
qualifiers: 5.00 sanctions, 2.86 russia

“Utterly Dismayed”: Air Force Engineer Resigns as Dissent Against Gaza War Slowly Spreads Within Military
Tue, 18 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000

“I don’t want to be working on something that can turn around and be used to slaughter innocent people.”

The post “Utterly Dismayed”: Air Force Engineer Resigns as Dissent Against Gaza War Slowly Spreads Within Military appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 77 Score: 7.14 source: theintercept.com age: 7 days
qualifiers: 7.14 trump

Fusion Sparks an Energy Revolution
Wed, 19 Jun 2024 14:00:00 +0000
After hitting a power-output milestone, fusion technology is ready to graduate from small-scale lab experiment to full-sized power plant.
Match ID: 78 Score: 6.43 source: www.wired.com age: 6 days
qualifiers: 6.43 energy

Donald Trump’s trade hawk is plotting behind bars
Tue, 11 Jun 2024 17:48:56 +0000
Peter Navarro’s dark vision of the global economy could shape Trump 2
Match ID: 79 Score: 5.71 source: www.economist.com age: 14 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump, 2.14 trump

Mike Pompeo, who served as director of the CIA and later secretary of state in the...
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:59:20 +0000

Match ID: 80 Score: 5.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 5.00 pompeo

Would America dare to bring down a Chinese bank?
Wed, 10 Apr 2024 18:26:59 +0000
Janet Yellen promises sanctions for those supporting Vladimir Putin’s war
Match ID: 81 Score: 5.00 source: www.economist.com age: 76 days
qualifiers: 5.00 sanctions

Indian engineers warn of prolonged blackouts amid searing heatwave
Tue, 18 Jun 2024 10:32:55 GMT

Increasing use of fans, air coolers and air conditioners is placing ‘serious’ strain on grid in north of country

Engineers in India have warned of the possibility of prolonged power outages in the north, where a heatwave has brought misery for millions of people.

Demand for electricity has soared due to fans, air coolers and air conditioners being run constantly, placing a strain on the grid in Delhi and elsewhere in the north. Manufacturers of air conditioners and air coolers report sales rising by 40-50% compared with last summer.

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Match ID: 82 Score: 4.29 source: www.theguardian.com age: 7 days
qualifiers: 4.29 energy

Inside Donald Trump’s hush-money trial: three key testimonies – video
Fri, 31 May 2024 02:35:05 GMT

Twelve jurors in New York have presented their fellow Americans with a simple question: are you willing to elect a convicted criminal to the White House?

On Thursday, Donald Trump was found guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records in a criminal hush-money scheme to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. The verdict makes him the first president, current or former, to be found guilty of felony crimes in the US's near 250-year history. Regardless, the conviction does not disqualify Trump as a presidential candidate or bar him from again sitting in the Oval Office.

Trump, who opted not to take the stand during the trial, has denied wrongdoing, railed against the proceedings and ahead of the verdict compared himself to a saint: “Mother Teresa could not beat these charges. The charges are rigged,” he said on Wednesday. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, is expected to appeal the verdict.

The Guardian’s Sam Levine has been in court over the last several weeks covering all the developments – here are three testimonies he found most memorable. 

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Match ID: 83 Score: 3.57 source: www.theguardian.com age: 26 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Biden outdoes Trump with ultra-high China tariffs
Tue, 14 May 2024 16:23:33 +0000
The move, which hits electric vehicles, carries an environmental cost
Match ID: 84 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 42 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Why a stronger dollar is dangerous
Tue, 23 Apr 2024 16:00:59 +0000
It sets the stage for a nasty new Trump-China clash, among other things
Match ID: 85 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 63 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Even without war in the Gulf, pricier petrol is here to stay
Wed, 17 Apr 2024 15:59:46 +0000
Expensive oil could put Donald Trump in the White House
Match ID: 86 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 69 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Europe’s economy is under attack from all sides
Tue, 26 Mar 2024 20:00:46 +0000
First Putin, now Xi. Next Trump?
Match ID: 87 Score: 3.57 source: www.economist.com age: 91 days
qualifiers: 3.57 trump

Cheap and Lethal: The Pentagon’s Plan for the Next Drone War
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 14:59:24 +0000

UAVs continually kill civilians, but the U.S. military wants to expand its arsenal with an army of new, mass-produced kamikaze AI drones.

