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Date/Time of Last Update: Sat Jul 27 06:00:49 2024 UTC

********** MUSIC **********
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Filter efficiency 100.000 (0 matches/751 results)

********** XKCD **********
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President Venn Diagram
Hard to imagine political rhetoric more microtargeted at me than 'I love Venn diagrams. I really do, I love Venn diagrams. It's just something about those three circles.'
Match ID: 0 Score: 1000.00 source: xkcd.com
qualifiers: 1000.00 xkcd

Organ Meanings
IMO the thymus is one of the coolest organs and we should really use it in metaphors more.
Match ID: 1 Score: 1000.00 source: xkcd.com
qualifiers: 1000.00 xkcd

House Inputs and Outputs
People think power over ethernet is so great, and yet when I try to do water over ethernet everyone yells at me.
Match ID: 2 Score: 1000.00 source: xkcd.com
qualifiers: 1000.00 xkcd

We were going to try swordfighting, but all my compiling is on hold.
Match ID: 3 Score: 1000.00 source: xkcd.com
qualifiers: 1000.00 xkcd

Filter efficiency 99.467 (4 matches/751 results)


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