The post Cheap and Lethal: The Pentagon’s Plan for the Next Drone War appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 88 Score: 2.86 source: theintercept.com age: 8 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Apple Is Coming for Your Password Manager
Sat, 08 Jun 2024 10:30:00 +0000
Plus: A media executive is charged in an alleged money-laundering scheme, a ransomware attack disrupts care at London hospitals, and Google’s former CEO has a secretive drone project up his sleeve.
Match ID: 89 Score: 2.86 source: www.wired.com age: 17 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

European banks are making heady profits in Russia
Thu, 06 Jun 2024 09:56:28 +0000
But for how much longer?
Match ID: 90 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 19 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Exclusive: The Guardian interviews President Zelenskiy
Wed, 05 Jun 2024 09:48:04 GMT

In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, revealed the tactics and traits that help him face the daily frustrations of leading a country at war for more than two years.

Within a ceremonial room inside Kyiv’s presidential compound, Zelenskiy spoke for nearly an hour with a Guardian team, including the editor-in-chief, Katharine Viner. The interview took place during perhaps the toughest time for Ukraine since the early days of the war. Russia is on the offensive in Kharkiv, an advance that follows months of delay in the US Congress over the passing of a major support package, limiting Ukraine’s battlefield capabilities

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Match ID: 91 Score: 2.86 source: www.theguardian.com age: 20 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Russia’s gas business will never recover from the war in Ukraine
Thu, 02 May 2024 10:04:48 +0000
Hopes of a Chinese rescue look increasingly vain
Match ID: 92 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 54 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Frozen Russian assets will soon pay for Ukraine’s war
Thu, 18 Apr 2024 09:54:20 +0000
And America now hopes to convince others to make better use of the stash
Match ID: 93 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 68 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

Ukrainian drone strikes are hurting Russia’s oil industry
Thu, 11 Apr 2024 09:51:54 +0000
The world’s third-largest producer is now an importer of petrol
Match ID: 94 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 75 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

How China, Russia and Iran are forging closer ties
Mon, 18 Mar 2024 19:52:43 +0000
Assessing the economic threat posed by the anti-Western axis
Match ID: 95 Score: 2.86 source: www.economist.com age: 99 days
qualifiers: 2.86 russia

NASA Teammates Recall Favorite Memories Aboard Flying Laboratory
Tue, 14 May 2024 15:00:00 +0000
After flying more than three decades and 158 science campaigns, just one flight remains. NASA’s DC-8 Airborne Science Laboratory will make its final flight May 15 to Idaho State University in Pocatello, Idaho, where it will be used to train future aircraft technicians by providing real-world experience in the college’s Aircraft Maintenance Technology Program. Before […]
Match ID: 96 Score: 2.14 source: www.nasa.gov age: 42 days
qualifiers: 2.14 energy

Global Emissions Could Peak Sooner Than You Think
Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:00:00 +0000
Global deployment of solar and wind power, plus a surge in EV sales, means emissions from fossil-fuel-derived energy will finally hit the downward slope.
Match ID: 97 Score: 2.14 source: www.wired.com age: 160 days
qualifiers: 2.14 energy

How Xi Jinping plans to overtake America
Sun, 31 Mar 2024 12:31:35 +0000
Digital twins, nuclear fusion and the small matter of fixing China’s economy
Match ID: 98 Score: 1.43 source: www.economist.com age: 86 days
qualifiers: 1.43 nuclear

Filter efficiency 88.750 (99 matches/880 results)

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As a child, I was relentlessly abused by a Catholic priest. As an adult, it almost killed me twice
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 04:00:08 GMT

Gerard Gorman faced unimaginable horror as an 11-year-old boarder in County Armagh. The pain haunted him for decades – then he took on the church

It was November 1970 and Northern Ireland was sliding into the Troubles, but for Gerard Gorman, a new pupil at St Colman’s College, the horror of that era began when Fr Malachy Finegan summoned him into a room, closed the door and told him to sit on a sofa.

Gorman was 11 years old and small for his age, with big blue eyes. Two months earlier, he had started as a boarder at the Catholic boys’ school in Newry, County Armagh. Staff tended to be aloof or intimidating, except Finegan, the religious education teacher, who was solicitous and avuncular.

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Match ID: 0 Score: 10.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 10.00 school

“Utterly Dismayed”: Air Force Engineer Resigns as Dissent Against Gaza War Slowly Spreads Within Military
Tue, 18 Jun 2024 10:00:00 +0000

“I don’t want to be working on something that can turn around and be used to slaughter innocent people.”

The post “Utterly Dismayed”: Air Force Engineer Resigns as Dissent Against Gaza War Slowly Spreads Within Military appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 1 Score: 2.86 source: theintercept.com age: 7 days
qualifiers: 2.86 school

Columbia Task Force for Dealing With Campus Protests Declares That Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism
Mon, 17 Jun 2024 23:25:16 +0000

The task force revealed its plans not in a communiqué to faculty and students — but instead in an Israeli newspaper article.

The post Columbia Task Force for Dealing With Campus Protests Declares That Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 2 Score: 1.43 source: theintercept.com age: 8 days
qualifiers: 1.43 school

Filter efficiency 99.659 (3 matches/880 results)

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‘Some people refused to leave their flats’: Britain through the Thatcher years – in pictures
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 06:00:11 GMT

Throughout the 1970s, 80s and 90s, Mike Abrahams travelled the country photographing National Front marches, prison life and people’s everyday struggles

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Match ID: 0 Score: 35.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

How I conquered the Isle of Man’s summit trails
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 06:00:09 GMT

With huge views taking in four countries – on a good day – the Isle of Man’s fells and peaks offer walkers a true sense of untapped adventure

There’s a magic pool in Ballaglass Glen. Scored deep into the ancient flagstone, amid the oak, larch and beech, it’s fed by a cascade, spangled with shafts of sunlight and probably hides mooinjer veggey – Manx Gaelic for the mythical “little people”. As I slid my tired legs into the numbingly cold water, I felt a sense of exhilaration.

It had been the most glorious of days, tackling my first of the island’s eight new summit walks; between them, these medium-to-challenging routes conquer 25 of the Isle of Man’s 300-metre-plus peaks. The island might not be big – just 33 miles by 13 miles at its longest and widest points – but it has plenty of rugged terrain and satisfying highs.

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Match ID: 1 Score: 35.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Julian Assange to plead guilty but is going home after long extradition fight
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 16:10:38 +0000
"Julian is free!" wife wrote after Assange struck deal with US government.
Match ID: 2 Score: 35.00 source: arstechnica.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Served up from the sea: 10 of the best sustainable eateries on the British coast
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:00:25 GMT

Looking for ethical and delicious seafood? Here’s our pick of shacks, cafés and shops selling shellfish, seaweed and fish

At Pam Brunton and Rob Latimer’s restaurant, they want a direct, traceable connection to the sea – they have a fish-purchasing policy that they send to suppliers. “We buy nothing knowingly from dredgers and trawlers,” Pam says, instead taking fin fish from smaller boats that fish off the English shore. Shellfish comes from a local, Mary, who coordinates a few small boats, all of which use traditional creel methods, and hand-dive for scallops, while oysters are bought from Judith at Caledonian Oysters on Loch Creran. Pam’s innovative food is served with a view of the loch outside – in summer, diners may even spot the mackerel for the next day’s menu being caught by a neighbour.
Strathlachlan PA27 8BU; inverrestaurant.co.uk

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Match ID: 3 Score: 35.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Gateway: Up Close in Stunning Detail
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 11:21:45 +0000
Witness Gateway in stunning detail with this video that brings the future of lunar exploration to life.
Match ID: 4 Score: 35.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 0 days
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Will there be more air travel chaos this summer?
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 04:07:47 GMT
Air travel is booming, but last year delays were much worse than pre-pandemic. Will 2024 be the same?
Match ID: 5 Score: 35.00 source: www.bbc.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Julian Assange Strikes Plea Deal, Will Return to Australia
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 01:29:28 +0000

In April, President Joe Biden said he was “considering” dropping charges against the WikiLeaks founder.

The post Julian Assange Strikes Plea Deal, Will Return to Australia  appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 6 Score: 35.00 source: theintercept.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Biden, Trump eye pick-up opportunities in post-debate travel
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 18:05:59 +0000

Match ID: 7 Score: 35.00 source: www.washingtonpost.com age: 1 day
qualifiers: 35.00 travel(|ing)

Federal Prosecutors Attacked Me for My Reporting — and They’re Doing It to Hide Info From the Public
Thu, 20 Jun 2024 15:22:46 +0000

If the Biden administration is serious about protecting press freedoms, officials from Washington might want to have a stern talk with federal prosecutors in Detroit.

The post Federal Prosecutors Attacked Me for My Reporting — and They’re Doing It to Hide Info From the Public appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 8 Score: 20.00 source: theintercept.com age: 5 days
qualifiers: 20.00 travel(|ing)

NASA, MagniX Altitude Tests Lay Groundwork for Hybrid Electric Planes
Tue, 18 Jun 2024 17:00:00 +0000
At a simulated 27,500 feet inside an altitude chamber at NASA’s Electric Aircraft Testbed (NEAT) facility, engineers at magniX recently demonstrated the capabilities of a battery-powered engine that could help turn hybrid electric flight into a reality.   This milestone, completed in April 2024, marks the end of the first phase in a series of altitude […]
Match ID: 9 Score: 10.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 7 days
qualifiers: 10.00 travel(|ing)

Rethinking Democracy for the Age of AI

There is a lot written about technology’s threats to democracy. Polarization. Artificial intelligence. The concentration of wealth and power. I have a more general story: The political and economic systems of governance that were created in the mid-18th century are poorly suited for the 21st century. They don’t align incentives well. And they are being hacked too effectively.

At the same time, the cost of these hacked systems has never been greater, across all human history. We have become too powerful as a species. And our systems cannot keep up with fast-changing disruptive technologies...

Match ID: 10 Score: 10.00 source: www.schneier.com age: 7 days
qualifiers: 10.00 travel(|ing)

These “Tent Massacre” Survivors Couldn’t Afford to Leave Rafah. The Next Israeli Attack Nearly Wiped Their Family Out.
Fri, 14 Jun 2024 09:00:00 +0000

“I felt helpless watching my family dying and not able to help them. It is a nightmare that I will never wake up from.”

The post These “Tent Massacre” Survivors Couldn’t Afford to Leave Rafah. The Next Israeli Attack Nearly Wiped Their Family Out. appeared first on The Intercept.

Match ID: 11 Score: 5.00 source: theintercept.com age: 12 days
qualifiers: 5.00 travel(|ing)

The fake news divide: how Modi’s rule is fracturing India – video
Thu, 30 May 2024 09:31:48 GMT

Ahead of the election in India, the Guardian’s video team travelled through the country to explore how fake news and censorship might shape the outcome.

Almost one billion people are registered to vote. The country's prime minister, Narendra Modi, has been in power for more than 10 years, and his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) is seeking a third term.

But critics of Modi and the BJP say his government has become increasingly authoritarian, fracturing the country along religious lines and threatening India’s secular democracy. At the same time, the space for freedom of speech has been shrinking while disinformation and hate speech has exploded on social media.

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Match ID: 12 Score: 5.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 26 days
qualifiers: 5.00 travel(|ing)

NASA’s X-59 Passes Milestone Toward Safe First Flight
Wed, 15 May 2024 18:14:56 +0000
NASA has taken the next step toward verifying the airworthiness for its quiet supersonic X-59 aircraft with the completion of a milestone review that will allow it to progress toward flight.  A Flight Readiness Review board composed of independent experts from across NASA has completed a study of the X-59 project team’s approach to safety […]
Match ID: 13 Score: 5.00 source: www.nasa.gov age: 41 days
qualifiers: 5.00 travel(|ing)

Guardian Traveller newsletter: Sign up for our free holidays email
Wed, 12 Oct 2022 14:21:58 GMT

From biking adventures to city breaks, get inspiration for your next break – whether in the UK or further afield – with twice-weekly emails from the Guardian’s travel editors. You’ll also receive handpicked offers from Guardian Holidays.

From biking adventures to city breaks, get inspiration for your next break – whether in the UK or further afield – with twice-weekly emails from the Guardian’s travel editors.

You’ll also receive handpicked offers from Guardian Holidays.

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Match ID: 14 Score: 5.00 source: www.theguardian.com age: 622 days
qualifiers: 5.00 travel(|ing)

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